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NADYA BBW Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 10:40:19 Id:3af6c0 No. 181756
The last thread was removed, here a new one with a very hot video: https://gofile.io/d/MCP3sC she's so hot
>>189665 See how easy it is to flick your bean.
>>189660 She's given the answers multiple times for free. She said she's losing weight for her surgery and that she's going to gain it back afterwards. Whether you believe her or not is on you, but I doubt any video she makes will give different answers than what she's already said multiple times now.
Everyone knows she’s losing weight and having the surgery but the exact specifics of how the process is going she has yet to state publicly. A simple text post would do just saying when she’s having the surgery and what her weight needs to be for the surgery. People wouldn’t have all these speculations about the specifics of her surgery if it was common knowledge of what was taking place.
>>189672 I'll have to agree with you here. Up to a couple years ago she did regular weigh-ins with her last showing her just under 400 lbs. Then she stopped, and speculation that she faked it began, but she never addressed it and has never done another or even talked about any numbers. Curious for someone so previously transparent. On the other hand, she obviously gained a considerable about of weight the first part of last year taking her well over her previous high (whatever it was) but again no weigh-in or talk. You could now speculate that a legitimate weigh-in would confirm that her last previous was a fake. Many bozos here have given their opinion, but nobody but her knows for sure the truth. Hard to tell what specifically is in her mind now with the current secrecy on details, but I'm clear that in her mind she knows exactly what she is doing and why. Unfortunate for everyone else..
I think she'll come back and resume her usual ways 100% . It's just no doctor is going to say yes too someone that almost has a heart attack just walking short distances lol . Just find different models too Occupy your time until then .she won't stay thin for long after ,Being thin and Nadya are just too things that will never work now especially since she's been gaining for so long
>>189956 Agree, and her content sales must be taking a negative hit. There's at least one soul here who prefers the deflated look, but I'm going to put my neck out to say that's a distinct minority. Her body and mind must be so accustom to overeating at this point, she must be miserable limiting her calories right now. Rebound is real.
>>189975 I have a feeling she’s taking medication for the weight loss in other words she’s not feeling that need to overeat. I think it’s game over boys. But I hope for the best.
>>189979 someone asked the question about meds and ease to lose weight directly on curvage (her Oct 25 vid) she answered "Easy I spent most of my life skinny 😂 No meds and thank you!!". other questions answered too. many here find her with no credibility. I'll give her benefit of doubt, for now
>>189994 >No meds The way her body looks says otherwise but like you said well have to give her the benefit of thr doubt
>>190106 >>189994 The better half of her life she may have been skinny, but the last 7 years, her entire adult life, she has been an over 250 lb fatty. She's only known fat as an adult, and will likely gravitate back to fat whether she want to, or not. I've seen a couple models (remember Britt of Big Cuties?) who deflated from Nadya's size and then came back again huge, However, they were downright nasty looking - all skin tone and texture gone, hernia like bulges everywhere. Britt also fried her brain and came back a psychotic thinking she was Jesus, lol. The brain fry likely won't happen with Nadya, but you gotta wonder what she'll look like.
>>190110 I heard about that happening to brit but never saw anything lol. Sounds crazy though
>>190175 just go to her thread here and click one of the first gofile links posted, it has one of her unhinged rants that's honestly a bit sad and unsettling to watch
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Looks like she possibly had skin surgery. No more saggy hanging skin.
>>190365 perhaps, so now let's get those boob bags in, and get back to eating
>>190365 Dam. Why would she get the skin removed if shes planning on still gaining? My nightmares comin tru lol
>>190435 I'm thinking it is more cover-up than a skin removal procedure. My understanding is that skin removal is not a trivial procedure, often requiring post-op placement of surgical drains and an at least 4 week recovery period. It will also leave scars of various degree depending on the extent of surgery required. We'll see.
>>190439 So, what you are saying is that she's doing the cartoon thing of having the excess skin pulled back and held by clothespins?
>>190440 yeah that's exactly the case. your theory Einstein? ever watched My 600 lb Life? it's hell, and you don't look like this after a couple weeks.
>>190444 I was just trying to get clarification on what you were suggesting.
>>190477 and bro (>>190444) took that personally lmfao
She was never attractive. Also her fat distribution is quite bad
>>190507 You have said that twice now ye ye buddy go jerk off to a picture of your sister then
>>190507 Then why u stalk her channel lol
>>190522 >>190527 She wont fuck u bud
>>190605 wait what ? what kind of surgery ? I thought she was quitting gaining for good
>>190534 It's absolutely insane how some people genuinely think the only reason not to hate a woman is because you think she's going to fuck you.
>>190365 IMO, she looks better now than she did when she was heavy.
>>190659 your in the wrong place.
She does look cute now. Should take this opportunity while she’s skinny to weightlift and grow her glutes while bulking back up to her previous size
>>190650 Her boob job. Have you not been paying attention the whole time?
>>190653 >"Hate" >It's just people saying she doesn't look attractive.
>>190722 Any word on the impending boob job? Looks to have lost close to half her high weight. Must be getting close
>>191956 im tellin yall it aint happening boobs will get done and tummy tuck shes done lost too much
>>191980 Right here is facts. She is definitely not truthful. At her size now she could have gotten the surgery but keeps on losing. Definitely time to move on and hey if she regains all her weight and then some, we'll bite our tongues
I agree too. When this whole boob job thing happened she stated losing weight like crazy and had all this loose flabby skin. She didn’t mention it until people started calling her out on it. Now all the loose skin is seemingly gone. Which seems like she had the extra skin removed at some point. Her video uploads to her instagram posts don’t match up on her appearance. I don’t think she’s actually posting in real time like she claims. I don’t take anything she says as truth because so far she’s hidden things until forced to speak up about it.
Mods should take this thread down or move to gen, she’s clearly not a BBW and is probably not returning with any meaningful weight gain
>>192069 She does still have the loose skin. People only thought she got rid of it because everyone was too stupid to realize that she had her underwear over it in this picture. >>190365
>>192071 Yes. Thread should be moved to /gen/ since it’s nothing but arguing with no content being shared.
>>192080 wtf is this bullshit? Nadya is no different from dozens of other models here that have had weight fluctuations or were bbw's and quit long ago - kimberly marvel, azismiss, lmbb, many s31 and many bc models to name a few that come to mind that currently or have had threads here.
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>>192080 as for content, you want content? ask? I have hundreds of vids of her, but the morons on here don't exactly motivate me to share perhaps against my better judgement, here's a tiny taste of an early slim nadya, and a fat nadya. personally I find the comparison of a rare thin to fat model appealing. others seem to have no interest in anyone who isn't already a 300 lb blob when they start https://gofile.io/d/hCrNsR
>>192114 I think thin to fat models are extremely appealing because of the contrast. The thinner the better because it really shows how much they give in to hedonism. It’s hot when they look unrecognizable after gaining so much. I agree this is sadly rare because why would a skinny girl choose to give up the privilege and power of thinness? More reason we need to treat thin to fat gainers better regardless of what size they end up. Nadia had an awesome run, truly impressive.
>>192120 Interesting. After several hours, and several hundred downloads of my fat Nadya & thin Nadya gofile - the fat Nadya downloads are running at a nearly perfect 2 to 1 ratio over the the thin Nadya. Guess this helps to show that 50% of the community on this site doesn't give a shit about the model's former thin self. Perplexing to me, as these blokes are missing out on a great aspect of this fetish, imo. However, it is what it is, but glad I'm not personally on that side.
>>192114 thanks for the upload man
>>192127 i don't usually yap here, but you seem interested so I'll say that for my part, I *know* the model was thin. A picture is enough for that, and I would rather spend fap time watching fat vids.
>>192379 You're missing out, dude - put a thin pic next that obese pic of your fav model next time you jack it. Worth the try, you might like it
>>192375 Certainly. Not bf, some dude on FL east coast she visited and did several vids with, including a couple hardcore (believe he was paid) https://gofile.io/d/eTzZwi
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>>192467 >>192384 I hesitate to respond to such a full of shit lying asshole getting his pathetic jollies & apologize for the wordiness. But anyone who has followed Eatme/Nadya for some time knows she hasn't had a bf for years. If there's anything to speculate on, is that's she's into girls. One of her bbw model friends (who she's done g/g collabs with, adding to speculation) found this guy in SoFL willing to do b/g and filmed several vids with him (they're easily found). Nadya was interested (mentioned on her OF) and contacted him, and the result was her doing a set of both hard (ppv) and soft (curvage) vids. This lying joker wants you to believe she fucked and filmed with her bf after letting her friend fuck and film with him. Go try your stunt somewhere else where you might be better believed. Visual evidence doesn't lie, and your efforts are wasted here with those that have any clue of her long feedee history Nadya & Casey having some fun - https://gofile.io/d/GhzfrJ
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new video must not be doing well per nadya n aria, does anyone have feedback? dunno if i should grab it
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>>193499 It certainly can be expected that a vid on an FA site is not going to do as well as previous when the model is now half her former size. However, from this post, it looks like she is now very close to having the boob job, and then back to gaining. Buy it (and share please) we'd all likely learn something
