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Maria Alive Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 04:34:57 Id:60d8a3 No. 149859
Maria seems to have gotten on the chubby train the last few months. Here is a few recent OF vids from her. Would love for other to share what they got too. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkZ6VUhWU2RUTTBUVVk9 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV0U0VkZSalpVSlhOMGM9
>>171519 I could make a edit of you at roughly 220lbs if that cool with you of course?
You could just actually gain and find out, instead of claiming to gain and lose the same 10 lbs over 5 years
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>>171558 To be fair, she do got some chonk going on now.
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>>171533 >>171554 >>171558 My heaviest was 191lbs, but I simply wonder from there. How will it spill out, esp. with legs gaining the most mass + being a short torso girl. Genuine question, asking the experts. Like maybe some of you know models that have similair builds.
>>171562 Assuming this isn't someone pulling a fake reiina like situation again and it is the actual person, I was wondering if you are going to do inflation content again in the future?
>>171562 Do you guys really need a timestamp? As for the other question. I'm thinking about it again. I am curious on how it would look at my current size/capacity. But the nagging part is... piracy on inflation was so hardcore that I simply left that part of the scene - end rant.
>>171562 I honestly think you would look incredible at 220.You already looked great at 191
>>171568 Well you did some great videos a few years ago doing inflation (The counter top chugging and air inflation vid is an all time favorite), though inflation might not be as impactful as back then with gaining weight. Might be different since you already had a great capacity but idk
>>171562 those legs are amazing
>>171519 Hello, Maria: I share your opinion. I have never seen weight gain on another female body similar to yours before. I'm sure you would look amazing, as your body fat is distributed in a very balanced way: first on your thighs, then on your tummy and abdomen, and finally on your breasts. It would be fascinating to see how your body evolves as you gain weight. Also, I have noticed that, as you put on weight and experience inflations, your belly takes the shape of a big balloon. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
>>171712 your edit looks trash
>>17172 Thanks your contribution to society has been noted a free head pat and milk is available to you have a nice day 😊
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>>171712 morphs are not allowed on this board. please keep them in /alt/ only
>>171738 The model herself literally asked for an edit??
>>171741 These are the rules though goofy
>>171741 read the rules you retard, no model is bigger than her thread
I wasn't necessarily looking for a morph, even tho it looks pretty rad. It's still very fantasy based lol. I was looking for models ( even outside of our community) that maybe have a similair built to mine, so I know what I can sort of expect. >>171644 I might be more balanced then some. The only thing I could mention is that I can already no longer shop in regular stores with my current size, mostly because of my dang legs. Anyways, thanks for all the replies thus far.
>>171883 >The only thing I could mention is that I can already no longer shop in regular stores with my current size, mostly because of my dang legs. Yeah I'm thinking you need to come to the US and shop there if you want pants off the rack lol
>>171883 The closest comparison I could think of would be Goddess Shar but where she's more belly your more thighs ☺️
>>171568 Timestamp or larper.
>>153826 Old comment but ggg and Reina are still friends. both of them deleted the same video from Curvage (prob having to do w the guy bc all of their other videos together are still up) I think Maria is the weird one. reina publicly supported Maria everywhere after they met irl for a long time until Maria started trashing her out of nowhere. Maria being clearly anti fat yet gaining weight for money explains why she would turn on a friend in the community for getting too fat
>>173309 You’re trying to sound impartial but you’re not, you’re a reiina simp. You’re referring to the time when Maria posted on here about her and reiina hanging out, and Maria basically said reina was acting crazy, crying, high on shrooms the whole time. And that comment about Maria being anti fat is funny, when reiinapop takes money made from FAs and uses it to fund her wls
>>173319 never saw that, just saw the pics of them together. if you can show me a single moment of Reina saying anything negative about Maria anywhere you should, from what it seems Maria was kind of a judgemental cunt. Crying and high on shrooms, maybe Maria bullied her. a girl who gains 200 pounds and has a history of working with models way bigger than her and supporting them who clearly has a fat fetish vs someone who has never gained a substantial amount and fakes people our year after year? and the wls rumor is a load of shit, anyone who’s followed her saw how hard it was for her to gain. bet all she had to do was stop trying for the weight to come off
>>173332 accurate, says she wouldn’t gain or get any bigger, while simultaneously talking about current gainers. Starts gaining 😭
The vid she just uploaded to Curvage looks looks really promising
This might be a hard ask but there’s a specific older video I can’t find of hers where she’s eating a popsicle, if anyone has it I would really appreciate it.
It's just a promo vid, but I thought it may be something to keep this tread alive: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=66eafee8d7d5e
Anyone have any of her new stuff? She looks way fatter now. Posting some older stuff as a contribution https://gofile.io/d/sTWziq
>>176813 Holy fuck dude
>>176813 Goddamn, the chunkier she gets, the hotter she gets. Her thighs especially are incredible.
She's looking pretty chunky in her latest instagram post https://www.instagram.com/maria___alive/p/DBD85NyC0wv/?hl=en&img_index=1
>>176813 Might not be "newer" but I have a nice gem which can't be found. Think she deleted it lol she deleted all the good ones get it while you can https://gofile.io/d/xR7Nia
Some of my older stuff will return in the shop when I´m ready for it. This one was crazy tho! Never knew someone actually liked my masturbation stuff!
>>178119 yeah and honestly I think that's some of your best stuff
She's finally gaining, isn't she? Check her Instagram O.O
>>180082 It's an on and off situation. She does it for a bit then it's backs to being tone and somewhat muscular
>>180082 She’s not. She’s always claims she is or plans to then bails. It’s a grift. She’s looked the same for years
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>>180458 She has looked the same for years. Yes. But look at her now! She's ballooning! I think it is happening what happened to Reiina before. She went up and down and at a certain moment she began to gain until a few months ago. I think Maria Alive is doing something similar.
>>180465 She literally looks the same. If she gets to half of reiina I’ll eat my words
>>178151 theres an ass for every seat
>>180465 She's not gonna get ridiculously huge. Honestly she's in the range of "hot despite being fat" for people outside of the fetish
She will always look the same. Maybe 10lb gain from here but that’s about it guys. Don’t get your hopes up.
>>180599 My thoughts exactly. Like her content but ye
>>180599 >>180537 Honestly, that’s a good thing. Blobs are disgusting.
>>180735 It is but the charade isn't. She always makes it sound like she's gaining more than she is. And always claims shes making content but never posts anything.
>>180756 everytime its pointed out
>>180735 It depends. I wouldn't mind seeing her with 100 lbs more on her body.
https://gofile.io/d/Bk7l3Z She's at her highest i guess
thanks for the public video preview retard
>>181107 She always sticking her belly out to make it look bigger than it actually is
