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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Fafcomics Anon 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:45:16 Id:1deeb1 No. 71345
Hey does anyone have his full comics like the pest control
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24 HOURS OR AFTER 100 DOWNLOADS Most people who have ever used FAF have abandoned it. https://wormhole.app/o37ZE#I-TPxlmfYvp9eYG9yEUJCw https://open.spotify.com/track/2cEY1ZHZazcUE6NA9yajN7?si=7da3ea9b0d984394
Good of you to leak this anon, but wow, how underwhelming a reveal that was after all this time. I also forgot how much of an irredeemably raging bitch Hetty was. It's pretty clear the "comic" ie the single page panel with a bunch of exposition smeared all over it, was spinning its wheels by this point. You can only stretch a fetish comic so far before the gaps start to show and Faf didn't learn this lesson with Pest Control either. Ya gotta give people likeable and interesting characters that the audience will engage with in and root for, even when they're not switched on with doing the "fun" thing. Without that emotional connection and investment from the audience, the shallowness becomes all too apparent over a protracted period. That's what it's about at the end of the day when it comes to marrying fetish and longform comics: sexy and engaging characters being effective agents to the plot that has been built around them
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>>71346 What content contain that link bc is lost now Also i'm interested to see all to the current pages of the 3d remake of camping comic
>>71346 Could you reupload this?
>>71353 Soo what was it, anyways?
>>71345 More importantly, put https://www.patreon.com/catastrophe on kemono.su?
>>71345 Have patience.
Not the same upload as before, but something a little more different: wanna see what faf's been working on for close to a year? https://dropmefiles.com/mpy6r Warning: it's close to a gig in size for a 90-second clip which has been the fruits of 9 months of labour I have been told. Not to dunk on the guy in their creative endeavours of something that he's clearly proud of ("better than the professionals" to apparently quote faf), buuut it does smack of a boondoggle or white elephant, attempting to punch above one's weight so. Maybe his grandkids will be able to finish the rendering and complete his legacy. (I joke, faf will never have kids)
Will anyone have their content, from subscribeestar? That is where its at now and only
>>71353 It's weird how that does not look any related to the vore camp comic he was doing, also she supposed to be the same fox girl being the same clothing i guess? But she looks now ugly.
Anyone have the Mick's quests comics? I've been looking for them for years
>>71376 >>71353 >>71346 Bump of interest for a reupload Even if it's crap I'm interested to see what this guy has been up to after alienating his entire audience
>>71512 >>71346 >>71353 Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day this leaked. Please anons can we get a reup
Just thinking about faf's inevitable freak out over another leak makes me all giddy.
>>71376 >>71417 >>71514 >>71515 Oh go on then, why the hell not. These are the same files as was found in the original upload, reupped: https://dropmefiles.com/Ro6p4
>>71516 Since they aren't availble for purchase and it's on the leak of a paid-up and subscribed member, the act has all the weight of lending out an old DVD. Any claims to piracy or thievery are laughable at this point.
>>71516 Dudes the man, thank you! This is seriously unreal I never thought these would surface to see the light of day. >>71518 I don't know if I'd say its the same as lending out an old DVD, but I will definitely agree that the lack of availability to even obtain through purchasing pretty much completely voids any attempt at complaining. That being said, piracy and leaks is part of the cost of business when you sell digital goods, and the sheer level of disconnect faf had for this concept (and his subsequent public freakouts) is HILARIOUS.
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>>71519 Well you be pleased to know that faf hasn't changed one bit. He absolutely refuses to learn from past mistakes or reflect on how his own behaviour has effectively made his name mud. I wouldn't support the guy even now. Context for the pic, a Hungarian fan wanted to translate some of faf's old comics and faf was, well, "faf" about it.
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>>71520 What is ironic is that if he wasn't a total fucking nutcase and just lived with the inevitable fact of piracy, he would honestly be really successful. Despite the fact that his "stories" are godawful, his art and understanding of the fetish is honestly amazing. And plus, who is in competition? ViroVeteruscy?
>>71516 Fuck him for making a cuckold comic disguised as a wg comic. I can’t tell you how much I despise cuckoldry.
>>71522 Agreed. For what it's worth, though, I think it adds to comedic aspects of it, its just so perfect: terrible character doing terrible stuff while being a terrible person.
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>>71521 The funny thing is, think what you will of Viro's skills, he's definitely more of a viable commercial success comparitively by just not being a raging dickhead about things.
Is the comic finished? Did the link include all the pages?
>>71534 I completely agree, I mean I am definitely not a massive fan of Viros art, or weird card game tangents, but frankly - it doesn't really matter, because he is nice guy who creates something that very, very few suppliers - and rakes in a lot of money as a result
latest pages
That really is how it does end? Man, faf fumble all his good shit himself, vore camp did also end so badly?
>>71545 Nah the guy who posted all of those pages just reposted everything faf currently has on his DeviantArt, he is still making paid posts on https://subscribestar.adult/c2_club
>>71517 Appreciate it! >Last page is dated 2017 Did Hetty ever get finished? This shit is like lost media at this point
Honestly, now would be a good time for any A-Club member (if any existed) to come forward and disclose their time in faf's inner circle. How did he manage to milk you guys dry for so long? Were you viewed by him as anything other than chattel?
>>71549 This, literally just some way to prove you actually are in his little inner circle, and just talk about your experience. This is honestly a long shot, though, I guarantee that faf has each and everyone one of the members by the fucking balls. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a copy of each of their ID's.
>>71548 You know I was looking through the leak, and noticed there are a few pages at the end of chapter 8 I've never seen and one page of chapter 9. It leads me to believe there is certainly more stuff out there.
Any chance for reup to something that doesn't expire so quickly?
>>71686 it was reupped on >>71517. 5 days left on the clock.
Do you have the complete pest control comic? I only have the last three final pages.
>>71345 Hey op try googling "faf e621" it might get you what you're looking for tho
(4.09 MB 3840x2160 Hetty_part_5_070_3840.jpg)
>>71353 Thank you guys I've never seen hetty after chapter 5. hetty is very familiar to anyone who's ever had a narcissist gf. that's part of the appeal, also that she's just 2d rather than actually being there is a relief
>>71755 Most guys go 2D to escape the narcissistic cunts. Unless they’re into it like the artist is. What a faggot he is. How was the clmic supposed to end, with Hetty immobile and the simp’s life fucking ruined?
>>71755 It's just weird that faf would include a largely undesirable niche fetish in a comic circling around an already niche fetish
>>71557 Does it? After faf imploded and started doxing his own customers, I can't imagine he's had anyone willing to stick around in his you-gotta-gimme-blackmail tier clubs. He tends to just throw away projects all the time, I doubt there was enough to continue more than a couple pages of Hetty 9. >>71346 Care to weigh in on that? Thanks for the initial upload, btw! >>71517 And thanks for the reupload!
>>71790 Don't get me wrong I get what you're saying. That being said, I would NOT put it past some autistic individuals to willingly provide blackmail just to keep their niche cooker comic going. Also faf has always replied to people asking if they can pay to join the club with "it's private and not accepting new members", I don't see a reason for him to lie about it if it was just ended, I could definitely see faf going "these thieves ruined it for everyone!!!!! So I stopped making it!!!!"
>>71796 Don't forget that there's his pride at stake. He made a big point of creating his exclusive club for diehard loyalist fans and drawing up the drawbridge to mock those "pathetic thieves". If it turns out that his walled off A-Club was more akin to the Fyre Festival then he only has his incompetent ego to blame for his fuckery. The guy would rather die than eat humble pie or admit any culpability in his inept handling of his situation..
>>71797 That is a really good point. To be quite frank, I've never considered the fact that faf could have any form of logical thinking (as if he did, he shouldn't be like how he is). But I guess that is in line with his insane narcissistic personality.
Here is the Hetty game: https://dropmefiles.com/3IkMy Includes the game .swf and a flash player program which you can use to play the swf file
I know it's already been asked for a few times, but would anyone be kind enough to reup please?
>>72288 This is the kind of low quality garbage I want, I k and drag to get png. I love this lost content stuff.
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>>71544 Any updates on when this will continue?
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>>72741 How about some files instead?
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>>72288 The irony is this would an easy furry weight gain game to sell, bit like Super Fatty Office RPG, and his art style is good, but he's a massive egotistical prick and can't see the forest for the trees
>>72809 Yeah. Really he became such and is reduced to such now. Too bad he left us....
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>>72288 How eat everything in this game?
Just so everyone is aware, the comic Hetty, as well as some of faf comic's other stuff, has been posted for years on the site, e-hentai.org The site might be awful, and the images are in low resolution, but one can easily search for it. All of the comic Hetty, up to the restaurant scene in part 8, is there. Thanks for >>71517 for sharing the rest of part 8, and even one image of part 9.
>>72936 there are two pages of part 9. one of them was mislabeled in the leak
Honestly, I never really cared for most of faf comic's stuff, but I really liked the concept for his comic, Hetty. I was actually interested in the comic when I found it years ago. It was a shame to learn about what faf comics did, and that the rest of the comic would be both highly exclusive, and likely never finished. I still have some ideas about some of the romance drama aspect of the story. 1. Hetty either, gets directly caught by Jimmy for unapologetically permitting Mike (the mule character) to have his way with her, takes her rude and greedy behavior towards Jimmy, way too far, or both. Jimmy then kicks Hetty out, Mike leaves Hetty, and Hetty is forced to fend for herself for several days with no home. She cannot go back to her mom yet because of the lies she told her. 2. Jimmy pays off most of his debt by working summer jobs, while Hetty is away. Hetty refuses to work as a stripper, and eventually decides comes back to Jimmy. Jimmy inevitably lets Hetty back in, like doormat of a character he is. 3. Jimmy is still emotionally distant from Hetty, while Hetty is somewhat thankful to Jimmy and remorseful of her actions. While Jimmy is at work, Hetty at least cleans up after herself, does some of the chores, and saves at least a tiny bit of the food for Jimmy. This goes on for a few weeks. Hetty does not fully redeem herself, and she sometimes acts like a total Bitch. But the two open up emotionally and agree to get along. At the very least, the cuckoldry is kept to a minimum. 4. Mike decides to message Hetty near the end of the summer, and invites her as a contestant on the cable-TV show she watches, and that Mike works on. Hetty and Jimmy (who is reluctant), accept. Isabelle (the massive pig character), Mike's partner, is introduced. Unlike Hetty, Isabelle is polite (at least while she is not left hungry), and very compassionate. The show begins, with Hetty as one of the contestants. Isabelle, being a regular contestant, wins as she often does. While Hetty cannot keep up with her, or the some of the other contestants, she still places highly and gets plenty of screen time. 5. Jimmy's mom calls her son over the phone to check on him, and to inquire about the spike on the balance on one of her credit cards. Jimmy's mom jokingly asks if Jimmy was feeding a wild, ravenous wolf while she was gone. Jimmy makes up a lie and redirects the conversation. Later, Jimmy's mom comes back from her business trip a few days earlier than scheduled. She comes home during the day while Jimmy is out working. There is a very comical and awkward interaction where Jimmy's mom meets Hetty, sleeping, belly up, hardly wearing any clothing, on top of her now broken bed. 6. Jimmy comes home later, surprised to see his mother waiting for him, along with Hetty. She is less than pleased to hear what Jimmy has to say for himself. Hetty, ashamed and worried, admits to Jimmy that she called her own mom and told her where she was. 7. Hetty's mom shows up to the home the next day. Hetty's mom, who already confirmed that Hetty never went to any summer camp, had heard about her daughter's appearance on the show alongside Jimmy, and who knows her daughter well, quickly figures out what was going on. She is also less than pleased to see her daughter fatter than ever. 8. Jimmy and Hetty agree that the ordeal was a bad idea, and that they make a bad couple. The End. What do you all think of this take? I'm not much of an artist, but I do know how to write a story.
>>72949 Honestly, not a terrible take. Though it does sound like a lot of damage control and a little dry - quite a measured and straight-laced take to resolving the story.
>>71517 Only just seen this thread and I missed the link. I know it might be annoying but could you re-up one last time? Pretty please with cat eyes?
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For those wonder how our old buddy Faf's doing, he's doing just great. Totally fine and salient and not at all riddled with brainworms! A totally normal conversation recently had with a fellow artist.
>>73463 I enjoy this kind of drama from these kinds of people, almost as much as seeing their work. HOWEVER, I feel as if there is some things that should be made clear. Any artist, FAFcomics, or anyone else, has the right to make their work as exclusive and as expensive as they like. If an independent artist's decisions were to cause them to face financial losses, it is only the artist alone who suffers for their own actions. These artists also have the right to protect their work using ethical and legal methods. Their stuff is their rightful property, and can be protected with rightful means. And these people also have the right to have and describe their opinions about the other people who leak their paid content, even if those opinions are deemed extreme and unpopular by the majorities of other groups (such as users in this thread). I, like many others, will never purchase any kind of digital art content from anyone, solely out of principle. If I cannot get something I want that is behind a paywall, I either wait for it to be freely available, if it ever does, and just deal with it. Sure, I don't particularly like being talked down on so lowly by others. But it is just someone else's opinion on the internet. I do not let it bother me. And people like FAFcomics are best off not letting opinions such as mine or the other users in this thread, bother him. I suppose it is also fine for some of us to laugh at some of the publicly available information about FAFcomic's self, his conversations, and his actions. It is just part of having a presence on the internet. I just want ONE thing to be clear. So long as FAF comics does not commit crimes, or causes any unwanted drama outside his social circles, then I cannot see anything that is objectively wrong with what he does. Even if we think it is funny or pathetic. Is any of that unreasonable?
>>73463 Also, as seen in these posts, we get a glimpse of the artist ViroVeteruscy's opinion on this topic. I actually think it is neat that these skilled artists in this field can appear to get along, despite having such starkly contradicting opinions on the distribution of their paid work. I even recall that in one of the earliest pages in Volume one of ViroVeteruscy's comic, If Hell Had A Taste, he included a background character that appears to be Jimmy, from FAFcomic's comic Hetty. Just another neat Easter egg that I remember finding.
>>71517 Any chance of reupload again? Thank you.
>>72288 Possible to reupload?
This is so crazy
>>73463 I don't think his views on IP protection are interesting. But his deranged megalomaniac ranting takes me back to the grand old days of internet kooks -- people like Stephen Gonterman and Archimedes Plutonium. I don't know why we don't see well-developed craziness like this any more -- it's all main characters and conspiracy theorists, and one rarely sees into the mind of a proper nutjob these days. Thanks for sharing, anon!
It's sad in that he just doesn't seem to understand why people will choose to support an artist despite their work being leaked occasionally for free. It says a lot about his sociability and people skills. Everything is so ferociously transactional in his mind that I'm half-convinced he's a ferengi, >>73471 You're right in that it's not wrong in the technical sense (barring the doxxing, natch) but it's a wrongheaded approach that is totally incompatible to the realities of being an online digital artist or creative in general. Viro has grown his community steadily, weeds and all; Faf has devoted himself to destorying all weeds to the point of neglecting his garden in the process. And it's clear this guy has some deeper problems and is genuinely not right in the head. It's like being neighbour with a doomsday prepper, constantly raving about the endtimes. He's well within his rights to construct that bunker in his backyard, but when throwing his entire life away in order to commit to it, you have to look on with pity and concern. Just a great shame, really.
>>73542 I think this is the right take. Of course he's well within his right to try and protect his work from being leaked, just as he's within his right to talk down on those who leak it. Just like I'm within my right to laugh my ass off at his legitimate, real insanity, and public freakouts.
>>73463 Tl;dr?
>>73472 Can you find it or is it gone?
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>>73553 >>73472 Pretty early on in the comic, yep.
>>73558 Yeah, changed him slightly after a while to look more like a fox so that there wouldn't be any issues.
So no one has the pest control comic?
Could someone repost the Hetty series again?
Anyone have the rest of the pest control comic?
This is so very impossible
>>73288 Someone did but only showed a cropped shot of the pages, for obvious reasons. But they could possibly just use a transfer file app like "wormhole" and set an expiration date
>>73552 Viro says he knows people leak his stuff sometimes but it's OK since it's part of the business and he sees it as free advertising since it drives more attention his way. Faf proceeds to rant in broken English about why he thinks that's the most retarded take ever.
>>73799 Too bad, her way of drawing is a work of art but it is a disappointment to see that apart from the fact that Hetty's story, only the first 3 chapters are great, from one moment to the next someone selfish and unpleasant made her, also for showing a product to Is other people wrong? So what kind of art are you trying to sell if it doesn't allow you to make yourself known?
>>73833 Faf just isn't all there ya know? They aren't right in the head. No point in trying to rationalize it.
Oh well. We tried. ✌️
Can anyone repost the conic and the game please? I just found out this place
Can you repost it again plz? >>71346
It says the file is deleted ._.
>>73833 Wait faf is a she? I just figured faf is they/them well at least when I tell some friends about faf work tho
also bumping for reupload of pest control and any of hetty part 9, been dying to see how those end!
What if we let this thread die? In any case we will never see the comic without censorship 🥺
But i didn't get to see the game nor atleast one pages of Hetty 9!!
Could someone please post the rest full pages of pest control comic or put it in a file for everyone
bumping for reupload please!
reup of the Pest Control last pages?
>>75290 Yes plis
Can someone reupload like the last 10 pages of pest control pls
>>75406 no one is uploading since someone told Faf about these posts.
>>75432 So we have to forget that one day we will be able to see the comic?
Well this sucks
>>76315 We had so much momentum, unfortunately faf's grip on hetty continues
You guys should really start using image hosting websites that don't expire after a fucking week, like catbox. Was your last visit 4chan in 2009?
>>76359 You're expecting too much from bbw-channers. >>75432 That anon shared the previous thread with Faf because he "just wanted to see what he thought about the thread" without fully comprehending how extremely protective Faf is of his paid work. I'm curious as to what he thought Faf's reaction would be, was he expecting him to be totally cool with it? I really want to know what was going on through that anon's head at the time.
>>76369 >I really want to know what was going on through that anon's head at the time. Well, you know the old saying: "A stiff cock has no conscience"
>>76514 That doesn't really apply. Just an idiot who was trying to get a rise out of Faf not realizing that all it did was make Faf want to up his DRMs making it harder to leak his content. At this rate, it's more likely to get Viro to make Hetty content since he started his IHHAT series from reading Hetty.
>>76535 > Viro to make Hetty content Weeeell there was an idea he had floated about making a WG Drive and having Marci and Skylar compete against Hetty and Jimmy in an eating contest. He seemed pretty excited about it at the time... Though I'm not sure of the ramifications of borrowing a character for a WGD (especially if they're getting dunked on by your own OC, lol). I can't see Faf lying down on that, especially if money gets involved with the drive.
>>76991 Kowalski, Analysis!
>>76991 I ain't clicking that
>>76992 is a swf
>>76991 Wow, I did not think that anybody had that flash game. I was sure it was lost long ago. I believe someone else in this thread posted something that FaFcomic used to charge $50.00 (American) per download. For anyone who enjoyed the comic Hetty, I'm confident that this game is worth downloading and playing for free. However, that game was NOT worth paying $50.00. The game is just a minimal point-and-click feeding minigame with minimal game pieces, no audio, and no dialogue. I would understand it if there is anyone out there who paid full price and felt ripped-off after paying this. >>77000 Don't worry, the link just brings you to a temporary page on dropmefile.net. Until that page expires and is removed from the servers, the zipped game file can be downloaded directly from a link on that page. Ignoring the adds, I did not see anything malicious.
how do i use the download file? im using Winrar
so i open the folder and its showing two things, flashplayer_32_sa.exe and Hetty.swf so I tried pressing the flash player, it shows a page of flashplayer and nothing happen, so then I press Hetty.swf and it shows a bunch of codes, i need some assistance please?
>>77042 Open Flash Player, drag and drop the Hetty.swf file into the page
That's all for now, I could upload more things from FAF but you know that they are spying on us and it is not advisable to exceed the limits and that FAF finds out again, in the future I will upload other things just until things calm down a little, although we could negotiate outside of this platform if you are interested, I hope you enjoy Hetty's game, over and away
>>77052 Doin' god's work o7
now that the majority of us manage to have access to the flash game, now we just wait for someone to upload the rest of the Hetty comic
>>77052 Yup hopefully things have calmed
>>78248 Youchhh that's gotta hurt 🤣
>>78256 >Youchhh that's gotta hurt 🤣 Why? You don't think the anons in this thread should be careful because Faf could be scrolling his own thread with the expectation to find his paid content being shared and have it be taken down?
Christmas present?
>>79636 I ain't clicken that shit!
>>79648 I checked it. Seems fine. Just added some of the unreleased bonus content and the remaining few chapter 8 pages and two of the chapter 9 pages. If you recall the last big release mentioned in >>71346, there was nothing new to be found in this latest release but if you missed it the first time, enjoy.
>>79656 If that's the case I'm still more comfortable ignoring someone posts those here or another art site.
>>79636 Since FaF is such a possessive, autistic tool posting the images anywhere BUT here, where they'd be untouchable, is a waste of time.
>>79636 Reupload this.
What about this Fictional Game Show call: ‘Glutton Conquest’ from Hetty? Is there dark secret of Glutton Conquest that must happen to other female contestants was kill and turn into a food? That’s what I want to know.
>>80453 That's some fucked up wishful thinking right there. What gave you the indication that that was at all necessary, that they couldn't cater for the contestants normally?
‘Glutton Conquest’ from Hetty is an Fictional Game Show where five female contestants in eating and drink to gain the most weight they gain to become an Champion.
Faf isn't Viro. Also does anyone remember that hettys mom gave her money in chapter 2, but then it just never appears again? It seemingly just vanished together with hettys original personality.
Let it go you sperglords, this comic died out years ago
>>80474 I just thought that it was funny how Faf tries to make the life of his comic characters more miserable while he degenerates in the meantime.It just is really funny. Also does anyone has any idea how many chapters there are in total, i guess 9 or 10. But maybe Faf secretly continues to produce Hetty to this very day, funded but the 5 idiots that throw money at him and life chained up in his basement.
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Here’s a One Shot Comic that’s a prototype of Hetty that I’ve found.
>>80483 The front 2 girls looks just like the characters from vore party
>>80484 This One Shot Comic title is called: ‘First Love’ https://e-hentai.org/s/492142af3f/1984354-182
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We need to find the rest of ‘First Love’ Comic.
I mean it's still the same comic technically?
>>80497 Yeah, this is proto-Hetty. I think this gal winds up just being a straight up bitch to proto-Jimmy and ditching him as soon as the food dries up. Faf presumably has a kink for being findommed by fat bitches.
>>80498 Proto-Hetty Races is a cat & Current Hetty Races is a Wolf.
>>72950 As a Webnovel
There was seemingly a hetty novel: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/143269/post/3207990 Also the first love comic has more pages than the ones being posted here? I didn't knew that.
>>80543 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17298305/ But Fafcomics2 at Furaffinity has delete his novel. Is there anyone who has save Hetty Novel before fafcomics2 delete it, let us know.
>>80547 >https://kemono.su/patreon/user/143269/post/3207990 >>80547 Try on https://furarchiver.net/
Only problem is that i have no idea whats his name is.
Bro it wasnt written by Faf
>>72949 Any one of us can make into a WebNovel that continues when Hetty Part 9 Left off.
Will there be the pest control pages soon or in a long while? Just asking
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>>80585 Or we can do it Our Way.
>>72949 Gosh darn, that is as mechanical and dry as a continuation to that story possibly could be. I think your last sentence is half-right.
>>80636 OMG are you faf? I assumed you were dead!
>>80632 I wish we got a vore party sequel
>>80648 Lol no. He'd have written an entire thesis here, mocking us "snivelling worms" or "shit-flinging apes" or somesuch.
>>80649 Including Camping.
I was the one who originally wrote this post. >>72949 Seeing how it caught some interest, I decided to fix the grammar and to fully develop what I had it mind. I am NOT interested in writing an entire web novel, especially about this. However, I will still share what I have. Perhaps someone else could use my outline below as a starting point. Chapter 9: After Hetty's recent outing, she becomes more bold in her self indulgences and becomes more eager to show off her body and eating abilities. Jimmy has become rather jaded of preparing so much food for Hetty everyday while also working multiple part time jobs, and clearly expresses his lack of interest in Hetty's ambitions. Hetty, being rather inconsiderate of how Jimmy feels, insists that Jimmy further serves her and to improve his attitude. Jimmy finally expresses his unhappiness with Hetty verbally, but Hetty is dismissive of this. In response to Jimmy's open venting, Hetty takes her rude and greedy behavior to another level, causing more emotional tension between them over the following days. Hetty then decides to invite Luke (the mule character) back over to to feed her, as Jimmy did not leave as much food for as she would have liked. Jimmy comes home from work to catch Luke having sex with Hetty. Hetty is completely unapologetic for permitting Luke to have his way with her, and blames Jimmy for pushing her to do what she did. Jimmy completely loses his temperament, and threatens to call the police if Luke and Hetty don't leave the home immediately. Luke boasts to Jimmy as he leaves Hetty behind, getting everything he wanted from Hetty. Hetty is reluctant to leave, but Jimmy makes it very clear that he is going back on their agreement and that Hetty is no longer welcomed to stay. Chapter 10: Hetty remembers how she had previously lied to her mother about attending an adult summer camp, and she does not dare go back to her mother's home. With Luke being unavailable, and having no other family members or friends that she was comfortable asking to live with, Hetty was homeless. Hetty had no money as she had spent it all to order food while she was living with Jimmy. With no shelter, Hetty takes her belongings and camps in an alleyway, somewhere in the nearby city. The only food available to Hetty was what she got from finding stranger's food scraps, rummaging through dumpsters, and foraging in the local wooded areas outside the city. *For an audience who likes the vore aspect of the story (I don't), perhaps one could add a scene where Hetty tries to catch and eat small animals* After a few days, Hetty realizes that surviving as she was for the rest of the summer season would be absolutely miserable. Hetty thinks that if she could earn some money, she could afford some food and soon rent a cheap apartment. Given her circumstances, Hetty knew of only two ways she could earn some quick money. The first way was to get a well paying, full-time job of unskilled yet physically intensive labor, which Hetty immediately knows would not be practical for her. The second way was to seek an opportunity to become a sex worker at a local strip club. Hetty finds an establishment that hosts such a club, and is able to contact a manager to inquire about employment. Hetty believes that she might have an employment opportunity but quickly becomes reluctant, as the thought of becoming a stripper was too shameful and degenerate for even her. Hetty also knew that even if she does take this job, she still had to work a few nights before she could save enough to afford a place to rent. Considering her options, Hetty decides to go back to Jimmy's home and to humbly ask to stay, before she pursues employment. That following evening, Jimmy sees Hetty walking back to his home with her few belongings, visually desperate and sorrowful. Jimmy, being the doormat of a character he is, reluctantly allows Hetty back inside, and to sleep in his mother's room for the night. Chapter 11: Jimmy had managed to pay off most of his credit card debt during the days that Hetty was away. The following morning Jimmy prepares only a meager breakfast for Hetty. Jimmy is emotionally distant from Hetty, barely saying anything to her or looking at her at all. For the first time, Hetty is genuinely thankful for Jimmy and is remorseful of her actions. Although Hetty is not pleased with her current living arrangement and the lack of breakfast, she does not dare complain about it. Jimmy leaves for work and comes back that night with notably more food to prepare for both of them. This continues for a few more days, with Jimmy refusing to interact with Hetty any more than necessary. From a combination of genuine consideration, and concern of being homeless again, Hetty wants to make amends with Jimmy. While Jimmy is out working, Hetty makes an effort to clean up after herself, do some of the easier household chores, and shares tiny bits of her own food with Jimmy. Noticing a change in Hetty's behavior, Jimmy's anger slowly fades and he begins to speak with Hetty more often. One day, Jimmy finally decides to make a proposal to Hetty. Jimmy, being the lonely fool he is, offers to give Hetty his phone number, and asks if they could be boyfriend and girlfriend. This time however, Jimmy sets some modest rules and boundaries for them, which includes that Hetty is not allow to see Luke unless that he, Jimmy, permits it. Hetty casually accepts the offer, not caring to think about it too much. Chapter 12: The following weeks go by uneventfully. Occasionally, Jimmy holds what could be considered date nights, in which he makes a very large meal for Hetty, they then play videogames or watch movies together, and then have sex. During this time, Jimmy and Hetty introduce each other to their own friends. Hetty is completely uninterested in both Jimmy's athletic friends who play sports, and Jimmy's acquaintances who share his more niche hobbies. Jimmy does not get along with Hetty's preppy friends, including Hetty's popular classmate who had previously spoke lowly of Jimmy in chapter 1. Since it is implied that Hetty was not a virgin before meeting Jimmy, Hetty plausibly either has an ex-boyfriend or a former sexual partner. As Hetty has not seen Luke for a while, Hetty could feel bold enough to instead invite such a friend over to have dinner with Jimmy. There could perhaps be a scene where Hetty and her friend have fun teasing Jimmy over his insecurities before dropping the act and casually making amends. In such a case, Hetty would still remain loyal to Jimmy, but this would still cause emotional tension between them before Hetty agrees not to do it again. *I personally feel that the use of emotional disloyalty could be an interesting aspect to a romance drama, but I do NOT enjoy cuckoldry or netorare fetishes. I'm also well aware that cuckoldry and netorare content is VERY unpopular outside of niche audiences, so I highly suggest anyone not to use such themes in their own content.* Over time, Hetty begins to be more inconsiderate, overly assertive, and greedy with Jimmy, but at least makes sure not to go too far like before. Jimmy slowly begins to realize that, beyond his mutual desires of Hetty's weight gain, and their current living arrangement, he and Hetty have little compatibility as a couple. (continue in the next post)
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>>80635 >Our Way What the fuck do you mean by "Our way"? This isn't communist Russia. You're not Vladmir Stalin.
>>80687 Chapter 13: While Hetty has not seen Luke since the restaurant scene in chapter 8, the two have still been texting each other. Late into the summer, Luke contacts Hetty asking if she would still be interested in being a contestant on the Cable TV show called "Glutton Conquest". Hetty eagerly informs Jimmy that Luke can set her up as a contestant on the show, and that she would love to participate and have Jimmy be her feeder. Jimmy is not comfortable feeding Hetty over a public broadcast, and wants nothing to do with anything that Luke would be a part of. However, after Hetty pleads for Jimmy to go, and promises to use any cash winnings to help pay off his debt that Hetty had caused, Jimmy accepts. With Luke's inside connections to the staff who run the show, Hetty and Jimmy arrive to the studio and are permitted backstage as a pair of contestants. Luke spots Hetty and Jimmy, approaches them for conversation, and claims how glad he was that Hetty was able to make it. Jimmy is very uncomfortable by Luke's very presence, but he is able to keep is composure and acted tough. Luke is very casual with the two, and does not act hostilely towards Jimmy. Their brief conversation was interrupted by a quite thumping that grew progressively louder, before Luke turned his attention away. Isabel (the massive pig character), Luke's girlfriend, arrives to the scene, her frame was wider than a standard doorway and was taller than even Luke. Isabel properly introduces herself to Hetty and Jimmy, believing both of them to be well acquainted with Luke. Hetty notices Jimmy staring at Isabel's massive uncovered belly for a second before looking away. Hetty begins to feel jealous, and elbows Jimmy in the body for staring at Isabel. Through their conversation, Isabel seems to be polite, courteous, and very compassionate to those she cares about. As one might expect, Isabel could be very greedy at times, and was also prone to getting cranky when left hungry or uncared for. Still, Isabel is well aware of these flaws of hers, and does her best to act in a proper manner despite them. Then Isabel casually alludes to the fact that Luke had affairs with other women, and then playfully asks if Luke had any intimate history with Hetty. Jimmy and Hetty were both surprised to hear Isabel talk about this, and Luke bashfully admitted to Isabel that he had met with Hetty before. Isabel then admits that she and Luke were in an open relationship, and that she did not care about Luke's other affairs as long as he kept her rich, well fed, and cared for. Nearing showtime, Hetty is directed onto a dark stage to a long row of recliner chairs and tables, where Isabel and numerous other portly contestants were seated. The flood lights shined on, the cameras started recording, the show's theme music starts playing, and the next session of "Glutton Conquest" begins. Hetty spots Jimmy approach her amongst a line of other feeders walking to their feedies. Hetty looks around at the several other contestants seated around her, many of which were much larger and looked like more experienced eaters than her. *For any fans of Virovertuscy's content, one of the contestants seated near Hetty could be a wide, fluffy, female, anthro-feline with beige fur, accompanied by a lean, muscular, male, bipedal dragon with broad horns, and dark green scales.* Hetty immediately feels insecure, being surrounded by many larger and hungrier women. Still, with Jimmy standing besides her smiling, Hetty is able to remain calm. The staff's chefs pushed several huge carts of delicious food into nose-shot, and Hetty's appetite immediately flares. The show's host briefly introduces each of the contestants, explains the rules, and lists all the foods that would be present on each round. The first round begins, and Jimmy serves Hetty her first plate of food for her to dig into. Hetty tries her absolute best to keep up with the competition, and easily clears the preliminary rounds. After many of the other contestants had hit their limit, Hetty kept on eating along with Isabel and a few other contestants. Jimmy notices Hetty begin to gradually slow down her eating, as she continues to fall further behind from the leading contestants. While Jimmy and Hetty both want to win the competition, Jimmy can tell that Hetty was already suffering incredible pain. Although Jimmy did enjoy Hetty stuffing herself almost as much she herself did, Jimmy discourages Hetty from eating more, in fear that Hetty would rupture an organ. The increasing pain and discomfort Hetty was feeling began to overwhelm her competitiveness, along with any of the excitement and pleasure she felt from eating. Knowing her own limits, and observing how far behind she was already, Hetty finished her current plate, and then forced down one last dish before finally giving up. Isabel would go on to win the latest round of "Glutton Conquest" as she has often done before, incrementing her count of first place finishes on the show. For Hetty's effort, she manages to get fifth (5th) place overall, and got plenty of camera coverage for doing so well as an unexpected newcomer. Jimmy wipes Hetty's dirtied fur and tries to comfort her, as she lay stuffed, and semiconscious in the recliner on stage. Once the cameras stop running, the show's host hands Jimmy a check for a considerable amount of money for Hetty's 5th place finish, and claims to hope to see them again soon. Hetty, having set a new personal record for calories consumed in one sitting, and was more stuffed than ever before, wanted more than anything to go home and rest. Jimmy lifted Hetty up onto her feet, along with help of a few of the show's staff, who went on to help move some of the other contestants. Hetty rests her stuffed belly on the nearby table to digest, before eventually leaning on Jimmy and waddling out of the studio, wearing nothing but her recently torn clothes. Hetty was so fatigued, she hardly cared that she was now nearly nude while out in public, or that so many strangers were watching her during the bus ride back towards Jimmy's home. While Hetty was glad to be a contestant that day, she did not want to do that again anytime soon. Chapter 14: In the following days, Jimmy receives a phone call from his mom, checking to hear how he was doing. Jimmy tells his mom that he is still doing fine and is patiently waiting for her (and possibly his dad) to come home. Jimmy's mom then inquires about the many expensive payments to a local grocery store on one of her credit cards, and how Jimmy had managed to pay off most of it. Jimmy's mom continues by jokingly asking if Jimmy was feeding a large, ravenous animal. Jimmy, not wanting to have to tell his mom about Hetty, lies and says that he used the card to help out a friend who worked at the grocery store, and was slowly being paid back. Jimmy's mom is skeptical of Jimmy's story, but decides to find out the details later. Once the call is ended, Jimmy reminds Hetty the day his mom is scheduled to come home from her business trip. Jimmy tells Hetty that she needs to be out of the house no later than the day before his mom's return, so that he can clean up the home and destroy any evidence that Hetty was living there. Unfortunately for Jimmy, his mom travels back to town a few days before she was initially scheduled to return, and arrives at her home during the day while Jimmy is out working. Jimmy's mom is curious as to why her son was not home, and why there was such a large mess of food packaging in the kitchen and living area. Hearing what sounds like a deep snoring from deeper in the house, Jimmy's mom followed the noise towards her bedroom. She opens the door to see a massive, chunky, female (anthro) wolf, laying belly up, wearing nothing but tight, worn out underwear, sleeping soundly atop her utterly broken bed. Jimmy's mother watched silently for a few moments in utter confusion, before deciding to wake up the wolf girl to ask her who she was and what she was doing there. Hetty, still in a sleepy stupor, asks why Jimmy had come home early and then asks if he had brought her more food. Once Hetty becomes fully conscious, she sees not Jimmy, but his mother staring right at her. Hetty gives a nervous smile, introduces herself, and attempts to explain that he was staying in the home with Jimmy. Jimmy is rather surprised to find both his mom and Hetty waiting for him when he came home from work. With his mother demanding an explanation from him, Jimmy admits that he invited Hetty to stay over for the summer, which was also what Hetty had told her. Jimmy then also admits that he agreed to feed Hetty as much food as she asked for, and that he worked part time jobs to pay for all his credit card purchases at the grocery store. Jimmy also apologizes to his mom for not asking for her permission to invite guests, and immediately offers to clean up after Hetty's mess and to pay back the last of the debt. Jimmy's mother is peeved with Jimmy, and also wants Hetty to leave her house immediately. She then demands Hetty to either leave or call her own family and to tell them where she was, or she would report Hetty to the authorities for breaking and entering her home.
>>80690 Scared and worried, Hetty calls her own mom, reluctantly tells her where she was, and then asks to be picked up. Hetty's mom was not at all surprised to be receiving such phone call from her daughter, and says that she will come for her the next day. Hetty's mom had long ago confirmed that Hetty had never went to any adult summer camp, and that her daughter had been lying to her all summer. She had also heard from a friend who had allegedly heard that Hetty had made an appearance on the Cable TV show titled "Glutton Conquest". Upon investigating, Hetty's mom had found screenshots over the internet of her daughter during her time on the show alongside Jimmy, and more images of them afterwards. She was merely waiting until her daughter finally decided to come home. Hetty's mom drives to the home the next morning to pick up her daughter, and is greeted by both Jimmy and Hetty. Knowing her daughter well, Hetty's mother quickly figures out that Hetty had in fact stayed with Jimmy the entire summer, and that she was just using him for food, sex, and shelter. Hetty's mother is extremely angry with Hetty for her shameful and decadent behavior, as well as the fact that she was now fatter than ever. She is also furious with Jimmy upon learning that it was his idea to lie about Hetty going to summer camp, and that he had sanctioned and encouraged her daughter's awful behavior. Before leaving, Jimmy and Hetty reluctantly admit that their plan was a bad idea, and that they make a bad couple. Hetty and Jimmy separate, and move on with their lives. That is, until Hetty discovers that she got pregnant from Jimmy, as she did not once use protection. Hetty decides that she does not want to be stuck with Jimmy with the rest of her life, raising their child, and goes to get an abortion instead. The end.
>>80650 Some idiot decided it would be funny share this thread the Fafcomics, not realizing that doing so would prevent his content from being shared in fear of retaliation. Fafcomics is definitely aware of this thread. >>73463 Fafcomics has made it very clear that he thinks very lowly of people who leak his art, and goes through great lengths to protect it from being shared. I highly doubt that Fafcomics would ever want to keep track of this thread. However, there is a the possibility that he is still lurking this thread to this day. Fafcomics, if you are reading this, please feel free to share what you think. In its own backwards way, it would be a spectacle if you yourself were to post something in this thread.
If you wanna write a take on the hetty story, i think you should just start an alternative story from the end of chapter 3 onwards, because in chapter 4 the story already was derailed by faf. At the start of the story faf actually promised people that hetty and jimmy would have a close relationship in the future, but that never happened. Chapter 4 was the point were he kinda turned hetty into an asshole and introduced the fucking donkey, both of those were never needed.
>>80551 If there is someone with better tec knowledge than me, they could find out what the name of the hetty novel author was before the post was taken down. The problem is that furachiver has only an option to search for artist names. If there is a way to search content directly, it would be cool if someone who knows how could search for the novel.
>>80693 Hm, does this mean that sharing faf stuff is a good way to lure him out into the open to mock him...?
And what happened to that poor pizza delivery rabbit that Hetty Devoured?
>>80712 You know, in Hetty Part 5.
>>80712 That was al just a dream. Why are so many people around thinking it really happened, the comic made it really obvious that its not the case.
>>80785 I'd anyone going to post more art?
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Here’s two Hetty Fanart.
>>80801 Kinda makes me wonder how both Hetty and Viro's Marci from IHHAT would get along. Rivals?
>>" you got the right one" but you still haven't sit on my face. Who the fuck is this 😂
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>>80811 I will say, I do like how Hetty's depicted as bigger and taller than Jimmy. I enjoy the height difference.
>>80691 >Hetty discovers that she got pregnant from Jimmy, as she did not once use protection. Hetty decides that she does not want to be stuck with Jimmy with the rest of her life, raising their child, and goes to get an abortion instead. This is necesary?
>>80939 Is anything of this necessary?
Okay, any change for the last pest control pages? I would be very grateful.
>>80970 Hetty will give birth to her baby, gave a baby to an Adoptive Parent instead.
>>80974 And the Adoption Parent will raise Hetty/Jimmy Baby as their own without gluttony. The Adopted Baby will become a better person. Now that’s a Good Ending.
>>80974 >>80996 Actually, it'd be a better story if Jimmy got cucked and Hetty gave birth to another guy's child. It'd create more drama and bring more readers. Plus, it'd be much more exciting if the father turned to be an alien with a feeding fetish after he discovered Earth porn via a feeder clip had been accidentally beamed into his ship.
>>80997 Or An alternative Part 5 of Hetty, what if Hetty Devore pizza delivery bunny was true, Jimmy kick Hetty out of his house for eating a Rabbit. Hetty wander around the streets, there she’ll find a house where pizza Delivery Bunny Family live (while Pizza Delivery Bunny brother name Samson went to the store to buy food for his family). Hetty tricks Pizza Delivery Bunny Family into letting her in before she proceeds to violently eating the defenseless pizza delivery bunny family. Upon stumbling into the aftermath of the massacre, Samson is tried and convicted for the murder of his family and Devore of his pizza Delivery Bunny by a Hetty, he builds a zombie Frankenrabbits to take out his revenge on the actual murderer is Hetty. This’s a non canon. This’s one is inspired from Tale from the Crypt Final episode: The Third Pig.
>>81011 I mean Devour.
>>80971 🙏
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>>81011 >zombie Frankenrabbits what >>81027 >(Just asking) You're an impatient little fuckwad.
>>81011 This should be adapted as an anime.
>>81092 After the FrankenRabbit finish a job, FrankenRabbit didn’t stop as he went to the fictional game show: ‘Glutton Conquest’ to began killing and devouring the female contestants (their body is fat from eating and drinking) and the Champion: Isabella Grasa and continues. Meanwhile, Poor Samson having thought about what he has done. Samson : What have I done? One horrible glutton monster from the world I have rid, but created another, that's what I did. This abomination must not continue killing and eating innocent life. I'll have to dismember it sinew from sinew. FrankenRabbit return to the castle, Samson appears behind the FrankenRabbit and try to kill the monster with a knife, but Frankenrabbit grab and throw Samson to the floor. Then Frankenrabbit said to Samson as he pull the knife from his back and laugh evil. Frankenrabbit: Bunny, Bunny. Stop stabbing my back. You can't kill what's already dead. FrankenRabbit grab Samson rabbit ear, spinning around, and throw Samson at the huge pile of hay. As the FrankenRabbit walking Towards Samson, Samson found a water bucket with soap bar. Samson threw a water with a soap bar at the floor. Just as FrankenRabbit going to kill Samson, the he step the soap bar and began slipping and accidentally threw himself to the electric wire. Then the Electric Wire began to electrocute the FrankenRabbit and kill him for good. FrankenRabbit has been roasting into a rabbit meal. Just as Samson going to dismembered FrankenRabbit, Undead Hetty springs out of FrankenRabbit stomach, hamburger him between two slices of bun. Then Hetty stops it to tell them how much she enjoys this ending. Hetty: I love this ending so much, I think it's neat. And I've one thing to say. Bunny Leg, the other light meat. Hetty began to eating starting with his head as she chomped Samson head, she’s shallow Samson head, and she’s finished eating by throw a remain of Samson body into her mouth. And began eating it. The End.
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>>81176 Where are the fat chicks?
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>>81178 CATastrophe Doesn’t has a fat chick on it. This’s the only webcomic doesn’t has a fat chick. Sorry. But Chickenhouse (one shot webcomic by Faf) may has female weight gain and Vore
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So no more Pest control parts?
Does anumyone has the vorecomicclub? The 3d one about a fox girl and bunnues? I would die a happy man if someone posts it.
>>81192 https://www.deviantart.com/vorecomicsclub/gallery
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There’s one thing that Hetty, Vore Party, & Camping that Vore didn’t has: Blood and Gore. Like Tales from the Crypt Episode: The Third Pig. https://youtu.be/6roL7n3PDwQ?si=Iosy9Wk6Jv4Fz41N
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>>81205 Yeah but its out of order and not finished
>>81241 https://subscribestar.adult/vore
>>81252 you can't get the pages that way. you start at page 1 and work your way to the current pages. if it took 2 years for faf to make page 100 then it'll take you 2 years to get to page 100.
In ‘Camping’, why won’t the Camping Nurse Fox Girl just kill, chop, cook, and eat the all the rabbit with blood and gore instead of shallow the rabbit? In ‘Vore Party’, Why won’t Diana and Sally kill, chop, cook, and eat the all the rabbit with blood and gore instead of shallow the rabbit?
>>81263 Why no vore party 2? On a different note can someone post mick's quest 1 and 2?
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>>81270 Someone posted the full thing on u18chan. Should be there if you look hard enough. I believe it was posted by a guy who faf pissed off with his belief people are leaking his stuff with questionable evidence.
>>81273 Look like anyone going to make a novel that based on ‘Camping’, ‘Vore Party’, & ‘Hetty’.
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>>81232 This’s Vore with Blood and Gore look like.
>>81315 Is this Ren and FUCKING Stimpy?
>>81316 No. This’s from Tales from the Crypt Final Episode: ‘The Third Pigs’.
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The Wolf Girl is eating Bunny Kids! FUCKING BUNNY KIDS!!
>>81375 what the fuck
>>72799 👀
>>81375 They're all young adults i think. They just look like kids due to the size difference
>>81390 What’s going to happen if one of the bunny going to keep eating to become very fatter?
>>81273 >>81266 >>81267 >>81269 >>81270 Here is the full comic https://u18chan.com/c/topic/1232221 It is at around page 45 of the furry comic Indices too
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This is the original 'pest control' comic, someone uploaded it to YT a couple of years ago, missing a couple of pages.
>>81420 Thank You for finding the complete Mike Quest for us. Now we need to find Hetty Part 9 in u18chan.
>>81467 I just hope it gets put on another site like ehentai before something happens to it
>>81398 Well, Camper Fox Girl going to cook or marry a fat bunny boy name Tubby (who’s ate all food at the camp ground) from fafcomics2 One Shot Comic: ‘Camping’.
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>>81542 What the hell is up with the website? Looks like dark web shit
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Here’s three colored version of ‘Camping’ & ‘Vore Party’.
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I found one colored page of Hetty Part 1. Fact: Hetty was originally to be a fox girl with orange fur before she’s was change to Wolf.
>>81553 I see.
>>81553 >>81586 >samefagging on a board with post IDs Retarded motherfucker. The least you could've done was reset your router if you wanted to make it seem another anon was interested in your post. God damn. You are dumb.
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>>80687 If Hetty catch a small animal in the street, she would eat it
>>81599 Okay...?
This Thread is now Locked!
>>81601 >This thread is now Locked! Oh no. What ever will I do? It's not like I can reply to this retard without any issue.
>>81420 Someone please download all the pages of mick's quest and have them available on another website.
