/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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(181.02 KB 800x1096 Rare_logo_2015.svg.png)
Rare thread Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:44:06 Id:bafb5f No. 63347
Post fat furs from the video game developer that brought you such games as those from the Battletoads, Donkey Kong, and Banjo-Kazooie series, as well as games like Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001), and Viva Piñata (2006).
>>63348 Wrong developer, this one's by Mad Dog
>>63347 One video game general for all video game characters.
(66.85 KB 680x671 fat kazooie 3.png)
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(11.82 KB 223x226 fat kazooie 1.png)
>>63351 I know. I just provided an example of what not to post, along with an opportunity to make a video games general should it fizzle out.
>>63414 I wonder if their is any art of Berri where a similar situation happens to her like with Marvin minus the explosion.
>>63450 >>63452 >>63453 >>63454 >>63456 >>63459 >>63460 >>63463 Some of these are rareware, but I can’t be bothered to differentiate. Should’ve made this the forgotten vg mascots/gwimbly-like mascots thread. Does Yooka-Laylee count?
>>63503 >blueberri Conker's gotta FUCK all out of that juice out of her immediately before she fucking explodes.
(162.57 KB 1120x1280 1517758715.neko-gami_image.jpg)
(186.82 KB 1024x1188 1407791580.neko-gami_image.jpg)
>>63515 >Conker's gotta FUCK all out of that juice out of her immediately before she fucking explodes. *Conker's gotta FUCK all of that juice out of her immediately before she fucking explodes.
(205.87 KB 2048x1241 FhoSQtZX0AAvkXw.jpg)
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(66.39 KB 785x720 DxtkZwGVAAAuUsd.jpg)
(469.82 KB 3197x1955 D_feVRVWkAYkluS.jpg)
(182.19 KB 2048x1232 E3DbSS0WYAExSM9.jpg)
(1.40 MB 3496x1938 EUIM5cKWsAAJkgt.jpg)
Post male characters.
>>63363 can i have the second one in higher quality?
>>63512 yes.
>>63512 Y'know what? Sure, they might as well. If you have fat Laylee post fat Laylee. Or Yooka. Or Trowzer. Or one of the side characters no one cares about.
(76.58 KB 1280x691 Laylee health upgrades.PNG)
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(2.83 MB 2371x1554 2:2.PNG)
>>63543 These two never had a chance. Too much hype, not enough substance.
>>63521 And female characters!
>>63578 Once I stop giving a fuck you all in trouble. Even death couldnt move me.
(75.04 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault (3).jpg)
>>65769 Didn't know that Rare made an Angel Hare game. (Wrong thread, bub.)
>>63358 This.
>>67008 Is a great thread idea
