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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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mammoth mutt Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 22:47:34 Id:f2cc3d No. 41411
remaking the old thread
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Where is her DCEU film?
>>41412 if she doesn’t appear in the second movie ima raise hell
They did her dirty in that recent league of super pets movie by not having her in it
>>41431 I think they may even have replaced her concept with some other pet.
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>>41433 Here she is, PB the pig. Portrayed by Vanessa Bayer. She can change her size and idolizes Wonder Woman. It’s not the same.
>>41411 Thank you
>>41412 Forget the DC"EU". James Gunn's DC Universe will be where it's at! 😎
>>41426 You and me both, Bub.
>>41434 Yeah, she's no Mammoth Mutt. I can tell you that. If MM does ever appear in the sequel, I think she should have some character development. I mean there's a lot we don't know about her already!
>>41443 You could say that about all the intergalactic doggies or whatever they’re called. They’re all so one-note
>>41448 They're called the Dog Star Patrol. Or maybe they'll be called the Space Canine Patrol Agents. Either way, MM deserves better in the DC canon. She could be a whole lot more than a Canine squeaky toy.
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Bump so it doesn't die
Man, this thread is slow. How come there isn't much fanart these days? Anybody want to discuss on who could voice her in future projects?
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What if Anya-Taylor Joy voiced Mammoth Mutt in DC League of Super-Pets 2?
>>44544 This is a porn board you fucking autist, nobody cares The fact you care about a pretend voice casting for some retarded DC movie makes you sound like a child or severely retarded. Either way fuck off unless you've got art to share.
>>44590 Bro can't even say "asshole" lmfao Go to bed kid, it's past your bedtime
not the best art but oh well
>>45633 Are these by the same artist?
>>45870 There’s a new Mammoth Mutt?
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I wish there were more anthro Mammoth Mutt. I have a headcannon that she has the superpower to SHRINK and she just expands to her regular size. Planet sized fatties are a turn off, there has to be a limit.
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*sigh* We were robbed....
>>49462 Daniel, Is that you?
>>49462 What was that supposed to be?
>>49478 Apparently Scott Jeralds pitched this idea for a 3rd season, but it never got renewed...
>>49462 Oh great, Ch'p and... Comet. Jumpa would have been great but for what i understand, she can't appear because of the wonder woman embargo in those years.
>>50207 Mammoth Mutt probably would've become an honorary Amazonian...
>>50219 Would she be larger than then?
>>50221 I don't know! I just thought it would be cool if she was trained by Wonder Woman like Lola Bunny in Space Jam 2.
>>50231 That would be epic. There’s actually something I want to discuss about her. What if we have the idea of her superpower backwards. What if instead she has the ability to super shrink to size and her giant ball form is her natural state?
>>50246 I don't know, sounds kind of far-fetched (no pun intended). But! What if there was a Bizarro version of Mammoth Mutt called Mutt Mammoth, where instead of inflating to a large size, she inflates to a small size?
>>50248 I hate the bizarro aesthetic, I don’t even want to think of it.
>>50289 Okay, bad example...
>>51077 >>50289 And that's not all, she can use her smallness to defeat her foes.Not to mention make herself thin enough to squeeze through any negative space no one can go through. Good doers, beware her!
>>41434 Any one have art of PB?
>>51910 >bland and circulsr What a perfect analogy for the shitty movie she spawned from
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>>51853 That's a good start. All we need is some fatart of this pretty pig. And some time for said film to be a cult film for this to happen. I'm thinking 30 years from now.
>>51910 >>51922 You know this page is only for Mammoth Mutt, not PB
>>51924 Exactly. There soon will be a page for PB in future.
>>51932 Yeah, when pigs fly
>>51945 I do not kid.
>>51948 It'll be another waste of a thread, give up.
>>51920 Are you dense? That movie made more money at the box office than the budget and gained positive reviews from critics, which should be considered a relief after the tragic failure of Space Jam 2. Thank you.
>>51922 There is a huge difference between size alteration and inflation, you know. This is why PB can NEVER replace Mammoth Mutt!
>>51964 Wanna bet? PB comes in already fat!
>>51932 Good advantage.
>>51972 So? Female characters who are already fat to begin with are no reason to masturbate!
>>51976 But this one can become macro at will.
>>51982 Still not arousing.
>>52009 Whatever.
>>52017 Just to clarify, Mammoth Mutt is more arousing than PB.
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>>52042 Clearly One guy, Ekats1, is commissioning a lot of Mammoth Mutt recently. Someone even came out with a comic that i’ll try to share here
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>>53257 From Dogteeth9000. I actually don’t know if this one was commissioned. Most likely not. It’s about Mammoth Mutt learning to exceed her limits. That’ll be exciting when it’s finished.
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>>53258 But fuck me, size limit’s an ironic bitch. Is this out of character to shun someone because they’re less useful? Who cares, they didn’t have that much character in the show
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>>53259 There’s so much Mammoth Mutt from this guy I don’t understand how this thread isn’t filled to the brim with it.
>>53257 :3c I prefer to go by Citizen Ekat. Rn, I've been wanting to get something of my Sona more akin to the show's artstyle (and not just being a Tusky recolor.) >>44548 being the closest example that I've commed thus far. Here's a bonus pic that hasn't been uploaded thus far! Done by "Cowberrie"
>>53444 What’s going on there?
>>53445 The original prompt was for Mammoth Mutt to be pinned behind an object while my Sona tried to push her overinflated form out. I then commissioned a story to go alongside the pic. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54212471/
>>53446 Good stuff. Keep it up Citizen Ekat. Let me know when your Mammoth Mutt comic is finished too please
>>53446 >I always feel so cramped in my ‘normal’ form >it just feels so good to let it all out and expand myself That ties in to a fetish headcanon I have about MM, that her fully expanded size is her real size by she has the ability to super slim down. So the opposite of how it’s described on the surface. She initially used it to hide her gluttonous nature and fit into places she otherwise wouldn’t, but then she heard the call of the hero and put her real size to good use. She’s also resolved to make her real size bigger and bigger to help fight against evil, which is what your comic is about but from an inverse angle. What do you think of that?
>>53460 That comic isn't a commission of mine tho. Dogteeth doesn't take commissions, so they're just making their own Lore for Mammoth Mutt. (Which I am a big fan of someone actually giving her some Depth instead of solely being kink bait.) *My* comic commission is done by CrazyAssBeethoven. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51700837/
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>>53461 That’s great, but why does your comic’s MM have her vagina on her belly button? That’s a little weird. Or am I misunderstanding something?
>>53464 That's just a peculiarity of wanting to have her in a "bending forward" position. It is supposed to be her vagina, with her hunched forward.
>>53466 I see. That’s the beauty of cartoonish shapes, they can contort to your convenience.
Forgot, from a thread that's since dropped off, by pancak3 I think
>>53471 Meant for >>53470 >>53482 That’s it?
>>53510 https://www.deviantart.com/tomocho/art/Mammoth-Mutt-1017808082 This is the artist! You cropped out the "ToMoCho" watermark.
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>>53510 Here's the original full art.
>>53775 He cut off some good text too >>53510 Why would you do that?
>>53776 Either 1. They were insulted by the text. which really isn't even that insulting, to begin with. Or 2. They just didn't want the original artist to get credit which is weird considering that this thread is completely anonymous so there's no easy way to take credit for someone else's art in a place like this. And I guess 3. Maybe they thought those two elements were (somehow) too distracting except...they really weren't and are easily ignorable. So I don't know exactly what the point of removing the credit of the artist who worked hard on this image. Especially considering that other people are going to want to potentially find the artist and support her. Total scummy behavior if you ask me.
>>53777 Jackpot. Completely pointless too. We need more anthro Mammoth Mutt
>>53779 We need more Mammoth Mutt PERIOD. As in a Krypto the Superdog revival AND a sequel to DC League of Super-Pets! Heck, I'll take any animated thing with her in it at this point! DC should give her more respect!
>>53781 Does DC even remember her? Fetishs aside, the star dogs were all pretty one-note and boring
>>53782 Well, they could give them more personality.
>>53787 Correct me if I’m wrong, but I like to imagine that MM has a choleric, arrogant one. Her catchphrase is, as far as I can tell, “who are you calling little?” Like she wants to show everyone what she’s capable of. She loves to take up space, but is still respectful to her coworkers and doesn’t tolerate injustice. A real tomboy with a possible napoleon complex.
>>53789 And what does she want in a romantic partner? I could probably imagine that Krypto's not her type.
>>53789 And what kind of music would she listen to?
>>53804 That’s certainly a hot topic. Does she even want a romantic partner?
>>53806 Well, probably not, but you never know..
>>53789 Maybe she'd be like a tomboyish diva or something. Also, remember that one comic where Catwoman's cat Isis was stealing jewels that belonged to Cleopatra? I thought maybe Mammoth Mutt would've dressed up as Cleopatra as some sort of elaborate trap.
>>53809 That would be pretty funny >at last: THE GILDED CLEOPATRA >I’m going to be rich beyond… >wait, is it supposed to expand like this Boom
>>53810 Mammoth Mutt: "The disguise was fun, but I think I'm keeping the earings."
>>53811 Earrings? Doesn’t that hurt dogs and cats more since there’s less cartilage and more muscle?
>>53812 I did not know that, actually.
>>53812 Well, to be fair, it's a cartoon, so I don't know if that logic would apply.
He closed his account again
>>54838 Blocked
>>54839 Wonder why
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>>53259 More of this comic. Nothing updated since then
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>>56118 Why is this thread almost dead? Dogteeth9000 still has more MM content
>>53444 This one wins the lot, I love how she bulges everywhere.
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>>58028 Sure does! Probably among the best of my commissions! Speaking of, I recently got another one from Cowberrie, this time with Stretch-O-Mutt as the focus. Would love to see him also have the same attention as MM :3c
>>58104 If you’re Dogteeth9000 like I think you are, then can I ask how your comic is going?
>>58105 No, I'm Ekat. Aka the Brown Husky in some of the pics. Dogteeth's comic is awesome though. Their recent pages even included head inflation!
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>>58106 >head inflation I’m not going to lie, that sounds fucked up
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>>58109 >I just wanted to make some confirmation that this entire section of the story won't be dedicated to head inflation. >It will be much, much stranger. I’m enjoying the character development, but I’m worried this comic will detract from what makes MM so appealing in the first place
>>58112 How so? I, for one, am really enjoying the increased depth for MM. Not just the actual focus on her being a character instead of just kinkbait, but also the new variety in her expansion types. The cartoon established that she could at least inflate her paws independently from her body. I wanna see more people branch out like that! It gets redundant only seeing her as "circleshit." (And especially doesn't help when that's the Quickdraw for the MS-Painters)
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>>58114 Circleshit is stupid, and I’m enjoying this guy’s experimentation with Mammoth Mutt’s expansion. But I don’t know, there’s an inherent bondage aspect to inflation as is any other expansion kink and I’m wondering if expanding specific body parts at a time will make the inflation go from sexy to stupid. That kind of thing reminds me of muslim Ms. Marvel and I don’t ever want to be reminded that she exists. Dogteeth looks like he knows what he’s doing so I’ll trust him, but I’m hoping he doesn’t fall into the “specific body part inflation only” rabbit hole
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Don’t you just hate WG drives like this?
>>58116 >The shape and texture of Mammoth Mutt's ass in the first pic OUGH
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Been a while, so I feel it'd be worth bumping with another comm! (done by Dlrowdog) I will admit that it does leave a sour taste that someone's been reuploading these on deviantart without even the slightest attempt to credit anyone involved. And my Sona is not Tusky >:V How do you mistake Ice Blue for Rust Brown? Let alone the absence of a Tusk :Y
>>61016 Just make sure you stare when you look at my page. I want the image to marinate in your horny mind. Thats why u stare because you want a piece of me. I want a piece of you wet ass pussy.
>>59226 No, why?
>>62072 >375w-2x Oh c'mon, anon.
>>62073 WG drives are ok, but then there’s the ones that go from sticc to blob in three parts. You don’t see it in that one?
>>62077 Oh, I saw the drive.
>>62077 So how do most artist doing drives tend to curb this, then? Especially if they suddenly get an influx of support (especially in terms of money)? What if they want the character to gain more pounds faster once the character gets to around being as big as a house?
>>62149 Then they get into continental territory, if not planetary, and that shit’s jank. The increments should be as minimal as possible or there should be many parts to make up for how many donations have been recieved.
>>44548 The most calm response I've ever seen lmao
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This is how you bump
>>63374 OUGH
>>63374 Could anyone color this one?
>>62072 Like to see where this is honing with this one.
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If anyone wants to be in a Mammoth Mutt RP, be my guest.
>>65946 Okay!
