/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:55:59 No. 7
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:18:02.
anyone seen chubbybunnieats curvage vids?
>>196000This beauty really needs a thread
Anyone know if MamaHorker is still posting on OF? If so, can we get a coomer update?
anyone got anything of msblondepiggy?
Seconding msblondepiggy Also, does anyone have pandorasbox2000 content? Shes got a chubby belly and a fat set of tits
Could anyone share bc aurora ??
https://onlyfans.com/chunkycherrybbw can someone update her coomer
anyone got old Big Cutie Hazel?
I'm looking for a thread where a guy's girlfriend started gaining weight on purpose and then he started sharing all the progress of her
Anyone able to update the erohime coomer?
Does anyone have this video?
I need to know https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-asian-tight-dress/
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Valkyria on Curvage? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/300286-valkyria/
>>196617 oh wtf, she's blown up since the first time i saw her
anyone have belly videos of colorsofautmn
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Whatever happened to the fat rat. Does anyone have her stuff?
Here to beg for Ashley Garland's OF to be dumped to coomer https://onlyfans.com/ashgarlandd I am but a poor college student, $9 is too much to justify for porn, but studying for exams is hard when all I'm thinking about is how few videos she's posted on the FatEliza page
anyone have any wins of chubbymunch?
Looking for bigcutiemargot videos, specially this one, anything of her is good. Thanks!
Does anyone have the recent BBW Layla vore video?
Anything new on Analisanchezjj. Her coomer has not been updated in a while.
>>196656 Her forum was removed.
Does anyone have that old Alice and Friends video of them eating watermelon outside?
Does anyone have anything new about her? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/foodbabyqueen
Does anyone have anything for Bryleigh Peterson? She was on Footseen for a while. She was one hot fatty.
Anything recent from Pizza Girl?
Does anyone have anything from Brileigh Peterson? Anything wold be appreciated.
Can someone please uppdate lrmbbws and urf@tgfs coomers? The are both geting so round right now
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/silaxxsinner can someone update her c00mer
Did you mean that I should ask like this? Hello everyone. I'm trying to get this video from laura fatty that is no longer for sale for my collection. If anyone has it and wants to share it, just write. I can share some or all of the videos from my laura fatty collection in exchange if anyone is interested. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/24994-diet-sabotage-ft-empress-of-the-north/
Anybody got this one from Karla Curvy? https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-latina-pizza-stuffing/
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58696-get-off-to-me-custom/&tab=comments cookie_bbw new video
would really be awesome if someone could update LRMBBW coomer
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/chunkybabee Can someone-update this ? She is huge now
I'm looking for some of KJB's older videos. any chance?
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>>196762 >>196868 She just posted this. What a hog
>>196762 This is from today. Urf@tgf
Anyone have any of her recent content?
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anyone have a collection of megina?
Kbella January weigh in plz
Can someone update Olivia Jaide’s coomer, please and thank you https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/oliviajaide Or at least provide this video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56746-bursting-burpy-champagne-chug/
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Does anyone have this Layla pic? Can only find it cropped
anybody have any Valkyria? i remember there was a video in one of the sharing my vault threads but i didn't download it
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someone please help https://thisvid.com/videos/bloated-chubby-belly/
anyone got this from kellijellibelli
Anyone have Discoronie content? Her OF was "fartass420" (lmao)
Anything out there different from what is on StufferDB about LenaVon Curves? Something I found while searching https://gofile.io/d/eZBYoG
can someone update lilmamakay thickhungry lucy vixen coomer plz
>>197229 Your dad told her to call the cops on you after police killed his wife brother. Bro run. That's not family.
