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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:55:59 No. 7
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:18:02.
Inkiighost coomer?
Can anyone update myfatblondegf's coomer page please? It hasn't been updated since November.
>>187816 Bruh inkiighost coomer hasn't updated since last year I need to see some good vore vids :(
>>187028 yeap she’s on youtube under the name solitudegirlvlog and you can see a bunch of snippets of her stuffing herself on the shorts tab. If anyone is ever so kind to add her to coomer that would be great
Does anyone have more vids of marisol or know more about her? Always thought she was the best but couldn’t ever find more than about four vids around the internet, and most of her old curvage stuff is unavailable now.
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Anyone have Caroline Quinn’s newest vid
Can someone update Lucy vixen coomer
>>187406 Yes, go on StufferDB and some of her content is on there.
>>187884 this please 🙏
Anyone have any naughtysalamander videos? Looking for this video in particular.
Yo does anyone remember and old video of a girl getting fed biscuits from a plate the girl wore orange and was quite big and was being fed by a chubby girl I believe they both seemed to speak a small bit of German, any help would be appreciated
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>>177217 Does someone have more from MsMacNCheese? Great fatty but retired a couple of years ago, for now I only have these mega link to share https://mega.nz/folder/ReshSLwB#TtqTQJMp5pcMEUqvWmgf2w
>>188020 Sorry to be a pain, but for some reason my mega AZ, isn't downloading files. Are you ok to Gofile me her jeans try on video.
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Anyone got this full isa video? she shared a snipit to her followers on her free OF
>>188132 This look like a creature l..
LRM-BBW Coomer update anyone?
Anyone got any videos for ChunkyCuban on tumblr?
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This vid has been shared here before and it’s just the hottest thing on the planet. Pls if someone could upload this gem again you’d help a brother out
>>188288 Goddamn who is this beauty?
>>188302 lilycupcakesz aka bigcutie lily
Does any one have any naughty_salamander content
Anybody got bbwbigbootycuties videos?
Anybody got anything on Curious Velma?
Anyone have any of aznmami/thickazn’s ppv videos?
Anybody have Chubbinikki videos?
Anyone have any of FeedeeNamimi's content? Seems impossible to find her old videos
Any ysabel27 vids please
Does anybody have any AcrossThePond stuff? Thanks :)
May you please update stuffybunny coomer or Patreon? Thx
This is so specific, but does anyone have the Aliss Bonython video of her talking in depth about her fetish? I believe the video is dimly lit, she talks about how much growing turns her on and how she loves to get stoned and wolf down thousands of calories in one sitting. I remember her talking about being high a good amount in the vid.
Does anybody have any helloella stuff like older full length stuff
Anyone got more lilac lizard My offering https://gofile.io/d/023EFG
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Is there a hero with videos by kaybee1989?
Could anybody get me this video https://thisvid.com/videos/skinny-girl-takes-a-gallon-enema/
https://onlyfans.com/hollibae Tess has an onlyfans, first time I'm learning about it. Anyone got anything from it?
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56164-velma-pops-some-buttons/ anyone has this video?
anybody got a coomer update for CutieDonut?
>>188916 Does she still do content?
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/29444-bbw-in-a-bikini-creaky-chair/ Does anyvody have this one?
>>188635 the two lives she did are on thisvid
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Anybody have any Cambria Curves videos from mid 2023 to late 2024? this looks like the time she was at her biggest and showed off her belly a bit
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does anyone has anything from pint-sized?
Someone put GothGyrl on Coomer? there's a chance she might go down soon. onlyfans.com/gothgyrl
What's Roxy clover's deal? Is she just a bbw with stable weight, an accidental gainer, or fleecing a gain from years ago out? Shes hot regardless but i always see her on reddit
anyone know the name of social media
can someone please update doughbabe's coomer?
Can someone do a reup of feedee princess jules?
Does anyone has pictures/ videos from Sensual Sammie? Highly appreciated.
Not begging, but i recommend checking out myfatblondegf's reddit. She looks even more massive in the latest pic
>>188288 I'd kill to see that video God damn
>>189201 Either way she's incredible! Would anyone have any of her weight updates?
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Tumblr girl selaviefeedee who has gained a lot of weight. Requesting a coomer import of her OF, selaviecurves
Anyone have smashmelllow vids?
Does anyone have TheBBWBoss squashing clip with FlatJack?
>>189456 https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/thebbwboss
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Update on Yokisan's coomer? She returned recently
Who has the video or other new ones of her and could share them? That would be extremely great.
Who have vids or pics of thiccutie / bbwbl0ndieluna?
do you guys have Kayyla's Rapid WG vid
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can someone upload megmolly's new stuff onto a gofile or her stufferdb page? the fantasyfeeder where she uploads from is currently broken to create new accounts
>>189134 plz, someone gotta do it before it goes down like all her other socials.
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Have some this set plump pinup? All photos and video. Please, help me find! PLEASE!!
Anyone got this? 🙏
Anyone have itsjenniesbody curvage clips?
Hey, I'm looking for a video, i don't remember the model though, she was a curly dark haired girl, about 300lbs would say. She was wearing a black and white striped t-shirt, and she was talking about a time she went to a fast food or something, and the guy at the counter was checking her our while eating, and it made her want to go masturbate in the toilets. If anyone can tell me the name, thanks.
>>189876 Here's all I got on her boss https://gofile.io/d/BuRhe4
Anyone have any content from her? Her stuff is hard to find/few and far between
does anyone have any curvybaby?
Anyone got content from her??
Piggypolly Or Jadeobsidian Please!!
new bigbellyJudy vid?
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Does anyone have lexxyy’s new video?
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Anyone got this video of val, it was on eproner now its gone
Does anyone have any of the most recent vids for Jellykat from over on Curvge? Just saw the previews for her oil and measurements vid and didn’t realise just how much she’s ballooned in the last few years.
Can somebody update GrowingGeekyCow’s (u104698871) coomer?
Anyone got anything from PrincessJules from curate?
>>190131 Curvage**
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Ok, I've stooped to a new low, but I am desperately looking for this girls livestream vods and old videos. Theres some stuff on stufferdb but its mostly just clips. I get that Allyson Bettie retired or something and I understand that but man she was the best. If anybody has her archives or something Id be super grateful.
>>190133 Me again. I did find some stuff that isnt bbw but its of her. I figured if im asking then I should be contributing too. Here it is: https://bunkr.fi/a/aVsA46EG https://bunkr.fi/a/GdunI6tf
Does anyone have any videos of ”SweetMarta”? Shes a russian gainer I believe.
>>190133 Coming back one more time to let y'all know I'm a dipshit. There's more I know but here's the goods: https://spankbang.com/8j3td/playlist/a+bettie
anyone have any gorjess?
>>190133 Bruh that bitch not even fat 😒
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Anyone mind updating msblondepiggy coomer
>>190133 https://gofile.io/d/ygJGlg i got this
Can someone please update lavenderchubs, lrm-bbw and urfatgf coomer?
Please can someone share xfayfayex videos from curvage
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It was taken off curate a while ago,so it’s a long shot,but does anyone have this video?
>>190345 Curvage*
anyone got belly videos of missmadlove
Update for chub-bee coomer?
Can anyone update myfatblondegf’s coomer ?
>>190221 >https://gofile.io/d/ygJGlg Hell yeah, thanks!
Has anyone got Jumbo_Jugz customs?
Has anyone seen Paige Turnah lately?
>>190345 The only thing I could find was a account impersonating her and selling her videos. Pretty sure this is lost media and I doubt anyone here have her videos.
Has anyone something new from Cutiedonut/u7569845743j
does anyone have tajathick bbw videos? I can't find any anywhere
This is pretty niche but does anyone have other videos of bbws wearing maternity belts e.g. https://stufferdb.com/picture?/391082/category/8358
Did anyone buy this most recent Diana video? Her gut looks huge in it https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/31729/30452753/fuck-my-belly-button-with-inflated-belly-mov
Does anyone have rosiemariefeedee muckbang YouTuber video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/17582-mukbang-youtubers-secret/&tab=reviews&page=2
Can someone please send me a vault on gofile for her content im desperate
Diaryofagrowinggirl newest video
Ainek aboogie anyone?
May someone update samantha_pudge coomer plz?
Does anyone have any collection of pics of Thefatrat47? She was a legend back a year or two ago🙌
Can someone please drop a vault of all couchqueens content would really appreciate it Or ar least update her forum
>>190267 Thanks to the one who updated urfatgf coomer (would be awesome if anyone updates it again, she posted yesterday) Anyway, I agree with anon here. Lavenderchub needs an update, girl is round
Does ANYBODY have Softbugz’ new blueberry and shake binge videos? On her fansly/manyvids I believe. I NEED these shits ong
Does anybody have a photo archive of a blonde girl that got posted on reddit under the name FatRat27 or something similar? Her boyfriend used to post her but all the accounts got deleted.
can someone import this to coomer? https://onlyfans.com/yoursuperiordom
>>191066 I second this, she had the best legs
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>>191118 We need a thread on her again lol
Did anyone get her of and could share? https://onlyfans.com/little.fatpiggy
>>191202 check her coom, it's updated to the 18th
can someone please update MsGoldenCherry's coomer?
Has someone added RavenDaze to coomer yet?
Anyone have this from Lexxy? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/55960-rainbow-belly-play/
>>191250 I would definitely contribute
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Does anyone have nude videos of S31 Carol from when she was a Camgirl?
Have a good day, everyone. Does anyone have this media from GiaDelRey?
Anyone by any chance have these 2 videos of DirtyLittleDiva being fucked by Kelsey or Odette?
Recalling a thread, not finding it now, If anybody might post https://thisvid.com/videos/scale-moment-obese-weight-in/ Ty!
Someone has this? https://thisvid.com/videos/this-gurl-can-eat/
Does anyone have this video, or know who she is? https://thisvid.com/videos/kitana-from-mk-wg/
any jigglybellysoftheart / Feedchromie stuff?
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We need this girl on coomer @lunahansley
Anyone got the newer stuff from pkpk029? On this fantia https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/345905
>>191962 what?
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Is there a reason why I start a m1ssmyrcen23 thread, it instantly gets deleted? I'm not begging when I start it and I post wins. Am I missing something?
>>192002 Video required for bbw
>>192002 She's friggin cute though
>>192005 Incoming video and thread
Does anyone have any pictures or videos that she made? Do you also happen to know her name for any of her socials?
Does anyone have videos of Sweet Marta? She’s russian i think…
is anybody subscribed to https://onlyfans.com/lunahansley ?
>>188491 Here's some stuff of hers: https://www.cambro.tv/1250676/curious-velma-belly-stuffing/ I'm in the same boat as you though: desperately searching for more. Would be grateful if someone could upload her 'Velma forced to be the plus sized model' video. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/55572-velma-forced-to-be-the-plus-sized-model/
Does anyone have any recent Myfatblondegf vids and pics? thanks
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This picture is almost 10 years old but it's the only one I could find. Her name was bbw Fluffy. Don't know what happened to her but I was head over heels for and would love to see if there's anything out there of her left.
RosieMarieFeedee coomer definitely needs an update. Any takers?
Can someone please update peakypooky’s coomer? Or share latest curvage videos please?
Anyone with a cutiedonut sub able to update her coomer? Looks like she’s plumping back up again nicely at the mo.
Anyone have any https://onlyfans.com/bxbycaxks videos ?
Has anybody got a link to this video in full, never been able to find it or much of anything from watermarked name.
This one also would be nice if anyone has it:
Could someone update sweetsoftstoner please?
>>191706 yea that’s feedeemii
Hey all! Someone could update natygetsfatty on coomer? She is looking so big! Ty all
somebody PLEASE update doughbabe's coomer, shes so hot
Someone please update golden_curlz_feedee on coomer https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/golden_curlz_feedee
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Does anyone have this video? It is on Chubbychiquita coomer but it's only 4sec long
Looks like LRMbbw is back to posting. Been a year since her last coomer update. An update would be a godsend
Can someone update https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/princesspiggythe1st ? She is incredibly into this fetish and her coomer hasn't been updated in like 2 years
Can someone update myfatblondegf pls thanks https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/myfatblondegf
I'm not sure if anyone remembers Fattiebaddie but she just updated her onlyfans, wondering if anyone is subscribed still wanna update her coomer or post pics please?
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Does anyone have these Fat Ass Ruby vids? I’m begging, she’s removed option to buy them from her page.
Does anyone have any chubby Vanessa stuff?
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anyone have any dommeleigh stuff?
I don't want to start another thread on her, so does anyone have any of pint-sized piggy? Especially her cake and whipped cream vids
Does anyone have anything from plump Brooke? Would love a thread on her but don’t have any content other than what’s on coomer
Does someone have FatteningPrincess/LilyKeen?
Any latest stuff for peakypooky?
Myfatblondegf coomer update?
Alright lads, I'm looking for a specific video of Isabella from Stuffer31, it's pretty old and I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. It's where she's a fat secretary in a button up shirt, eating a cake and pizza that her boss gives her, I remember her referring to the boss as "Mr. Thomas" if anyone remembers/has the video. Thanks!
Would anyone be able to update LRMBBW's coomer???? please
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Can someone put her new page on kemono.su? She made a new page called Piggy_2.0 on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/BiggyPiggy https://kemono.su/patreon/user/22428180
Has anyone been able to download FlatJacks stuff from OF?
Hopefully the Jannys keep my post up this time Long shot in the dark but I'm looking for potentially lost media. Stuffingkit Extreme Feeding Episode 5. Her site went down ages ago and I'll I can find on this video's existence is a forum post on BBwClub, and a 53 second grader posted on YT 12 years back https://www.bbwclubs.com/bbw-website-models-picture-post/~*stuffingkit-com-extreme-feeding-ep-5-feed-that-fat-piggy~*/
Whoever updated urfatgf coomer the last time, thank you and it would be awesome if someone updates it again. She just posted a clip.
I also agree with the other anons. Lrm, needs an update. Lavenderchub and cassandracavilieri needs an update too
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Anyone who can get it? It's from before her breast reduction and what I believe was liposuction.
Anyone have a Roxy Clover weigh in?
Looking for a video. BBW gets home from work and her boyfriend calls her to the bedroom for a surprise. He tricks her, handcuffs her to the bedframe, and starts feeding her with a funnel. Old video; used to see it everywhere, but can't find it now.
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>>193266 This is the thumbnail for it
Could someone please update Rylie Haze's coomer? She has gained so much weight.
Anyone have a good-quality copy of My Big Fat Fetish?
Someone can update naty1999 coomer?? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/natygetsfatty
Anyone got something from nikkimaialina?
Could someone update her coomer https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/u7569845743j
>>193452 Does anyone have any bijynx videos she hasn't posted?
can anyone update LRMBBW's coomer?????????
>>193473 I don't think we've seen somebody spiral this hard into this feedism since Mochii. Something is clearly mentally wrong with her but her gain is fucking amazing.
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I'm old enough to still remember Skye from when BigCuties was new. >mfw I saw her pics in 03 I think she even appeared in My Big Fat Fetish?
Does any have the ability to update sweetassugar699?
anyone got any chubbycat666 from the last year or two? She only posts like 3 vids a year on curvage but they're pretty long, and a couple of them look like they've got her feeder feeding her by hand from off camera and grabbing her fat, which from an older funnel chug one I watched ages ago was pretty hot
>>193532 Mochi didn’t even have this good of a body for gaining. She has the typical asian sumo build while this girl is gaining rapidly with a body/ swollen belly ThiccCollegeGirl or (skinnier) bbwlaya
Hey everyone, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I’m looking for these videos that were shared before: [https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/26444779/bbw-squirts-in-the-bathroom](https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/26444779/bbw-squirts-in-the-bathroom) [https://ladysublime.com/product/148280?refCode=nM9eYGVc&utm_source=pbw](https://ladysublime.com/product/148280?refCode=nM9eYGVc&utm_source=pbw) Unfortunately, I lost them, so I was wondering if anyone could kindly reupload and share them again. I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance!
>>193452 >>193604 she just doesn't seem to like idk, make content? Like is that really it?
>>193624 >>193624 She just posted this lmao There has to be videos or something. like she says she quit her job? how is she supporting the gain?
Does anybody got sth from babyph4t?
An LRMBBW coomer update would be godly
https://onlyfans.com/mrs_ledd can someone add her to coomer
>>193641 Seems like she's relying solely on individual donations. If she had any brains she'd start an OF to rake in the money. She's clearly in some kind of manic phase of bipolar disorder, and when she inevitably crashes out she's going to need that money...
Anyone have Laura fatty Laura really wants the job? Thanks
Hey guys I’m just wondering if anyone has videos on golden curlz feedee Thanks
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Looking for stuffing videos of hers
Would it be possible for anyone to update rosiemariefeedee coomer
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I’m looking for BBW/SSBBW in pvc/vinyl/latex/anything shiny.
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Anyone have the new big belly Judy video she released today
pls? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57667-someones-getting-fat/
Could someone add pandorasbox2000 to cooker?
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Does anyone know who this ioverstuffed fat beauty is? All I have a short video but I would love to have more of her.
Hoping to find one or two videos from Miss Magpie from Curvage. Some found their way into the underrated BBW thread but looking to see if anyone has others.
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Looking for some thottieronnie videos, she's cute and soft af
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has someone any video of sweetvanessa21?
Has anybody got any sweetmarta videos ? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/242796-sweetmarta/
Can someone please update lrmbbws coomer, and to those who have been updating urfatgf, thank you! If you could do it again, it would be greatly appreciated
New girl to watch https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57942-first-ever-video-trying-on-old-gym-clothes-fat-talk-and-belly-play/
Can someone give it plz that would be nice>>194348
can anyone update lrmbbw’s coomer ?
>>194379 >>194277 Absolutely agree with the anons. Lrm needs an update (haven't been updated for over a year) and she actually produces good content. Checked her tumblr and urfatgf is getting big! Photos for reference:
Anyone got any old calico bombshell or some of chunky cherry bbw’s OF content?
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looking for any of these vids i need to hear her burp even if its just once
Anyone with a sub able to set up a coomer for suunsi? Looks like she’s set up a new one from her old sunsiteee OF and is back on the gains for now.
Does anyone have this episode of some reality tv show where this girl eats a ton at a beach and by the end she has a big gut sitting down in the beach parking lot? I remember it being so fucking hot but I can’t find it anywhere
does anyone have any nakedorange content?
Can we get a coomer made for chunkyvixen73?
anyone got the tcg mega? thread is dead and i'm not inclined to make another since she doesn't post that often
>>193323 Realised I still had this on a laptop https://gofile.io/d/gBMgRo If I had anyhting to request, I would like to boost this >>192570 Doughbabe does make me go kinda nutty.
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MOAR of this chubby/bbw georgeus.
>>194080 Theres this https://thisvid.com/videos/thick-ass23/
and LRMbbw coomer update would go so hard
Any clue what layla video this is from?
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58028-my-first-weigh-in-and-measurement-video-fat-talk-weigh-in-measurement-and-belly-play/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57942-first-ever-video-trying-on-old-gym-clothes-fat-talk-and-belly-play/
Checked out urfatgf and the girl is getting bigger. An update would be greatly appreciated
Just checked urfatgf and the girl is getting bigger. An update would be greatly appreciated
>>194686 >>194685 Sorry for the double posts, having a shit internet connection at the moment
I’m basically begging for your favourite belly play video with good genuine fat chat. Not the fake “oh baby I’m getting so faaaat.. I’m getting so biiiig” I want the real pigs who are genuinely turned on by their growing guts. Link me your best
Could some kind soul update GoodGirlGrow's coomer? I'm curious about her new body.
does anyone have curious velma content?
Could someone update Mamahorkers Coomer page?
Can someone update mama horkers Coomer page?
>>194705 Thank you to whomever updated!
>>190607 Can't find anything on her weight gain
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Not sure if she is considered BBW or SSBBW, but was wondering if anyone had any MsDawnP videos. If this is in the wrong chan, please move to proper one.
Anyone have Olivia Jaide's Plumped to Clear Debt Full Movie or pt2? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/68859/16682852/plumped-to-clear-debt-full-movie-hd
Can someone update their kemono? Can someone update their kemono?
Can someone update their kemono? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/90200210
>>194468 >>194011 >>193896 Does anyone have this video? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/8428-annas-revolt-it-is-your-fault-i-am-this-fat-and-now-i-am-going-to-get-even-fatter/ I found it on YouTube a couple years ago, I think it got taken down.
Does anyone have the new fattiebaddie1 onlyfans?
Can we get a shawtythatluvsurgut coomer update? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/shawtythatluvsurgut
Fuck, wrong thread
Yoki Shizuko bg vids?? https://chaturbate.com/photo_videos/photoset/detail/yoki_shizuko/15874104/
Can someone update diaryofagrowinggirl’s coomer please?
There was a thread on BBW of some dudes gf who reached 300lbs. It's gone and I didn't save all of the pics. Does anyone have all of it including the vídeos?
>>195104 was just about to post about this. was my favorite thread on here by far. anyone know why it got nuked?
>>194379 Thirding this, need another fix of LRM
Does anyone have this video? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/41112-💦🐳-juicy-on-the-beach-🐳💦/
Does anyone have an update on Marilyn Mayson's coomer or any recent vids? Her posts on IG kinda look like she's lost some weight.
Does anybody have a collection on Thefatrat47? She was amazing and i’d love to see her again!
Anyone have anything semi-recent from pizza girl? Hottest body ever
can someone put bigtittyfeedee on coomer
Mariah Colombiana / Bootyvicious Anyone has her latest contents(starting from 2022)? Where is she now? Any existing socials? Did she retire already?
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>>195291 I mean this one
Anyone got any of lily_tayler's curvage stuff?
Any princess diana videos? Her new stuff looks hot af and her belly is so round.
Can someone update Urfatgf coomer please, she's super active lately
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Lesser known model but she has so great stuff. Anyone have clips to share? Plump Barbie on curvage
Did reybbw aka fatterforme pull a disappearing act? Seems like both her onlyfans and feabie are now gone besides an outdated coomer 😑
Pls can someone update myfatblondegf thanks https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/myfatblondegf
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Requesting an update for chub-bee please, started gaining again recently https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/chub-bee
Can anyone post new Chunkybabee videos?
can someone update lilmamakay Chloe lucy vixen coomer
does anyone have anything on toxicdeathfeeder, they recently deleted their tumblr account
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Sophies belly on curvage. New to content, she blew up pretty quickly from about 140 to almost 270 and wants to be at 300 asap.
Coomer update for Babychubz plz?
Holy shit we need all resources on getting a proper Sophies belly thread started. Used to chat with her on feabie before she got a boyfriend. She’s exploded, I hardly recognize her. It’s one of the simultaneously sexiest and most brutal things when you fumble a feedee before they start to absolutely pork up
anyone seen chubbybunnieats curvage vids?
>>196000This beauty really needs a thread
Anyone know if MamaHorker is still posting on OF? If so, can we get a coomer update?
anyone got anything of msblondepiggy?
Seconding msblondepiggy Also, does anyone have pandorasbox2000 content? Shes got a chubby belly and a fat set of tits
Could anyone share bc aurora ??
https://onlyfans.com/chunkycherrybbw can someone update her coomer
anyone got old Big Cutie Hazel?
I'm looking for a thread where a guy's girlfriend started gaining weight on purpose and then he started sharing all the progress of her
Anyone able to update the erohime coomer?
Does anyone have this video?
I need to know https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-asian-tight-dress/
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Valkyria on Curvage? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/300286-valkyria/
>>196617 oh wtf, she's blown up since the first time i saw her
anyone have belly videos of colorsofautmn
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Whatever happened to the fat rat. Does anyone have her stuff?
Here to beg for Ashley Garland's OF to be dumped to coomer https://onlyfans.com/ashgarlandd I am but a poor college student, $9 is too much to justify for porn, but studying for exams is hard when all I'm thinking about is how few videos she's posted on the FatEliza page
anyone have any wins of chubbymunch?
Looking for bigcutiemargot videos, specially this one, anything of her is good. Thanks!
Does anyone have the recent BBW Layla vore video?
Anything new on Analisanchezjj. Her coomer has not been updated in a while.
>>196656 Her forum was removed.
Does anyone have that old Alice and Friends video of them eating watermelon outside?
Does anyone have anything new about her? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/foodbabyqueen
Does anyone have anything for Bryleigh Peterson? She was on Footseen for a while. She was one hot fatty.
Anything recent from Pizza Girl?
Does anyone have anything from Brileigh Peterson? Anything wold be appreciated.
Can someone please uppdate lrmbbws and urf@tgfs coomers? The are both geting so round right now
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/silaxxsinner can someone update her c00mer
Did you mean that I should ask like this? Hello everyone. I'm trying to get this video from laura fatty that is no longer for sale for my collection. If anyone has it and wants to share it, just write. I can share some or all of the videos from my laura fatty collection in exchange if anyone is interested. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/24994-diet-sabotage-ft-empress-of-the-north/
Anybody got this one from Karla Curvy? https://thisvid.com/videos/bbw-latina-pizza-stuffing/
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58696-get-off-to-me-custom/&tab=comments cookie_bbw new video
would really be awesome if someone could update LRMBBW coomer
https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/chunkybabee Can someone-update this ? She is huge now
I'm looking for some of KJB's older videos. any chance?
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>>196762 >>196868 She just posted this. What a hog
>>196762 This is from today. Urf@tgf
Anyone have any of her recent content?
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anyone have a collection of megina?
Kbella January weigh in plz
Can someone update Olivia Jaide’s coomer, please and thank you https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/oliviajaide Or at least provide this video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56746-bursting-burpy-champagne-chug/
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Does anyone have this Layla pic? Can only find it cropped
anybody have any Valkyria? i remember there was a video in one of the sharing my vault threads but i didn't download it
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someone please help https://thisvid.com/videos/bloated-chubby-belly/
anyone got this from kellijellibelli
Anyone have Discoronie content? Her OF was "fartass420" (lmao)
Anything out there different from what is on StufferDB about LenaVon Curves? Something I found while searching https://gofile.io/d/eZBYoG
can someone update lilmamakay thickhungry lucy vixen coomer plz
Does anyone have any reiinapop vids when she was bigger
someone has this vid?
Hello everyone. I'm trying to get this video from laura fatty that is no longer for sale for my collection. If anyone has it and wants to share it, just write. I can share some or all of the videos from my laura fatty collection in exchange if anyone is interested. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/24994-diet-sabotage-ft-empress-of-the-north/
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/39624-maximum-stuffing-my-friend-to-be-heaviest-peruvian-ssbbw-model/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/40921-mental-control-%F0%9F%95%B9%EF%B8%8F-fattening-her-with-a-huge-chocolate-cake-weigh-in-measurements/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/38176-forcing-my-friend-to-get-stuffed-until-she-cant-anymore-oiling-massageweigh-in/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/34241-curvy-latina-bbw-got-fed-by-giantess-ussbbw/ Anyone have one of this videos????
Does anyone have some new Bella Abbondanza content?
https://onlyfans.com/lunahansley we need this girl content
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New gainer https://onlyfans.com/nadiabellaa https://www.instagram.com/nadiabellygirl?igsh=MThoZ2dtbTV5aXF6cw== Put it in the coomer please
anyone have full?
>>197418 https://gofile.io/d/D51UWO
she is looking pretty big fat, she is pregnant again https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58638-pregnant-stuffed-with-a-footlong/
Requesting an update on Andouilles https://fansly.com/520354575702568961
Does any1 have some Morgan Louise they could share plz
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Does anyone have one of these videos
anyone have these bigcutie skylar sets 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40.41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,67,68,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,93,94,95,96,98,99,101,104,105,106,108,111,117,118,121,123,124,125,126,131,132,133,134,136,138,139,140,141,142,146,151,151,155,156,157,159,160,163,165,167,168,169,170,171,174,175,177,179,182,184,186,187,188,198
>>197561 Is that all you need. Jesus fuck man
Does anyone have any new Paige turnah? She looks like she’s getting thick again.
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Anybody remember the name of this chick? She removed herself and her paid content from curvage so I can no longer access the video :(
looking for sophiesbelly or myblondepiggy
Littlestpigletann and Cece Hectori did a giantess video together I think on Ann's onlyfans. Could anyone please get that for me?
Does anyone have Couchqueenie's vore videos and/or her dolcett video?
is there any way to download videos from thisvid?
Can someone update pls https://kemono.su/patreon/user/90200210
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Does anyone have Swedishlilly videos ?
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She used to just have big tits, now she is full blown bbw. She is currently promoting her new song "Slavic Doll", the video has some great shots though the song is horrid. Please update Kemono or coomer https://kemono.su/patreon/user/9565424 https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/missparaskeva
>>197561 Share the sets: 1, 6, 11, 24, 26, 60, 66, 69, 90, 91, 92, 97, 100, 102, 103, 107, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 137, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 158, 161, 162, 164, 166, 172, 173, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197
Overlap with the model ID thread, but can anyone here with a Pimeyes subscription verify her identity?
long shot but does anybody have the 5 KP videos this person has privated?? I'd really appreciate it if anybody could share 😭 more kyrbi content would be nice to have saved
>>197911 https://thisvid.com/members/1916891/ didn't link the page my bad
does anyone have any agirlwholikestoeat
bigbellybecky/becky smith changed her onlyfans page address. can anyone add it to coomer if there's anything new? https://onlyfans.com/bbbofficial/media also could anyone update poptart's page please? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/poptartbelly
Does anybody have any content of bbw-oliviasworld95 or could update her coomer ? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/bbw-oliviasworld95
>>197891 That's cameroncarsey, she's still not on coomer though https://onlyfans.com/cameroncarsey
Anyone who has or can update Analisanchezjj onlyfans page on coomer or a file. She released some sex tapes. Thank you.
Anyone got any videos of a model named carbzilla? She made a video with Nadya then dropped off the face of the earth.
Can somone update Msgoldencherry's coomer please
any empress of the north?
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Anyone know where I can find this clip of Layla? Found on thisvid, requested access to the user a while ago but got nothing back and can’t find the clip anywhere to buy, does anyone have it? Can swap for a Kayla Blueberry vid if possible
Does anyone have any Curvage Casey? She wiped all her content and I need some of her vudeos
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Does anyone have more of her? She’s a goddess. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/prettybabyykayy Hasn’t been updated for a while now.
Does anyone have any Ms Mac cheese? She was the bomb.
Does anyone have the part 2 for this vid (her 10L Chocolate Milk video)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRMp2geGoUk It's on her Patreon and Onlyfans It's
Cronenebitch from reddit made a patreon, removing all her youtube videos in the process. Anyone planning on subbing to her patreon?
Can someone please update the coomers for Sweetassugar699 and/or Evastover? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/evastover https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/sweetassugar699 Both insanely hot but haven't been updated since last year.
>>198442 Fuck that sucks, she was the best on YouTube.
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Does anyone have more pictures of her?
who has nixlynka belly videos
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Anyone got her sextapes???
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Anyone have any stuff from her? Especially her blowjob clips. She loves to swallow and I want to see her take a big load. Best stuff is paywalled but hoping someone has something.
Anyone have greedysow content?
>>198583 Name?
>>198665 ivisitheresometimes on feabie
Does anyone have "fattest lauren"? I could've sworn I had it on my computer but apparently not.
Anyone got anything new from Bellagirlsbelly? Paid OF isn't up to date, free OF is missing PPVs. Looks like there's some good stuff on Curvage and C4S as well. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/bellasbelly https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/bellagirlsbellyfree https://l.clips4sale.com/studio/314961/bellagirlsbelly https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/218687-bellagirlsbelly/&tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab
Could someone set up the coomer for Bbw pixipix? She’s amazing I’m shocked people don’t talk about her more https://onlyfans.com/bbwpixipix
>>198733 The fuck is this made up fanfic shit.
>>198736 Thats the dumbest statement anyones ever made and doesn't make sense like the made up shit you posted about FBI nonsense. stfu and get off the chan.
>>198738 Guys got the tism
>>198733 … anyways would rlly appreciate someone doing it I guess
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Please God anything recent from her. Her body is perfect
hi , does anyone have princess diana videos please?
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Anyone have this one https://faphouse.com/videos/2GegBH
Does anyone have pudgy folk or kail messy?
Could we get an update on Lharmon2920's coomer?
there was one RP video by Olivia Jaide where she's trying to explain to her bf that she needs to lose weight. He is staring at her belly and then they fuck so he could 'be serious' after. I can't find it anywhere, does anyone have it? 🙏🏻
If anyone has GirlsGoneBelly address on ThisVid, could you please share these vids of theirs? https://thisvid.com/videos/gf-weight-gain-denial-stuffing/ https://thisvid.com/videos/50-lb-weight-gain-measurements/ Thanks in advance
Hello I am here to beg for Sweet Becca videos. New post partum one and/or the heavily pregnant one posted months ago 🙏
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>>198919 I mean look
We're sleeping on LRM - her coomer hasn't been updated in forever. She's been fuckin blowing up
>>198628 Anyone got anything on this??
Does anyone have these vids? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58566-from-fit-to-fantasy-reacting-to-fan-art/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/58970-fridge-raider-ii/

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