/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Bear general IgotPinmyeye 09/24/2024 (Tue) 23:56:04 Id:1be76a No. 74738
Looked everywhere no bear thread so since polar bear thread is dead time for a bear general to post everything in! I'm mostly making this because of the news about Li mei and her animality is just her turning into a panda and sitting on someone's face. Surely there is potential there for some fur shenanigans! But yeah we need more general threads anyways so post all your bear goodness below!
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>ywn feel a female anthro bear's fat tits and belly push against your legs while she sucks you off with her razor-sharp teeth and plump dick sucking lips
>>74741 Man, that must end with a bleeding dick!
(5.52 MB 1920x1920 1709562112.migarada_bear.png)
>>74753 >Implying there'd be any semblance of a penis left behind after the blowjob goes horribly wrong
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>>74871 Hey. Retard. KK Slider isn't a bear. He's a dog.
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>>74872 Sorry. It's nothing an edit can't fix. I, the not-so r-tarded man will not repeat this.
>>74878 >not-so r-tarded man Censoring "retarded" with a hypen in place of the e really isn't helping your case, nitwit. Also, you're posting on a chan board. You can call anons a variety of slurs without feeling the need to c*nsor to get past some stupid filter.
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