/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Yoshi thread Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 11:04:28 Id:11a7a8 No. 54811
Post some big yoshis
(205.63 KB 1280x971 1606966198.wenisberry_yosh.jpg)
I wanna see MORE obese Yoshis NOW
>>56055 Artists?
(1.12 MB 1500x1500 New Oxide Design.png)
(942.53 KB 1500x1500 UCH YOSHI.png)
(1.50 MB 1500x1500 Oxide blob.png)
(1.33 MB 1500x1500 Sewer Yoshi.png)
(477.47 KB 1500x1500 yoshi page.jpg)
(675.21 KB 1500x1500 Pear Yoshi.png)
here's some yoshi stuff i've made cuz i frickin love yoshi
>>56084 >frickin you need to be at least 18 years old to use this board anon
(1.05 MB 3200x2400 Oxide blimp gas.png)
(914.57 KB 3200x2400 Oxide blimp.png)
(1.83 MB 3888x3018 Delta_Possession_pump-2.png)
>>56111 OH FUCK, how did you so easily guess that i was 2?! (spoilered first image cuz gas)
(516.49 KB 1239x1619 1485565898082.png)
(140.30 KB 1024x487 1495324484892.jpg)
(253.78 KB 1217x728 1273270489.gillpanda_silver.jpg)
(97.23 KB 720x381 643643663.png)
Canon fat Yoshi
(605.48 KB 2206x1894 20231119_135917~2(1).jpg)
>>56672 The same canon fat Yoshi in the remake. Sorry for the shitty phone capture, BTW.
>>56678 It’s fine. Isn’t he canonically a hatchling?
>>56084 Oh hey, puyopuyoskuntank willing to say your tastes and style is mid and probably the main reason i stopped hanging out with creff
>>56681 ok can we have more yoshi tho
(169.00 KB 259x287 IMG_2300.gif)
>>56681 i want some proof of your superior taste so i can tell you how much of a nicer soul he is
>>56690 Honestly, yeah, like what the fuck is the deal with this guy. Like, show your "superior" tastes, unless you're just so much of a pussy ass bitch to even go ahead and show us that you're lacking in both intelligence and guts in the first place to even go through with it and realize that you ain't as high and mighty as you say you are.
(471.84 KB 1500x1500 Big Biker.png)
(266.01 KB 1830x822 ultimate_yoshmera.png)
>>57651 me when i see a yoshi
(600.61 KB 1920x1920 1678288911.2169_2021-03-08-1.png)
Have some more yoshi
(339.15 KB 825x1200 IMG_1447.jpeg)
(275.04 KB 825x1200 IMG_1448.jpeg)
(334.98 KB 825x1200 IMG_1449.jpeg)
(156.15 KB 825x1200 IMG_1450.jpeg)
Do canon yoshis have gender?
(8.22 KB 900x1000 IMG_1451.png)
>>60252 What a weird species
>>56115 >>60252 Sauce for these?
>>60301 RCHammer5. I wrote it on subject line
>>60303 Thank you
>>60301 The 1st pic is by rounded pentagon on Twitter
(106.13 KB 1200x998 Yosh.JPG)
farting yosh?
(128.40 KB 1280x1024 IMG_8989.jpeg)
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(76.52 KB 1359x1271 aaaaaaaaa.jpeg)
(16.23 KB 288x209 llll.jpeg)
saving this thread
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