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Not sure if this is a good way to start a thread. Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 11:51:48 Id:21d9c6 No. 56009
I just wanna promote this inflation drive going on. https://www.vxtwitter.com/IncidentalSnail/status/1763693196280828262 https://ko-fi.com/joanssoup It's for a good cause, and you get to see a plump Samurott lady balloon up. There's a bonus if it hits $5K and above.
>>56009 I don’t care how good a cause is, you don’t waste a thread just to shill. Next time make the thread about a specific subject like WG drives in general. Threads aren’t cheap
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>>56010 Or if a thread is about a specific twitter artist, showcase his art here so more people can give a shit about him. Sorry this guy needs a bone marrow transplant, butplan things out a little better next time. So how much more money does he need? You could’ve also begged on the begging threads and see who’s heartstrings you pulled on successfully
>>56010 >>56011 Sorry for wasting a thread, to put it that way. I guess I should have posted his art to show what he does too. And the begging thread aren't meant for donations, but for paid content and such right? That said, he needs like $30K in USD. And he's about 42% there so far. https://ko-fi.com/duragonartfund Thankfully, the doctors are willing to accept half of that for now, provided the other half is paid within a month of the procedure. And to his credit, he's auctioning off his characters to get the money as well. https://www.vxtwitter.com/DuragonArt/status/1764232104181920074
>>56018 It’s ok, you were thinking about the safety of someone else, but once this thread is over what’ll you do? Some of these threads last for years, you know. I’m interested in the idea if discussing WG drives in general and maybe spurring others to donate towards them, but most fly off the rails immediately which is always a sequence ruiner.
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>>57033 More.
>>57033 So how’s your friend, still alive?
>>57105 He's at 52% so far, which means he can undergo the first of two bone marrow transplants. He should be under the knife right now.
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>>56009 >>57687 At the 4th stage now. Anyone of you wanna see her absolutely massive (which requires $5K), now's a good time. As for Dura, he's in one of those induced comas after the 1st of two bone marrow ops. So he can't respond or anything.
>>58928 If I was delegating that area. My phone would of been amswered & tug boats sent out ASAP!
>>56009 What kind of soup has Joan made that I see? Clam chowder?
>>58928 >>57687 >>57033 >>56009 How much does Joan weigh in each stage?
How many pounds does Joan weigh (here)?
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Not Duragon's art, but one of his milf characters, before someone probably adopted her. It's an example of the art he likes, and could make if it wasn't for his horrid condition. Mind the watermark though.
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>>58968 Does this mean your friend done owing money to the medicare mafia? He’s got a great sense of humor too.
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>>60251 Crap, what a mess.
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Current updates:
>>62429 Suppose y'all see the problem. Mexico's got a fucked up system for almost everything. They'll send a guy to the big house despite him being sick. That's why he needs to pay for the 1st of 2 operations for now. Not just to get it off his chest, but also to finally have the means needed to take the incompetent bastards to court. Who knows, they can use the money from the lawsuit to pay for his other operation. Stow some money away, and send it over if you can. Thanks for the generosity.
Being following Duragon Pixel's plight for a while now. It's an extraordinary and protracted medical drama that's lasted for many months now. This is the sort of story that would you could reach out to the local news about to garner broader attention to for a more concerted effort to help his fight for survival. I wonder why it hasn't happened...?
>>62432 I don't think the news care for average joes Anon, let alone furries. Always the big shots they obsess over, like movie stars and politicians.
>>62433 Nonsense. there's always appeals for unfotunate people battling protracted medical issues in local and regional news. A struggling artist fighting for survival for 2-3 years now? That world garner some interest, assuming that this was all accurate. What does Duragon have to lose at this point?
Let's keep going! And maybe Joan will eat bread and deserts and just get all fat and sassy.
>>56009 How’s the friend doing now?
>>64037 He made it. 105% of the goal. https://www.vxtwitter.com/DuragonArt/status/1787808634539483156
>>64041 Great, so what’s he going to do with the extra 5%? Invest in something that can help him in the future? Do you still want to keep this thread up?
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>>64074 For one, to pay for his meds. And it appears that some of it was funneled into the fundraiser for his 2nd operation down the line. https://ko-fi.com/duragonmeds "As some of you may know, Dura requires two separate procedures to fully restore his system. The first transplant was a life or death procedure, but now that he's starting to recover, the second is needed to actually help with his aplastic anaemia." Now that he's conscious and getting better, he can start drawing for commissions again. And there's the issue of taking the previous hospital to court for the shoddy work they did on his 1st transplant. The lawsuit money might help. https://www.vxtwitter.com/DuragonArt/status/1788470052691570882 -- Obviously yeah.
>>64128 >2nd operation down the line. Oh boy. That sounds like fun. Is the sequence still going for it?
>>64135 >>62608 You bet it is! And maybe Joan will eat bread and deserts and just get all fat and sassy.
>>56009 >I just wanna promote this inflation drive going on. Make a community general.
>>66294 That can be arranged.
