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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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general inflation 3 Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 15:37:15 Id:084b80 No. 79087
time for a 3rd since the 2nd was bump locked
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(2.43 MB 2048x1365 F0WZMRwWcAAV_fx.png)
(3.19 MB 2339x1654 FsmPCsRX0AQD-qi.png)
>>79087 >Starts the thread with cow inflation. Based.
(2.18 MB 3508x2480 20241108_115740.jpg)
(1.42 MB 1606x1274 IMG_2555.png)
>>79092 >Adds to the thread with Toriel Also based.
>>79549 >Virus-20 >12.30.2024 I don't think Virus-20 is stagnating anymore. His artistic skills aren't improving. He has actually gotten worse overtime. God damn.
(402.48 KB 728x479 image_2025-01-03_131358816.png)
(49.38 KB 1582x839 image_2025-01-03_131405334.png)
>>79732 It's gotten to the point where he had to redesign his OCs which did not need "fixing" as his own words says. So much so that they look unrecognizable and ugly as sin.
>>79739 Seeing the image of old Zaria vs new "Zaria" next to each other is literally just the "Soul vs Soulless" meme. This shit's tragic, anon. He took his best OC and butchered the absolute shit out of her. Unbelievable.
(130.72 KB 1166x1357 Ggd9G-LXoAAAKC4.jpg)
oooouuuugggghhhhhhh monkey big and round
(207.33 KB 2000x1600 GhxNg9zbEAEOv55.jpg)
>>80504 >PressurePurse OUGH I LOVE HIS NEW STYLE
(1.66 MB 5760x5760 locks+tour+guest+fates+wip2.jpg)
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(2.34 MB 6000x9000 roary+design+hq+BB+bra+only.jpg)
(290.01 KB 1177x854 Susie_Curious_3.png)
(1.45 MB 5760x5760 locks+tour+guest+fates+wip5.jpg)
(3.16 MB 2160x1620 IMG-1316_2.png)
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(993.47 KB 3000x2400 kurger+fanart+1.png)
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(1.30 MB 3000x2400 kurger+fanart+2.png)
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(5.23 MB 12000x10560 Cm+crash+Liz+n+Ami+CS.jpg)
(2.02 MB 4000x4000 magenarcherfunny.png)
(1.70 MB 4000x4000 momentsbeforepuffblimp.png)
(2.73 MB 4000x4000 nerdpuffblimped.png)
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posting a sequence I made
(536.07 KB 2000x2000 iggyvpetshop.png)
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(302.41 KB 1323x2048 FJyzErnXIAIw3OS.jpg)
(6.03 MB 3750x3188 02212025blimp.png)
>>82283 HOLY! This guy still drawing? Though he disappeared and nuked all of his galleries. Where did ya find it?
(5.42 MB 3684x3360 767499754dd=.jpg)
>>82286 nah i just know him. hes moved on from posting this stuff/being an online presence. these are really the only two inflation pics hes drawn since he nuked everything last year. hes doing well just wants to move on with his life i guess was told i can share these so enjoy the drawings
