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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(70.46 KB 750x389 Hi, Omega.png)
OmegaOverdrive and OmegaOverdrive related characters Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:14:23 Id:74c29f No. 57690
He was lurking here earlier. Making this thread just in case he comes back and maybe decides he wants to draw. Related characters include >Gyan the galaga wife >nosferatu16’s Vikki from that one sequence >Azmodan because he commissions him sometimes >Kasame the Kasa-Obake girl >Kunitsune the new masked girl And hopefully he’ll tell us more if he shows up here. Gallery: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/omegaoverdrive/ Twitter: https://www.sotwe.com/Omega_Overdrive
>>57690 He’s going steady with someone known as Monstermomma91? I don’t know, but this anniversary piece has them looking like that one gluttonous demon I forget the name of so maybe it’s also an OmegaOverdrive related character
>>57690 genuinely please kill yourself or at the very least just fuck off threadfag. didn't you have somewhere you hung out before you started shitting up our board?
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>>57745 I’m no threadfag. I said I’d try to make this one after Omega said he might draw again.
>>57691 Oh nah, That's Azmodan from Diablo 3. I just got myself a version of him for myself because he's a hunk. Anyways Hi. How y'all doin. I might do some requests here, I can not guarantee that everything will be satisfied but I can definitely get a few done.
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>>57999 Oh wow. I even mentioned him in the OP, so how dud I not pick that up? Thanks for coming, Omega, i’m trying to figure out what other characters we can use for this thread in case we need to fill/bump it up. As far as requests go let’s start with something simple: can you fatten up a female asylum demon?
>>57999 Draw some more of Azmodan if you like it that much.
(2.90 MB 2300x1413 IMG_1217.png)
Are you still in the mood to commission people?
>>58862 Sometimes, Although I have to watch my spending now since I'm not in the best spot right now. Maybe when I get in a better position I can try again.
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>>58914 Yeah, you need to watch out for that economy, it’ll rip away your savings faster than you can say “unemployment”. Sorry, I think I’m asking the wrong questions. What I really want to know is how we can fill up this thread with all the Omega goodness possible. One way would be by filling it with characters you’ve already commissioned. Do you have any others beyond the list from the OP?
>>58983 Aside from requests for you, of course, but there’s only so much someone can request and only so many requests that an artists can fulfill. Also, I want to see your already existing impact in the fat art world.
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Requesting a USSBBW Stay Puft Woman
(5.48 MB 3508x2480 Naguryuu.png)
(470.25 KB 2400x1919 Crankie Protogen Ref.png)
(444.03 KB 1866x1881 Isoh.png)
(898.37 KB 2375x750 Kobo.png)
>>58983 I got quite a few new ones. I haven't really gotten a lot of opportunities to commission them though.
>>59632 Thank you for getting them, I can see why. I never understood protogens and why most of the fat ones are male. I’m curious about Isoh, is he a walking dial up phone?
>>59633 He's a walking macintosh computer actually. The pretty old ones.
>>59733 Vintage, I like it. Is he one of those old coots upset with modern technology?
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Pay attention. They’re making worthless threads to push out the decent ones
>>60397 Are you supposed to be in the fat gardens thread?
>>60405 No, this is Omega’s work. You can put it there if you want
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>>60410 It’s also a thread to post his commissions. An infinite cheesecake cavern? I wonder if there’s a lore behind it or it’s meant to be as simple as it is.
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(135.44 KB 904x1200 One suit.JPG)
So what’s fur suiting like? Have you met anyone that’s obese irl and loves fur suiting?
>>59733 Can you do pokemon?
>>61568 Probably not
will that greninja drive ever be finished?
>>62616 I don’t know, do you have it?
>>62795 Scared to die.
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>>62799 I don’t want this thread to die either. There’s a small chance a request will be filled
(6.84 MB 640x640 Toxicoow 3D com.GIF)
Bump. You still here, Omega?
(462.19 KB 1225x897 Smokii Gyan.PNG)
I’m currently sifting through the archives https://web.archive.org/web/20240429195016/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/56155.html To find that Egyptian bird lady
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>>64139 Bump for more Gyan
(14.40 KB 399x362 06:19:2002.WEBP)
We missed his birthday.
(179.71 KB 2143x1437 13 Feb 2021 Themberchaud.JPG)
>>67468 Oh well. Looks like he had an idea of what Themberchaud was like. How about now that the movie’s out?
(260.69 KB 2048x1024 Two other birthdays.JPG)
(2.34 MB 1628x1640 Thatbluewhale gift.PNG)
(2.10 MB 2700x1365 Alanthepootis gift.PNG)
>>67468 Glad some people remembered
