/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Comic/Sequence General Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 17:15:40 Id:744868 No. 64077
Post any art that is part of a series or sequence. These can be story based, part of a series, or just general sequences. This includes any sequences (example seen with the pics up top), weight gain or inflation drives, or comics.
The more fucked up youre to me. The more god saves me for last. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
>>64099 >>64077 You're welcome. I had to do something to keep it alive.
Sarah: "Woah, what just happened?" Sophia: "Magic flying clamps. And now we're being tube-fed..." Sarah: "Oh boy!" *rapid gulping sounds* Sophia: "Wait, if you eat too much before I can reach that deactivation button your fat gut will smash me!" Sarah: *continues gulping noises* Sophia: *sigh followed by reluctant gulping*
>>66132 Sarah: "So... hungry... so... empty..." Sophia: "Argh, you don't FEEL very empty..."
[PANEL 1] Sarah: "...woah." Sophia: "I knew we'd find something eventually! But how has nobody else found this yet?" [PANEL 2] Sarah: "Oooo, look food!" Sophia: "Wait, Sarah, that's not-!" [PANEL 3] -trapdoor opens beneath them- Sophia: "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Sarah: "Hey, wait a second- this is made of rock! ...maybe I just need ot soften it up a bit first." >>66133
>>66134 Sophia: "Ohhhh... what happened?" Sarah: "Good, you're awake! You can help me eat this!" Sophia: "Did... did you just let me lay here unconcious?!" Sarah: "I made sure you were okay! I put food in your beak and you reflexively ate it!" Sophia: "Fair enough. Wait, what are you eating?"
>>66135 Sophia: "Sarah, are you EATING the door?!" Sarah: "It's OK! Look at the sign, that's what you're SUPPOSED to do!" Sophia: "I mean... I guess that's what it could mean..."
>>66137 (1) Sophia: "Just a little more..." Sarah: "If they meant for us to get fat when we ate through the door why did they make the doorway so small?!" Sophia: "For once you make a good point." (2) Sarah: "What the heck just happened?!" Sophia: "I don't know! We just went through the doors and were on this scale thing!" Sarah: "I thought you said you DIDN'T know what just happened." Sophia: "Not the time!" (3) Sophia: "Great, looks like I have to gorge myself to even us out..." Sarah: "Awwwwww, save some for me..." (4) Sarah: "Oh suuuuure, just hog all the goods for yourself, why don't yah?" Sopia: "Ooof, Sarah, can we *URP* not do this *BELCH* now? I'm so full..." (5) Sarah: "Seriously, look at this! You ate so much you're as big as I am!" Sophia: "Could you- URP- not grab my- BELCH- belly like that?"
>>66138 >>66119 (1) Sophia: "Ok, I hit the button, we can stop now..." Sarah: *continued gulping* Sophia: *sigh* (2) Sophia: "Oh jeez, I feel so bloated..." Sarah: "Hey, look how big my boobs got!" Sophia: "Good for you..." (3) Sarah: "Oh boy, the next challenge is to eat something!" Sophia: "What a surprise..." Sarah: "Why don't you step aside and let ME handle this one." Sophia: "Fine by me, I don't think I can handle getting much bigger anyway." (4) Sarah: "Hey, why are we glowing? And why are you expanding?" Sophia: "I don't know, but it feels like somebody's pumping me full of lard... urk..." (5) Sophia: "What's happening?!' Sarah: "I'm getting smaller and you;re getting bigger! I think it's transferring my weight to you! Give it back!!!" Sophia: "I would if I could, but YOU ate the cursed food, remember?" (6 Sarah: "Hey, I got an idea! Here, eat this crumb of the cursed food!" Sophia: "What are you- MMPH!" Sarah: "I think it's working! I'm returning to my normal size!"
Where's OP?
>>67333 >>67572 Here I am!
