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tianastummy Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 13:23:34 Id:2959cd No. 154356
Ever since she got a feeder bf she's been blowing up like crazy. Went from "chubby" to actually fat in only ~6 months. Her belly is massive, and she has a permanent double chin now. And apparently her feeder has now moved in with her, meaning she'll only going to get bigger. First pic is from ~2021, second is from less than a year ago. Here are some goodies to get this thread started: https://we.tl/t-FVW6Vs3NaP You'll need 7-zip or something to open the archive. Password is "bbw-chan" (w/o quote marks, obviously).
Password don’t work…
>>154362 Dont password connect to laptop it will pull up files
Go into recovery mode transfer ext data files from system storage put in sd card storage. Stole tons of porn over the years like this no password needed lol
Wrong password…
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>>154366 >>154362 It works for me.... Again, it's just "bbw-chan"
Nice thanks, agree she’s one of the hottest active gainers. Is there anything here that isn’t on cooker already?
>>154372 About 40 pics
>>154362 >>154366 >>154365 For those of you that are on iPhone or android download Izip and then go to document browser and click tianastummy then it’ll work
She managed to gain 20 pounds the last time her feeder was in town. Now that he’s moved in with her she may blow up like a zeppelin. She already can stuff a huge amount in one sitting.
Shes a certified goat. So hot
>>154395 The feeder must want her big, encouraging her to pack on 20 lbs in a month. Stay tuned, this could be epic
>>154404 Definitely. For me, she's second only to CGV.
the new weight is amazing. this is peak and if she keeps going goated
Her feeder is fuckin great too in the vids. He doesn't show himself on camera much and doesn't say stupid shit. He just feeds her and gives some belly slaps.
Imma be honest with you chief I'm extremely jealous of her bf but he's done such a great job, I would shake hands and congratulate him for it The spoilered pics are less than 9 months old, her gain has been insane. She might hit 250 soon at this rate.
>>154480 Also helps he looks like he takes care of himself. I'm genuinely torn between being happy for them and shaking my fist at a cloud screaming "IT SHOULDA BEEN MEEEEEE"
>>154356 Just sharing what my anti-virus shared with me: "Virus detected"
>>154512 Ironic that you pay for an antivirus software to download a pirated $10 video.
please do not send zipped files with passwords people will start sending viruses
>>154587 >>154595 OP here, it's just some mp4 files. Like, there isn't even an executable in there. WTF? You retards need to stop being so paranoid. Either that, or learn how computers work. You can't just "catch a virus" like it's the flu or an IRL virus or something. A virus works by executing malicious code - running some bytes through a decompression algorithm in your media player is not executing code. Is this the famous "zoomer tech illiteracy" I heard so much about? I genuinely just wanted to share her newest stuff because I thought it's hot af. Get a grip, morons.
>>154673 When is vegas ? Make sure I can walk..
>>154500 She used to be so slow to gain as well. If they stay together, she's going to be gigantic next year.
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After is from her latest OF video
>>154673 Actually there used to be a hilarious Windows Media Player exploit that could trick the program into running a virus by playing a certain video format (I don't think it was mp4--in fact at the time I'm not sure windows media player even *could* run mp4) so there's actually precedent for stuffing viruses into video files. But most people use VLC and that shouldn't have any weird mp4 exploits lol
>>154858 Wow she used to be so cute
>>154414 I miss CGV
unless your in the same city as her theres like a 0% chance it "could have been you" so whatever. she gets fatter thats epic just as long as he fucking stays in the background and i dont have to look at some ratface were cool
>>154875 Such a legend
>>154858 good fucking lord
>>154944 I choose your pussy to eat from the menu
>>154961 No own its a no go . - uptown
>>154976 You call that ballers lmao ny show em
I really want to see her get pregnant. Just imagining her swollen tits leaking milk is killing me
>>154480 And he looks good, it certainly doesn't hurt. Nothing kills a boner like watching a goblin feed the hot fatty.
>>154500 In one of her vids she was saying she was expecting to be 250 or 275 at the end of the year. That got me laughing cause with all the weight she already gained with the help of her feeder before he even moved in, there is now way she'll be only 250 by then unless she has health issues preventing her.
>>154863 Come on now, for a fattie she's still cute. Slowly eroding as we're watching her progressively turn into a blob but still, for her weight she looks great.
>>155173 Yeah she’s got great genetics in general but honestly I think she’s prettier thin
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From yesterday's car stuffing It's amazing how fat she looks now
>>155222 I agree, but she still aight. As long as she's happy it doesn't really matter.
>>155222 What the fuck are you on about she looks way better fat
>>155244 Some people just don’t like women and express themselves in really weird ways.
>>155234 Good damn! It's gonna be an exciting 2024
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>>155250 >>155244 Lmao are you guys actually gonna say there’s something wrong with me, she was fine af when she was thin
>>155258 You are on a fat fetish site so of course people gonna say you're wrong. I do agree with you she was a gem when she was skinny, but she is a gem now also.
>>155258 Yeah and now she looks even better
>>155258 damn she lowkey hotter thinner
>>155258 Yeah she was stunning while skinny, but it tickles my brain the right way that this girl turned into this >>155234
>>155258 Yeah she was a little hottie but the way her arms and face have filled out make her look more feminine and less girlish. To me she looks much more fertile at her current size IE ready to get pregnant. There's just something about a happy glowing fat chick that skinny girls just don't have, like they're finally in bloom.
>>155258 Ti me it doesn't matter. She's one of the rare few in the fetish that looks good regardless of her weight class
>>155292 You sound like you have lamps made out of skin in your house
damn she was a cutie when she was skinny and before the permanent skin doodles. Definitely in my top 5 gainers right now, just wish there was a more visible difference in her gut when she stuffs or that she'd push herself to the limit more. Regardless she's sure to really blow up now, sounds like she's prepared to get really fuckin big.
Her stuffing content and how she is so bad at showing off her belly looking huge is aweful. This just has the worst content and the best personality it's a real bummer. Like who spends 30 minutes stuffing to turn the camera off at the end? It should be the other way around belly should be sideways puffed out looking huge. Ain't no one jerking off to you sitting in the car looking half as fat as you actually are. Boring as fuck. Literslly gotta wait for the walking videos to even try to bust a nut to this lazy ass. Like this chick maxed her belly out gets it to where we need it then turns the camera off. So fucking stupid. Shoe that gut off what are you thinking? Don't stuff yourself that much if you can't hang at the end sheesh.
>>155303 Right because fully expressing my preference for beautiful fat chicks on a site dedicated to them is just so wrong and creepy, grow up.
>>155308 "Aweful" "Literslly" "Shoe" She's in a car in a public place dude. You get to see her eat and some tits. It's never been her thing to do what you're describing. The closest is her funneling content. You aren't being forced to watch her stuff.
Lmao some people… Woman blows up in front of our eyes clearly eating food and it’s still a problem with HOW she’s doing it. Some people eat all day long (clearly she does) and some eat massive amounts at once. All that should matter is she’s clearly eating.
>>155312 There's a way to do it without sounding like Hannibal Lecter. Get better at writing.
Sixty-plus replies and only the OP had any actual “goods” (re-posts from coomer) Can’t convince me this site isn’t just a den of hot goss and constant complaining about women
>>155344 In fairness to OP, they upped that before coomer got updated
>>155344 OP here, I uploaded it before it showed up on coomer. In any case, here's her latest car stuffing: https://we.tl/t-utKUsFNuV1 In the future, please try to not bite the hand that feeds you. (Or, you know, just subscribe to her OF? I think it's well worth the price)
>>155344 Well, yeah, we hate them (duh)
>>155352 >>155366 Anon here, I wasn't calling you out, I said you were the only one with any goods whatsoever. But like, no shit it isn't much of a contribution since she's the most subbed-to model in this space (I am also subbed, so you can get off your high horse). Her coomer is gonna be updated more than any other model's. So unless it's something outside the coomer's crawler there's no point in having a thread that's only gonna devolve into a retarded hatejerk.
>>155366 she's looking really fucking fat gatdam
Im her feeder
>>155412 Then what the fuck are you doing wasting time on this toxic site? Go do your job!
>>155413 I'M her feeder
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>>155414 I'm her feeder
>>155418 Guy been gett more pussy before all of you before joining any coomer. Thats the funny part.
She and him are insanely hot together.
She has recently gained a TON of weight and I have a few pictures but I wanted to know if anyone has more content of hers.
The way she is talking and inhaling that food in the video she's gonna blow up. Holy shit she is ravenous
>>155412 >>155414 >>155418 I'M her feeder!
>>155421 Stupidity of anons will never cease to amaze me
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH everyone shut the fuck up and post CONTENT
>>155437 Gimme Cawntent Hurr
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>>155437 Even when she weighs enough to be a heavyweight boxer this chick is still a dime
>>155421 find the right thread
Please update the oomer
what i need her to be is way way way, fatter then all the 600 pound life show fat woman combined and, not let dr now touch her
>>155459 How do you guys unironically like huge flabby women, they look like shit
>>155464 i am the simple man. who sees fat and fucks it
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>>155466 Unironically fat Like this?
>>155467 unironically there faces are ugly but, i do like the fat under chin and, the fat on forehead is intresting but, i think like paper bag and yea but best believe i am feeding them fat through bag and feeling fat chicks fat neck chin during fuck
>>155469 Crazy, thank you for the insight
>>155472 Yeah anon's one of those dudes who doesn't really care and just like fat blobs in general. Don't know why he ain't on the ssbbw board but (ー_ー;) Also Tiana should definitely not be 600 pounds. This is reality, not a fantasy.
>>155506 Right most feedee’s tend to have that Sumo lifestyle of gaining upwards of 300+ pounds. staying around that range.
>>155437 You post thr content then idiot
>>155535 >>155437 YEAH BOZO
>>155437 This is the mark of a good model. People here get weirdly psycho-engaged with her on a level where they'll keep talking about her 24/7.
>>155506 She's never going to be 600 lbs-she doesn't have enough fat cells since she was so skinny. Maybe 300 at best. But she's going to look delicious at that weight!
>>155544 Yo look at this fuckin doctor over here!
Even back in October I was gob smacked at what she looked like. Its only been getting better since lol. Her sushi stuffing was great.
>>155544 Love it when masturbating retards try to into science.
>>155544 You don't really gain or lose fat cells they just grow larger or shrink smaller, look it up. She could reach ham planet status but probably shouldn't because she doesn't have the frame for it. Girls like boberry are really very rare, if you look at pictures from when she was young she looks like she has the build of a line backer, a really strong wide/bulky skeletal build.
What she “should” and “shouldn’t” do god damn will y’all shut the fuck up? Just let her get as fat as she eats herself. I’ll enjoy whatever. She could peak tomorrow, she could get to 600, whatever her own appetite does to her is the joy of this. Y’all obsess over numbers and perpetuity in gaining. It’s lame
>>155584 No you definitely grow ones but you don’t lose them, they just shrink. That’s why they say it is so easy for people to regain weight, because all the new permanent fat cells still exist, ready to grow again.
Has she put out anything new lately? Her cooler was pretty regularly updated so sucks it’s not working anymore
Anyone got her newest puke video?
>>156695 If cooler doesn't come back, I may just have to sub. She's getting too good (and fat) to miss.
No ^^ega links or nothing?
>>156696 the cooker is back, though nobody's updated it yet
>>157065 It’s updated but no puke video unfortunately
>>157065 There's a really good car stuffing where she changes her top at the very end for I don't know reasons. She's starting to get some really decent milkers and that belly is really starting to grow. Man she can fucking talk though she basically monologues her way through her car stuffing I don't get how she does it.
>>157148 She cyann chat lol
>>157148 It's called stoner ramblings and I might find that hot as fuck
>>157148 I love listening to her and I wish I could be the boyfriend instead. I live close enough but I'm too pussy to ever reach out.
>>157166 Why bro? There’s literally zero risk. If she says no, at least you know for certain, but if she somehow said yes that would be life changing for you. Get your stuff together, go to the gym, get a good haircut and some cologne. Don’t reach out from online if possible and definitely don’t make it known you watch her stuff, that’s creepy to girls. Best thing you can do is bump into her at ShopRite (if you’re that local) and nonchalantly talk to her for a minute without geeking out
Such an amazing gain She just keeps growing!
>>157166 You got this bro go for it, but get ripped first
>>157178 Those aren’t morphs???
I'm just waiting for her new weigh-in so I can bust the biggest nut known to man.
>>157178 Man, it is crazy hot to see her go from slow gaining to rapid
>>157178 Those stretch marks tell you everything you need to know about how quick her weight gain has been
I thought Candii and Tiana were somewhat neck and neck...I now see I was woefully mistaken
She’s getting massive. Everywhere
She's swelling every video. Stretch marks are sexy af. She got herself a feeder and took the breaks off completely. GOAT
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>>157178 I can't believe you posted stills from her new video and didn't include the part where she STANDS UP. good GOD my jaw hit the fucking floor
>>157209 oh also here you guys go https://gofile.io/d/4Z3I8j
>>157207 She's on a pace to break records. I'm hard pressed to come up with another model who's packed it on like Tiana for a 6 month period. I don't know how much longer she can keep this up, but it could be epic.
Gotta see a weigh in soon. I bet she’d be shocked to see how much she’s packed on so far this year, probably pushing to 250s already
>>157209 That double chin really turns me on the most, specially cause we've got all that contrast material, its so beautiful
>>157210 she is out of control - what a body!
>>157172 “Don’t reach out online because that’s creepy, just stalk her until you find out where’s she’s to intercept her in person” A normal person might be weirded out to find out you watch their OF, but not when you’re specifically looking for a feeder too
>>157209 Fuckkkk I hope her boyfriend makes her massive. I want to see her hit 400 lbs. She's so hot
>>157248 Funnily enough that’s how she met her current bf, he reached out online and lives in a different state. But sure, go for it anon, stalk her until you muster up the courage to approach her in person! It’s the only way!
>>157254 Women can read you know
>>157209 Holy fuck she got out of breath just standing up
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Someone posted this comparison in the OF comments
>>157278 This is the best timeline
>>157596 shut the fuck up, nobody cares. let's get this thread back on track. New OF content dropped. This one's a weigh in and also her explaining a little bit about things with her feeder (and just casually drops that he convinced her to quit her job) https://gofile.io/d/rUndge
>>157605 damn that's a much faster gain than her usual rate. I would love to imagine what a 300lb Tiana would look like
Thanks for posting the short weight check in clip to gofile. Was this a direct message video on OF? Tiana brings up some interesting points, how she weighed around 210 in december, and quickly lost weight in january. She wanted to lose weight and got a little active, in her words she is incredibly sedantary so any physical activity causes the weight to drop fast Then her feeder had her gain 20lbs. Shes put on another 20lbs, is around 240. As the other anon said she casually drops the fact her feeder had her quit her day job to focus on being a fat pig I think we're in for a fun summer. Tiana could drop the weight if she wanted to... But it seems like she will continue to pile it on
does she ever do videos about friends / family reactions to her gain?
>>157748 Ah she's a full time feedee now, that explains a lot
>>157605 >feeder had her quit her job to be a full time feedee God damn, my penis is about to explode
>>157807 She never actually talks about anything interesting or sexual.. just stream of conscious bullshit, mostly about food preferences
>>158074 Then stop watching her??
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Bros holy shit…
>>158133 Bro is allow to have opnions lol
>>158074 Like someone who just took a edible lol but it kinda makes her stand out
>>158219 lol how so
Kind of stupid she stopped doing funding videos now that her capacity is way bigger. I feel like she lured us in with that then got lazy. If that feeder is good for anything then funnel feed that pig a gallon while she's sitting on a big dido. Of shes too full judt run her belly and make her cum til she has room for more then put all the clips together so we can enjoy her chugging snd burping entire time. Lack of production value is sad if this is her new full income. If you're gonna ruin her body at least do it right bro.
>>158254 I think She’s doing fine
>>158218 That's not really an opinion. It's just him complaining about why she doesn't talk about her sexual life; which she does if you actually sit through one of her videos. She even showed a ton of nudity (not nearly as much now but still) so idk why he's complaining.
>>158308 You just described an “opinion”. And in my opinion her monologues are unlistenable. Sorry I don’t like your manic pixie dream girl, anon 🤷‍♂️ Great gainer tho
>>158254 She has a day job. Calm down.
>>158337 Heard its nice different offices across the country.
>>158308 Buddy you just described it. Read a book cause your stupid is showing lmao
>>158232 Cause she just talks about random shit. Like the last car stuffing she spends most of it talking about religion and etc. Not a bad thing but funny
>>158393 Mans has never once touched a titty
>>158393 She's getting fat as fuck, no one gives a shit if she's also chatting shit in her videos, you whiny prat.
>>158337 Actually she mentioned in a vid that she quit her day job now that she has moved in with her feeder. I think so anyways.
>>158337 no she doesn't. She was convinced by her feeder to quit.
>>158908 Tianastummy? I love you
>>158254 She can eat more often not more at once, seriously doubt her capacity increased in the past 6 months. Best competitive eaters are lean.
>>158415 >>158592 If you say so? She made a post the other day how she tweaked her back at work. Even if that's true I will never understand how these women allow their temporary boyfriends to jeopardize themselves financially.
>>159280 Hopefully this fixes some of this thread's issues: https://we.tl/t-LEvCb3zSw0
>>159382 Thanku
>>157278 Uh oh, watch out! She's gained as much weight as the average college freshman!
>>159428 I hate mfs that have their perception of reality so altered due to their porn addiction that they think a 30+ lbs weight gain is something normal
I do think it’s strange that this thread is so heavily modded compared to the others. Not that the convos happening shouldn’t be modded here but I regularly notice deleted comments in this that are left up on other threads.
>>159454 I have no idea who this bitch is. Nor any of the others on the board. Just clean up as I see it
Plus most of your discussions. I mean arguments should be in gen, not here
>>159492 How about YOU go gain 30 lbs if it’s so easy😁
>>159566 I swear some of you would be happier jerking off to a counter that start at one and counts up to infinity
>>159570 I was thinking a trash bag filled with jello.
>>159580 Would that actually feel like a fat girl's belly? Asking for a friend...
>>159584 I mean. Maybe? Try it and report back with your findings.
>>159584 Well it’s not gonna feel like human skin is it….
The irony is that she moved in with a feeder, quit her job and now only posts maybe once a week. Lately it’s been mostly pictures
>>159624 Justified complaint lol
to be fair she did have bronchitis...which is what i have to keep reminding myself to stop spiraling when she doesn't post another day haha. Hopefully she'll get back on it tho
>>159676 It’s only justified if you’re paying for it. Which I doubt you are. Who gives a fuck, there’s plenty of other shit to jerk off to
>>154356 As long as she keeps getting fatter and porking up like a spoiled pig, I'll pay whatever tbh. Shes the best thing going right now and that's donk is getting massive.
>>159676 nah no its not. shes not obligated to make content.
>>159806 Yes, she is. There's an obligation to those who pay her 9 bucks a month on only fans. The fact that I personally am not one of them doesn't change anything about there being an obligation. And even as parasite jerking off to her twitter and coomer I can be bummed out about a lack of new content.
>>159916 There's a lid for every pot, bro. Just go out there and shoot your shot.
>>159932 honestly dude, you should get off this site and connect with a real person. obviously easier said than done but it isn't impossible. just looking at things online will never fully satisfy you
>>160032 We've been over this in the CurvyGothGF thread. When you provide a product for which people pay you their hard-earned money, you are obligated to provide them a the product they paid for. Nobody is subscribed to her out of the goodness of their hearts, they're paying for her porn. When she doesn't provide said porn and just pockets all the money, she's breaking the contract she entered into in accepting others' money. If she's going to be less active and go on vacations or whatever, that's totally fine, but she can't just disappear with no notice and just not provide what people are paying for.
>>160088 Sure, that's how you feel. Stop pretending to care. You guys need to stop putting faith into these OF models. There words mean nothing and that ok cus we don't know them. Subbing to an OF is an "at your own risk" purchase. https://mab.to/t/YyBwaOAMGWn/us2
>>160119 I genuinely like her personality, I’d find her attractive if she was skinny
>>160296 She is a very sweet lady
>>160309 >>160430 How are you guys so hateful towards her 1. Her OF is 9$, that’s 108$ a YEAR if that’s a lot of money to you you really shouldn’t be buying an only fans 2. She one of the few OF models that’s actually a real person, she has a real and good personality and a life outside of this, as lame as it sounds I honestly wish her the best in life
Has she ever said how big she fantasizes being?
>>160453 On Tumblr she mentioned her BF wanting to make her somewhere in the 300’s but she was skeptical then. Seems like she’s letting him go all the way with her.
>>160453 when asked how big she wants to get, her answer was "yes" Girl is awesome yo
>>160454 She is almost 300 now. The camping update had her face looking so fat. I don’t think she will tire of gaining by summers end if her and her bf stay serious
>>160457 She was under 250lbs just 3 weeks ago. She isn’t close to being 300lbs yet. She could def get there before the year’s out, but most likely end of year if so.
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>>160458 I was exaggerating some, but you can tell she has grown from the 241 update to the last stuff at the end of may. She is swelling pretty fast.
Full time feeder like Nayda and Mochi now and it shows.
Tiana is the perfect example of why feedees need a feeder. So many years she was just selling us a fantasy. Gets a feeder and BAM! getting fat as fuck.
>>160464 amazing she was a lifeguard at one point.
>>160462 God weight gain comparisons like this are the hottest thing in the world
https://we.tl/t-lHpVzLBdpK How can any of you see this and still hate her
i like her over reiina tbh
>>160646 Well she's obviously very buoyant.
>>160825 Goddamn right
>>160822 I saw it and hate you for making a gif and then encoding it
>>160891 I did not make it a gif but that’s my bad I guess
>>160825 Alot of people do ngl. Plus no surgeries on any part of her body so that's a big plus
New weigh in just dropped. 248 now.
>>160891 Showed up as a short vid for me
>>160825 how come you prefer tiana over reiina? i'm probably take a guess for why.
Her face is like 10000× better. To me, face is 100x more important than body.
>>161057 Tiana's more of a girl next door type. Reiina's a cartoon character. Both have their place imo.
>>161093 >>161095 Absolutely
amazing face, huge nipples, long, bright red stretchmarks...def top 10 feedees of all time.
>>161095 Yeah same here. In addition to her incredible gain over the years and her commitment, I really just enjoy listening to her and she seems like a fun girl to be around. Likes guns, anime, and video games too.
>>161007 Her 250 goal for the end of the year is going to be smashed at this rate
>>161183 you’re saying she can gain 2 pounds between now and the end of the year? What a call!
I don't think she'll be able to make it 😞
>>161190 I'm sorry, did someone piss on your shoes today?
I like her a big fat. I think she should become to 300. Round good for squish push down the stairs and bouncing haha lol jk.
Did she suddenly retired or something? Since she moved in with her bf we haven't seen almost any content at all.
>>161500 She literally posted a video to twitter yesterday, is still active on Tumblr and her OF. it's just not getting posted here because you cunts would rather just bitch
>>161500 Posted a weigh in on onlyfans. Her content is cheap considering our options. She's super close to 250.
>>161501 https://x.com/TianasTummy/status/1798845823989780566 This is incredible. She keeps getting fatter.
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Found this images, does anyone got the vid ?
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Look at that double chin
I>>161534 Hi im undercoover mind if I fart here
Love how she’s totally turning into a fat ass. She’s pushing right past the point of not even being recognizable in her before photos.
God damn nigga, I need coomer to come back asap. She's so fucken hotttt
Her family has to be proud
The chin is sublime. Goddess physique.
>>161554 Her family isn’t proud
>>161501 which is her tumblr?
I fucking love her new stretch marks
I need enough money to do what this man is doing to her
Jesus she is going to pop
Pretty girls deserve to be fat and happy
This is literally the closest ive ever been to buying a porn subscription. She might already have me sold. Ive been a casual, steadfast no spender for nearly a decade at this point…
>>161620 I'm so tempted too, but being a cheapskate myself, I'm wary that shortly after I do, she'll bail on her, up to now, incredible gaining journey. Anything can happen with these gals to drop the scene, and often does.Hoping co*mer gets fixed soon and someone picks up the uploads again.
>>161642 the sub is so cheap, I think it’s worth it for sure. Let’s support her incredible gain
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>>161649 i never pay for shit, but girls with unreal gains they're sharing with us despite huge dox risks deserve the support
>>161651 fr, i just subbed yesterday. extremely worth it.
>>161615 Don't fight it let your balls do the thinking.
>>161533 i refuse to believe that isn't a morph wow her face has completely changed since i looked at her coomer a month ago
She's the one OF chick I'll shill for, subscription incredibly worth it the chick is visibly bigger each upload now it's nuts.
Any heroes here?? Drop her new videos
What's the best way to rip OF videos? I just subbed and will post some videos if anyone can give me the name of a good OF downloader
>>161734 Look at your video history and see if you can download from there.
>>161734 I use Internet Download Manager. Whenever I play a vid on OF, a handy little download icon pops up.
>>161534 Wow. I haven't seen a gain this explosive since LMBB's right before she quit. My gosh.
She's an absolute goddess, I wonder if shes going to keep gaining this fast
>>161765 if you keep subscribing probably not
>>161759 Well it'll be good for us, but not to her so support her gain by subbing if you want her content so much
This is pretty much how the thread has been lately lol
At this rate, it won't be too long before the conspiritards come out of the woodwork to claim that she's knocked up.
>>161825 She’s on birth control - you can see the estrogen / progestin spatch on her lower back / ass. No way she’s knocked up.
I believe coomer is currently down, only way is if someone where to download and then send a link through here
>>161891 nobody's gonna do that for you pal anyways, https://we.tl/t-7L7c0VfwVA
btw she's 248.6lb rn
>>161893 Already unavailable
>>161896 ? it works fine for me https://we.tl/t-7L7c0VfwVA
>>161893 Download limit reached
>>161897 It hit the download limit almost immediately lol Mab and gofile are a little less strict with those, is it possible to re-upload to either of them?
>>161897 >>161898 Somoone gofile it, please
https://gofile.io/d/48bHqF I managed to download one. I hope someone can share the remaining ones.
>>161901 We transfer is officially useless https://gofile.io/d/mGgjtC
>>161906 Hero drop
>>161899 lol wtf honestly ive figured google drive is better except for copyright
guys i hab moar https://gofile.io/d/TcWPIe
thanks for your dedication sir i have been adrift without coomer
It makes me so horny that she get fatter. Do you think she’ll eventually push into ssbbw territory? Do you think she becomes a big retarded blob whom float in the ocean and then into the sky UFO? I like to see her gain fat belly.
>>161943 Yes yes, they'll see her from space and she'll block the sun from hitting the polar ice caps, thus stopping global warming once and for all.
Wish that littlestpigletAnn got the same hype as this chick. She’s just as good and doesn’t even have a page
God, she's gotten huge. Someone should make a compilation video of her.
>>161959 She’s alright. Just alright.
>>161959 Personality matters
Hottest thing right now about her gotta be that double chin that just popped out of nowhere
>>161986 Right? I feel like I blinked and she suddenly became a real fat girl.
>>161915 That fucking side profile is ridiculous. She got massive so quickly.
>>161915 Good lord I need a girl like her. She’s plumped up so nicely.
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>>161986 her face is blowing up alongside her holy shit
>>162006 her face gain is turning me on the most recently. If she just so happens to read this I hope she knows its fucking hot and nothing to be self conscious about
>>161959 yeah I wish we had content of her too. I love the horny funnel content. Hope tiana is gonna do some of that next! Would be great to see her with her new weight doing that
>>162009 I had the exact same thought about that pic. She looks like such a hot pig
My only critique is that she has only made 3 videos with actual food in them since her feeder moved in...
I hate for her to start a series for us. like, I eat 15k for 1 month but with different foods each time. or, other, challenges like Juicy Angel and Mochii were able to do. that might be a good idea.
I hope *
>>162199 Even Mochii couldn't eat 15k multiple days in a row, let's keep it realistic. >>162195 I assume her boyfriend is involved in most of her eating now, and they probably don't want him to be front and center of her content. A bit of a bummer, hopefully she breaks the routine on occasion. Anyway she's at almost 50 pounds gained in 6 months, would be spectacular if she managed to get to 100 extra pounds in a year.
>>161533 longer distance pics without the slight fisheye effect are the best, they really show how big they really are
>>162364 this. I wish more of these girls would film from further back. Its crazy how different videos and pics close up look to their actual size.
>>162364 Agrees. It's part of what made pre smart phone content so much better. It wasn't just from arm's length or in a bathroom mirror where you can't see their bottom half.
>>162375 The reason most of them don't film from further back is literally because they aren't actually that big. While there are more actual feedees that promote themselves publicly, there are also way more collage girls who end up gaining 20 or 30lbs during their first year or 2 who realize they can milk dipshits for money by claiming they're willingly gaining weight.
>>162378 Or worse, the fucking creampuff floor cam shit you use when you want to keep faking and lying about your weight for years
>>162427 Creampufff used to be so good too. Such a shame
Does anyone know when she posted the first “walking” video? I want to see that and the newest one side-by-side so bad.
in latest vid she confirms 300 is the goal
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>>162708 Holy shit
She is turning into a blimp
Do u think we will get any car stuffings, I can't imagine how close the belly will be getting to the steering wheel.
Here you go guys. Subbed to her OF a few days ago. Wanted to give back for all the vids i've gotten from you guys and support an awesome gainer :) Enjoy https://gofile.io/d/waUaQ8
>>162791 Thanks for sharing are there any more videos that haven't been posted on coomer or just this one?
>>162791 >https://gofile.io/d/waUaQ8 thanks. i hate that i got banned from onlyfans for a chargeback. i mean i knew it would happen but i was so unbelievably ripped off i couldn't take it. does anyone know if standard vpns like nord are good enough to bypass the ban?
>>162833 Not sure if exact same issue, but I use Nord and model I pissed off (totally undeserved, lol) blocked me. Nothing I can do to get around it - any user I create, or ip address I use. Don't know how possible, but I'm apparently done with that overly sensitive pudding head
>>162791 >https://gofile.io/d/waUaQ8 CHRIST her feeder is the luckiest guy on the planet
>>162791 You sir are a hero btw
>>162859 I wouldn't undervalue the guy, that's a team effort. He's been doing everything needed to keep her motivated.
>>162791 can you please transfer that file on a wetransfer one? gofile might be filled with viruses and i don't want viruses on my computer.
>>162898 If it would be full of viruses we wouldn't all be using it now would we retard
Im just interested that it is only for me or anyone else download from this gofile site is slow asf?
>>162919 Hey fucker you took my name.
>>162919 For me it's actually quicker than wetransfer, but I'm on mobile if it makes any difference.
>>162919 It's on your end
>>162919 def on your end, downloads are damn near instant for me on my PC
>>162949 Update your browser, my firefox needed an update and was slowing down gofile like 50x until I updated it
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>>162919 on that note, what is everyone using to download multiple files on gofile? I was using the multi file downloader extenstion but all of a sudden it just stopped working and wont recognize the download links on gofile.
>>163069 Jdownloader2 will work
>>163069 gallery-dl
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What is he feeding her?
>>163136 In one of her most recent fat chat videos she says she drinks soda all day and sweet drinks, and that this dude will buy her take out and fast food daily, that´s why she is plumping up so fast
>>163136 If I was in his shoes, everything I could get my hands on.
>>163134 That second pic is insane
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Any films?
>>163247 Wish she didn’t use fake tanner shit. It’s all blotchy on her arms and belly button and looks horrible.
>>163276 Imagine seeing this girl fatter than ever and still have to find something to cry about. Get a grip loser
>>163136 food, if i had to guess
>>154356 Every day, this thread is bumped. Every time, that thumbnail looks like a quadruple amputee.
released another weigh-in and it looks like shes gained another 5~ pounds from her last one last month.
>>155292 i kind of hope she gets pregnant. her last set with the strechmarks showed marks till her fupa
>>163329 good...
>>163331 yeah give her a kid to take care of, that will help her be a better feedee
>>163329 Dec weigh in: 223 May weigh in: 241 June 2nd: 248 June 24th: 252
>>163336 300 NOW 300 NOW
>>163329 What did she look like?
>>163334 For real. I know that's their dick talking, but guys like that don't think. Being the child of a fat fetish model, surely nothing could go wrong.
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>>163356 if she were to choose to be a mother, i wouldnt mind if she put her feedee career behind her if it helped her be a better mother
>>163331 That'll ruin it. Any woman can get a big belly and stretchmarks from getting pregnant. The good part is getting them from being an insatiable pig
>>163337 Unless her rate of gaining kicks up it's unlikely she'll Crack 300 by the end of the year. Probably mid next year at this pace.
>>163381 Which is totally fine by me. Anyone that’s gained at that pace burned out immediately.
>>163382 Absolutely. As hot as Mochiis transformation was we don't want her to end up like that. Now she just needs to work on her content and videos and she'll be golden
can someone please update her coomer please or is the page not working?
>>163390 Coomer’s OF importer has been busted for like 3 weeks
>>163393 More like it’s been busted for months with intermittent working lol
A little treat for everyone so we can all marvel at this beauty. Early christmas weigh-in to most recent. https://gofile.io/d/jAThD1 https://gofile.io/d/dFyeqC
>>163432 I don't know why lol, but I liked that early Christmas's outfit cute. Also I wouldn't be surprised if she tries on her thigh highs again. Those aren't getting more than a quarter up her leg.
@tiana @xylo will you guys please start back on the stuffings? This would make everything perfect in the world
>>163374 ok i agree. i think her strechies are super hot
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>>163457 that tum is soaking up calories like a sponge
Whats her OF like? Does she do alot of PPVs?
No ppvs but the content has slowed. And last dude, you do realize coomer is down? That’s also why NO ONE else has been updated either, dumbass.
>>163499 The onlyfabs part of the site is down. Not the whole thing "dumbass"
the vids where she eats, masturbates, and fat shames herself are some of the best. But she hasn't done one of those in a while
>>163556 No one cares about the "whole thing" new OF updates are what 98% are looking for u r the dumbass for not realizing thisa1d7
>>163564 I haven't run into any of these, got any examples/links?
>>163571 Nah, you are. Non OF stuff gets shared all the time. Get a grip dummy
>>163571 >Dumbass >uses "U r" instead of you are
>>163573 you can find some if you hunt through coomer
>>163607 or easier access thru here https://hotleaks.tv/tianastummy/video
>>163607 I’m surprised nobody update any coomers since the website is back to normal.
>>163716 None of the OF accounts have been able to be imported into Coomer for a month now.
>>163682 Thank you very much! I'm a bit new - are those videos downloadable in any way? Thank you!
i've done it with idm (internet download manager) but it's hard to keep track of which video you're downloading because they aren't named. the video you click on isn't always the same one that tries to download. but ymmv, idm is kinda finicky for me
>>163716 how do you update a coomer in the first place
Coomer not even fix, Idk what you niggas are even talking about
Thats racist yo
>>163716 Ignore this guy, he's actually braindead coomer has been fansly-only for ages, OF keeps implementing new things to block mass imports
>>163805 Fansly just happy being mentioned
Latest OF vid. Kinda low effort but oh well. Her car stuffings are always money so looking forward to the next one. https://gofile.io/d/m8SXhk
>>163805 Do you know if they're working on a fix to get it back up and running?
>>163922 imma tell your mom that youre on here
she has the greatest potential on the stage. If she keeps up the rhythm, she can mark the fetish
>>163850 I imagine they are, but OF is currently staying one step ahead of them as their software geeks are good and they obviously don't want such sites uploading their creator's content. It's been over a month now. The reality that this could be the end for uploads forever is now descending upon us.
>>163847 Thanks for sharing. Looking like a real pig, wonder if she's 260 yet. 17s though, that's a teaser. Know she's busy stuffing her face and sleeping but her OF is going to get tired of it eventually.
>>163983 Yeah I thought with a feeder her content would improve but she is barely posting and with very little effort
>>163847 Low effort but Jesus she's blowing up. Does she actually just sit at home all day and stuff her face and her feeder supports her or does she still work a job and all that
>>164004 She said that she has quit her job and she is a full stay-at-home feedee now. And by how lazy she is now, I bet she is gonna be 300 by the end of the year.
>>163805 I wouldn't take the doomer pill quite yet. Its been down for a long time before. I'd give it another few weeks before I get meaningfully worried.
>>163847 >https://gofile.io/d/m8SXhk sheesh. her tits are drooping into the next cup size and her gut got that lower belly extension. priceless
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She is hot
>>163847 Thanks for the content...damn tho you weren't kidding when you said it was low effort. It's so wild to see small fats engage in mobility shit...LMAO, like I can take a trip to Walmart and half the women there are bigger than you ffs.
>>164124 They’re also ugly and disgusting what’s your point
>>164130 How is she ugly? she is very pretty. What kind of BBW are you into if you think THIS is ugly?
>>164131 They're saying that she's not ugly and that the people in Walmart are ugly. I also wouldn't consider her "small" she's getting up there and with how big she looks I'm not surprised her bathtub is hard to get around in
Considering subbing to her onlyfans how often does she post? It kinda seems like it's rare and when she does it's super lazy.
>>164134 True that unfortunately. Same 3 themes recycled
>>164132 Idk she's like "average American fat," which translates to small fat. Very hot tho.
>>164147 Exactly
Plus, there's definitely gals bigger than her who are more mobile, but they'll have had time to acclimate. Tiana has fucking ballooned this year, so no wonder she's struggling
Nah whoever is saying she's small, their brain is so rotted with ssbbws that they only considered "big when they reach 500 pounds..
>>164199 fr. big girls start getting winded from getting up/walking/sex by 250-270, especially if they're short
>>164199 That. She has more than 50% body fat, wouldn't call that small by any stretch of the imagination. As hot as it is she's gaining super fast, it's kinda wasted all she releases is snippets of content. At this rate there will be barely any material to see her one year progression.
We can only hope that the content improves soon, at the least once they move again and get settled in
>>164207 I doubt her content will improve. I stopped subbing. Instead of getting better with the feeder, she is just super lazy now and isn’t even well documenting the gain. She has a feeder and he is supporting her outside of the fact she makes a lot of money on fools who sub, so she has no motivation like she used to have to produce content and engage with fans.
Tianas thread 2 let's gooo
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>>164280 Her ass has more hair than a dude. Super hairy ass.
>>164147 She's close to 100lbs heavier than the average American woman. In what world is 250lbs average lol?
She will be 300 end of year. It will be hot
>>164282 schizo
>>164342 I guess you don’t look at her pics and videos enough to see that her ass needs a major waxing. Super hairy ass for a woman..
She's getting pretty tubby...
>>164366 Shopped
Idk. Kinda looks photoshopped to me. Her content is slow dwindling out. She post less and less
>>164349 ??? do you think women just stop growing body hair? do you shave YOUR ass?
>>164514 Do you think all women have ass crack hair like an ape? No. But she does.
I may be getting ahead of myself - she will certainly be 300 before the end of the year - But I'm sure what the potential is to reach 400 faster than we think
I mean, she could have other things going on in her life besides gaining. while she has said that she quit work to gain, there may be other things going on that we don't know about. It may be because I only pirate, but I personally like seeing models come back from hiatuses noticeably fatter.
>>164541 i'm not sure if you're aware, but humans grow hair on their asses too, including women. it's not just an ape thing. i hope this helps.
Her content posting frequency has fallen off the cliff recently. Just as I sub of course. Sucky
>>164722 bumplocked
>>164788 Yeah I’m not going to sub anymore. Very little new content, low effort, lame
I kinda wanna sub never did before, does she post a video like every day?
>>164854 nah not even close
>>164854 for example its the 7th as im writing this and she last posted a few photos, not even any videos, on july 2, and nothing since then
>>164865 She shouldn’t be doing an OF if she’s gonna screw everyone by not posting or doing such a half-assed job just posting some lazy pics
>>164884 My guess is that she was getting off on the attention, but now that she has a full time feeder she doesn't care. It's especially stupid if it's true that she's no longer working because she'll lose subs eventually at this rate
Cannot believe she is letting that feeder of hers hurt her business like this. She's gonna regret it when he dumps her after she gets too big for him then she realizes where her bread is buttered. Planning your life around a dude with a babyface still is wild but she was never known for her wisdom.
>>164918 I agree. Her looks are already going downhill so it’s only a matter of time he leaves her and she will have screwed her business and also left her home to move in with him. When things move this fast with a dude it’s unlikely it will last. She should be capitalizing on this period of her gain and instead she’s not posting any quality content. People are noticing. Posting pics once a week isn’t cutting it.
>>164944 Here getting ugly is subjective af lol. I think she keeps getting hotter. You guys should all take a chill pill and find a hobby or something
>>164947 Go ahead and pay to see a few lame pics every week dumb fuck
Its true that she will get less hot, ogc it will be hot to see her gain but once she gets over 300 or too big and her tits get to saggy her face gets less atractive im sure he will leave her
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Is she ok? I might have missed something
looking pretty big in latest car stuffing
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like, seriously just look at this
Why are there so many conscious cucks on this site it’s a bbw fat forum It’s inherently unhealthy yet you come here to yap about consequences instead of enjoying it ? You will never know happiness
>>165030 When she takes people’s money and doesn’t post content people start speculating
>>164948 Bro just don't buy her content, it's that simple lol. Hell, i ain't spending my money on OF either. I'm just riding the wave. All you guys are way too fixated, either find other models or go outside
>>165034 It’s just you, with your compulsion to pay money and get upset about it
Piss off, guys, this girl is becoming the biggest gainer in terms of beauty and weight ratio. She becomes more and more attractive. She's not just beautiful, she has an aura, something. Her face helps quite a bit but she has a few things going on. I feel like when it hits 350 it's going to be amazing
I hope she will aim for Ssbbw status
It's been almost 10 years, she must have been thinking about it. she is made for that
I hope someone post the car stuffing
>>165037 Nah I’m not paying. She got ugly.
Are those pictures from a new video?
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her first vs most recent car stuffing. Damn
>>165056 You’ve posted in this thread like 8 times already. Why are you here if you don’t find her attractive? No one wants you here and it doesn’t seem like you want to be here either
>>165641 he desperately wants us to know that he is unique among us
I made some rlly shitty morphs of what she would look like fatter, is it ok if I post them or nah?
Do it
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They are pretty bad but i’m very new at this, maybe one day I can redo them but better, here they are though.
>>165641 He’s too stupid to realize that he can hide threads, it’s best to ignore low IQ individuals like him.
I hate morphs 🤢
Ngl I love great morphs and HATE bad ones and these are absolutely awful, i’m sorry yall😭
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>>154356 Does anyone know what made her want to gain? I'm guessing an ED like most feedists but I love hearing what made them just fucking lose control and delve into their gluttony face first.
Anyone know what her current weight is? New weigh in supposedly on her OF
>>166340 Iirc it was 262 lbs
>>167087 I don’t sub to her of btw, i saw it in another thread about Tiana that I’ve lost
