/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Beastars 2 Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 13:50:49 Id:af3a6f No. 41374
with the recent loss of the first thread and seeing that no one made another thread about the quintessential furrybait
>>41374 >the quintessential furrybait Bullshit, no one gives a crap about this series anymore. It fell off hard
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(161.33 KB 1033x1280 TheAwesomeFoxGuy Serendipitous.jpg)
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Fat Dom dump
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(2.08 MB 5100x3266 reeeee legooo faaaat.png)
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More female characters please
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Yo I'm actually honoured that someone posted my Legoshi pic here, also here's some fat Dom and Kai because I ship them hard
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Didn’t mean to repost the same image lol
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Fuck, I did it again
>>47199 Autism and good art… A winning combination!
any posts of legoshi and louis as a couple
>>49075 What about that vore sequence?
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Does someone have those images made by 934 in the last thread?
>>53343 Are you talking about this sequence?; https://e-hentai.org/g/2225526/2a9d547485/
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>>59329 Wish there was a no-sweat alt or edit of this.
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(629.87 KB 4096x3072 GHCuwTfXAAAcl_M.jpg)
My favorites from Haru! There is never enuf of her with some more pounds, a lot of em X3
More Haru art I found! Prepare for more bnuy soon ;3
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Hehe well the Haru grind never stops! Only when it takes breaks, right now I have more Haru goodness to share with y'all, oh and some fine pieces of Mizuchi too because gotta give the girl some love as well ;3!
Just one more pic of fat Haru that I found
Louis is well aware of the risks involved with him as a herbivore dating a carnivore like his beloved Juno. But he has found a way to curb any potential cravings she might have for his flesh (in any way that isn't sexual), and that is to keep her constantly full, ready to burst full. The rational is that she won't go savage and eat him if she's too full to eat anything at all. Naturally, being fed so much food so often has made Juno gain a tremendous amount of weight. But because she loves Louis she is reluctantly going along with it as it seems to be the only way to keep Louis safe from any carnivorous urges that she would otherwise have an incredibly difficult time controlling.
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Did the translation myself
