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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Cleverfoxman Thread Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 11:49:02 Id:1873ec No. 49058
A thread about cleverfoxman and his works
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Does anyone have this?
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some of my favs
This needs more attention
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>>53908 >7 replies in almost 3 months just let it die retard, artist is garbage anyways
>>54012 We need to consolidate the userbase.
>>54012 " artist is garbage anyway " Pick the fucking pen and draw then, snowflake
>>54912 >Pick the fucking pen and draw then, snowflake Why would that make this artist not garbage? This thread is dead, you handful of autists that keep spamming the board are the only people who care. Also I'm pretty sure all of you are underage or at least severely retarded given how you talk and the general lack of imageboard etiquitte. So yknow, probably come back once you're out of primary school.
>>54918 " Also I'm pretty sure all of you are underage or at least severely retarded given how you talk and the general lack of imageboard etiquitte. So yknow, probably come back once you're out of primary school. " im going to be real here, i have never seen a retard, yet also a grown ass man, trying to guess annon's age on internet. and also, don't describe yourself there man, we get it, you are fragile, you retarded over people's thread. go to 4chan and cry
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>>54918 >Why would that make this artist not garbage cause you can't draw like them Again, do what anon said, pick up a pencil and draw one, loser
do like that this guy draws Callie Briggs and Felina Feral alot. The world could always use more fat females from Swat Kats
Does anyone have this cat girl inflation pack?
Does anyone have this? https://art.ngfiles.com/images/3344000/3344218_cleverfoxman_moo-mystery-new-comic-for-sale.png?f1689868277
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>>54937 Think. Whether that queer can draw or not has no bearing on the fact the whoever cleverfoxman is (I’ve literally never heard of him) is a bad fucking artist making uninspired garbage that you like because you have no standards. Get fucked.
>>58280 Not bad for an oldie
>>58281 He is the greatest! He is full of wisdom and knowledge.
>>56580 here's cat girl pack 1 https://pixeldrain.com/u/jER3hYYN cat girl pack 3 https://pixeldrain.com/u/inLksM2k
>>58280 " no standards " People like the artist work, let them be, they didn't even grind your dick or killed your family stop being snowflakes, fuck face
see some annons having a tantrum over other annons who like cleverfoxman artworks cause they hate his artwork is kinda funny to watch
>>58546 Then you’re gonna love this next part
>>58438 if anyone didn't know I used pixeldrain Pixeldrain is a file sharing website built for speed and ease of use. You can upload files you want to share online to our servers and we will hold on to them for at least two months. During this time anyone with the link will be able to download your files. Pixeldrain is built to be as fast as possible, so you don't have to do any unnecessary waiting when downloading files.
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>>58263 >>58264 Also got another edit.
>>58727 kill yourself
>>58756 Left that beauty white woman for this low life of an enviroment. Tragedy. Go back to her.
>>59725 You can tell how her story goes
>>59726 I could probably write a better story than this. I’ll see what I can do. Btw, I don’t have an account with chat A.I. What’s her personality like?
>>58265 Whoa! Momma! 😍
>>59728 It’s pretty much up to you for her personality traits, but judging by this picture, >>59724 she’s pretty much a triceratops on the hunt before she goes full Blueberry. You can even make an aftermath of what She’ll do after her little “hunting party”
>>59871 That’s awesome that she doesn’t have a set personality. To me she seems like a family type trying to rescue her husband and son from a secret organization of weirdoes that selected her at random.
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>>49058 Why don't you post everything he's made?
>>49058 >a thread >for one artist
>>63352 Someday, but not today.
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I see Android 21. Now it want this. Does everyone have it?
>>66555 I seccond this
