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Viro Thread 3: The Marcining Viro Thread 3 12/12/2023 (Tue) 19:26:33 Id:8fb8e6 No. 49889
Who knew we'd get a third thread on this guy
TA-DAAA!!! You're welcome https://mega.nz/folder/t9pF1DSK#Ll_K9s_fPyjzLpv8Wm1X1Q
>>49889 Yeah cause Marci is 16 and it’s kinda gross that you’re all into that despite the minor jokes littered within the comics.
>>49908 We must not have read the same comic. Outside of one initial reference to her age, it's never referred to again. Her age is never the focal point of the story nor is it glorified in any way. People aren't jerking off to her because of her age; they're jerking off because she's a girl being turned into a greedy fatty by her psycho beau. Honestly, it's a little exasperating that Viro made her 16 and causing all the unnecessary hoohah. It would have been do easy to avoid all that by just making her 18 and calling her a late bloomer with no detriment to the story. Such an easy fix shows how trivial the issue is.
>>49910 He must be compensating for an absence of a high school romance
>>49926 I wouldn't presume to speculate on such things. Ultimately, dude just wanted to do a high school rom com story with a kinked twist and created a naive and innocent character for the role. There's not a lot of deeper thoughts to her initial design beyond that. From following Viro for a while, you can see that while some things are planned, a fair bit more is... less so. Such off-the-cuff thinking can be freeing and occasionally exciting but it can also be very hit or miss. Pic tax.
>>49900 Fat Lovers Club Year 3 is missing
>>50081 Sorry, I could only download so much... and a little update and I've included Year 3 Folders.
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Anybody got this image Viro did?
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>>51480 Who are those two in the second pic? Megan and immobile bitch?
Anyone got that new chica drive?
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Those anyone have these?
>>49910 >>51055 Doing a ridiculouscake character isn't really helping his case
>>52259 Raquel
>>52259 I feel a single reference to a fellow artist within this sphere doth not a pedophile make... It's a bit of a stretch that somehow any connection to ridiculouscake's art is a reflection of anything deeper than what we see here. What's more likely: Viro's actually an insidious pedo who's been teasing out his degeneracy over a number of years? Orrrr he just draws what he likes, operating with simple aims and without putting too much thought into it? I know which option I'd put my money on.
>>52287 Plus Thrushwood is a GILF oc, can’t get any further from pedo allegations than that.
>>52287 Fun fact, Marcy is 16, and has been 16 during the whole run of IHHAT
>>52315 For the love of everything that's green and blue on this planet, stfu and get of the internet, it's a fictional Character that isn't fucking real and if only viro had made her 18, as he should've, from the beginning we wouldn't be dealing with complete retards like you Do the world a favor and kys, you pedantic POS, I'm tired of morons like you
>>51550 So you have the rest of it?
>>52420 I'm with this guy. MFs gotta be so by the book with their horniness over a character's bio. Majority of people don't even give a shit about character lore, as long as they look the part, they're 18+ to them. To put any more brain power into fap content is hysterical and nonsensical.
Can anyone post this?
>>49910 also, spoiler alert. At the end of the "True ending" the one Viro stated was Canon, she's like in her mid 20s
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>>54390 Made an edit for people like me who don't like vore.
>>54394 One of my favourite pics of Marci. Gotta love her big round pot belly~
those new valentines pics look great, Shame they are limited but hey, its only $10 for the set
>>54447 I will get it
>>54458 please do, anon, you'd be doing a huge service I came here to beg for it because I'm literally 18 cents short to buy it myself
>>54485 friend I have a problem I don't have enough money I'm sorry
Nobody has $10? For 17 images, I’m waiting till near the end
>>54528 >>54528 Its ok I talk with Viro and he said it will extend more time
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>>54530 *sips drink*
>>54548 Rebeccca my shooti
>>54548 honestly my favourite thing on this board is just Viro lurking here and occasionally posting x3
We got one more day left on that valentines set before it’s gone forever, $10 bucks for 17 images
Isn't just 2 pics with a lot of variations? I was looking at the description and that's what it seems like
I love how Ya'll are like "its only 10 bucks, who doesnt have 10 bucks?" when its clearly you xD
I got it
>>55466 Seeing that vixen as a giant fatass never fails to excite me.
>>55471 That sequence with her, the yellow vixen, is my favorite thing Viro has ever done and I wanna see more so bad.
Favorite part of the chapter besides the making her into food part.
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Haven't seen this piece circulate around lately, one of my favs from viro tbh
>>56478 God I just want to take a brush and some hairspray to that hair. Marci's cute and all, but that sweaty bedhead look drives me crazy at times.
>>56769 I don't understand why the bigger fatties are all messy slobs now. It's honestly distracting.
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>>56795 To be fair to Viro, he does include some clean alts for each pic as well.
>>56903 speaking of... does anyone have em?
>>58548 Will viro ever do a treestar wg sequence let alone a fat image of her? I can understand if humans are a territory he's not comfortable doing fat stuff for.
Anyone have the Furry Harley Quinn?
>>59218 I got it
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Does anyone have Ember or Wave?
>>60264 I have it
¿Michiru Kagemori?
>>60297 Thank you
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>>50711 Anybody
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>>61041 Megablobs are some of the best part of Viro's stuff.
>>61166 wow he looks good fat
>>61166 No wonder Viro's threads have been slow as fuck for months.
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No one got the full thing?
>>61706 that ain't new content though, iirc, that's way back 2017?18?
>>62141 Link
>>62148 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33804864/ There you go
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Anymore of her?
>>62235 I wish she had her own ihhat series about getting fat.
>>49889 I have a feeling that ihhat vol 2 if the story in universe goes on for quite a while that the mantis slave girlfriend will start getting fat since the dog guy lives what I would say not the most healthy lifestyle and she seems to mainly live how he lives so far and his life habits may start rubbing off onto her. Sort of like given something nice as a gift bit after a while you use and abuse it to where it looks not so great anymore.
>>62246 Honestly idk lol
>>62246 Weight transfer arc when?
>>62248 Not weight transfer as much as the mantis succumbing more to the fat dog's lifestyle of binging on junkfood, pot, and video games rather than the mantis somehow making him mature, lose weight, and get his act together
>>62246 I'm like 99% sure that Viro said there won't be any WG elements in vol 2. Unfortunate, but that doesn't rule out future volumes ig
Does anyone have the comics compiled into like PDF’s or zips?
>>61166 >>62226 >>62227 >>62228 Skylar looks good fat. Shame there isn't a whole lot of art of him like that.
Trying to shoehorn weightgain and fats into all of Viro's comics is kinda cringe. If the guy feels pressured to throw a cursory nod in to appease you guys as lip service, how does it benefit anyone? Forcing artists to do your bidding at the expense of their own is pretty gross. Viro likes his big characters. Y'know what'll kill that interest? Being forced into drawing them by an unrelenting fanbase at every fucking turn.
>>62503 What brought this on? Who’s complaining about that?
>>62505 The current gooning about wanting the mantis girl fat. Seriously, if the current fanbase had their way, every damn character of Viro's would be made fat, all the fucking time. Don't get me wrong, I'm here on the chan board for a reason, but it's the incessant insatiably of fans. No artistry in it, just coomerbrain mentality poisoning the well. They don't care. Even the good fans seem to be patiently abiding the stories until they can leap on a commission chance to make yet another fat of she. Shit gets boring real fast.
>>62536 cope idiot. Dudes a fat fur artist. Like are you dumb or are you dumb.
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>>62536 I’m with you, except I’d like a weight transfer, but try to respect people’s tastes. I believe Viro is smart enough to not take in everyone’s requests on the matter. I just think a weight transfer makes sense thematically too. The dog guy learns to get his shit together and his wife learns to cut loose. Furthermore, a spoiled Emerald is much more adorable.
>>62536 Why are you even on BBW chan if you don't want FAT?
>>62537 Dude isn't a fat fur or wg artist. He's said this repeatedly if you stopped gooning for five seconds to fucking listen. Dude is a guy who happened to likes fats which has resulted in him constantly drawing it to appease you clowns. How do you get someone to resent a certain interest? Maybe by having him constantly draw the same thing over and over. >>62538 >Respect people's tastes >a spoiled Emerald is much adorable Ever thought about respecting Viro's taste? The fucking cheek of this guy. >>62543 It's not about not wanting FAT, it's about not wanting to wring an artist's interest in FAT dry until it is dead. It's about not being a fucking locust.
>>62548 L O fucking L. The guy doesn't want to draw fat? Then he'll stop drawing fat, and we'll move on. That's called supply and demand. The hell're you getting bent out of shape FOR someone? He's not gonna give you any brownie points for pissing yourself in impotent internet rage. You're not any more in-the-know about what Viro wants than we are. So instead we're enjoying what we've got and wanting more. And when we get more, we enjoy it. Big shock, I know. Maybe take a moment to chill out, go outside, try to better yourself instead of seething through a screen at people you don't even know about someone you also don't know about something they enjoy. Just fucking.. "gooning," good lord... We're not gonna tell on you for saying cum, you know.
>>62549 You guys on imageboards behave like this every single time. Aren't you ever happy with what you'll get from anything? If Viro decided to come back here, would they tell you that being primarily fat-focused isn't exactly the case.
>>62549 This reads like pure cope at getting called out, haha.
>>62552 I'd pay to watch someone like you getting their head sandwiched in a stinky and oily nikocado Avocado fella's sweaty booty cheeks just pick you up and toss you around like a tornado. Maybe even lay a steamer on your eyes too
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>>62553 Tell me you weren't furiously stroking one out as you were typing that and I'll show you a liar. Anywhoose, to get this more back on point we might as well cap off the Nadine sequence that >>62235 started posting (plus the 2023 VDay pic cos why not?). Nadine's a fun dedicated BBW character. Unlike Marci, Nadine's got more of a relaxed, carefree and blithe approach to stuffing to where she probably could consider being a paid BBW streamer. Being paid to eat likely sounds like a dream come true for her.
If anyone have these one?
>>62838 Geez, give it 24 hours at least before you start begging.
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On the topic of Pepper, this classic commission. Spoilers at the end for those who don't like "peppersauce".
>>62920 Wonder why it took this long. You'd think that Skylar would have loved to host dinners when Marcie's mother popped by
>>62986 Since you know who is who. Why havent anyone told me he comes from me? U ppl really hate me huh.
>>62987 We can't exactly tell who you are.
>>62988 If u visit bbwchan. We can hack your front facing camera so yes we know who you are, commence..
>>62987 >>62988 >>62989 I’ve gotta ask, just what the hell is up with these random comments that've been popping up in every thread? Are they not posts or has some poor soul been having a schizophrenic meltdown for months?
>>62994 Bro is "hackin webcams" like the only thing they won't see is people just jerking off lmao
>>62989 I'll call your bluff, schizoid. What's the color of my ceiling?
>>63018 Not the schizoid guy, but I wanna play the guessing game. Is it off-white?
Does anyone have the comics compiled into like PDF’s or zips?
>>63479 Do you want it gift-wrapped too?
>>62878 BOOM! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this the only instance of bursting VIro's done?
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>>63528 Technically no~ It features rarely but it's not from an aversion on Viro's part.
>>63532 Veeery nice
>>62878 I do wish she would've just kept getting fatter forever. But oh well, haha.
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Happy Mayternity!
So PDFile-Lia actually has nothing to do with 16 years old. It just means you’re attracted to people with no secondary sexual attributes (basically the attributes you gain after puberty) and the whole not dating people underage is just a thing based on weird power dynamics completely separate. But the artist could change the age to 18 and everything would be fine because Marci is drawn like an adult like a person after puberty so looking at her a jerking it is not PDFile-Lia Just for your information.
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A wg tribute collewction, for the bigest bitch
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>>63717 thank you for the first image of Pepper, everyone keeps posting the dialogue-less versions of the Patreon pics If you happen to also have the Susie one w/ dialogue from the first set or the Krystal Hetson that was uploaded to Patreon recently I'd appreciate it
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>>63736 I'm loving those fat arms.
>>63738 I dont even consider bbwchan dark web any more im going back to ig lmao
