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NADYA BBW Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 10:40:19 Id:3af6c0 No. 181756
The last thread was removed, here a new one with a very hot video: https://gofile.io/d/MCP3sC she's so hot
It's over mate, let it go
>>181756 Saw her on tumblr recently and she got huge out of nowhere
>>181760 Says she is going back to gaining after the boob job. Lost an incredible amount of weight in a very short time. Not usually sustainable. There is hope
>>181760 It sucks but at least she did not leave us in the dark like other models do.
>>181766 in a very short time or was she just uploading from a backlog of videos?
>>181777 In a series of posts on curvage, claims/insists to being transparent on loss. Was huge in vids through September, so I have doubts. Still, from an Ivy Davenport X post, I can tie the actual filming of the HFG "Legend of Puggy Petunia" vid to early Sept and Nadya was very big in it. There has been definitely some degree of a large loss since Sept. Those with her OF sub might have a better idea as to reality of situation
>>181760 Why is she getting a boob job? Shes perfect
Regardless of intentions, she created this persona of being a food addicted slob who would never be able to stop eating. Then she drops a gigantic amount of weight very quickly just to get a boob job? Really odd
we can still share that content where she was fat as fuck
>>181809 >>181777 >>181760 I get the boob job. It's been clear the tiny tits have bothered her for a long time. Docs won't do it unless you're at or below 30 or 35 BMI. I'd say she is fat as fuck here, and this was released 9/20. Could she have lost this much weight since then? https://gofile.io/d/oMKWQw
>>181807 Only mentally ill women partake in extreme intentional weight gain. Once you accept that premise the bizarre actions of models will make more sense.
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>>181760 >https://gofile.io/d/MCP3sC It's over guys
>>181880 Didn't mean to quote that link sorry fellas
>>181807 thing is, i dont believe any of these women. and even if i did, i dont think they understand what theyre saying. my belief is that they say that just to get the money. some are better faking it then others. but even if they were truly all in, they dont really understand what theyre saying until they hit those weights where they have issues breathing just from walking to get the mail, almost diabetic, and whatever other issues may arise. once those set in i doubt this is as arousing for them and they get serious doubts as to if they want this life or not. nadya wise, she planned this all wrong. she shouldve made a massive backlog of vids, dropped them slowly, lost the weight, got the implants, then gained it back before anyone noticed. but one thing ive noticed about just about all of these models, they never really think much of anything all the way through.
>>181873 as i said >>181884 here. i think that even the mentally ill dont get how serious it is until they start falling ill then they change their minds real quick. as much as i like eliza allure, her weight loss would not surprise me. remember, anorei just vanished and she was so huge she could barely walk. im also waiting for ms mara / winkingdaisys to go on a health kick soon. i dont blame them for this at all. im just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
>>181884 What your suggesting is she should have lied to everyone and came back with giant tits so everyone can see she pulled a fast one
Idk y'all, her tits are really fucking small. Like imagine you want to be this big fat chick and you're imagining giants tits and a great big ass and then you gain 150 fucking pounds or whatever and you don't grow any boobs at all. Honestly before the recent weight loss the last 20 or so lbs she put on somehow made her tits look even smaller. They kind of just became one fat roll. All to say I get why she'd want a Boob job. And to those questioning how she could dramatically lose weight if she's really into this fetish should take a step back. She dramatically changed her body and became morbidly obese in search of obtaining her ideal body. It was extreme. This major weight loss could easily be viewed as another extreme effort to obtain her ideal body. Maybe I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised at all if she really did put the weight back on after her boob job.
>>181895 Also not to mention nadya pumps out content nonstop and still is. Going from around 20 videos a month between all her sites to a few wouldnt fly under the radar
>>181760 Not being fat doesn't bother me but she just looks so unnatural looking for some reason
>>181895 >>181777 To her credit, when asked, she admitted to weight loss to qualify for boob job. However, there still has been some deception. She did film a backlog from the 1st half of this year when she was massively huge. These were released through September. >>181760 No way did she get to this size in a couple months. In any case, here is a celebration of the large Nadya. Perhaps she gets here once again, or beyond, with big tits https://gofile.io/d/Db9TwA https://gofile.io/d/kR0EOq
>>181961 Nope everything matches up with only fans posts she’s said multiple times she doesnt film backlogs people whine they want models to be honest and when they are is everyone wants to play detective look at the collabs and work she did for ivy bitch probably just stopped eating and went on ozempic the rumors are retarded the timeline is there
>>181978 And last point I’ll make because I don’t want to whiteknight more then I already have been but the stupidity is diabolical of course it’s not sustainable to lose weight that fast which adds up to her saying she’s just doing it for a boob job then wants to put the weight right back on it’s not like she’s on some crazy fitness journey she’s going about it pretty unhealthy because the weight loss just needs to happen quick and is temporary
>>181978 she said on a curvage comment no drugs. at 5'10" she needs to be at about 210 lbs for procedure. look at that vid from Sept - huuge - got to be at least 400, so she's lost like 200 lbs since then? something does not add up here
>>181983 The proof is the pudgy petunia clip and her behind the scenes from it there were five other models featured in the clip it was filmed in September point blank 🤷🏼‍♂️
>>181992 agree she's big in pudgy petunia. then if that IG pic is really from now, she's been on one hell of a diet since pudgy petunia. that is drastic weight loss to a nearly unbelievable degree. weight reduction is generally a healthy thing, but this must be such a shock to the body, it can't be
She is just two steps ahead guys
>>181992 >>181978 Ah, what's going on here? She just posted this new vid today. Still looks rather big to me
>>182146 oof, is a bbl next after that boob job? just realized she's gained nothing in her legs or ass lol. i've always preferred seeing her sitting down, when she looks massive. standing up she looks oddly misshapen.
>>182097 Based nikocado
>>182146 She addressed many times on both instagram and onlyfans how her stomach is flat when she wears a corset >>182151 And shes addressed this too. So much speculation when she answers questions openly. She said doesnt want to because they grab fat from the stomach. You're probably the same guy who bitched about her breast being small and now shes losing weight for surgery so maybe we should shut the fuck up before she dips I like some of her shit and im not trying to lose another model I enjoy in the scene because of fags
>>182193 bro, calm yourself and go outside. i wasn't even speculating, i asked a tongue-in-cheek question. idgaf what her plans are, hence not knowing the answer. try talking to some real women instead of worrying so much about ones on the internet you'll never meet.
>>182193 chill your gonads, dude - after 8 years as a fetish model, i don't think you need to worry about her quitting the scene due to comments on this site.
>>182193 Folks need to chill. I believe many of us are just trying to figure out what is going on right now. Losing weight? maintaining? Overeating as usual? Her updated OF/coomer gives no clue and curvage, c4s clips indicate she's still on the gaining train. I have bought many vids in the past, but don't want to spend more right now if she's dieting behind the scenes from August: https://gofile.io/d/vqj7iB
>>182298 Folder is empty boss
>>182307 don't think I work for you, but -- https://gofile.io/d/Tox80p
>>182312 if he's calling you boss, then i think he works for you lol
>>182298 My take on it is that the IG post is from a pic taken years ago in her early gaining stage. Iintentionally misleading, or not to intentionally mislead. She does not lose 150-200 lbs overnight to get to the required 30 BMI maximum for a boob job. She is losing the weight behind the scene right now, and her content may begin to show it (or not if she bank filmed a large number pre-diet). Time will eventually tell
>>182650 Your brain is rotted you can see the newest iPhone that wasnt even out a year ago💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
>>182660 You can tell the model phone from that pic? Your eyes are better than mine AND she's lost 200 lbs in 2 months? The JFK Jr. worm in the brain must have found you
>>182660 she is massive in the pudgy petunia vid we know for certain was filmed early sept. are you in denial of that? ok, perhaps you may agree, then she has managed to get to the ig picture size since then? if so, the idiot in your mirror, is you
>>182673 Nadya has more shrewdness than most models in this fetish, some due to her years of experience, but also no dummy. she fully knows how co*mer works and how to limit its effectiveness (all her vids are dm posted now), if one buys them on c4s we can still share here and be most appreciated here's a recent curvage one showing us a notably reduced nadya with some explanations https://gofile.io/d/KZTqwE
>>183837 god, her belly just really is the best
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Wtf is this - she’s lost so much weight 🫣🫣
>>184149 Yup, real evidence of a drastic crash diet. She apparently really wants the new boobs AND soon. I don't know what her surgeon is saying, but most won't do a boob job unless BMI is below 30. Nadya is tall, but that still puts her at about 210 lbs. Looking at her earlier this year, I'd say she was 350 lbs, likely more. She has publicly said that, following the procedure, she intends to regain the weight and more. On the other side, perhaps she may like herself slimmer again and attempt to stay in a reduced range. However, those that attempt to lose this amount of weight rapidly usually find it difficult to maintain, and she will definitely be dealing with unattractive loose skin issues. Here's a vid from this past summer, at or near her largest, Personally, I'd like to see her get back to this, and bigger https://gofile.io/d/XbTWRm
>>184157 Anyone else thinking she's just tryna lose weight? I'm not upset about her shrinking or trying to "reeee she's lying", but it seems like everyone is so unblinkingly sure she's just gonna jump right back to her highest weight and beyond once she has this boob job.
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>>184149 she's like a real life bambooale girl
>>184162 I'd buy the boob job part, but highly doubt she'll really want to regain to her previous max or beyond. I would also not be surprised by "Oh, I love my new boobs so much, let's add a tummy tuck on top to make my waist skinny and accentuate the hourglass." Maybe she could have gone with Fat Transfer Breast augmentation where some of her stomach would have been added to her breasts. But maybe that also has a BMI limit.
i truly can't even believe what i'm seeing. I'm not fat, but I like eating and I'm like 5 pounds overweight. I find it nearly impossible to lose this 5 lbs. How could a time-hardened, pig of a glutton weighing in at over 350 lbs have lost over 100 lbs in just a few months???? She must be using Ozempic.
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>>184171 >>184172 yeah, this will interesting on how it plays out. she is on record with curvage comments that she is dieting naturally (no drugs) surgeon recommends implants, not fat xfer, and will regain. believable, or not - ??? I do still wonder once she gets to that more hourglass shape with the new big boobs, that she doesn't pause and reconsider her gaining journey. looking more like the the single pic again with a big chest (~200 lbs) , rather than in either the thin-massive comparison, may be appealing. I hope not
>>184176 She should get an ass implant too while she’s at it. That thing is flat
>>184194 True. She was all belly and nothing else
>>184162 Yeah you’re right my dude. She ain’t gaining it back after losing it all. But let the rest of the dudes live in their fantasy land ha ha
>>184205 I agree 100%. That’s Lying and manipulating people for $
>>184207 >>184205 by my read, she's one of the more popular models in this fetish and has been for years. likely brings in good income. you can't fool the folks forever, so you're suggesting she'll go get a traditional job once she decides to not regain the weight? I don't see it
>>184205 Throwback Thursday. EatMe (nadya) in early 2018 at about 210 pounds - exactly where she likely needs to be for surgery. The future, except with new boobs? Still find her hot, but don't think so. The fat cells will be calling to grow again & her appetite control is shot at this point https://gofile.io/d/F7Szjl
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>>184220 Guess she told us! lol
>>184220 yeah, see, that's not a "i need to lose weight for a boob job," that's "i want to lose weight, i'm done with this". which is all well and good, as is her right. it just seemed odd to me that the narrative was going to be (in some peoples' minds), shed a ton of weight, slap on some fake tits and theeeennnnn... back to our regularly scheduled program? not surprised by this at all, just surprised that it came out of nowhere (unless she's been talking about doing this for a while—i don't follow her very closely)
>>184220 115lbs, Yeah this girl is done if she's planning on getting that small and it ain't for no boob job either.
Well at least that’s cleared up. Now i know I never have to check this thread again
>>184227 I think the 115 lbs was sarcasm, but still ...
Time to pack it up lads. Another one bites the dust
>>184220 how many of those messages do you think came from the spazes on this board thinking they'd be the one to change her mind? my guess is at least 20.
>>184220 Yeah she aint coming back from this Time to move on
>>184220 Honestly, good for her for making this decision. She’ll be better for it in the long run
>>184220 Sounds more like she's saying she just wants to tell the trolls she's losing that much as a way of getting them to fuck off and not that she actually plans to lose that much weight.
>>184296 Of course. At 5'10" and approaching 30 yrs, the only way she gets to 115lbs is her discovering anorexia. I don't see that in the cards She still looked decent at around the 200 mark, and would coincide where she needs to be if a boob job is really in her future
She likely had a health scare or something that made her want to lose the weight, but the way she looks now is Lauren Lush level. You can get rid of the loose skin overtime, but that'll take forever. Safe to say that she's done with this, but all power to her ig.
>>184296 why would anyone be that rude to the people that are paying their bills? shes made money off being fat. all of a sudden she looks deflated. people have a right to ask questions. this isnt a pregnancy where everyone knew one day the belly would vanish. it is her body, her choice, but a rude attitude will not bring people back.
>>184356 Because ppl who pay their bill are stupid and gullible. Person getting it paid is the winner. Work smarter
>>184356 She said she only was considering being rude to the assholes, not just everyone. Besides, if she actually is planning to keep the weight of permanently, most of the people who were buying her content before probably aren't coming back anyway.
i get that gaining weight is the whole fetish but i dont get why you guys are so doom and gloom. she wants a boob job because shes self conscious about her fat distribution. what about her content and eating habits make any of you think that she isnt going to start gaining again?
>>184362 no need to be rude to me, but I ain't interested anymore, followed her since 2019. disappointing and feeling let down because I fell for her repeating talk of the likes "growing, growing growing, never stopping" and similar
>>184366 because it is unclear what her intentions are. her explanations have been all over the place. in her "while I'm talking my shit ..." post, no mention of a weight regain, or even any boob job
>>184366 definitely not trying to be "doom and gloom," but what about her losing a fuck ton of weight rapidly makes you think that this is all just for a boob job and that she *is* going to start gaining again?
>>184382 because you actually need to lose weight for surgeries like that. and as much as i loved her fat distribution, its quite far from conventionally attractive even by the standards of a fat woman. it makes sense that she wants bigger tits. she's one of the most consistent models and i feel like of she intended to keep the weight off then she'd just be honest about it like reina was
I knew she fake once she started chilling with people like ivy
>>184368 She's been saying it was for her boob job pretty consistently. She didn't talk about it in the post you mentioned, but it's obvious that she was pissed off when she was writing it.
>>184448 sucks up the compliments quite well, but it's always been easy to piss her off too
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>>184448 If this is what this weight reduction is going to have her looking like - she needs to stop. Hopefully, just an unflattering pic, but ...
>>184149 >>184869 if melting ice cream was a person
>>184896 >>184869 To be fair, while her stuffing vids were hot as hell, her fat distribution has always been dog shit unfortunately.
>>184149 >>184869 The Wicked Witch of the West: [her final lines] You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! melting!
>>184362 her logic makes no sense. "im only being rude to the jerks". well, it reads like its to everyone. ive been a customer before. i dont like what im seeing. the logic makes zero sense. she isnt jessie minx who was and still is a ball of blubber. she looks deflated and depressing. and for breast implants? her body, her choice, but what if they end up looking silly? what if they turn out to be a bad idea? that does happen, you know. its just not a good idea and pissing off the people who pay the bill is never a good idea.
>>184928 If it reads like that to you then you either have no reading comprehension or you're one of the jerks yourself. Going by the rest of your comment, I'd guess you're the latter.
>>184869 who knows how this will play out, but for the moment, I'll remain on the optimistic side - she'll get the boob job, and soon begin regaining the weight to her former massive size, perhaps more. I'm figuring she'll not be happy with the loose saggy belly and deflated look we're seeing developing with this current loss
>>184869 Back before the deflation. Wish she had continued on from here --- https://gofile.io/d/qfqHne
>>184869 I got no problem with the weight loss but the way it's happening now is so gross as result
>>186693 Yeah, losing the weight is her own personal decision, but why did she let herself get so massively huge before this boob job which she must have been considering for a long time - unless she does intend to regain after.
>>186701 Because she wanted money for said boob job and other cosmetic procedures. Use ur brain instead of ur hormones.
>>186806 And how much did she spend on food for the last extra 60 pounds, Einstein?
>>186806 new clothes, plus new bed, floor boards, auto shock absorbers, etc
>>186821 Rich ppl make you spend your money first. Awesome job by him.
>>181777 She dropped a new clip on Curvage where she lays out her 2025 plans, including whether she'll regain and such https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/55788-2025-major-update-do-i-still-want-to-be-immobile-am-i-done-gaining/
>>186904 Holy Shit! Nadya was hot thin, and she was hot obese, Ok, haven't seen the vid, but impression from the stills - this now in-between look is NOT good. Whichever way you decide to go Nadya, do it!
>>186820 Not like she can’t save money? She wasn’t spending her earning solely on food and “breaking” things. Use ur brain as stated. Or just look out for the new belly button in 2025.
At least From the description of the video it doesn't sound like shes done with it, but it's only a description and I could be totally wrong
>>186951 And she could lie and say whatever to get us to keep buying shit.
>>186905 agreed, kind of uncomfortable looking
>>187083 after following her for years, I'd like to hear from her own mouth what she has to say about all this, but like you say, don't feel she deserves my money now
this is one of those "believe it when i see it" situations. yeah, she can claim she's gonna go right back to gaining as soon as she has the boob job done, but it's like okay, if that's the case, i'll check back in with you when you're as big as you were at the beginning of the year
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>>187094 >>187148 obviously she is going to say that she's regaining - she wouldn't have made a new 16 minute ppv video to say "I'm done". talk is cheap, we'll see. from this pic, new boob time must be getting closer
Just have to say I've never heard of someone having to lose weight for a boob job, I mean Bigcutie Buffie was over 300 lbs when she got her tits done
>>187342 Then you have never inquired - look it up - a reputable surgeon will not perform with bmi over 30, some will go to 35. Nadya, at 5'10" needs to be around 210 lbs
>>187343 She is definitely under 210 at the point so boob job and tummy tuck soon just wait hah
>>187404 Some of you have zero concept of of how different weights actually look. At 5‘10”, she is absolutely still over 210 lmao. Bet you’re one of the ones who think people who are 350 are immobile
>>188001 Nah some of us have brains unlike the mindless followers like u. She’s not 5’10, she lied (shocking ik) and she is definitely under 210. Take off ur blinders.
>>188122 No shit models lie. But about being crazy tall? That would be pretty weird because it’s not really considered more desirable by most. Regardless, even if she’s not as tall as she says, she still has a lot of fat/ extra skin on that belly and women who aren’t short do not look all that big at ~200 lbs. You’re just delusional and probably think 200 lbs looks mASsiVe
>>188124 Whatever helps u sleep at night dude. Why wouldn’t she lie about her height to make her weight seem more? I ain’t arguing with dumb lol and idc wtf she weighs
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>>188156 >>188122 What a bunch of retarded pinheads - 5'9", 5"10". 5'11" - whatever, she's fucking tall and fat (still fat) - and an inch or two ain't going to make a difference. Go away if you cannot accept reality. Aria is short, Ditria is ave, Empress is tall
>>188156 The level of stupidity is truly astounding lmao. That’s not how that fucking works, idiot JFC . If she wanted to seem fatter, she would literally claim to be shorter than she is, because you’d have to be much less fat to weigh any given amount if you have a ton of height. Being shorter= looking fatter for your weight. You’re really a genius, huh? 💀
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>>188198 "... gain weight in the beginning, ..." ?? Setting the record straight with the video history, shows her at 115 lbs in 2017, gaining to the upper 300's by the end of 2021. Try that yourself sometime. She then moved from NJ to FL and admittingly the gain chilled out for a period - numerous collabs with others began, but there were stuffings mixed in and she began livestreams. She picked up the gaining again in mid-2023, and really turned it on during the first part of 2024. She was massive before the turnaround and produced many intense stuffings. So now she is losing weight. Putting aside her true purpose and future intent, you criticized for "just talking no stuffing". Just what content would you expect during this time? Delirious Mukbang stuffings? She's been totally transparent that she's losing. But you're still wrong. If you check her OF and c4s store, you'll see she has done recent stuffing themed vids. However, they are framed more as "falling off the wagon" episodes rather than "eating to pack on the pounds". Such stuffings to gain would be so disingenuous to the point of insult. Assuming the boob job, what happens then? I don't know, but imo it is more likely she goes back on the gain train. She says as much in her over 16 minute curvage vid. I don't see any reason she would have made that vid if her only intention was to just get a few more quick bucks and quit.
>>188245 Her very first video, Jan 2017 I generally like my gals with more meat on their bones, but given the chance, I'd have done her in a heartbeat. given I'd likely have no chance, a sb or ph vid of hers would have gotten plenty of personal views https://gofile.io/d/wE6Wtz
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>>188250 oops. looks like I blew the link. another try. 1st vid https://gofile.io/d/m9atO1
>>188321 spelling and insult aside, you didn't answer his question some of these gals do enjoy being fat and i believe Nadya is one of them >>188325 here's one of her fattest, released just before the deflation began https://gofile.io/d/nQUWAw
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>>188330 >>188350 all true, no interview or speculation needed - said many times she started gaining at college in CA, dropped out, back to family in NJ, then off to FL was always solo until FL, the stuff filmed at Ivy's place is for sale all over the HFG Media site. maybe if this Doubting Thomas would do more than lurk here for random free stuff to wack off to (without the sound on apparently) he might know something about some of these models. perhaps many are only here for that and could care less about a model's personal life - fine - but they should keep their comments insulting those that do have a clue to themselves after enduring my likely unappreciated rant - you deserve another fat nadya vid (from HFG btw) https://gofile.io/d/zVgsNF
>>188224 She really is nothing but belly at her biggest(& fupa too) honestly
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>>188434 Really? She'll soon have boobs too. So this is a flat ass and thin thighs? Each to his own fancy, but your perspective differs from mine.
>>188468 To be fair, that’s actually a pretty damn flat ass for her size. And just the shape of it alone is very flat
>>188468 Thighs are huge but the ass is definitely flat for someone her size like the other guy said
>>188434 How I like it. Her fupa was amazing. Hope she gets even bigger for round 2.
>>188224 >>188468 One of the very few truly fat BBW's I've seen to have perky tits
>>188501 If she's true to her word, round 2 will be epic
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>>188501 Snap from new c4s vid. Dramatic change in appearance. Likely getting close to qualifying for boob job. What happens next? As some have said, she may like herself slimmer again and wish to stay this way or smaller. If so, probable return to surgeon to deal with obvious. I hope she regains to former massive self as in this vid from one year ago. https://gofile.io/d/REeGWe
You people speculate too much
>>189172 Good God she looks fucking ROUGH
>>189172 This deflated look is so gross to look at. No issues with losing weight but man this looks rough
>>189243 Like body aside, her face is scary to look at and is she balding? Straight up crypt keeper status
She could have qualified for a boob job long ago without the weight loss. If she is 30 without huge health risks they do it. They will give boob job to a 65 year old who is chubby with no problem…you guys are so gullible.
If she is planning on getting thinner the doctor might want delay surgery until she is close to goal weight because of skin.
She should at least tell us her highest weight
>>189211 >>189243 >>189304 Has it ever occurred to you guys that maybe she was never really attractive in the first place?
>>189390 You have idea what you are talking about. Yeah, some dangerous quack doc in Mexico who doesn't care about getting sued may do it, but not a reputable doc in the States. Try to find one, fool
>>189400 She doesn't look bad to me, dude. Like to she pics of your gf (or is it bf ?)
>>189390 clueless, no doctor concerned with their own liability is going to put a morbidly obese person under anesthesia for ELECTIVE surgery and risk them croaking on the op table. there's a reason they're classified "morbid"
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>>189400 looks decent to me even as a morbidly obese whale, imo
idk what it is about the deflated look but i sort of prefer it. i know its strange however
>>189413 Is that recent? She actually does still look pretty fat.
>>189501 No, a screenshot from a 2023 OF vid I believe. Not her fattest yet and certainly before any diet began. Someone with patience could find it and exact date on her coomer.
Deflated is disgusting to fuck.
>>189524 Well, it isn't the best.
I asked chat about docs in the States. I didn’t even put in a young age…. Yes, many plastic surgeons in the U.S. may still perform breast augmentation for someone who is 5’7” and 300 pounds, but this will depend on your overall health and the specific surgeon’s approach. Surgeons typically assess whether you’re a good candidate for surgery based on the following factors: 1. General Health: • You must be in good overall health, with no serious medical conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, heart issues, or bleeding disorders. • If you’re healthy and your weight is stable, many surgeons may move forward with the procedure.
>>189620 >>189556 Well this is all fine and good, but other than Nadya's age, we know very little about her overall health and condition - other than that she was seriously overweight. She has said that she is loosing weight in order to qualify for a boob job. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her. She has given no indication that she intends to quit creating content and has said that she plans on regaining the weight after the procedure. I'll also give her the benefit here, as she must be getting closer to the knife, and it will certainly be obvious to us when she releases her first post-op content. She couldn't keep this scam (assuming it was) going much longer w/o becoming apparent to all but the brain dead. The deflated look is not for me. I for one, hope she gets back to at least as big as before.
What im more curious about is how much weight she actual has lost and how much more weight does she need to lose before being able to have the surgery. She can say she’s going to gain the weight back all she wants but time will tell if she actually does. More importantly IF she gains it all back she definitely won’t look the same now that she has all this extra loose skin. I think the deflated look might be permanent regardless if she gains it all back. One thing is for sure she won’t look anything exactly like her biggest weight.
>>189620 One quick google search retard https://hunterplasticsurgery.com.au/news/why-weight-matters-plastic-surgery
I think her plan is to continue to lose weight but use things to mask her true intentions. I think she will come forward eventually saying that she sees that her health is too important. That is fine except the sees part( meaning this was and evolving thing rather than a plan to stretch out $ or letting us down slower. It's more healthy to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I wish she would be more sincere about her intentions. Instead of hiding these answers in paid videos that obviously everyone is curious to know about. At least Mochii made public posts so everyone could keep up with what was going on with her. If she’s done then just be done with it and move on. It just feels like she’s trying to squeeze as much money out of everyone without actually having to do anything but make fake promises she has no intention to keep.
On thread about Nadya, you guys still manage to be the biggest bunch of fannies here, it’s quite the achievement really.
>>189661 Thank you. Makes me proud knowing I'm not a pathetic clown constantly posting paltry, worthless comments like you.
>>189665 See how easy it is to flick your bean.
>>189660 She's given the answers multiple times for free. She said she's losing weight for her surgery and that she's going to gain it back afterwards. Whether you believe her or not is on you, but I doubt any video she makes will give different answers than what she's already said multiple times now.
Everyone knows she’s losing weight and having the surgery but the exact specifics of how the process is going she has yet to state publicly. A simple text post would do just saying when she’s having the surgery and what her weight needs to be for the surgery. People wouldn’t have all these speculations about the specifics of her surgery if it was common knowledge of what was taking place.
>>189672 I'll have to agree with you here. Up to a couple years ago she did regular weigh-ins with her last showing her just under 400 lbs. Then she stopped, and speculation that she faked it began, but she never addressed it and has never done another or even talked about any numbers. Curious for someone so previously transparent. On the other hand, she obviously gained a considerable about of weight the first part of last year taking her well over her previous high (whatever it was) but again no weigh-in or talk. You could now speculate that a legitimate weigh-in would confirm that her last previous was a fake. Many bozos here have given their opinion, but nobody but her knows for sure the truth. Hard to tell what specifically is in her mind now with the current secrecy on details, but I'm clear that in her mind she knows exactly what she is doing and why. Unfortunate for everyone else..
I think she'll come back and resume her usual ways 100% . It's just no doctor is going to say yes too someone that almost has a heart attack just walking short distances lol . Just find different models too Occupy your time until then .she won't stay thin for long after ,Being thin and Nadya are just too things that will never work now especially since she's been gaining for so long
>>189956 Agree, and her content sales must be taking a negative hit. There's at least one soul here who prefers the deflated look, but I'm going to put my neck out to say that's a distinct minority. Her body and mind must be so accustom to overeating at this point, she must be miserable limiting her calories right now. Rebound is real.
>>189975 I have a feeling she’s taking medication for the weight loss in other words she’s not feeling that need to overeat. I think it’s game over boys. But I hope for the best.
>>189979 someone asked the question about meds and ease to lose weight directly on curvage (her Oct 25 vid) she answered "Easy I spent most of my life skinny 😂 No meds and thank you!!". other questions answered too. many here find her with no credibility. I'll give her benefit of doubt, for now
>>189994 >No meds The way her body looks says otherwise but like you said well have to give her the benefit of thr doubt
>>190106 >>189994 The better half of her life she may have been skinny, but the last 7 years, her entire adult life, she has been an over 250 lb fatty. She's only known fat as an adult, and will likely gravitate back to fat whether she want to, or not. I've seen a couple models (remember Britt of Big Cuties?) who deflated from Nadya's size and then came back again huge, However, they were downright nasty looking - all skin tone and texture gone, hernia like bulges everywhere. Britt also fried her brain and came back a psychotic thinking she was Jesus, lol. The brain fry likely won't happen with Nadya, but you gotta wonder what she'll look like.
>>190110 I heard about that happening to brit but never saw anything lol. Sounds crazy though
>>190175 just go to her thread here and click one of the first gofile links posted, it has one of her unhinged rants that's honestly a bit sad and unsettling to watch
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Looks like she possibly had skin surgery. No more saggy hanging skin.
>>190365 perhaps, so now let's get those boob bags in, and get back to eating
>>190365 Dam. Why would she get the skin removed if shes planning on still gaining? My nightmares comin tru lol
>>190435 I'm thinking it is more cover-up than a skin removal procedure. My understanding is that skin removal is not a trivial procedure, often requiring post-op placement of surgical drains and an at least 4 week recovery period. It will also leave scars of various degree depending on the extent of surgery required. We'll see.
>>190439 So, what you are saying is that she's doing the cartoon thing of having the excess skin pulled back and held by clothespins?
>>190440 yeah that's exactly the case. your theory Einstein? ever watched My 600 lb Life? it's hell, and you don't look like this after a couple weeks.
>>190444 I was just trying to get clarification on what you were suggesting.
>>190477 and bro (>>190444) took that personally lmfao
She was never attractive. Also her fat distribution is quite bad
>>190507 You have said that twice now ye ye buddy go jerk off to a picture of your sister then
>>190507 Then why u stalk her channel lol
>>190522 >>190527 She wont fuck u bud
>>190605 wait what ? what kind of surgery ? I thought she was quitting gaining for good
>>190534 It's absolutely insane how some people genuinely think the only reason not to hate a woman is because you think she's going to fuck you.
>>190365 IMO, she looks better now than she did when she was heavy.
>>190659 your in the wrong place.
She does look cute now. Should take this opportunity while she’s skinny to weightlift and grow her glutes while bulking back up to her previous size
>>190650 Her boob job. Have you not been paying attention the whole time?
>>190653 >"Hate" >It's just people saying she doesn't look attractive.
>>190722 Any word on the impending boob job? Looks to have lost close to half her high weight. Must be getting close
>>191956 im tellin yall it aint happening boobs will get done and tummy tuck shes done lost too much
>>191980 Right here is facts. She is definitely not truthful. At her size now she could have gotten the surgery but keeps on losing. Definitely time to move on and hey if she regains all her weight and then some, we'll bite our tongues
I agree too. When this whole boob job thing happened she stated losing weight like crazy and had all this loose flabby skin. She didn’t mention it until people started calling her out on it. Now all the loose skin is seemingly gone. Which seems like she had the extra skin removed at some point. Her video uploads to her instagram posts don’t match up on her appearance. I don’t think she’s actually posting in real time like she claims. I don’t take anything she says as truth because so far she’s hidden things until forced to speak up about it.
Mods should take this thread down or move to gen, she’s clearly not a BBW and is probably not returning with any meaningful weight gain
>>192069 She does still have the loose skin. People only thought she got rid of it because everyone was too stupid to realize that she had her underwear over it in this picture. >>190365
>>192071 Yes. Thread should be moved to /gen/ since it’s nothing but arguing with no content being shared.
>>192080 wtf is this bullshit? Nadya is no different from dozens of other models here that have had weight fluctuations or were bbw's and quit long ago - kimberly marvel, azismiss, lmbb, many s31 and many bc models to name a few that come to mind that currently or have had threads here.
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>>192080 as for content, you want content? ask? I have hundreds of vids of her, but the morons on here don't exactly motivate me to share perhaps against my better judgement, here's a tiny taste of an early slim nadya, and a fat nadya. personally I find the comparison of a rare thin to fat model appealing. others seem to have no interest in anyone who isn't already a 300 lb blob when they start https://gofile.io/d/hCrNsR
>>192114 I think thin to fat models are extremely appealing because of the contrast. The thinner the better because it really shows how much they give in to hedonism. It’s hot when they look unrecognizable after gaining so much. I agree this is sadly rare because why would a skinny girl choose to give up the privilege and power of thinness? More reason we need to treat thin to fat gainers better regardless of what size they end up. Nadia had an awesome run, truly impressive.
>>192120 Interesting. After several hours, and several hundred downloads of my fat Nadya & thin Nadya gofile - the fat Nadya downloads are running at a nearly perfect 2 to 1 ratio over the the thin Nadya. Guess this helps to show that 50% of the community on this site doesn't give a shit about the model's former thin self. Perplexing to me, as these blokes are missing out on a great aspect of this fetish, imo. However, it is what it is, but glad I'm not personally on that side.
>>192114 thanks for the upload man
>>192127 i don't usually yap here, but you seem interested so I'll say that for my part, I *know* the model was thin. A picture is enough for that, and I would rather spend fap time watching fat vids.
>>192379 You're missing out, dude - put a thin pic next that obese pic of your fav model next time you jack it. Worth the try, you might like it
>>192375 Certainly. Not bf, some dude on FL east coast she visited and did several vids with, including a couple hardcore (believe he was paid) https://gofile.io/d/eTzZwi
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>>192467 >>192384 I hesitate to respond to such a full of shit lying asshole getting his pathetic jollies & apologize for the wordiness. But anyone who has followed Eatme/Nadya for some time knows she hasn't had a bf for years. If there's anything to speculate on, is that's she's into girls. One of her bbw model friends (who she's done g/g collabs with, adding to speculation) found this guy in SoFL willing to do b/g and filmed several vids with him (they're easily found). Nadya was interested (mentioned on her OF) and contacted him, and the result was her doing a set of both hard (ppv) and soft (curvage) vids. This lying joker wants you to believe she fucked and filmed with her bf after letting her friend fuck and film with him. Go try your stunt somewhere else where you might be better believed. Visual evidence doesn't lie, and your efforts are wasted here with those that have any clue of her long feedee history Nadya & Casey having some fun - https://gofile.io/d/GhzfrJ
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new video must not be doing well per nadya n aria, does anyone have feedback? dunno if i should grab it
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>>193499 It certainly can be expected that a vid on an FA site is not going to do as well as previous when the model is now half her former size. However, from this post, it looks like she is now very close to having the boob job, and then back to gaining. Buy it (and share please) we'd all likely learn something
>>193543 She's lying. Just saw a recent photo and she has to be max 110lbs. This huge decrease does not need to be had for a breast increase. Have seen women in the 200lbs range get this surgery.
>>193670 So I'm guessing we have to put up with your shit-headed nonsense indefinitely. We are to believe she's lost 300 lbs since October? It's time to just ignore you and not continue to feed your jollies
>>193676 She was never 400 dude. Most of her recent weighins were obviously faked. If you genuinely think she was ever 400lbs then idk what to tell you. With that being said, shes definitely not 110 rn
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>>193680 So sadly predicable, and just what do you think a 5'10" girl at 400 lbs should look like? If this isn't at least 400 lbs, you're more of a retard than I thought. And to the "Absolutely zero content", apparently blind moron, here's number 5 Nadya Gofile in the last month https://gofile.io/d/x4IElm
>>193690 For the sake of not posting another model here, if you want to see what a legit 400 pounder looks like at 5’10, look at snowangelcake. She trumps nadya in width and thickness and a single leg of hers looks like it would be the width of nadya, and shes at 396lbs. If you genuinely see snowangelcake and then look at nadya with other bbws, and think nadya is 400 lbs? Then youre genuinely a wishful thinking retard
>>193708 you're comparing apples to pears. snowanglecake is a pear if there ever was one. her belly is half the size of nadya's. different perspectives, different opinions - but can we agree to stop this pointless discussion?
>>193690 No way she was 400. Eliza Allure is around 400 now to give an idea of that size, and Nadya is nowhere near that. She was in the 300 range I'd guess.
>>193755 your opinion that no one cares about. useless debate. how about current update or better yet, content share
>>193755 Eliza's 5'5, but there's plenty of wholes in dudes argument. Firstly, that video's decently old so there is absolutely zeo chance she was 400 there. Most models plateau around 350 and I think at peak there's a CHANCE she got up to 365, but she was not 400.
>>193783 Mf your argument was well done but you used "wholes" and structured it like a schizo
>>193783 >>193785 Tbf calling your own post out is defo schizo behaviour…
>>193803 I love when people do it. Do they not know how IDs work here lol.
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>>193783 >>193785 >samefagging on a board with IDs hahahh
https://gofile.io/d/Ue82Oa This is the new video where she talks about her future - it sounds like shes in it forreal https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/50642-45-mins-massive-fast-food-feast/ this was posted in the previous nadya thread if anyone has it post it please
>>194073 Thank you! I was hoping to see this. No sensible reason to think it isn't legit In appreciation, here's your request https://gofile.io/d/FnLnFg
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>>192114 these have been previously posted on an earlier thread, but since they were requested (since deleted by mod) here are a few early thin Nadya, the one from May is after she took a couple month pause and came back looking really chubby for the first time https://gofile.io/d/vinUbk
