/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(999.36 KB 1680x1728 1662162638.chipchell_kazooie.png)
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Big Birds/Avians Thread (M&F) Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 06:33:16 Id:9e0bcd No. 51591
They are such a good species to see plumped the heck up
(1.05 MB 1280x832 image_2024-01-09_003458902.png)
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(2.57 MB 2558x1440 image_2024-01-09_003540704.png)
Specially Ritos
(908.97 KB 1500x1125 image_2024-01-09_004633490.png)
(1.36 MB 2000x1500 image_2024-01-09_004642153.png)
>>51592 All Ritos look great fat and Tulin is the same, but I really wish the small people that do give him an older design cause I have seen older designs (not fat) and they're very nice
(340.31 KB 888x1280 image_2024-01-11_044509727.png)
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>>51779 Magpie (Galactic).
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>>51596 Sauce on the tulins?
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>>54054 Why does bleucan mostly only post pillow stuff nowadays
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>>54849 Why dont unions in ny hire more blacks for executive boards or corporate profiles. Oh racism thats why lmao racist cucks
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Spoiler for vore.
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>>54850 ...I'm sorry, what?
>>51591 Kazooie is the hottest bird in fiction ever blimped. Change my mind
Bird bump
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>>58089 No not really. I just share random stuff I like on chan sites like this, but I will post more.
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>>58090 Ah, that's okay! Keep up with the awesome stuff!
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>>55183 Where found this? (first)
(886.34 KB 2405x2575 IMG_1870.jpeg)
>>58199 I found it on an old 4chan thread. Thats were I found half the art I posted.
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>>59859 my type of thread. also, rito thread when???
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>>58158 >>59859 I really wish there was more fat Pavita in the world.
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>>63887 >>63888 >>63889 I love how all it takes is a lot of good art to make me think "Actually the Mcdonalds bird IS thicc as fuck" XD
birds are still the best species
(229.19 KB 1784x1222 GQoFQr7akAMQglr.jpg)
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Realized I haven't posted here in like a year, so to make up for it here's one by yours truly from back in January It's also on e6
I never got Kazooies dynamic. Was she Banjos pet? His girlfriend. It was his friend but she lived in a backpack? What was she? And wtf is their dynamic?
(401.41 KB 2297x1604 1721067421.cardk_img_0249_jpeg.jpg)
bumpy birdy
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(79.43 KB 1120x708 GSWjVxQW0AA_H77.jpg)
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(4.35 MB 2256x1578 1722182161.srgreja_fatty.png)
(5.56 MB 2171x1697 1721553301.srgreja_crazytaxi.png)
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(109.16 KB 1366x912 GShLwTvWoAANXDH.jpg)
(117.01 KB 1147x913 GShv7gQXUAAE53a.jpg)
(5.58 MB 1528x2411 1721444602.srgreja_kivoballs.png)
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(15.67 KB 354x462 GVl6RrPXYAAaGVR.png)
(364.21 KB 1569x1114 1672649819.xxedge_revali_fatter.png)
(160.08 KB 695x651 RevalisGale.png)
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(729.17 KB 2184x2184 GMtXghpWkAE0CuQ.jpg)
(11.49 KB 241x209 kass by wolfygtoons.jpeg)
Does anyone have a better quality and bigger version of this work of Kass done by wolfygoofytoons?
(132.50 KB 1833x1419 GIa0WHIbsAAULJv.jpg)
(121.65 KB 1308x1416 GIa0WHfagAAdbwi.jpg)
(205.54 KB 1932x1332 GIa0WHyaQAAHOzf.jpg)
(161.76 KB 1845x1368 GIa0WIIaAAEPJse.jpg)
>>74503 That bitch is a minor. Don’t be asking for stuff like that.
>>74503 I gotcha!! deviantart.com/chiprohinoz1/favourites/all?page=111 is where you can find it!
>>75379 Wildcat, I know you're dumber than a pile of rocks...but why are you trying to help Anon 01e6f7 find a fetish image that had been produced by an artist who's currently a child? What is wrong with you? What the fuck dude?
>>75382 Just trying to help a poor soul.
>>75383 >Just trying to help a poor soul. You are stupid.
>>75393 @f6d9dd I find it nice that you helped someone @c366b9 I find it hilarious that you need to put down somebody who helped some other. And no, you already dishonored yourself, so I don't care about your opinion. I will not even look at any answer. Bye ;)
>>75409 Oh didn't see its minor, than have nothing said
Out of curiosity, has there been a case before where a minor drew stuff, was called out for it, but then became an adult? Did they get punished and realized they shouldn't have done it, or did people just not care anymore?
oh absolutely, inkplasm/welwraith was a big one
>>58158 >>59859 >>64081 Every year around Thanksgiving, for the last few years, we've gotten a new fat Pavita pic. Will we again this year?
(279.08 KB 1075x1051 duckmanp.png)
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(795.75 KB 1984x2055 GGaEqkLWQAANUua.jpg)
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(211.48 KB 973x863 Sans titre 587.jpg)
(206.38 KB 1379x952 Sans titre 588.jpg)
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(43.16 KB 1200x459 F6PayhyWEAAadK7.jpg)
(531.40 KB 2522x1461 1699582298.monare_rsz_revalifat2.jpg)
Need to see more of him in here
(849.01 KB 5328x3792 1732946461357757.jpg)
>>77452 Well what do you know: we did!
>>78899 Did you make this, or did you found this somewhere else, if so, can you post the sauce? >:3
>>78917 Its AI
Uh... I know... I'm just asking if he made it or someone else on civitai made it
(1.54 MB 2500x2297 image_2025-01-26_225146212.png)
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(1.26 MB 2000x2000 image_2025-01-26_225211718.png)
GOSH I love OG Chica bein obese and THICC as hell. (Also OG Chica best Chica)
(338.99 KB 2365x2308 GiK3fLLX0AAaKNO.jpg)
(2.12 MB 2205x1671 1712591752.doctordj_toucan.png)
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(762.46 KB 2400x1256 1739318943750121.png)
>>64081 Somebody on /trash/ reshaded this particular Pavita pic, I like it better now.
