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Goddess Shar + Aliss Bonython Sharing Collection in Protest 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:47:10 Id:e1a911 No. 194391
My ASN was banned for about a week for alleged "schizo posting." Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned, I would just like to make it known that I vehemently contest the decision to ban me as well as its justification. I have not engaged in hate-spewing towards any model or user on this forum; have not posted long-winded, out-of-touch fantasies about a model; have not stirred the pot intentionally with baiting comments or white-knighted—and certainly not in the time immediately preceding my ban. If occasionally getting into brief exchanges on trivial matters and asking for videos more often than I share them constitutes "schizo posting," then I apologize. Furthermore, if that does constitute "schizo" posting, then I'd like to refer you to the Kayla Paolini thread (for instance), request you read every response following my February 11th upload of her McDonald's stuffing, and ask what you think those comments—that entire thread, really—might be categorized as. (Mind you, the comments that stand come after many have been removed.) Anyway, getting banned from a porn-sharing forum was a low point for me in my current battle with depressive symptoms (and defending myself may represent an even lower point), but, in any case, it strangely motivated me to use the forum for its intended purpose (ironic, I know) (/s) and be more generous than I previously had been once my ban ended. So, unlike that last guy who posted a picture of his collection only to not follow up (I assume), here's ~30 GB each of Goddess Shar and Aliss Bonython for starters. Most of my collection is from links shared here, so apologies in advance for any duplicates or a lack of any content beyond what is posted. More from other models to come. Aliss: https://gofile.io/d/Y52bAF Shar: https://gofile.io/d/91LqDe
Basically all of Alexasgains https://gofile.io/d/KU2IDG
As I shared some files couple of Msgs ago Mr.President,I would also love to have all the possible stuff you have of Thickashoney(forgot to mention in the last msg),along with Bonnie
>>196421 Mr. President, you have singlehandedly rebuilt this site. Feels so fresh, as if the golden age of bbw chan has really begun. A feeling not felt since the golden age of coomer. Immense gratitude, a big thanks to you!
>>196432 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001VVZSc2FFVlRNV2M5 Grab bag of several models from a while back that I have not seen here. At least 100 files in total.
>>196504 None of the files are public
>>196506 Should be public now. Rookie gofile move on my part. I get why people don't make many folders.
Can someone unfreeze all these?
>>196421 >>196274 Mr Trump, you're a fucking legend. Your patriotism has inspired me to share a second drop of my Curvage collection. This one is under your 50 video rule but fuck it, I wanted to share it anyway. There's BBW Demetra, Ero-hime, Jersey Ghoul, Adora Bell, Amanda Rosie, chubbybaby, Fat Ass Ruby, GoddessGlutton, and more in there. https://gofile.io/d/xq8FW5 If Mr Trump or a fellow soldier could share any content they've got from Sensual Amber in return, especially any that's not on sDB, I'd give them a medal.
>>194391 Working on uploading a my ~140 BBW JAV collection. Gotta work on those foreign relations, Mr. President. I'll keep you all updated.
>>196523 *140 GB, sorry I’m tired lol
Mr. President or anyone listing. Anyone have any Rylie Haze or any asian stuffer/ bbw content? here's a couple random vids as an offering. https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/bv7lJjFPkGs/us2
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>>196523 Here you go Mr. President, ~140gb of Japanese Adult Video. https://gofile.io/d/QZcyJS Requesting anything of other cute/hot Japanese or Asian BBWs.
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>>196520 Yo who is this? Goddamn I fell in love
>>196569 sweetybelu
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She has unfortunately lost some weight. But here are some pics:
>>196583 Who is that ? Nothing shows up as simulacre
>>196583 i thought she'd been getting smaller. damn, she looked great, i hope she gains it back. >>196628 see >>196578
I fucking love you guys
There is a part of my collection , some are still updating . Allisss, bubblybooty, big bitty Blaine , amber and bbwjazz https://gofile.io/d/wiJ4IX https://gofile.io/d/xa34Mz https://gofile.io/d/XCQRjs https://gofile.io/d/PU3XHM https://gofile.io/d/3pwadS M.president ! I know i’m asking something rare but in case, do you have BigbittyBlaine and LXVES? Thanks in advance king
>>194614 add these to the Denise thread. Some are on the mega file already
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YOUR CONTENT PRESIDENT HAS RETURNED As promised, here is a 5703 file drop of my random unsorted folder. There is a lot of good stuff in here I see sometimes, some Roxxie, Fat Miss T, BoBerry and many other coveted models all available for your perusal: https://gofile.io/d/QjZ7kI Frankly, I don't even entirely know what's in there, might be some pregnancy, blueberry, BHM, or other things I am not really into but just were parts of mass unsorted downloads or torrents. THE WINNING WILL NEVER STOP >>196696 I should have some from both patriQt, thank you for the drops! >>196559 Thank you for strengthening the alliance between our great nations, you are a trve patriQt and I will be dropping my Cece/lilsquishbaby folder (and other Asian bbw's that come to mind) in the next drop >>196558 I will see what I can do MAGA marine >>196520 I have a couple videos from Amber I will upload >>196481 Bonnie will be next as well! >>196478 Sir, you have the heart of a QAnon MAGA lion, looking after his pride. I will make BBW-Chan great again, that is my promise as your content president. BILLIQNS MVST DQWNLQAD. I have seeked nothing in return specifically for my drops, other than reciprocity in the content dropping, a mutual relationship of sharing. The respite hands and languished soul of a gooner president are never at rest when there is content to be dropped and gooners MAGA marines to be provided to. My GoFile Premium account is at it's max 3tb limit, I may have to delete some folders, and I will notify you which one's are to be deleted in advance. First I will get rid of the incomplete folders from my last drop in a day's time (March 11th) WHERE WE GQQN 1, WE GQQN ALL! Also, whichever faggot radical leftist janny keeps banning me on my high-speed fiber optic network, STOP. I have several phones on different networks, Star-Link (god bless ElQn Mvsk) and a few HP Z series proxy servers with half a TB of error correcting RAM and dual redundant networls set up on entirely different networks than my main one, also Walmart is next to my house with $20 prepaid smartphones as a last resort. YOU WON'T STOP THE WINNING, YOU CAN'T STOP THE WINNING! THE CONTENT MVST FLQW LIKE A RIVER!
>>196871 generational photo
>>196871 You will need to find a way to link Bonnie content in a way that isn't clear to the jackasses that keep taking the shit down. This deserves ST6 Mr. President. Barclay please dont fucking delete this.
Mr Trump, i voted for you. Can you plz upload Kbella
>>196871 Mr. President, If anyone asks me is there a god? I will gladly point to a photo of you and say right there. You have been the beacon of hope in the darkness. Honestly, no one else has been this good at spreading hope and cheer like you. Thank You for all of your hard work in your first 100 days.
>>196871 >>196490 >>196481 Mr.President,as I mentioned,I really wish to get Thickashoney content as well,all of her stuff possible....,those two are my absolute fav. But I hardly have any of their content,I will share some more files,Have a 76 videos legendary drop of my absolute fav. Ones in the making.... You single-handedly revived Chan,the goat,so a small contribution from my side as well,soon...
>>196919 That's me from my other device,I forgot that I have to use this device,and it doesn't let me delete the post now. So yeah I am the one posted those,just to cross verify,and also that drop is coming soon.
>>196920 I think this guy uses a private browser,so everytime he logs on,it has a diff, Id >>196481 >>196490 Anyway he did demand of Thickashoney content from the same Id so this guy might be valid. Mr. President
https://gofile.io/d/j56TTG (Will keep updating this one so keep checking out) https://gofile.io/d/RhwUhs https://gofile.io/d/STqgTw https://gofile.io/d/7cs23i https://gofile.io/d/4HVwjn https://gofile.io/d/NCsQP2 https://gofile.io/d/W3RnP0 Some of them might be a re-upload by me, didn't cross check And yeah I do use a private browser,so the name always changes,I tried that t This is my 6th drop in the same thread, unfortunately the name changes,this is the 3rd time >>196481 >>196490 That's me,Sorry for the confusion if caused any Mr. President 🙏🙏,Thanks for reviving Chan one again And eagerly waiting for all the possible content of Bonnie,and specially 'Thickashoney'
>>196922 Private browser doesn't do shit unless it's Tor, the ID is generated based on your IP Address.
Hey I'm currently uploading 46 ThickAsHoney files to gofile so give me about 5-6 hours.
Why is there not more Ca$ey downloads? Do the mods take her stuff down right away?
Fuckkkkkkkkk. Accidentally closed the gofile tab with the ThickAsHoney files downloading. sorry gents. Gonna be a bit longer I'm afraid.
>>196956 Lol you're fine man, thanks for doing this
Well it's about time. 46 videos of ThickAsHoney. Vying for a position in the President's cabinet :D https://gofile.io/d/FzhzYD
Here's some Nadya, as well as not-active curvage model Sabrina that I shared in the latinas thread. Any vintage S31 would be cool that isn't the SEA stuff https://gofile.io/d/y1hyrt https://gofile.io/d/koMNgz
>>196999 First line is nuked
https://gofile.io/d/WwCLkD new curvage vid as a thank u💛
Any AnnaOli videos? Here's some Japanese bbws as thanks: https://gofile.io/d/FYCPyD
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I hope your hungry fellow patriots. Here are some fresh baked American Muffinmaid. https://gofile.io/d/GAudIH
>>197070 Not public
>>197071 Let the muffins cool down before you eat them.
>>197071 The muffins are cool and ready to enjoy.
>>197070 >organized by date you are such a wonderful president
Vixenvibes link doesn't download, says it's corrupt. Please help a brotha out
Damn what a shame I didn't make it here in time before the Olivia Jaide link was taken down
Just curious out of ALL the shares that have been shared, does anyone have any kyra kane stuff???
