/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Stuff you don't like or that gets on your nerves Anonymous 07/17/2024 (Wed) 05:53:47 Id:004650 No. 69548
Anything counts but didn't be a petty dumbass.
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Blueberry juice isn't fucking blue. It's purple. Fucking purple.
>>69552 I am glad that someone else is annoyed at that too. I also have an issue where a character gets taller the fatter they get, it just feels cheap.
>>69552 Frankly, I’m sick of nearly EVERY SINGLE PIECE of fruit inflation being blueberries. There’s other fucking fruits in the bowl you know. Reminds me of this french inflation artist that had all kinds of fruit inflation and a secret government organization he made to house them in. Once I remember who he is, I’ll post his pieces.
(305.22 KB 2560x2153 dark-sweet-cherries-scaled.jpg)
>>69561 >There’s other fucking fruits in the bowl you know. Cherrification?
i genuinely hate outright dirty slobs. like eat up all you want, but make sure you get clean, same with your surroundings. also i fucking hate scat, fart, and watersports and how they're always the thing that get fat fetish stuff wrapped up in
>>69563 Hell fucking yes, cherries are superior to blueberries
>>69561 Agreed, i dislike how hyper specific most berry art is, (caused by gum, in a factory),even if its a tribute to the original scene, but please just break the mold already?
>>69589 for a some people the factory setting is a crucial part of the fantasy. the humiliation aspect especially. you can usually tell if they have a "factory fetish" when they include some weird parody of the oompa loompa song.
>>69564 >search for slob >its slobby and messy whoah
>>69594 im here for the fat, not the slob, there's a difference Fat has a lot of variations but generally just means large belly Slob is specifically messy and filthy, that's the shit i hate
>>69616 I’m with you on that one. Making it messy just looks uninteresting and less people are going to be interested. Those artists just spend pointless extra time on making it messy and ugly while perfecting its ugliness. and people are not even going to
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>>69569 >cherries are superior to blueberries I don't necessarily agree, although I'd like to see more cherrification than blueberrification. The image of a female anthro going from a fit and thin to a fat and round cherry-animal hybrid is seeming sexier to me than the cliche blueberry. Plus, cherry juice is red and could have some appeal for burstfags. >>69592 >you can usually tell if they have a "factory fetish" when they include some weird parody of the oompa loompa song. Grunka Lunka dunkety darmedguards...
Some of my favourite pics belong to Fixala Nagini, I used to love his art. Then he started uploading more amd more gross stuff, some are straight up nightmare fuel and creep me the fuck out.
Everything on furaffinity that isn’t plain vanilla fats. Also ponies and pokeshit.
>>69556 >character gets taller the fatter they get the worst part is, instead of calling out artists for not giving a single shit about basic anatomy, a lot of people have convinced themselves that it's actually hotter and better that way. kinda like monobutts
>>69735 yeah i dont get monobutts, it's literally just slapping a blender orb on a character and calling it an ass
>>69548 good threads getting flooded by ia faggotery
>>69735 >convinced themselves don't be disingenuous, you could say that about any part of these fetishes.
>>69733 skill issue >>69735 that can go for any fetish lmao
>>69737 it's the go-to shape for most cartoons doing a funny fat sequence, and of course old virus-20 fat art, so there's definitely some nostalgia with it alongside just being a silly shape sometimes people tack on a lot of extra weird navel/head inflation stuff, but the base shape can be cute in some situations >>69561 i like the concepts people have for other fruit transformations, but blueberry stuff is at least the normal shorthand for "get big and round and with a bit of humiliation/leakiness mixed in"
>>69548 Request threads because you either get hyper-specific descriptions with extremely complicated positions involving multiple characters or things so fucking vague that its just fucking pointless And its always female stuff. Never anything else. Really wish someone would request a dude.
>>69548 Uber specific threads based on artists nobody has heard of/some random concept
>>69732 This is too true- the eye thing he does sometimes suuuuuuuuucks- and like, really truly horrific forms of slow bursting and gore. I guess it's just gore- but I hate it
>>69552 On a similarly petty note. Hose-feeding's fun and all but stop hooking it up to a lard vat already. 1. Shit's gross, dog. There's a million better things she could be drinking, and 2. Lard isn't even a liquid in its natural state! It's solid like, well, a block of fat is. Sure, pedants will say you can melt it but that's "melted lard". You don't drink butter, ya drink melted butter. I will stand by semantics here!
Slob art kind of grosses me out
>>70408 One of his sequences held straight up necrophilia towards the end.
>>69548 The faggot that spams ia rp and the retards who worship this cunt, I'm talking to you th3_unkn0wn
>>72506 You mean the Travis Touchdown guy? I agree. I don’t want to think he’s here lurking in the threads while he’s technically married with kids in canon.
Snuff and gore are fucking everywhere and I hate it. Why is it like this? Is it the zoosadist crew?
Growing tired of the autists running around this board
>>69548 When Fat is combined with futa. I just don't like futa in general, nor will I understand the appeal.
>>72507 Sup. Just letting ya know that i use NMH1 Trav. Hope that clears that up.
>>72507 Nah it's the faggot who just spams rp with chatgpt, creating character for the ia acting like those characters, once he has the characters on ia he proceeds to spam screenshots on threads that are related to a character that an artist created, just see the Jaeh thread and the previously GreyOfpta thread that was flooded by him.
>>69548 Most flattening art just doesn't appeal to me. The only exception that comes to mind is some of SpookyBigGulp's art
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>>69556 Yep I hate growing taller with fattening a lot. One thing I don't like specifically is identity death. I like the tf/tg realm of stuff and half the time it leads to identity death so I just get turned off by it. Example partially represented below in pic. >>69737 I like some monobutts when they are more shaped rather then just orb ass. So i feel ya.
