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Lilou-Fat French Woman from Curvage Anonymous 08/08/2023 (Tue) 12:32:39 Id:92ac8b No. 127535
This woman has a phenomenal gain. She joined curvage in July 2022 at 220 lbs. but didn’t start posting until Dec 2022 at 240. She then piled on the pounds and got up to 286 in March 2023 and I’m pretty sure has exceeded over 300 lbs. She has amazing curves and a nice jiggle, but wish she spoke more English. Anyways, here is all of her Curvage pics and gifs, and I have two videos of her. If we can start posting some of her other videos, it would be awesome, Cheers! (Note: first time posting a thread, sorry if it looks janky) aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9MRlZqVENKSSNCcXpydTlNeWVoREZLYzNDUHNrWEN3
She's perfect ! We need more !!!
She's perfect ! We need more of this french beauty !
>>127535 Thanks for the drops man. Very much appreciated, made my day.
>>127617 I agree, hopefully she gains popularity
>>127535 Awesome drops, she's got such an amazing build and I always love hearing french girls talk
can a french speaker please translate the summary of how she got so fat (from the fat chat vid)? she's great and thanks for the drop op
>>127715 Long story short she said she used to way about 60kg and watched her figure. She accidentally gained 5kg in her late teens and loved the curves / fell in love with eating whatever and however much she wanted instead of salads. She reaalllly seems to like the way she looks now.
>>127730 thanks mate
>>127759 >>127715 Yeah she seems very into it. Says she discovered the site (I guess curvage) the summer of 2022 and she decided to actively gain at around the beginning of 2023. She was 130kg at the time of the video and she definitely doesn't look like she's stopping. Also says that she doesn't have a specific gaining goal but she will try for 150kg / 330 lbs for the summer (the vid is from April 7). In the pasta stuffing gif, which is dated August 5, she seems to have made a lot of progress. Overall, super hot fat chat. She is very enthusiastic and the descriptions in french sound more raw and real than in english. 11/10
She's smoking hot. Im trying to learn French rn and this motivated me more than anything else.
Anyone got the latest pasta stuffing?
>>127730 Cool to see more and more girls giving up thinness as it's kind of a burden. Embracing obesity leads to an happier life
>>127846 You don't have to sell us, dude. Just go out there and convince some women that sex is best on a very full belly
>>127848 I did that with my ex, she got fat and still is. She wasn't consciously into tho
Fuck this woman is perfect, does anyone have any vids!!! https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/35845-fat-french-piggy-shower-time/
She just posted that she will start putting English subtitles on her videos and even hinted at a face reveal. She also said she will start chatting with fans more and taking content suggestions. Sounds like the start of something great! Can’t wait to see this pig fatten up. She’s mentioned previously that it would be hot to be over 500 lbs. She’s a fantasy come true.
>>128051 I know. This hog is legit
>>128051 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/34356-storytelling-in-french-st-english-of-fat-womans-life/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/31187-fatchat-in-french-st-english/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/33400-trying-on-clothes-that-are-barely-too-tight-pants/ She's just reuploaded 3 videos with English subtitles on curvage
>>129955 Um who is this beautiful goddess sexy ass hotty!? Please post her onlyfans or whatever site this beautiful girl posts on!!!!
>>127535 Reup?
can someone upload this one ? I can reup fat talk and exercise https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/34356-storytelling-in-french-st-english-of-fat-womans-life-%F0%9F%90%B7%F0%9F%87%AB%F0%9F%87%B7/
>>134219 no trading just post please
Please just post what you got
please someone share before the site gets nuked
thx king here you go https://mega.nz/file/G7xCkTQJ#spnasZukDCyL5UKTyI6wTe-PrYjD0B6dwS8o_wX5ETQ
undoubtedly, this has to be the hottest fat chat that I ever heard - and the fact that I'm a francophone just makes it even better. she says that she does not have a definite gaining goal, but the short term one would be 150.00 kg by the next summer.
she has done a face revel yet?
don’t die, thread-kun
Can anyone reup?
>>137879 here you go https://mab.to/t/pBO16ZtVoW2/eu1
>>138566 King, thx
>>138566 dang missed it
>>138566 Links expire before leaving the front page apparently
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>>139805 Which vid is that gif from? Shit's hypnotic
I want this thread to keep going. Here's a reup of the fat chat video. I added subtitles because my french is not that good. As one anon said, one of the hottest fat chat ever. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUtaRE50akxBbGY= Kindly asking for more reups
>>142719 Sadly I don't have any of the newer ones, I only got this one. Hope it helps aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVNpVWtOUVNYNms=
Been meaning post this, late Xmas gift. If anyone has piggy and her feeder PLEASE POST! aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTdQTEFoM0VrbEk=
>>142896 Ok fine fine ill run offense this year 🤭
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/41543-3000-kcal-for-a-small-snack/ New video just dropped, she ain’t skipping any meals
Haven't even watched it myself yet, but here's her 3000kcal stuffing. https://we.tl/t-RRH2qIgZ8m
>>143555 thank you brother, great share
>>144438 Here is all I've got: https://pixeldrain.com/u/jaovhGaF
https://mab.to/t/EKVRxVaaB77/eu1 first part of her exercise video
>>145192 Based obsessive anon. Where are all those pics from?
>>145192 You know I can see your id isn't the same as his.
>>145258 Pics are from her curvage posts
>>127535 I think you've got a reason to learn French.
>>153242 Here you go- https://gofile.io/d/0XbY5f
Love you
>>155956 I re-uped all of the vids posted in this thread 3 weeks ago here- >>153262 and there all still there.
sweet jesus she's blimping up!!
>>159484 Yes, but interest in her seems to have died here. The thread has been dead for a whole month
>>159540 Yes that's what happens when no one shares content
Does she still make content in French?
>>159727 She speaks in english now, but I don't know if she still makes content in french
She's growin BIG
>>161340 Where do you have the vid from?
>>163570 >https://gofile.io/d/NAKFmh hero
amazing find, thank you all for sharing, gentlemen
anyone got her 4000kcal weight gain shake vid?
anyone got her 4000kcal weight gain shake vid?
>>164858 https://gofile.io/d/BKDhi3
please tell me someone have the video with the feedeer
