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Blaze the cat thread Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 01:59:53 Id:e82812 No. 70027
And now, for the princess of the sol kingdom's time to shine here!
>>70027 Is this necessary?
>>70031 Absolutely not but there's always that one retard in this site to make a pointless thread
>>70036 It's not me for once.
Stop making these annoying ass threads dick. Gtfo
>>70031 I think like we need to ask the mods to autosage waste threads.
>>71258 Out of all of the great art of this character, you picked two shitty garbage looking ones? Get the fuck out
Dude, relax! Art is subjective after all! No need to be a bully over it!
(247.98 KB 960x820 1721179087163987.png)
>Sonic girls thread already exists >Has been on the board for months >OP decides to make a thread Blaze the Cat, rather than posting art in the Sonic girls thread Is OP a retard? Is he incapable of scrolling down the catalog or using the fucking search bar?
I'm not! I just made it to be more organized is all!
(364.88 KB 1096x888 1717891779626155.png)
>>71294 >I'm not! Are you the OP? Regardless, still a retard. >I just made it to be more organized is all! Making a thread for one character from a franchise, when there's already a thread that covers practically all characters from said franchise, is fucking stupid. This thread doesn't need to exist. You already have the Sonic Girls thread; this one was made because the OP decided to be a fucking dimwit. Literal fucking cripple.
>>70031 If ralsie/susie get their own thread away from delta rune, thne why not blaze?
(17.71 KB 350x350 DankeSand_Artwork.webp)
>>71294 Good for you!
(78.17 KB 1236x1222 GRuoOslWUAESWv1.jpg)
>>72922 And presto!
>>72921 Such ms paint arts always sucks. They are always worst of the worst. I can not imagine how more horrible they would be
(96.28 KB 943x1024 GO267eXWsAAkapK.jpg)
>>72926 >And presto! Open your window, grab your keyboard, and chuck it across the road.
>>71287 There's a dedicated rouge thread
>>71296 Dumb ass mother fucker Multiple single characters HAVE A THREAD, Rouge, Susie fucking Asriel etc So why not Blaze? Not to mention posting that shitty ass dinosaur game really makes you more laughable Retard
>>72939 Well, this is now a S&L thread!
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(73.04 KB 545x800 Gira_Husty.jpg)
(497.45 KB 1920x1080 King-Ohger-Gira-Transformation.jpg)
(506.33 KB 1920x1080 Ohsama-Sentai-King-Ohger.jpg)
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>>72942 Screw that! This thread now belongs to The Evil King, Gira Husty!
(1.39 MB 1800x1800 Blaze 6.png)
You have great taste, OP. Blaze is the best! Do you have a discord?
