/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Happy Tree Friends Thread Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 09:21:33 Id:2e41b2 No. 72117
Post these toony critters with their humor so funny, it hurts.
(587.08 KB 1500x1080 flaky_by_lumerrac_dfxb686.png)
(527.62 KB 4096x2730 Cuddles.png)
(487.87 KB 3508x2400 CuddlesAndFlaky.png)
(641.12 KB 2456x1924 Flaky.png)
(79.12 KB 673x572 Mime.png)
(491.01 KB 3508x2400 LammyAndPetunia.png)
Enjoy my slop or whatever
(541.99 KB 3597x1876 Nutty.png)
(629.97 KB 1650x1400 Nutty(Again).png)
(421.92 KB 2245x1641 NuttyAndHandy.png)
(388.42 KB 2160x1530 Handy.png)
>>72137 honestly while I'd still call this slop you're in a very respectable, for lack of a better term, position in slopitude. the underlying skill and knowledge of shapes is there it's just the inability to break away from the show's artstyle that makes it look like deviantart slop keep it up tho anon you got promise
>>72137 Ngl I don’t care if it’s seen as “slop” I actually really, really like this ngl This is great holy shit
(677.61 KB 1125x1920 tumblr_p7opydraoR1tobgfyo1_1280.jpg)
(7.67 KB 250x200 images.jpeg)
(5.03 KB 417x406 media_GRTW4qHXEAAT5U-.png)
(130.37 KB 1300x1500 F6jp4-HaMAAwryr.jpeg)
>>72400 Got some stuff to tide this thread over.
(11.52 KB 282x179 images (1).jpeg)
(8.71 KB 292x172 images (3).jpeg)
(4.80 KB 259x194 images (2).jpeg)
>>72418 >>72419 >Preggers Petunia Okay, based. >Error 1016 message >Five literal thumbnails Why?
>>72420 >>72419 >>Five Fuck, it was actually four thumbnails but posting THUMBNAILS when you can find the full-sized images is ridiculous.
(312.85 KB 3031x1967 1604339472.masterj291_zc_htf.png)
(719.51 KB 1552x1984 1675273828.masterj291_htf_flaky.png)
(183.44 KB 904x1280 1625221732.masterj291_nutty_1.jpg)
(174.24 KB 904x1280 1625221878.masterj291_nutty_2.jpg)
(259.21 KB 905x1280 1625222044.masterj291_nutty_3.jpg)
(289.81 KB 904x1280 1625222276.masterj291_nutty_4.jpg)
>>72420 Read the second post. >>72423 Here ya go!
(518.18 KB 2492x3084 FlPKpoZWQAEjdSm.jpg)
(528.52 KB 2492x3084 FlPKqpnWAAE5f8X.jpg)
(500.48 KB 2644x3000 FlqVk-hXEA4wuqO.jpg)
(509.25 KB 2644x3000 FlqVl-QXEAcWNyX.jpg)
(209.79 KB 1758x2048 GCfzROFXMAAP0QV.jpg)
(217.96 KB 1758x2048 GCfzROmXsAAN6cF.jpg)
>>72431 The Cloudflare Origin DNS error? What was the point of posting that? I think you have a public humiliation fetish, but it's likely an extreme manifestation bought upon by severe mental retardation.
>>72455 Let's just post some fat bodies, alright?
(683.79 KB 2520x3755 FxMx7UJXsAATwcu.jpg)
(778.87 KB 2520x3755 FxMx8SrXoAEfGoA.jpg)
(238.52 KB 1762x2048 GCkWcx2W4AAMqid.jpg)
(253.99 KB 1762x2048 GCkWcx1XoAAH5Fj.jpg)
>>72479 Okay, retard.
>>72500 These suck fuck off and kys
>>72502 Guacamole nigga penis
(6.94 KB 471x327 media_F0dGmIzWIBQ-InO.png)
(145.31 KB 1758x1525 20240822_191506.jpg)
(10.50 KB 200x141 download.jpeg)
(222.03 KB 2048x1752 GUK3l3TW8AAxkIO.jpeg)
>>72802 Holy shit who made this
>>72804 GlupSpooky
>>72806 Thanks brother your a real one
>>72479 >Porcupine canonically inflates from peanuts >Everyone wants to fuck her. Don't get me wrong I'm not kink shaming, I dig it! Still it's the little things in life that tickle me pink 🩷
>>72816 Me too! I love me a Flaky Balloon!
>>73832 We need more flippy
(261.91 KB 975x1069 1694207418.foamytail_flaky_shy.png)
(184.00 KB 2048x1437 GXixPgiWAAAjFNG.jpeg)
(940.51 KB 2407x1455 1726714736.sugarrodent_obess.png)
>>74579 Yooooo Who made this? I like it a lot
>>74589 SugarRodent on furaffinity
(3.01 MB 2313x720 1709671569.sugarrodent_sus.png)
(387.63 KB 1806x2040 1727120809.baohwow_img_2063_jpeg.jpg)
(224.16 KB 821x821 119402898_p0.jpg)
(158.53 KB 1350x1428 GYh2YmLW8AAugVW.jpeg)
>>75088 Artist???
>>75094 riasgrave on Twitter
>>75088 That thigh squish and that belly being shifted by one of Flaky's legs! OUGH!
(745.42 KB 4000x2750 NuttyBlobPortraitShading .png)
(426.68 KB 4000x2750 NuttyBlobPortrait.png)
(380.98 KB 643x558 GZKf8O1WIAAAq8x.png)
>>75679 That looks very adorable.
(57.14 KB 715x702 MimeAndRaboot.png)
(275.49 KB 1698x1777 GacnTZMXoAAqo6x.png)
(316.99 KB 2048x1658 GDLXJ2aWwAAmxPX.jpeg)
>>77882 Handy My beloved
(174.30 KB 1250x1000 Untitled1055_20241125132036.png)
>>78564 VERY good blob wao
someone must leak all of Nemao's sprites so that we can make fat edits of them.
(462.96 KB 2048x2048 GiAcUo4WQAASUAO.jpeg)
(14.82 KB 571x603 GilE-VxXIAEBpWM.png)
