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New Juicy Angel Thread Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 19:36:55 Id:1958ad No. 122195
Old thread got bump locked so let's start off the new one with some content. https://we.tl/t-blNlcd8jnq https://we.tl/t-8OgvzrZJDl
>>122195 Appreciate it kind sir
>>122815 Thanks Dude!
>>122815 Top G
Can someone reupload these 3 links? Thx
>>123526 https://we.tl/t-blNlcd8jnq https://we.tl/t-8OgvzrZJDl https://we.tl/t-2UD852VYrg
Workout vid to bump the thread. https://we.tl/t-SpSwI9GcIH
>>124254 Anyone have the video of that middle one?
Has help me mommy-being a pig in public 18 been shared yet? Its awesome her mom is out here helping stuff her.
>>124305 is this a newer video? it'd be great if someone shared, she looks fucking massive >>124435 if that's actually her mother, that's kind of fucked. seems strange to have a relative, let alone one of your parents, get involved in your kink is... not it
>>124449 *ignore the "is" at the end
>>124494 Damn! Ngl I wish this vid was shared. Hope there’s a kind king out there
>>124435 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVBGcWpHdk5LakY
(48.54 KB 800x450 uh.jpg)
>>124449 why involve your mom? I imagine its a money thing. Thank god I had good parents.
You all realize that woman is an actress, right ? Come on guys, multiple bbw's on the past pulled the "my mom feed me" thingy, it's just an sketch for spice things up, just enjoy it,
>>124528 Yeah. The same people probably think when a porn video says “I fucked my step-dad” they really think it’s their step-dad. I absolutely loved this “mom” skit. Was def sexy and made it hotter
>>124528 i think its her real mom, she already appeared on multiple ig stories before.
Juicy is HUGE!
>>124528 Have they? Not to be a sperg, but she's not really doing anything but like making passing comments at least in that video. And idk is it better that it's some middle aged woman she paid to play her mom? >>124531 Getting railed out by a leathery father is different than some random woman sitting off camera and saying "You're fat"
>>125713 her of is trash, there nothing in it
Anyone got anything new? Or like semi-new? If do please post.
>>125760 its free
>>126702 Can't we get some actual new content instead of just begging? Damn...
>>126702 By the way, here you go: https://we.tl/t-DHsQdUAVs1
>>126702 Anyone know where that first gif is from?
YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl4TTFodFEyUk1RazlCYkM5MWN6TT0= Heres almost 10 gigs of her stuff. Pretty unorganized and there might be repeats
>>126702 Any link to that first gif?
>>126740 We'll take what we can get thx man!
>>126740 Thanks man
>>126740 MVP of this thread, literal GOAT
>>127213 https://mab.to/t/quzo3zue46q/us2 still uploading at time of posting
>>127213 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl4TTFodFEyUk1RazlCYkM5MWN6TT0= >>127226 its not the full reup, sorry
>>127307 Here's the reup YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlSUmxFeVJHSjFXbWd5T1M5MWN6TT0=
>>128094 https://we.tl/t-K7IidbLPKn
any new videos? https://we.tl/t-lJ8Tyx4nkC
Her latest vid looks great with a weight in
>>128263 How much is she now?>>128263
Anyone remember how much she weighed in her previous weighin ?
>>128742 She's perfect to me? She ain't too big and her curves are nice.
if anyone has the link to that big dump I'd appreciate a reup https://we.tl/t-UuiHsW8E2L here's 4 vids I have
Wow she is really getting huge… does somebody got a new vid?
>>130956 Your post was deleted for two reasons: 1. don’t beg for content or bump the threat without content 2. fart video are for degenerates
>>122195 We need a HERO to reup something. She is getting that sweet sweet belly.
https://we.tl/t-7RgszW1GrG Here you go, "mom" video at burger king if someone wanted it.
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If it's about Latin girls, I'll take this one
>>131064 and her name is...?
>>130995 KING!!! anything else you might have from her
https://we.tl/t-YxBJY0NCxq here's those same 4 vids again, hoping someone will reup those 10 gigs
Call me crazy, but having the name of your online persona tattooed on your belly is fucking cringe
>>131066 @bbw_pixipix @bbwpixipixx
>>131203 One would assume that the name came because of the tattoo lol
>>131919 Why would she get that tattooed on herself in the first place?
>>132271 TDS, lol
>>132320 It is on spankbang, but I saved it. Enjoy. https://mab.to/t/eW86B0B1AkS/eu1
>>132428 Dude, thanks. So good
>>132428 thanks for sharing. jesus christ, she's looking gigantic
>>132661 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTI3cWUzTmFSd3A there you go my man
(163.70 KB 1920x1080 IMG_0781.jpeg)
Just a reup: https://we.tl/t-KCjq8RvqSe Any content from her is greatly appreciated! Especially her newer stuff because she looks amazing. This one in looks especially good https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/36668-%E2%9C%A850cm-hot-dogfunnel-feeding%F0%9F%94%A5%F0%9F%94%A5/
>>134146 >>133335 Enjoy: https://we.tl/t-jub4f2XQnS Anything is greatly appreciated before the site dies. I’d love to see that hot dog video from a few posts ago too if anyone has it!
God she's so fucking hot i wish her belly was a little bit more round
God i'd wish i could have paid her when she did sex work, i missed out
anyone knowswhere this clip is from
who tf is that? her mom?
This is my fav model of all time. I have a ton of her vids and most of them being recent ones. I wanna share but you guys gotta put some shit on the table before we can feast yk. Doesn't even have to be just her. Just tired of mfs only begging on here
>>135477 I also have this vid. That is infact, her fucking mom. If she isnt lying about it for buys. But it worked for me, and honestly the fantasy of it is enough idec
here's that fairy video she posted recently aHR0cHM6Ly9nby53ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS90LU9nZjR2WldwQWw=
>>135582 Would you upload this please? Really curious to see what the video is like
>>135619 aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC95QlJXVmZGcUg0TS91czM= Here's 14 gigs of her stuff. Theres like 2 vids featuring her mom the one from the gif is also there. If anyone has newer stuff pls post
>>135635 You do me great honor
>>122195 Christ man thanks for the drop
>>135635 dangit 53% stopped working, f5, no longer exists :(
>>135739 lesson to always download by files instead of the zip
>>135742 lesson to use pixeldrain you fucking retards https://pixeldrain.com/
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>>124435 Guess who is back?
>>137371 goddamn.
so do you think she's been gaining?
>>137411 You can see on her instagram that she's in fact getting fatter
So delicious!!
>>138898 Hi Juicy
>>135635 https://mab.to/t/dKbybIXJE2J/us2
>>139014 I'm really grateful that you uploaded this. I'm just wondering whats the name of the file/video with her sitting on her moms lap. I already downloaded 4gigs of videos and I haven't downloaded it. I really don't want to download everything for that one clip.
its called work stuff
>>139124 someone have this?
https://youtu.be/J6jN2tEGrk0?si=vKYEhwWq7Omyrcog Someone apparently made a compilation, or something like that
>>139124 The treehouse of horror donut gauntlet shirt…
Can someone re-up some videos with her mom?
>>140707 Oh please oh please oh please oh please.
If anyone knows other threads online, it would be amazing if you share them please
Please re up
>>139124 The fact that she's taller and fatter than her mom is so hot
Reup pleasee
>>141892 >>139124 Sadly she didn't inherit her tits 😔
>>141948 As much as I like both, I'll take a belly bigger than her torso over torso-obscuring tits! 😜
(4.98 MB 1080x1920 Drink water bbw.webm)
(1.78 MB 1080x1920 Having fun.webm)
>>142008 Man I rarely post but I just wanna say Whoaaa - Love how absolutely soft she looks.
>>140707 >>141582 >>141784 >>141893 https://mab.to/t/CPjMZIB72Y2/us2
>>142077 This mfer never fails us. Change your shit to King Nope brodie
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/36668-%E2%9C%A850cm-hot-dogfunnel-feeding%F0%9F%94%A5%F0%9F%94%A5/ anyone have this one?
Anyone has the date night or too fat for the aumusument park ??
>>142447 I remember one video she said she wasn't going to gain anymore weight. She's definitely a bit bigger with all those stretch marks.
>>142464 Thing is she isn't a gainer, she just stuffs herself full of food. She definetly Is getting bigger but she isn't actively chasing the goal of being a gainer
>>142077 Please reup guys would really appreciate
>>142077 Can someone reupload this, just missed it
https://d0o0d.com/d/w8wqlem3u4uw https://d0o0d.com/d/sr97nwfpdjsu
Dood links are a plague 9x buddy doesn’t even work
>>142504 https://mab.to/t/vgBuLKuJXqI/us2
link https://d0o0d.com/...... open only in JDownloader>>142511
>>142543 No way bro just bumped the thread after an hour and a half
>>142511 I don't understand it. Why does anyone use dood?
>>142685 retards are everywhere. The mom videos are so wild.
any one can post her content on mega
>>142803 >The mom videos are so wild. Were they ever uploaded to this thread? I get lost with all the nagging
>>142836 They were. Her mom seems intent on milking her obese daughter as a money making venture. It is pretty wild
>>142847 damn thats hot as hell if true
She is in love with the gaining https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/41438-%F0%9F%8D%94stuffing-and-weighing-%F0%9F%8D%94-day-211/
>>142847 Jesus christ, it's almost so disgusting I can't even get off to her. Almost
>>143062 Her public stuffings gets me like that. She's so shameless, belly full out in public playing with it and stuffing her face. It's disgusting taking your kinks out in public, but at the same time so hot
I can't be the only one that is over the moon with how massive she's looking in some of these latest updates. I'd love to see some of the new vids uploaded, and in return I'm uploading my four favorite videos from her. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl4ZVdKM1UwZFZVbW94Unk5MWN6ST0= This drop includes 1. Cow Funnel - absolutely love her belly hang in this one, her apron's hanging so low these days 2. Feed Me in Public - yes please 3. Public Stuffing in McDonalds - She looks so huge in that skimpy top and jean shorts, I'd be so hard if I saw someone that fat dressed like that pigging out in public. 4. Milk Bloat - hot to see her with her man (feeder?) and some really great apron belly hang in this one too. Please upload any new content you've got from her, and I hope everyone has an awesome day.
>>143220 Holy shit anon, you did not need to go so all out with this upload but thank you for doing so. Like you, I am also most impressed with how pronounced those stretch marks are getting and just how low that apron belly is hanging these days! I hope you get what you’re looking for.
>>143220 how i search this link? help please
>>143403 google base64 decoder and put it in. If it comes back as another code then decode it again
>>139124 https://mab.to/t/erC4BmW9jwF/us2 So.. here's the video. and couple more i liked in spanish and a queen feedee celeste, shes bleh for some, but it was fine for me. about the Mom.. Its an okey vid. idk what i was expecting. (its mid) (its just them eating and a little belly play) Remember its a MAB link so it will be gone in 3 DAYS, and there wont be more Reups. They were fun.
Did anyone buy the weigh in? I'm about to, but if anyone uploads it I can use the money for another one and upload it
>>143734 Same guy here. Just bought it and I'll upload tomorrow. If someone could get the newest one would be great
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>>143659 >and couple more i liked in spanish I love when girls talk in spanish (I'm hispanophone). Thank you so much!!
>>143755 You rock dude
>>143786 Theyre just pissed off out of all ppl or members I make as much as them if not alot more especially this year" through my business "
>>143755 https://mab.to/t/lieazWGY59R/us2 There you go! Hopefully we can see the nuggets one soon
>>143659 I shouldn't be surprised that its mid. They're in public and Its borderline I-cest . The mom has nice tits so im gonna pretend its fake. Thanks for sharing anyway.
>>143826 You’re a legend, thanks man. Didn’t realize how big she’s gotten
>>143863 call it i-cest if you want but honestly it would've been hotter if her mom had played with her gut and called her fat a bunch lol
>>143863 Maybe this just makes me easy to please, but anything that is legit in public is immediately hotter to me. Girl showing rolls and hogging out in front of people is hotter to me than a naked girl roleplaying by herself in a hotel room or bedroom.
>>143940 and if the mother start gaining too?
>>143659 please reup
Can some just re upload any of her new or new ish content plus any of the recent post in here as have not got any of them.
she just did a 20 burgers in a day video
>>147343 That last file is a very good art reference
she's the GOAT, literally how does she do it can I get some reups? YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWFZMUWtsbU5uRm1UMW89
>>148057 i dont want to be one of those guys who is begging for reuploads, but in that case its the first time i missed to download the video. So it would be very kind if someone could reupload the 20 burgers in a day video. Thank you
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>>148411 I got yo homie https://we.tl/t-h4zjhWTlR3
>>143659 >>143778 A reup would be greatly appreciated
need drops https://we.tl/t-cSwp5AznQJ
>>148792 This is my favorite video of hers. Thanks.
Someone has the Valentines video?
>>122195 any decent weight gain comps of this chick, i'm talking from her smallest to her curent largest
>>148888 She needs to gain back weight that she lost for the wedding. I like you better fat.
>>148889 Ain't she at her biggest now?
>>148898 Not big enough cock is huge
>>148898 She is
OMG this girl is amazing, it is incredible how this woman in the middle of the crisis in Argentina continues to increase i admire that and I love her content, her accent, and now that Javier Milei won I hope everything improves there and she can gain a lot much more weight and continue providing us excellent content, I love the gassy version by both output XD she is perfect
I wish see in person doing that ñom ñom
>>149602 The only thing that's improving the gnome are the Food prices
>>149602 milei is making everything worse lol
>>149602 >Least sludge brained libertarian
>>150587 Thx king
i bought her newest OF vid, how do i download it so i can post it here?
>>152152 I have no idea how to download but you could screen record
>>152152 afaik you can use something like internet download manager (IDM) ((it costs money but you can pirate it easily)) to download OF vids
>>152152 Yeah as they said you can either use those methods or potentially coomer’s importer too: https://coomer.su/importer
(775.24 KB 677x887 Screenshot 2024-03-23 005616.png)
Here is her newest vid. If anyone can reup whatever they have of her it would be greatly appreciated https://we.tl/t-gq0zhndSGF
>>152170 >https://we.tl/t-gq0zhndSGF https://mab.to/t/qRrwPbkoT69/eu1
>>152175 Is it the only one who doesn't show the thumbnails of the individual videos, as usually happens with myairbridge?
which vid has her pop teh button on her pants after she jiggles her belly? is it on coomer
It might be? Also she uploaded a new video https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/45188-%F0%9F%90%B7%F0%9F%8D%94-lazy-stuffing-5-%F0%9F%8D%94%F0%9F%90%B7/
>>143659 Anyone got a re-up of this? It looks fucking amazing
Someone have recents video plz ?
You guys got anything better to do than scroll threads and ask for paid content without posting anything at all or videos you’ve downloaded from free sites? Every time a new video is posted it’s some dickhead clogging up boards with broken English asking for “new vid plz”
This site is made to share the content we have, when I have I share, often other models or even her so shut up!
>>153923 I hate to break it to you but it was catastrophically mid and boring af
>>153998 Yeah theyre in public what do you expect. Lmfao. >>153923 https://gofile.io/d/uTyMEY here u go
>>154058 their**
>>154058 Whats mid?
second to newest video https://we.tl/t-a0KtF0g4G7
>>154059 You were right the first time man, it’s ‘they’re’, not ‘their’ in this context
>>154207 Yeahhh I was sleep deprived lol.
After 1000 burgers, how much do you think it will weigh? I have the impression it will go from: Moderately large to enormously large
>>155014 I think she'll weigh.... a 1000 burgers, how bout that
>>155443 Yeah that latina musk from heaven
Little bit... Little Big
20 burgers : https://we.tl/t-ihi3YTZSa8 Anyone have any recent videos please ?
Here is some new shit. Anyone got anything else? https://we.tl/t-7ByUNYdOGe https://we.tl/t-b27q4EKeRY https://we.tl/t-P58FAz5bN2 https://we.tl/t-gW0WiMvaUK https://we.tl/t-gKfoFwfaBf
>>155601 Thank you so much! You are a legend
>>155601 Legend!! She is next level with those public vids, holy shit
>>155601 https://mab.to/t/rgsVk2eyuNM/us3 Here's the stuff I didn't see in that drop
(554.18 KB 1080x1920 brap.jpg)
some miscellaneous stuff from my folder. https://we.tl/t-kG2txdHbm0 anyone got that video where she braps on a pillow?
Does anyone have the video where she eats a pork leg? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/35423-%F0%9F%90%B7pork-leg-vs-fat-girl-%F0%9F%90%B7%F0%9F%98%B3/
Anyone get her new video?
anyone has the video with her mom training her?
how do yall watch the links from wetransfer, it tells me the transfer has expired
wetransfer is only good for a week
Can someone send videos whit her mom i check in a week
