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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Honey inflation thread Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 18:49:14 Id:a8a7a6 No. 65871
Let's create a thread on it since it appears to be lacking.
Leafeon rolled over with a pleased sigh, her titanic gut pressing against the grass underneath. She continued to lick around her lips as her quivering body came to a stop, mopping up the honey that still stuck around her face. "Ah… now that beats the spot," she murmured. It was hard to say exactly how much honey the verdant Pokémon had consumed, but she evidently didn't mind the fact that she was immobilized by her own girth. As the sun's rays beat down on Leafeon's engorged body, she noticed some odd speck flitting about in the sky. The unknown speck began flying towards Leafeon, and as it approached, she noticed a particular buzzing sound accompanying it. Eventually, it came close enough that its appearance was no longer obscured by silhouette, and the bloated grass-type realized it was a very angry-looking Combee. "Bzz! Bzz!" the Combee's three heads chimed in unison. "We found you! You're the one who raided our hive!" "I have no idea what you're talking about," Leafeon claimed as she licked another glob of honey off of her round, sloshy cheeks. "Don't play dumb with us!" the Combee's top-right head snapped back. "We know it was you, tubby!" the top-left head continued. "It took our hive months to gather all that honey, and you guzzled it down like a Snorlax!" the bottom head finished. Leafeon's tone and expression were far too self-assured for a Pokémon whose limbs had swollen up into useless domes at her sides. "Mm, well, that's a shame, because that was the tastiest honey I've ever had. You guys sure are missing out." The Combee's eyes narrowed into a trio of piercing glares. "Don't think for one second that you're going to get away with this," the top-right head warned. "When our queen hears about this…" the top-left head added. "You're going to regret your boundless gluttony," the bottom head concluded. The bug-type promptly turned around and flew back the way it had come from, disappearing into the surrounding trees. "...their queen?" Leafeon squeaked, her previous confidence having drained from her almost completely. The sweetness of the honey filling her up was suddenly replaced by the bitter fear of what awaited her in the future.
(45.23 KB 560x461 6228c0a33e97_Honey Hung.gif)
Just a heffalump preparing for some lewdness. :)
>>65888 >heffalump This must have been the result of Pooh fucking an elephant and forgetting to pull out the moment he came, and then refusing to pay for the abortion.
(114.95 KB 640x450 3ea963455ef384a45bf6_small.png)
(2.81 MB 1920x1080 The-Clear-Bodied-Honey-Thief.webm)
>>66268 Trying again.
>>66383 Thanks for the contribution!
>>65892 Or just a Heffalump looking like Pooh.
>>67342 You're unironically retarded. t. retard
>>67848 Am not.
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