/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Obscure character thread. Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:16:08 Id:a68872 No. 56557
I'll start. Big Bertha, Harrie, and Gabrielle; Fritz the Cat (Robert Crumb and Ralph Bakshi)
>fritz the cat >feeling the need to credit the creators >shit art that looks like it was drawn by 10 year olds and came out of the asscrack of deviantart Yep! Anotha Quality WildCat Thread™
>>56559 Oh? Wel, when I'm a successful adult, none of your negativity will matter anymore.
>>56563 "When I'm a successful adult"? You keep saying that lately, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Is that your autism catchphrase, like Chris-Chan's "TRUE and HONEST"?
>>56557 Now then! Let's post some obscure furs!
>>56559 this is the only one i can say serves a good purpose outside of one specific niche/a split of another category you're not wrong though >>56566 making sure obscure characters get drawn seems to be my life purpose i keep trying to browse for unrelated media and get jumpscared with new interests i have to obsess about for 5 months straight that no one else draws
I propose a new rule that we explain who’s who if it’s too obscure
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Idk if Super Sentai is considered obscure, but here's a shite edit I made a while back.
>>56563 Are you retarded?
>>56572 would a "retarded" person be able to answer that question?
>>56563 And my mom told me to post less so I won't get cyberbullied.
>>56571 Your edit is great!
>>56568 It does not matter who is too obscure.
>>56626 What cartoon is she from? I immediately fell in love with her <3
we need more of heidi hippo from meet the feebles. i mean, ffs she had a scene where she ate everything in a bakery. oh, and that one scene where she uses her chest to bust out of her lingerie top.
>>57611 Happy to see my cosmic blobby Fritz being shared around these parts! (I'm Elpifa, btw)
>>58016 Hi, Elpifa!
>>59413 Thank you.
Can somebody draw crazy frog stroking his massive dick for me
>>56588 trvth nvke >>56590 lie nvke
>>56557 This is a good thread idea, actually.
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Chachi from S4 E4 of Rick and Morty. I hold the only other art of him.
>>64144 These look great Gonna assume these are edits and, if so do you happen to have the bases
That's right. We are here to post art of characters who don't have enough art for them. And perhaps discuss them.
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Some edits I made of Moon from Transformers Beast Wars II
>>67796 Thank you for being the second person on earth to care about moon
>>66687 >Alvin and the Chipmunks
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hell yes obscure time (warning in advance there's fart stuff lol)
>>67820 You think that's interesting, Take a look at this.
>>67821 >Fatigue from Bedfellows Based Smokii >>67822 Wow, it's all shit. Thanks Wildcat.
>>67823 You cay wildcat so much that it lost all meaning.
>>67824 What's the first one from
(106.72 KB 1280x1067 1554448105.sambaba_tanyatrunk.png)
>>67825 Disney's 1992 animated TV series Raw Toonage and spinoff from Bonkers.
(118.27 KB 640x480 Music_hippo.webp)
Introducing Heloise Hippo from Jumpstart Games She loves patting her belly like a big drum, bass for the front and snare for the rear ;) I honestly cant believe there isnt any art of this character out there, SHE'S SO CUTE!
>>67819 No problem, he's really cute. It's a shame he rarely gets art, let alone fat/inflation art
>>67875 Yeah it's a big shame (excuse my pun) he sasly doesn't even get much art that's not that either
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>>67875 I want to what his show, but it's pretty confusing, what is the correct order to watch?
