/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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mintsfresh69 Thread Anonymous 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:00:51 Id:05f14f No. 70068
A thread featuring a damn good fat artist!
(520.17 KB 2514x1465 1721757140.mintsdunicorn_loona.jpg)
This Loona edit goes hard.
(399.73 KB 1942x1897 1716321047.mintsdunicorn_adyeo1.jpg)
This one is my fave
>>70080 thanks for the bump anyways
Does anyone have comics by this artist? (Except "Good Boy")
Say can someone please post all of the pages of the sharing love comic & that other comic involving the fenic fox from Zootopia?
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Can someone share this complete comic please?
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>>72648 Can someone buy this and post it here
>>73244 You got a high rez version of this?
>>73244 >192x200 Anon?
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Bumping this >>72648
Can we get his patreon on kemono please! https://www.patreon.com/mintsfresh
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>>75918 Umm sir can you post the complete sequence with the females dogs?
>>75918 >>75919 I agree, some of us wanna see the female sequence.
All you do is message him saying you bought the comics before his payhip went down and that you forgot to save the files, or they got corrupted etc… then he’ll give you the files that’s all. Cause he can’t check to see if you actually bought them or not! (Only one comic though) or else he’ll get suspicious!! Can someone do that and post the female version here??
>>75964 >Implying mints won't read what is being said about him on a public imageboard >Implying this won't just push him to be stricter about proof of payment for paid content to figure out who's lying to get free shit
Anyone have the Finnick sequence or the BB Beats one?
