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tianastummy Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 13:23:34 Id:2959cd No. 154356
Ever since she got a feeder bf she's been blowing up like crazy. Went from "chubby" to actually fat in only ~6 months. Her belly is massive, and she has a permanent double chin now. And apparently her feeder has now moved in with her, meaning she'll only going to get bigger. First pic is from ~2021, second is from less than a year ago. Here are some goodies to get this thread started: https://we.tl/t-FVW6Vs3NaP You'll need 7-zip or something to open the archive. Password is "bbw-chan" (w/o quote marks, obviously).
>>157178 Man, it is crazy hot to see her go from slow gaining to rapid
>>157178 Those stretch marks tell you everything you need to know about how quick her weight gain has been
I thought Candii and Tiana were somewhat neck and neck...I now see I was woefully mistaken
She’s getting massive. Everywhere
She's swelling every video. Stretch marks are sexy af. She got herself a feeder and took the breaks off completely. GOAT
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>>157178 I can't believe you posted stills from her new video and didn't include the part where she STANDS UP. good GOD my jaw hit the fucking floor
>>157209 oh also here you guys go https://gofile.io/d/4Z3I8j
>>157207 She's on a pace to break records. I'm hard pressed to come up with another model who's packed it on like Tiana for a 6 month period. I don't know how much longer she can keep this up, but it could be epic.
Gotta see a weigh in soon. I bet she’d be shocked to see how much she’s packed on so far this year, probably pushing to 250s already
>>157209 That double chin really turns me on the most, specially cause we've got all that contrast material, its so beautiful
>>157210 she is out of control - what a body!
>>157172 “Don’t reach out online because that’s creepy, just stalk her until you find out where’s she’s to intercept her in person” A normal person might be weirded out to find out you watch their OF, but not when you’re specifically looking for a feeder too
>>157209 Fuckkkk I hope her boyfriend makes her massive. I want to see her hit 400 lbs. She's so hot
>>157248 Funnily enough that’s how she met her current bf, he reached out online and lives in a different state. But sure, go for it anon, stalk her until you muster up the courage to approach her in person! It’s the only way!
>>157254 Women can read you know
>>157209 Holy fuck she got out of breath just standing up
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Someone posted this comparison in the OF comments
>>157278 This is the best timeline
>>157596 shut the fuck up, nobody cares. let's get this thread back on track. New OF content dropped. This one's a weigh in and also her explaining a little bit about things with her feeder (and just casually drops that he convinced her to quit her job) https://gofile.io/d/rUndge
>>157605 damn that's a much faster gain than her usual rate. I would love to imagine what a 300lb Tiana would look like
Thanks for posting the short weight check in clip to gofile. Was this a direct message video on OF? Tiana brings up some interesting points, how she weighed around 210 in december, and quickly lost weight in january. She wanted to lose weight and got a little active, in her words she is incredibly sedantary so any physical activity causes the weight to drop fast Then her feeder had her gain 20lbs. Shes put on another 20lbs, is around 240. As the other anon said she casually drops the fact her feeder had her quit her day job to focus on being a fat pig I think we're in for a fun summer. Tiana could drop the weight if she wanted to... But it seems like she will continue to pile it on
does she ever do videos about friends / family reactions to her gain?
>>157748 Ah she's a full time feedee now, that explains a lot
>>157605 >feeder had her quit her job to be a full time feedee God damn, my penis is about to explode
>>157807 She never actually talks about anything interesting or sexual.. just stream of conscious bullshit, mostly about food preferences
>>158074 Then stop watching her??
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Bros holy shit…
>>158133 Bro is allow to have opnions lol
>>158074 Like someone who just took a edible lol but it kinda makes her stand out
>>158219 lol how so
Kind of stupid she stopped doing funding videos now that her capacity is way bigger. I feel like she lured us in with that then got lazy. If that feeder is good for anything then funnel feed that pig a gallon while she's sitting on a big dido. Of shes too full judt run her belly and make her cum til she has room for more then put all the clips together so we can enjoy her chugging snd burping entire time. Lack of production value is sad if this is her new full income. If you're gonna ruin her body at least do it right bro.
>>158254 I think She’s doing fine
>>158218 That's not really an opinion. It's just him complaining about why she doesn't talk about her sexual life; which she does if you actually sit through one of her videos. She even showed a ton of nudity (not nearly as much now but still) so idk why he's complaining.
>>158308 You just described an “opinion”. And in my opinion her monologues are unlistenable. Sorry I don’t like your manic pixie dream girl, anon 🤷‍♂️ Great gainer tho
>>158254 She has a day job. Calm down.
>>158337 Heard its nice different offices across the country.
>>158308 Buddy you just described it. Read a book cause your stupid is showing lmao
>>158232 Cause she just talks about random shit. Like the last car stuffing she spends most of it talking about religion and etc. Not a bad thing but funny
>>158393 Mans has never once touched a titty
>>158393 She's getting fat as fuck, no one gives a shit if she's also chatting shit in her videos, you whiny prat.
>>158337 Actually she mentioned in a vid that she quit her day job now that she has moved in with her feeder. I think so anyways.
>>158337 no she doesn't. She was convinced by her feeder to quit.
Anyone got her latest post
>>158908 Tianastummy? I love you
>>158908 >>158917 Oh that wasn’t your name
>>158918 Based retard
>>158254 She can eat more often not more at once, seriously doubt her capacity increased in the past 6 months. Best competitive eaters are lean.
>>158415 >>158592 If you say so? She made a post the other day how she tweaked her back at work. Even if that's true I will never understand how these women allow their temporary boyfriends to jeopardize themselves financially.
>>159051 >women I think you answered your own question
