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Goddess Shar + Aliss Bonython Sharing Collection in Protest 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:47:10 Id:e1a911 No. 194391
My ASN was banned for about a week for alleged "schizo posting." Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned, I would just like to make it known that I vehemently contest the decision to ban me as well as its justification. I have not engaged in hate-spewing towards any model or user on this forum; have not posted long-winded, out-of-touch fantasies about a model; have not stirred the pot intentionally with baiting comments or white-knighted—and certainly not in the time immediately preceding my ban. If occasionally getting into brief exchanges on trivial matters and asking for videos more often than I share them constitutes "schizo posting," then I apologize. Furthermore, if that does constitute "schizo" posting, then I'd like to refer you to the Kayla Paolini thread (for instance), request you read every response following my February 11th upload of her McDonald's stuffing, and ask what you think those comments—that entire thread, really—might be categorized as. (Mind you, the comments that stand come after many have been removed.) Anyway, getting banned from a porn-sharing forum was a low point for me in my current battle with depressive symptoms (and defending myself may represent an even lower point), but, in any case, it strangely motivated me to use the forum for its intended purpose (ironic, I know) (/s) and be more generous than I previously had been once my ban ended. So, unlike that last guy who posted a picture of his collection only to not follow up (I assume), here's ~30 GB each of Goddess Shar and Aliss Bonython for starters. Most of my collection is from links shared here, so apologies in advance for any duplicates or a lack of any content beyond what is posted. More from other models to come. Aliss: https://gofile.io/d/Y52bAF Shar: https://gofile.io/d/91LqDe
SoftShortnSweet, Sweet Becca, UdderlyAdorable, and KittyPiggy currently uploading, but just know that the 30-gB Aliss and Shar folders are among my largest. Apologies if upcoming uploads are comparatively subpar.
Much respect for the self awareness my friend and thanks
>>194393 Looking forward to the Sweet Becca stuff, good shit
>>194400 Here you are, sir: https://gofile.io/d/KdKQQX
>>194403 Much appreciated, excited to see kittypiggy’s stuff
>>194404 Check back in liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike 3 hours, lol. Folder's about 18 gB.
>>194403 Thanks, my good man
>>194403 >>194405 >>194405 Legend! All of it is very much appreciated, you’re doing your bit 🤝
Kittypiggy stuff 🤯🤯🤯
Do you have that ericabiggs video with Shar in it?
Cant wait for the kitty piggy stuff
the links earlier seemed to have stopped working?
>>194413 just checked them, all still up, all still public. >>194410 i don't think so, i'm sorry.
SoftShortnSweet: https://gofile.io/d/QxK5LF
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UdderlyAdorable: https://gofile.io/d/fJFxFG
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CurvyBaby: https://gofile.io/d/72ZWUG Sorry if I missed any duplicates. All her damn video files are named "My Movie" so it's easy to download multiple versions of the same clip.
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>>194404 >>194409 >>194412 KittyPiggy: https://gofile.io/d/xhvshs Have at it, gents.
>>194391 Don’t wrry you weren’t the only one ban for schizo posting idk what I even did.
>>194391 >Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned You weren't. There are multiple people on the Ask a Mod thread complaining about their ASN also being banned too. I'm guessing the mods went nuclear and decided to ban every ASN that schizo (or bot?) was using to post. It seems to have worked, but regular members got caught in the crossfire. And thank you for the content! Respect for giving back instead of the worthless begging that infests this site.
>>194426 I appreciate someone addressing that part of my post. Thanks for the clarity. I'm not tech-savvy at all—I had to look up what an ASN even was, and then couldn't find a satisfactory answer on whether or not they could be traced to as little as an individual person. Lol, but I guess taking something like an ASN ban personally could be in line with the depressive symptoms... Happy to channel that into something "positive"! 😅
Juicy Angel: https://gofile.io/d/fUE8at
>>194426 >>194427 Asn is a huge number of ip's. Like 40k or more. We wanted a reak from the schizo and that's the only way to make it happen. Good job on giving back dude
>>194391 Don’t feel bad I’ve been banned for insulting moderators numerous times
M8 legend! Any chance you have cutie s31?
>>194391 All of Godess Shar videos: (IN ORDER!!) https://gofile.io/d/tAVoCD Sorry I just hate unordered files, sharing once more my library.
oh thanks for this thread by the way, I was wondering why I got banned for schizo posting as well. I was really confused because I hadn't posted in days and I always try to contribute when I can. this makes more sense now. thank you for the uploads OP
Do you have bigcutiechloe ?
Do you have skylar bigcuties?
>>194440 >>194443 >>194452 well i probably look like a schizo now for having taken it personally, haha. thanks for the context, guys. >>194450 no worries. mine were mostly in order, i just add a "!" to my favorite videos so i don't have to search for them. the ones that aren't numbered were downloaded more recently and just thrown into the folder when i uploaded it. thanks for sharing. >>194455 yes, but not much. will share later today. >>194471 definitely. the Gohan guy from the skylar thread is a GOAT. i don't have the sets neatly organized though, so if i upload my skylar stuff i'll probably take extra time to sort them, which could be a while.
>>194455 A mid collection, but here it is: https://gofile.io/d/IhmCC4
Also mid collection of Laura Fatty: https://gofile.io/d/4RBXum
>>194448 I do not, apologies
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>>194471 BigCutie Skylar: https://gofile.io/d/5tKLkF (Shoutout to Mystic Gohan—I'd have less than 25% of these videos if it weren't for him lol)
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This thread starting to get legendary status. Here is my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/2BKqxh https://gofile.io/d/oLfpEk https://gofile.io/d/QeO9e1 All the videos i have got of Ms.MacNCheese. Total 15GB.
Do you have reiinapop or lady sublime?
Yeah I received a one week ban for some alleged "schizo posting". Got 12tb of content, here are a couple folders I have already upped on my GoFile account. Prepare for more later. Fat Ass Ruby: https://gofile.io/d/xBScuz Dankii: https://gofile.io/d/OK9ZVQ Veelynn: https://gofile.io/d/BuRhe4 MzFluff: https://gofile.io/d/2EGJk1 Marzipan: https://gofile.io/d/2K7mwb
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>>194539 "NOW IT'S A PARTY!" I appreciate it, my guy, this is what I was hoping to start up. If only I knew how to properly name a thread and actually made it known I was trying to share my collection, haha. >>194542 'Preciate the contributions, man.
>>194539 >>194542 Currently uploading some 22-ish gB of CakedUpKayla reups
>>194541 Currently uploading 21GB of reiina >>194545 You did well enough man, thanx. Hope everyone involves and shares their collection. i will also contribute more in the future
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KelliJelliBelli: https://gofile.io/d/H6fBQT
Okay so i think i've shared enough to justify a little beg lol. Would anyone happen to have this Kayla Paolini video? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/34778-sugar-baby-feedee-is-fatter/ It is utterly useless asking in her designated thread, the damn thing's a cesspool.
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CakedUpKayla: https://gofile.io/d/AaJuHa
>>194558 https://gofile.io/d/Zq1KQi Thank you brother, here you go
>>194541 https://gofile.io/d/bdNW1x https://gofile.io/d/8p8iBZ https://gofile.io/d/L9tzbZ
Big props to op. It has been a while since I had seen a thread with that much content
Lady Sublime drop would be fire
I was also banned for "schizo posting" I occasionally complain about the hate filled posts, mostly by quoting Frank in Blue Velvet "Be Polite!"
That other guy had some satanpanties in it and yeah I was banned for the same reason and I never did anything hateful and wanted that drop, also mods this not me begging
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I have a lil assortment of my fav Models as well if there’s a specific clip or whatever please feel free to lmk
>>194564 It’s such a shame that she used to be this glorious and then wasted it to become a ”muscle mommy” 😔
Any new video from Squishy_bae, or update on the coomer?
>>194600 Denise would be cool
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>>194610 Please take your pick Denise is so hot
>>194614 Your kinda wasting ur time uploading stuff. The thread was just updated with a few videos and the mega files are still active. Just scroll down and find the thread.
>>194426 Ohh that makes sense I was caught in the fall out too. Lowkey didn't want to upload anymore because of it.
>>194600 Lauren lush it could be cool
Does anyone have anything of Riley Parker?
