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S31 Anonymous 04/23/2020 (Thu) 08:41:22 Id:34e314 No. 12967
General S31 stuff.
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Aileen Pix Part 1 & 2 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXoydUloaUQ0bTc= Part 3 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXR6bFRrejdpZXI=
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Aileen Vids aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXRrUFpneVJhRGE=
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Aileen and Sherly Pix aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LURzTE44SU44dnQ=
How do I view the link?
>>12976 lurk moar.
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Kimmy Pix Part 1 & 2 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWxGaXFOZ1pDT0c= Part 3 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTR0R2RBM0puVk4=
So if I was interested in gathering a former model's entire catalog, is it as simple as shelling out for a month subscription, or how much access do I have?
(65.16 KB 800x1195 DSC_0119_1195x800.jpg)
Kimmy vids Part 1 & 2 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTVlUjNDSlFES0c= Part 2 & 3 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWw0WHFOUVdaZmo= Part 4 & 5 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZIdXpzNDlwckU= Part 6 & 7 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTd4bXR3RTlGQnc= Part 8 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZCMTJBMThHQ1A=
>>12983 Last I checked, you have access to all photo collections of all the models. Some collections include a short video, but if you want the longer ones you need to pay extra. Their's a limit to how many images you can view, I guess to prevent mass downloads. After a couple of minutes, you can continue viewing images. You can change IP to mitigate this, but not sure how effective it will be or if you could get banned.
appreciate the vids but could you say which ones they are please save hours of downloading the ones we don't want
>>12986 I think you also get $60 value to spend in the clip store each month as well. Given how expensive the clips are these days you'll be lucky to nab 2 clips.
>>13008 Well shit, you'd think by the time they're essentially non-active models it'd be more accessible, but S31 will find a way to make money where they can, including from content as far as 2008. Even former model Alice encouraged sharing her shit cause how screwed over she claimed she got
i miss people like karamella, edenn, lana ashley, aileen and sherly. i will never understand why women just vanish. im still wondering about edenn because she keeps returning and disappearing. imho shes the best on there to date.
Any pictures of cutie when she was her fattest(2015-2016)?
anybody have more Leksa?
Since we're on the subject of S.31, was Aileen ever pregnant? I ask because I've noticed in some of her videos, she has what appears to be a Linea Nigra (that long line that pregnant women get on their stomachs) and was wondering if she was pregnant at all during her tenure on the site.
>>13036 Oh, never mind. Looks like a scar from a past procedure or something since she had it back when she was skinny.
Am I the only one who thinks Julie and Kimmy have looked like they've gained a lot recently?
>>13041 no I see it too. I wish Mandy would catch up or surpass her .
>>13089 Mandy's weight is all going to her thighs/ass. Even her new thigh tattoo is starting to stretch out.
>>12985 >aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZCMTJBMThHQ1A= How do you open these after downloading?
Edenn Pix Part 1 & 2 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW1sbzBjRlZBTlQ= Part 3 & 4 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVJ6RnFiUjFtWk4= Part 5 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW5XMVlhZGJvUUk=
>>13113 Do you have all the parts downloaded? You need all of them to unzip them.
BTW, you're getting all Aileen and Edenn's pix. It's every picture they've ever posted on S31. Couldn't rip Kimmy's gallery, but I got some of it.
>>13123 Thank you for that. I've tried ripping photos semi-automatically with some keyboard macros and it was still a massive pain in the ass that took too long.
>>12986 >>12983 yeah s31 has the most paranoid anti-ripping technology around, it's so aggressive it interferes with his customers ability to normally view images like all weird perverts like to do (more than a few a time) of course before he added that technology siteripping was trivial enough, but I have to imagine his paranoid has cost him more customers than piracy ever could. if i could sub for a month and rip his site I'd do it, but it's too hard so I won't give him a dime. thanks to heros who suffer for us all
>>13121 The problem I'm having is that some parts seem to be broken. For example with the Aileen pics part 1 of it works and is recognized as a 7z file but part 2 and 3 just say 002 and 003 file type and I cannot open them. I tried removing the 002 and 003 part of the file name but it just makes the file unusable.
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BustyThickness WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVQoaGlja25lc3Mpa3pXbE0xTUdJb2RYTjBlU2xET1RCTVZteE1ZMnhhUkZkRmNFOVNiRVU5
Any got Julie's new stuff?
Thanks a lot this is great Do you also have picture galleries of Sherly?
>>13167 Here's what you do: - You put all the parts in one place, like your desktop or a folder. Do not put them on separate places and do not change the files name. -You right-click the first file and unzip it. It should work if you download all the parts correctly.
you cant individually download pics any more? theres a limit to how many you can get at one time? individually loading, right clicking and save target as for every single picture was enough hassle and youre saying theres more? what about customs? are customers still allowed a custom per month?
Anyone got stuff from CuteAnna? I have some jimmy videos in return
I'm currently uploading a bunch of Isabella pics and vids. It will be several hours at this rate though. Here's an unusual request: does anyone have Elektra?
Anybody have Stuffer31 Brooklyn newest video "Chicken tendies" or any of her videos in general?
>>13215 Meant to share this video alongside my post so here it is. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUEwc2s0NlNFYkU= [thanks, chief]
Edited last time by BananaMan on 04/24/2020 (Fri) 17:28:40.
Here is the first upload of Isabella finished. I uploaded as close as I could to the 2GB limit for each upload of videos; there happened to be just this one video left over so it finished quickly. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LThKQlBNczZNTzE=
More Isabella finished uploading. Reminder, if you would please send any Elektra content you have my way, that would be appreciated. I'm also interested in Angela content. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW5kNDhKSktrS0k= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXVKNHlNOW54U2M=
>>13108 I know it's fucking beautiful
Ok, here's the rest of Isabella. There's some talk of Mandy, any recent vids? aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVY4NHhOMjN2Z3o= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVJHQUQ0aWFRaW8= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUxsYldWVWU5ZHk= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWtRNE51THdXMEI= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWRhUW5VNmpBNzE= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXdzM3pMTVgwa2w= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXcxOTBNZVA3MU4=
can we get some mandy going?
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Can someone explain to me how to enter the community, and how I can upload and download content
>>13290 lurk moar
>>13199 the process you described is already harder than any siteripper would follow, s31 literally has like a million pictures on his site, you think you're going to click your mouse 3-5million times in one month?
BabyLiz anyone? She's one of the cutest models they ever had IMO
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>>13717 Ty for this Also: >Nadya mentioned in a livestream that every S31 model has unlimited access to the site's content >look at the morphs folder in that .rar >mfw some random coomer has that kind of access simply by doing mediocre photoshops Man, I've been gathering porn all wrong
>>13322 no. but it sounds like even that is limited which i was asking.
>>13717 thank you, so heroic. Love the CuteAnna pics so much
>>13717 >Recent Julie Nice! Thank you so much!
any pippi?
>>13033 Seconding
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Keep this wonderful thread going!!!! Here's some Emiliy (picsets, but mostly just some samples...) YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJbRU1JTElZXUM5MExXOVZka2wzVDJOcVJHdz0=
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She's not really fat and not even a real gainer, but she's the super cute kind of college girl who gained the freshman 15 and maybe a bit more. She's really short 5'4 or 162 cm and started at 159 lbs / 72 kg; reaching 166lbs / 75kg. But at her petite size, she's overweight, she's f***ing cute, so what!
How come the pattern for like 90% of the girls (especially asian ones) is to get a big pot belly really fast but then either plateau forever and/or disappear. Julie, Aileen, sherly, a lot of the newer ones etc...
Anyone have sherry at her biggest?
Got some Isabella videos that haven't been shared on this topic yet: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWChDaW5jb0RlTWF5bylwemNteGlTVmczYzBFPQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoTEFCQU1CQSlDOTBMVEJYVkVKTmFsWlZhMUU9
>>15158 i always figured thats just how they gained. and didnt people think aileen was pregnant?
>>13717 Aaand it's gone :\
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Part I aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUw4aU5mRUloOGE= Some of her vids are a bit boring, but she's cute as f**k Perfect chubby college cutie...
>>15178 >>15158 Why gain anymore weight if people will end up buying your content regardless? Julie's been the same weight for a long time, yet people still buy her content thinking she's still gaining. Even Layla's been looking the same for the past few years now. The only ones who look like they're still gaining are Nadya and Sammy.
I would also say that Mandy's also gaining weight, but most of that is going to her ass/thighs.
>>13364 Anything about Babyliz?
Any recent Edenn videos?
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>>15193 edenn hasnt made a video since may 2019.
>>15272 Has it been a year already?
Can I get a reup on that recent Julie stuff?
>>15182 we links last at most 7days before they delete themselves, people need to stop this passive aggressive nonsense, of course it's gone, it's no surprise. the reason people who were sane used to write this message was when a we link would die in 1day not 7days to indicate that it was getting dmca'd... there is no reason at all to write this after 7days, at least write "i'm begging for a reup please" and be honest
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wow Stuffer31 FINALLY updated their site! It doesn't look stuck in 2005 anymore
(317.66 KB 1920x1080 it looks.png)
>>15370 Everything looks the same to me
>>15371 It's in beta and only being rolled out to members it looks like.
Maybe with this new site update, they can add the option of buying videos individual videos without having to spend $30/60 a month on a membership.
>>15381 but you can already do that. it has always been an option to buy videos without a membership
>>12968 >>12971 >>12972 >>12978 >>12985 >>13119 Reupload Aileen and Sherly aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWxNbDY1Sm9ubVc= Aileen aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWl6T2RqRUxCWUQ= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUswWWhsTmxnUVI= Edenn aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZtc0tuN1htRjc= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTVIMVJrZGxNajA= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTczU2g1RmRsMEk= Kimmy pix aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUlSV3d6aWRUeEE= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWVIMlZFcGRTdUU= Kimmy vids aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWRabHJQT0FIS04= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXZuaTc0TnoxM0w= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWR5Wkc3Ymppb04= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVdDVXhEejl1QUM=
Does anyone have any crysta? She used to be my fave
>>15370 looks a lot like a differently colored version of the curvage forums.
>>15504 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTJYOU1JWVpYbzQ= All the crystal I could salvage off my old harddrive. Hope you don't mind the prego stuff.
>>15589 Fucking autocorrect, it is Crysta not crystal
Requesting Desiree. She's back with new stuff. Pun intended.
i kinda miss cambria, she was fire, maybe the first model that really hooked me
>>15491 The actual 7z wont unarchive, at for edenn's stuff
>>15746 Download all the parts and then unzip. The files won't open unless you have all the parts.
>>15589 Thanks man I appreciate it, I really can’t get enough of her, she has such a bubbly personality.
>>15905 that was what made her so awesome.
>>15717 How about Honney? She was very awkward and naive - but an extremely attractive Brazilian friend of the current crowd. Any videos out there?
>>15916 i have some, looking for some mandy
>>15918 Sorry, no Mandy, but I did just post a new video of Nadya on her thread. Still like to see what you've got.
could anybody help unlock some of the videos on here? https://www.pornhub.com/playlist/150837841
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>>15717 The guy that runs fromthintofat was actually her feeder. He posted a photo of her at her biggest (260lbs) post S31 on there. Apparently they broke up and she lost all he weight and then some. I drained my nuts to her laying there talking dirty and playing with her fat many a time.
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>>16088 Alice was another model that got fatter post-S31, but I guess she had such a falling out with the site she didn't pursue modeling afterwards.
>>16100 Used to chat with her on FF and a bit into her Stuffer31 career... Last thing I saw from her was a couple of years back, started a tumblr and then went into a psychosis or something. Haven't heard/seen anything from her since. Seems to have deleted her FF account recently too. Have some vids, some which I purchased myself back in the day and have never seen uploaded anywhere yet. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWFpDYjBoRmRHcHJjbTQ9
>>16109 My man! Always been a big fan of hers. Her accent alone does me in but coupled with that belly..damn.
Any lacey? She had amazing fat thighs. The bikini measuring video is gold.
>>16109 I chatted to her for a while a couple of years bacl. She was still fat then. She has a lot of mental issues though, was really hard to make sense of most of what she said. One minute she wanted to get huge, the next she wanted to be thin.
The new site layout is live to non-members, and I'm impressed with it. There's even seperate categorys now such as Fantasy, Booty, Pregnant, and even drunk.
>>16109 link expired
so are purchases on the site just not registering for anyone?
>>18277 Here you go. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV2wxVGt0SVNWcHVlR009
>>18412 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZWSE0zTUZsc2NVUno= Thanks for the help, but yes it says 'the requested transfer does not exist'.
Kianny stopped posting in 2018 Anybody have her ig or fb. If its really the models updateing their blogs on s31 she was having a problem in her life. Hope she okay
>>15589 Any chance for a reup? Crysta was always my favorite.
Has anyone been able to download videos since the site changed format? It seems to imply they're now stream-only which I don't want.
>>18477 I'm using Video Download Helper which integrates with my FireFox browser. I prefer the old way to download, but this works fine. Very easy to use.
pippi bump
>>18416 Must've been purged. I'll do it a third time, guess you got to catch it before it gets reported or whatever. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoYWxpY2UpQzkwTFc1V1pubHRkVWRIKHRoaXJkdGltZSlPRkk9
any love for kianny?
>>18676 I second this. Anybody got Julie content? Specifically this video.
>>18460 Seconded. Crysta is great
Any Carol?
Does anyone know what happened to Julie? Her S31 page hasn't been updated for weeks. Maybe she decided to hang it up after doubling her weight and joining the 200 lb. club?
>>19864 Ive been following julie for years, id hope not!
>>19864 Probably on hiatus. You can't expect every model to upload videos multiple times a week without taking a break.
>>19864 TBH Im still waiting for someone to drop her vids again.
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anybody have any of the new leksa videos? this is what i have YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlhSeVlXNXpabVZ5TG1OdmJTOWtiM2R1YihMZWtzYSlHOWhaSE12WVRReVlqVmtNall3WkdJM05EVmpOMk00T1dFME56VmhORGt3T0RrM016UXlNREl3TURZd05qRTROREl6TkM4M1ptUmlORGMzWlRFd09HRTROV0ppT0RBeU5qQTVNamcxT0RjMFpEUmtNVEl3TWpBd05qQTJNVGcwTXpBeUx6ZzNOMlJtT1E9PQ==
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>>18922 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTJvNE1sQWJQTDg= Here's some Kianny stuff. Does anyone have anything from Cambria? She was so hot.
>>20043 I don't, but I'll keep piecemealing what S31 I have. Honney was HOT too - does anyone have some of her content?
>>20070 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFcoY29udGVudClWZEpkU2hJYjI1dVpYa3BaRWM0ZGxKcmJ6TldWM1JRWW5wc1RnPT0= Here you go.
>>20148 Outstanding! In appreciation, I present a very recent S31 of Nadya. Do you think she's put on a few? YUhSMGNITTZMeVtkZWxldGV0aGlzXTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkJrU2tFMVlrUkdabmc9
>>20043 Here's the Google Drive folder posted on one of the subreddits a while back. YUhSMGNITTZMeTlrY21sMlpTNW5iMjluYkdVdVkyOXRMMlJ5YVhabEwyWnZiR1JsY25Ndk1FSXhXbFJ6V0VsaWVERShDYW1icmlhKXRSR1pzT0hsTmExVjRUbTFKZVU5V2FGVlJlbXMxV2xoa1JsTldPVWxhUkd4elRWTXhNbE5xUVhoWFJrSktUbGhrZWxOck9YTlpNalI1WVZSQg==
>>20070 Does anyone know what happened to Honney? She was at her biggest in the late 2014 - early 2015 time frame (around 200 lbs) - then pretty much stayed stable until she slowly began to lose some late in the year. She lost some more in early 2016 before abruptly disappearing. I'm wondering if she got "fed up" with the whole scene - tired of the stuffings, didn't want to gain more weight, rebelled against S31 (not known for being the best to model for) found someone who liked her as is and got carried away to be a gf/wife, or some other reason? Or did S31 get frustrated and tire of her not continuing to gain (actually losing) and terminate her contract? Just wondering - one of the best looking of the Brazilian gals (or any gainer, for that matter) but she never seemed that comfortable or happy with the routine. Also makes me curious on how these foreign groups of gainers, who all associate together (the Asians in addition to the Brazilians) are organized and managed (my suspicious nature has me questioning if there is anything nefarious going on).
Models on S31 come and go all the time. I doubt we'll ever find out what happened to Honney. Unlikely S31 fired her for not gaining. Look at Carol. She's been on there longer than almost anyone and, pregnancy aside, her weight has been more or less the same for year.
Amy made a patreon! She already uploaded a ton of content too https://www.patreon.com/thatoneamy31
>>20401 >>20497 Honney was amazing! Such a pretty girl, and she is quite tall, with such a killer butt. Plenty of unique features. For me, she came across like a little princess. Not too bad though, but she mainly just showed off looking pretty, with an occasional smile. My guess would be that she just moved on. Imagine she did 16 updates per month for quite a while, so she had to organize her life around S31, more or less. I spoke with another ex model who told that going up to 16 updates effectively ruined it for her, making her lose her fun and energy completely. Maybe a similar thing happened with Honney. Or she found a new BF, a new job, whatever. We will never know most likely.
>>19864 Yep, just like I said she went on a little hiatus. She just uploaded a new video yesterday. I assume most models treat this as a part-time job anyways considering they can come and go as they want. Even BabyGirl came back after almost 8 years and did another round of pregnancy content.
>>20503 Looks like I’m late one the Amy is back tip. She’s got a manyvids as well. She’s plumped up just a bit! :D https://www.manyvids.com/Profile/1003766189/ThatOneAmy/Store/Videos/
Hello, Could someone please reupload the Cambria Stuff. This is what i've got: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthKENhKUdSWVFYVmliVll3VEhwR05HSihtYnJpYSlYVG14TU1FNW9URzVLYUdObg
>>21740 Here are some few videos from her. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWl3YkZ1R1VjUlc= Thanks to everyone who shared Cambria's vids, keep em' coming.
>>20503 How much stuff has she uploaded? Is it worth the 50 dorrah?
Can I get a re-up of Aileen?
>>22009 Asking for more Cambria vids is like searching of leprechaun gold. It's out there, sure; but there's not a lot of t and chance is are you already own most of it.
>>22483 > is like searching of leprechaun gold > and chance is are you already own most of it Leprechaun in the thread, everyone get in the pot.
>>20401 I've wondered if there is anything shady going on too, but the girls never look visibly miserable, so I kind of dismissed it.
>>13277 hopefully!
>>13277 >>20266 srry! missed it!
Can I get a re-up of edenn?
Any new nadya vids?
>>22718 Edenn looked miserable throughout her latter days, although I don't know if that was due to her health issues or if she was playing it up for the camera.
>>19383 Can we get a re-up of Crysta?
>>20266 Hopefully that comes around again
Anyone got anything of a newer model named “lux”? Her gut is blowing up to all most layla proportions
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So I bought some videos and was wondering what's the best method of ripping them and saving them? I don't want to waste spending a monthly sub just to download videos
I haven't bought a video from s31 but judging by the video previews they have now, they make it a pain in the ass to dl straight in dev-tools. So I would recommend using a firefox addon like videodownloadhelper, I think chrome may also have the same add on. You shouldn't need to install the companion app with it
>>25592 >>25590 Ditto on the videodownloadhelper addon for Firefox. Use it for S31 and many other sites (exception is YT where I use jdownloader2). Nice picture of Nadya, btw.
For yt, youtube-dl is amazin, I don't trust jdownloader for some reason xD
>>25598 the last i looked a few years ago the JDownloader2 installers are bundled with shitware that you can't opt out of, though it is possible to get a clean version if you dig deep enough, from their forums i think
>>25598 youtube-dl is amazing - however, I don't expect everyone on here is comfortable using a command line routine. I do use it for Dropbox, as it is about the only thing that I have found that works. >>25598
Any new Nadya videos? Thanks!
>>15185 >>15185 >>15185 Happen to have her striptease and willing to share?
Any new kimmy vids ?
>>15589 a Crysta reup, please?
>>29730 Seconded!
Anyone got an idea where can i get Amy's latest clips from that manyvids site? Especially the stuffed+mentos vid? She's looking amazing.
Damn kimmy is bigger than ever https://stuffer31.com/stream?v=35265&l=827.4&i=24753
>>30729 She's ugly as fuck with that short hair.
>>30730 Yeah, the hair is bad - but also think there is more going on. 50 lbs ago, I thought she was real cute. She may be one of those who weight gain just doesn't not agree with ones facial appearance. Something about the skin texture on her face has also changed. Speculation, but these Brazilian S31 gals seem to like their booze - a lot. There has always been booze all around their video shooting location going way back. Constant, excessive alcohol consumption can also take a toll on appearance over time.
>>30785 Disiree looks near dead ever since she came back compared to her earlier videos and even her pregnancy. Same can be said for Edenn. She looked miserable towards the end of her weight gain.
>>30729 Wait is she actually pregnant
>>30835 Why would she be drinking if she was pregnant?
>>30785 >>30791 Booze, booze, and more booze. These chicks are likely all alcoholics by now. I thought the totally gorgeous Honney was grim and spent the last year of her modeling time. Likely does eventually take a toll on their looks too.
We need some Mandy in this thread
I'm terribly sorry that I can't contribute - hard drive blew up on me recently - but if we could have some Cutie that would be wonderful. If not that's ok too. You guys are awesome :)
Anyone got any leksa content to REUPLOAD? Can offer chxbbycxw in return as a thank you
Anyone have any edenn reups?
>>30901 Yes please! Can we finally get some fresh Mandy content on here? I swear she is so unerrated, I hope she catches up and exceeds Kimmy. All that ass mmh mmh
>>31237 Bump
I don't if anybody here has any button pop vids from any stuffer31 but if you do can you share them?
Sites like S31 are sad because none of the girls are actually into it and are doing it purely for the financial gain, no wonder they look miserable. They all come from poor backgrounds and are getting fat as a means to survive. S31 takes advantage of them, and when they try to leave they fuck them over. Not a lot of gainers nowadays are actually turned on by getting fat and you can tell.
>>32142 Totally agree. The Asian and Brazilian gals on S31 seem to me to be especially subject your "eat to survive" hypothesis. I personally have followed the Brazilian group the most. It appears that they even have a local coordinator instructing and leading them on. I have given to thoughts about the possibility of something nefarious, or worse, going on (controlling?). With that said - one S31 exception - a US model who has been around for some time is Eatme/Nadya. She DOES seem REALLY into gaining and the results are apparent - she has added over 200 lbs with no desire to stop anytime soon. I think in her case she was naive to the terms of S31 when she signed on, and would likely now do something else if she had it to do over. The fact that she has recently started an OnlyFans while continuing her S31 association is telling, IMO.
>>22920 She's pretty big, no idea why she's flown under the radar
Mandy is straight up butterface with huge thighs. And she even ruined those with that horrible tattoo she got earlier this year.
>>32173 Agree, and as for tattoos, what is it with all these models ruining their appeal - tattoos suck. I know, my opinion not shared by all - but I'm a MeTV addict and can't get enough of all those hot gals on those 70's TV series - curvy bodies, short skirts with shapely legs, and not a tattoo to be found - those were the days.
>>32181 Good tattoos are beautiful. Especially if they got them while skinny and then they stretched as the model got bigger - unnnfffff.
>>32173 She's not a butterface whatsoever.
We need her vids! BELLY Bigger and rounder than layla. Big boobs.. good stuffing attitude 💦 LUX https://stuffer31.com/model/lux
>>32173 Mandy is cute as fuck, I'd date her. Her thighs and hips fat as fuck too
>>12985 Got any of her and Mandy where they get stuck in the door?
>>30791 Edenn was a greasy mess. I don't think Edenn was ever into it TBH. She just did it to make cash. She seemed to enjoy it a bit when she was pregnant and that was it. I remember her coming on here years ago yelling at everyone about her content and her knowing her burping videos sucked then saying shed work on it when she came back from her hiatus. She was much bigger than and her belly was beautiful but it was just something about her. She was hot but it was just hard to look at her. I guess you could tell her heart wasn't in it? She vanished again a month or so later and hasn't been since. Im curious as to if she's still gaining, if she got pregnant again or if she lost all the weight and is acting like none of that ever happened. >>32150 I think Layla lives for it too. She is also a greasy mess. You can tell its really affecting her health in a bad way these days. And Layla cams on the side if you didn't know that.
>>33020 Iirc, didn't Edenn have health issues when she came back? I remember her voice sounding really raspy and she was clearing her throat a lot in her later videos.
Has anyone got stuff from Amy?
>>33047 so she said and iirc before that. but for some reason she kept swearing she was back and ready to stuff herself silly. how can anyone do that with health issues? maybe thats why she quit for good? but the real thing is her videos weren't the best. I'm a huge fan of hers but most of her videos weren't very good. her burping videos might have one or two good burps. she was much more into it when she was pregnant. it seemed like the longer she stayed there the less into it she was. and whats really sad is she was her biggest when she returned so her gain might have been very interesting. but who would want to continue to purchase videos the model clearly doesn't want to do where she is either ill or just not trying?
>>32150 It's been known for a very long time that the owner of that site is very predatory towards women in poorer countries since the site started, that's why like 2/3 of the models aren't from North America. They see it as free food and a paycheck, he sees it as someone he can tie up in paperwork that they probably don't understand that has clauses about them not hitting weight gain goals/posting x number of sets a month, etc.. He used to post in forums way back in the day and say some reallllll shifty stuff and when people called him out on it he'd just say "My business is legit" over and over until everyone just gave up and moved on, but he definitely pulls some hot bullshit to get some of those models.
>>33167 This was true about 10 years ago. Now it seems like the majority of the active models are American and have more freedom to be on other sites ala Nadya and Layla.
>>33175 Completely FALSE - you can look for yourself on the S31 home page - of the 18 models shown who have posted since Sept 29 - only 3, possibly 4, models are from the US. The majority continue to come from Brazil or Asia, with a couple Russians in there too. Deep suspicions on predatory policies (mentioned by others on this thread) continue in my mind.
>>33184 Last time I checked, you're not automatically considered poor if you're not in North America. Learn about other countries for once you broad.
Damn kimmy’s belly is getting big. Any recents?
>>33191 They are obviously poor, you can tell by the backgrounds of their videos. It’s predatory as hell.
>>33206 lol, so they're poor because of what their wall looks like? When did having a brick wall or curtain behind you considered a sign of povery? And seeing how much they're charging for most of their videos, these girls are better off than most of the fuckers here.
>>33211 I mean, that’s how you can rationalize it I guess. They are so poor that getting fat for American Dollars is a unique financial opportunity for them. It’s always seemed exploitive to me
>>33211 You do realize these models only get a fraction of the video cost. I believe BigCuties and S31 have some of the lowest collected fees going to the models. Nadya (American) and Layla (Aussie) are two long-term models who have been popular and appear to be financially successful. I suspect that they are very much the exceptions for S31. Also, why do you think OF has become so popular recently? They take only a small percentage, cutting out the greedy (and often controlling) middle man, and the creators have total freedom over their content.
>>33216 kinda hot though
>>Also, why do you think OF has become so popular recently? They take only a small percentage, cutting out the greedy (and often controlling) middle man, and the creators have total freedom over their content. Umm, did you not see what happened after the Bella Thorne incident? Also, Nadya is by means not a long term model yet.
>>33246 Bella Thorne - OF? What has been the real affect of her joining? Answer, - so some caps are in place to prevent someone cashing in and spending their entire IRA on OF content, but creators still get 80% -- AND the platform is now better known and even more a popular place for creators to post. Thorne has already made more than $2 million herself Your point was? https://www.vulture.com/2020/08/belly-thorne-onlyfans-scam-explained.html Nadya has been around since the beginning of 2017 while gaining over two hundred lbs - well into her 4th year - in this community, I'd say that about to be going into your 5th year, is well above average. She now has OF herself and is likely now making far more than ever. I recently saw a clip on IG where a model & influencer said "social media made me well off, OF has made me wealthy".
>>33281 Again, Bella is the main reason why OF is popular now. And some internet thot doesn't determine how well a site is.
>>33283 onlyfans is a badly made site though, I can't see it remaining dominant. sites like manyvids are far better for customers. part of what makes onlyfans so popular is coupon codes and a cult of hunting for them.
>>33385 sites like manvids actually give girls total control of content, offering single sales, two tiers of subscriptions, the option for freebies and live shows. etc. onlyfans by comparison has no features and is essentially just paid instagram but coded even worse.
>>33184 flat out s31 uses predatory practices and violates laws and legal ethics to do so. witnesses have testified that his contracts include what are unenforcably insane non-compete contracts even for us models, which is why so many of those models quit, rather than move on. he has personally engaged in hacking to attempt to obtain evidence on "pirates" you have no reason to believe me, but I see his predatory behavior as fact. and that's in english speaking countries, who knows what shit he gets up to in countries with even less regulation. also i'm pretty sure layla was born rich, and as a result can afford to do things like hire lawyers to look at her contracts
>>33390 >flat out s31 uses predatory practices and violates laws and legal ethics to do so. dem phats tho
Anybody Have Nutty videos like Milks and Undies?
>>33390 I always thought layla just made him a ton of money so he didnt care what she did. wasnt she the first to get her own site and subscription service connected to stuffer31? when you click on any other model on stuffers site and you get stuffer31.com. click on her and you get laylabbw.com. then she cams on the side. not very often but she does. I think if stuffer had a problem with that he wouldve nipped all of it in the bud years ago.
>>33438 Just because S31 has an issue with what a model is doing on the side doesn1t mean they have any legal right to do anything about it. From what I can tell, the contracts are likely very sketchy to begin with and many details not enforceable for those who wish (or have the means) to challenge them.
Here are 125 videos of Nutty https://mab.to/uOIyBMsht it is currently uploading so give it time. Please for the love of god, can someone share recent videos of Mandy?
Anyone got any sherly? Crushing on her pretty hard. All the sherly please
Does anybody here has any tenderbelly vids I'm looking for the outgrown clothes video but if you have the others video's can you share them?
There are plenty of tenderbelly videos on pornhub and thumbzilla, I also have some on my phone however I don’t know how to share them so if you were willing to tell me I could help you with that
reiterating the above sherly request. always wanted to see more of her but couldn't find anything other than the 4 or 5 videos floating around online.
>>34504 Ah, shit. I missed it.
>>34504 Here you go bro, this is what I have. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVFUyZDNseGVFaG9NM0k9 Could you reupload your link? I missed it.
anybody have any vids of Jane? she looks incredible and is definitely gaining quite a bit
Anyone got some of Leska's videos Please
i checked on pornhub and thumbzilla but there basically the same videos can you describe the video you have just to be safe if it isn't one the same video? >>34914
>>34941 Much appreciated! Do you happen to have any of the videos of Mandy? >>34912 Here is everything I have of Tenderbelly https://mab.to/GybFmYcmK
Thank you for sharing what you have on tenderbelly but every time I try downloading it stops at 99% every time is there any way of fixing this? >>35013
>>35013 clear cookies
if anyone can reupload some Sherly videos that would be awesome thanks
>>35022 is it still stopping at 99? and will drop sherly content later
Here is the sherly content https://mab.to/kB2JGB7LE
>>35052 good man!!!
>>34973 Thanks a bunch. Unfortunately, I tried downloading it a couple times, but it always crashed because it was all one big 20gb zip file.
>>35081 I downloaded it just fine: My harddrive crashed last month so lost all of my Eden and Sammy content, Any kind soul that would like to resuplly me?
Yeah I clear cookies but it's still stopping at 99% and I tried downloading one video at a time but still stopping at 99% >>35051
>>35052 Absolute legend
>>35099 >https://mab.to/GybFmYcmK stopping at 99% means you don't have enough disk space either on the cache drive or the target drive, downloading a mab link requires at least as much as twice as much disk space as the size of the file, potentially on one of your smaller drives depending on how the browser is setup
>>35052 holy shit thanks, I never got to see her in a video before. She always looked cute af in the pictures
>>35109 Ok so it looks like I may have to do a reup of tenderbelly? Anyone else? Hopefully I'll have them. Always looking more for Mandy content
Does anyone have some recent Julie content? I know she’s really hit miss especially lately.
>>35206 Here is the link of julie content part 1 of 2 https://mab.to/j94t7KWIB Give the julie link sometime it is currenty uploading once that is done ill start part 2 Here is the reup of tenderbelly https://we.tl/t-II307I1oaS Now then, may I please have some mandy? :D
>>35211 videos lol Not saying that the images shared weren't appreciated :p >>34941
Thank you for the information and I was able to download the tenderbelly videos on my laptop but I noticed at stuffer31 there's a 8 min button pop video for tenderbelly is this a new video? >>35211
Anything of Cookie or Aaliyah?
Any Aileen?
Anyone have cuteanna? I can’t find nothing :(
Thanks! Looking forward to Pt. 2 of Julie. I have one Mandy vid that I haven't seen shared around, other than that all I have is already out there. Hope more people will oblige.
>>35211 Awesome, thanks. Yeah, her content is pretty crap. I recall paying something stupid like $30 once because I was horny af and thought it'd be good. Was disappointment. And have been disappointment every time I've bought something.
DAMN I MISSED A SHERLY DROP Sir can you please reupload
>>35315 https://mab.to/xzwokyuJ9 Here is the second part of julie, there might a couple doubles in there
>>35286 Here is Aileen https://mab.to/VIkrfsAsk it is currently uploading
>>34973 Any chance of a reup? These myairbridge links expire too soon.
Does anybody have CuteAnna?
>>35052 >https://mab.to/kB2JGB7LE reup?
>>35359 If somebody does reup, it would be great if they could split the upload into two or three different files.
>>35374 Damn dude just be grateful sheesh
>>35375 You know damn well people here are disgraceful bottom feeders who don't know the definition of appreciation.
Here is everything I have of Honney https://volafile.org/r/1fytb1dr4 Going to use volafile to see if it works better and best for everyone. Once that is uploaded going to do a drop with Isabella - I think I may nearly have her full collection Sorry for sounding like a parrot. Can we please get some more Mandy content on here
Here is isabella currently uploading https://volafile.org/r/1fz945qfc
>>35484 there is literally nothing worse than volafile.... its far slower than myairbridge and wetransfer and the files only last two days....
>>35577 I'll take volafile over myairbridge any day. Thanks uploader!
Myairbridge and we transfer is 100% better than volafile so. Volafile is so slow compared to the others
>>35484 Reupload. I missed some and it doesn't help that in clutch time the slow downloads kill everything.
>>35484 reupload of this, on wetransfer instead of volafile, so the downloads will last 7days and be fast, instead of 2 days and slow, all credit to ea65aa for the original post though!!! YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVTlsZUhCeGFIcEdjMEVLYUhSMGNITShyZW1vdmV0aGlzc2VjdGlvbnRvZ2V0NWxpbmtzKTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV2Q0U3pBeU5tVkhVa3NLYUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWGxCUlhaTFdXMUphMDBLYUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWGRoVEZKWmNtRkxNWGNLYUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVVZHWms0NGNtb3pWRmc9
Those anybody here have any button pop content?
Any chance of an Isabella re-up?
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Pre/post cuarentine
>>36020 Yeah, every time I try MyAirBridge, the site crashes after the extremely long download time,...to get to the point where I can download.
>>36099 MyAirBridge sucks for several reasons - why bother - please use something else like WeTransfer.
Kinda cute ngl, i want to see this girl belly >>36071
>>36104 it's a filter lmao
could somebody reupload content from julie?
Does anyone remember her name? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5eaa8e50b4c01
Anyone have lacy or crysta? There's one of lacy in a green bikini measuring and jiggling her huge thighs that is to die for, and crysta has this vid of herself in black lingerie that is adorable. Those videos alone made them the best in my mind.
>>36424 That's Danielle.
Does anyone have amy videos?
>>36669 I dont think so. I have more clips of her but no full vids.
Hey, anyone got any taylor and alexis content? was going to get a vid from their site about Xmas but they axed the entire video catalog they have and only have clip shows of them now.
anyone have mila s31 vids?
Any new Nadya stuff?
Any recent Mandy? She has stretch marks on her stomach now
>>37873 wow. she's massive. you can really see it in her face. i went to buy that fifteen minute burping video right until i saw she wanted $23 for it. i hate it when videos are that expensive. if it were $15 id consider it. $10 would probably be an instant buy. why is it $23 for fifteen minutes? thats overpriced so i didn't bother.
>>37940 her onlyfans is $8 until tomorrow
>>37943 what's nadya's onlyfans?
>>37940 The S31 models do not set their prices. The notorious site owner behind the curtain does. Sevaral models, including Nadya, have branched into their own OnlyFans subscriptions. Nadya's is called Ari Gato, for some reason. Better deal than S31, and content is less scripted.
>>37947 https://onlyfans.com/u31859438 i have been enjoying it a lot
>>37943 fuuucccckkk i missed the offer
>>37978 Yup, bummer - but still well worth the regular price. Still a cutie, in spite (or positive addition) of 200+ more pounds.
>>37950 Whats her content like? Does she do proper videos on there or is it like those crappy 1 minute ones a lot people do on OF.
>>37981 They have ranged from a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes, with most in the 4 to 8 minute range. The best thing about OF is that your initial sub fee opens the model's site to ALL the content to date. Keep it one month, if you want, and download everything. Come on folks - stop being so cheap with your money - Nadya's, and other models, OF is the best deal going. Also there will be more in our possession to share.
>>37991 onlyfans only added the technology innovation of the download button like a week ago.... so... yeah... there's a reason models love it and porn buyers hated it.
>>38087 I've been downloaded OF videos for months with the Video DownLoadHelper add-on in Firefox. Didn't even know downloading was an issue.
>>37991 1. OF JUST added the download feature 2. You must've forgotten the type of people you deal with here. The video can be 50 cents and you'll still have people wanting it for free. Nadya/Ari being on a different site isn't going to change that.
Here's some Julie. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVlJZVkdGSVdVbFJORk09 Anyone got the full version of the attached gif?
she dropped it to $5 now according to her feabie post
>>38664 >>38680 Does her onlyfans have mostly modeling videos or can I find some stuffing and chugging/drinking videos too on it?
>>38748 Stick to S.31 if you want chugging videos. She mostly models in tight clothes with the occasional stuffing videos. Her OF isn't bad, but she is using an even worse camera than what she usually uses. She also needs to cut back on the fucking exposure. Almost half of her videos has her engulfed in sunlight.
>>38748 I take it back. She has a shower scene where she's totally nude and shows off her fupa. Totally worth the $5.
>>38780 Sorry again, but I have to take back the exposure comment. Turns out it was Google Chrome that was fucking up the videos for some reason. I switched over to Firefox and everything plays normally. So again, sorry. Her OF is really worth the $5.
I just bought a few mandy vids how do I download?
try installing the video downloadhelper extension
can someone re-u isabella content?
It's a little off the beaten path,but does anybody have any Lux. Goth girl really into it and has literally blown up in less than a year. Probably not most people's cup of tea but she is one of the most dedicated gainers out right now.
>>38903 totally agree! she's ballooned and that gut when she's stuffed is amazing..nice tits too
please share that Mandy content when you figure out how to download it
any nadya stuff
>>38965 Nadya (deservedly so) has her own thread on here. The intro picture is horrid and dark, though - you'll have to look harder.
>>38975 Or just support her and buy something from her. I know you guys can spare a couple of bucks instead of relying on the 4 people who actually contribute here.
Can i get a reupload on Edenn?
anyone got any recent Kimmy?? Hair is crap but the belly is looking bigger than ever
I was gonna spend my paycheck on some videos, but fuck that site is getting greedy. $10 for a 6 minute video? $21 for a 13 minute one? Mr. Stuffer31 or whoever runs that site now needs to fuck off and let the models set their own prices.
Anybody got Edenn’s 7 course stuffing vids?
(98.71 KB 1316x981 A+ Gallery_33.jpg)
Anyone have this one from Mandy? She is probably my favorite model on the site right now
>>39172 This or any recent stuffing video from Mandy would be LOVELY tbh
>>38979 please
>>39172 So question about the S.31 website. When it says that the video was viewed 429 times, does that mean that 429 people bought the video, or that the sample clip was viewed 429 times?
>>39213 I'd imagine the latter
Hello, I've decided that I don't want to coom anymore. I was going to delete my porn folder but I figured it would be less of a waste if shared it with the community before deleting it. It sure ain't nothing special, mostly some stuff from some old s31 models shared on reddit a couple years ago. Hope you enjoy it. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJYbGhhWEppY21sa1oyVXVZMjl0TDJWekx5TWhMMnhwYm1zdk1HUmxjbmxLUVc5Wg==
>>39434 Thank you for your service kind man.
>>39434 Here's some stuff I missed yesterday. The files are big, that's why I split them Layla YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJYbGhhWEppY21sa1oyVXVZMjl0TDJWekx5TWhMMnhwYm1zdlpuUm9aV1J6UmsxQw== YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJYbGhhWEppY21sa1oyVXVZMjl0TDJWekx5TWhMMnhwYm1zdmJHODNaamRDVFZOaQ== Nutty YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJYbGhhWEppY21sa1oyVXVZMjl0TDJWekx5TWhMMnhwYm1zdldHNVphM3B0UkVkbg== YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJYbGhhWEppY21sa1oyVXVZMjl0TDJWekx5TWhMMnhwYm1zdmFVbEdlSE5sVHpOMQ== Get them while they're hot. See y'all on the other side.
Does anyone have Bellis videos by any chance?
>>39434 >>39518 Based rehab anon Good luck in your mission
Anyone got any Taylor and Alexis videos?
anyone have any isabella from stuffer 31 videos?
>>39748 yes plz
Anyone check out that new girl aStuffedBirb? She's only at 90lbs. You think she'll surprise us or you think she'll fizzle out after a while?
(1.35 MB 480x270 27406.480.mp4)
Anyone has this video from Amy?
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anyone have any JuliRoxx stuff?
How I can use the like?
i mean the link? for the video
>>39434 Can anyone reup?
(1.33 MB 2551x1246 11.png)
anyone care to trade?
Anyone have any edenn vids?
i do not Im looking for more mila vids atm
>>41551 Yeah, and I can never have enough Honney - naive and barely of age - but so attractive.
>>41546 >trade We don't do that here. Also $30 for a 6 minute video?! Who set these prices?! I want names!
>>41546 Ban the cuck
>>41558 The dipshit webmaster. Also this thread really really needs more mandy. She's fattening up pretty rapidly now
>>41558 lux does have an onlyfans with a lower price
>>42006 So either contribute or shut about some damn Mandy.
>>41558 join her of, a lot of vid
>>40666 >JuliRoxx damn, how has no one shared any of her stuff yet? Shes smoking.
>>42124 Because it cost money to obtain her videos, and most people here are either too broke or are cheapskates. If you want a video, then how about supporting the model and buy it yourself instead of bumping just to beg.
>>42142 also s31 prices are insane and his stuff is like 5 times the price many other models charge and the content is often of a lower quality at the higher price and he's a lunatic who will hack his customers to blackmail them... you don't have to be cheap to not want to buy from him.
>>42143 So? That's not a excuse to beg bump this thread. Besides, that's what people get for supporting that shit site for damn near 20 years. And they expect other people to buy and share shitty overpriced phone footage with them.
Some lux pics aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTUybjh6bGxnZ0E=
>>42014 >>42030 >onlyfans I'm writing this for my future self. Her onlyfans is onlyfans.com/luxurynoir it's $10 normally, as of 1/18/2021 it's on sale for $5, hopefully by the time you subscribe the Synology server is setup.
>>42185 only 1 left at posting
>>42271 Is your OF worth it?
Currently looking for content from retired S31 models, more specifically the ones that retired from 2012 and before, like BustyThickness or Michaela. Here's my contribution: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV294WlZkSldtNTRURVU9
>>41558 She better find a new daddy with more money. This place be the poison of the high seas for earning money. We be pirates lads. We be pirates. Never forget what this ship o fools be.
>>42429 Speak for yourself. I mostly show up now to troll. Once you get a job and have disposable income, you'll realize how better it is to actually buy a video instead spending all day begging.
>>42271 Oh well, it's just $10. >>42420 I'm pretty sure her OF is just like any other OF accounts out there. after 4 months of using OF I have this general feeling of "same shit different toilet". >>42454 As long as the price isn't ridiculous it's fair game to me. After 3 years of buying stuff for myself the usual arguments of pirating falls apart because buying it is so much more simpler, I don't pirate unless I don't like the individual or someone uploads the content before I'm able to buy it.
>>42454 I have a job and have disposable income. I'm still not going to spend $30 on a 6 minute video.
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Nutty is back after being gone since late 2016.......but she's pregnant.
Also are her and Julie sisters or something? I didn't realize how alike they look.
>>42722 racist
>>42743 It was only racist after you said something. Thanks for trying to start shit.
>>42743 How is he racist when THEY ARE sisters? Fucking idiot.
>>19946 Any chance of a re-up? and If anyone ha more Leksa Please
>>42751 Wait are they actually sisters though? I never put 2 and 2 together
>>42798 No, they're friends from the same town. In fact her, Shirly, Aileen, and Julie all know each other and have collaborated with each other. Although to my knowledge, I don't think Aileen did anything with Julie.
>>42798 Because they look alike? OH MY GOD ITS JACKIE CHAN!
>>42751 OH MY GOD ITS JACKIE CHAN! Seriously though your evidence for them being sisters is they look alike? Moron.
It is hilarious watching people get so irate due to the presence of the "R" word.
anyone got any Mandy?
Preggo Aileen when?????
>>42824 Simmer down autist. I was asking a legitimate question
>>42875 I think it was in response to the guy who stated THEY ARE sisters... Either way, come for the fat chicks, stay for the autism.
>>42852 Didn't she die or was that just a rumor? It was weird that the most famous model at the time just disappeared without notice.
>>42903 >most famous model ...from a niche fetish. I'm pretty sure she left because she got tired of it. Not everyone what's to keep being an idol for coomers.
>>42911 BBW is far from being a niche fetish. Maybe 20 years ago when girls worried about having a big ass, but now the media is crawling with fat chicks. Anyways, there was always 3 rumors that I heard: 1. That she died 2. There was a typhoon that destroyed her hometown and she went back home to help her family and friends 3. She has kids and wanted to stop gaining so they wouldn't know what's up. Cause let's be honest, someone who was on track like her doesn't just up and quit for no reason.
>>42926 Huh, I didn't know BBW was getting mainstream. I stand corrected.
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Anyone have Thai Pregnant Videos?
>>42926 >Cause let's be honest, someone who was on track like her doesn't just up and quit for no reason. Ha, yeah, when does that ever happen Anyway I heard she quit for no reason.
>>42927 Amateur seems incredibly vague and just a simple label that could easily be attached to most of the other categories.
>>42960 Also Hentai and Cartoon could easily be combined instead of being 2 separated categories.
>>42926 She probably got tired of looking 6 months pregnant all the time. Literally 90 percent of the weight she gained went to her stomach.
Does anyone have a folder or playlist of isabella’s videos?
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Anyone have this video with sound?
>>43021 didn't sherly have that exact same problem?
Anyone have a reup of S31 Emily?
>>44528 Shirly just looked straight up fat. She wasn't like Aileen or even Julie where she only gained in her belly.
Anyone got Tenderbelly vids?
Anybody got Edenn’s all three 7 course meal vids?
Massive crush on Karamella right now. Anyone got a decent chunk of her content?
is Kimmy done? She hasn't posted for like nearly 3 weeks now
>>44884 We don't know. Those models leave and come as they go.
Anyone got new stuff from Mandy or CuteAnna?
How is it that Carol has been on that site for over 13 years and has only gotten a pot belly? If anything she only got bigger during her pregnancy and hasn't gained since.
Does anybody have any Leksa?
Does anybody have anything involving Crysta or Amy? They were my two favorite ladies on the site Also, I think it's kinda cool that Amy's still actively doing weight gain stuff, just not from s31 anymore. There could probably be another whole thread for her content. There probably should, because I've seen previews on her manyvids AND the pics she posts on Instagram. She's gotten bigger, and I'm all for it
>>45625 Crysta's been gone for over 11 years now dude. What's out there is all there is.
>>45631 I know, I was asking for videos. Probably shouldn't have included the bit involving Amy under my request
>>45631 the best always quit. karamella, crysta, edenn, lanaashley, maybe even michaela, i can't even join the site because every time i find a model i like they end up quitting shortly afterwards.
>>45648 We may have to add Kimmy to the list. It has been almost a month since her last post. At least we still have Nadya, Sammy, and Julie as long-term models still hanging in there.
>>45648 Edenn looked miserable towards the end of her gaining tho. Not to mention she was having issues with her throat to the point where she could barely talk.
>>45684 it was her throat that was making her so ill? I have no idea why she was sick to this day. I just remember her promising to keep coming back and stuffing, I think she came on here once telling people off for complaining about her burping videos not having much burping and then she ghosted everyone. I remember there was a compilation of her burps on pornhub and it was like a half an hour out of all of the videos she has done. that was pitiful. when she finally got one out it was amazing but otherwise her videos were a waste. can't understand why she thought it better to come on here and tell people off instead of making sure her videos don't suck but who am I to speak besides a paying customer?
>>45625 what's her instagram?
>>45716 Thatoneamy31. It's open to anyone
Hi guys long time lurker and jerker here. I want to stop cooming and move on to better things, Working my mental health, lifting/bulking up, etc.etc. was gona delete my files but figured why not just share what I got before I leave so heres my stash of Mila. Also made a burp comp of her. Conclusion: I want to fuck the shit out of this chick so bad but whats the point of cooming to her when Im not actually doing it but woe is me I suppose. If anything I found feabie account she goes by the name of Lacienegasmile you're welcome! WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRreldsTTFNR0pET1RCTVdGcHhWREI0V2xaV1FreFdhMWs5
Also only one vid is missing there were a couple floating around on PH but didn't manage to grab before the purge as they were private accounts alas. Incase you're wondering what vid is missing its the nerd stuffing one but the tard who owns stuffer31 doesn't realise you're not able to buy it. Anyways glad to contribute to the community and hope you guys are doing well in life. Cheers.
(35.98 KB 720x408 salute-57b17d3c4d243.jpeg)
godspeed, you legend
TBH, mandy content is kinda trash. I’ve bought like 10 clips and only 1 of them was any good. Thinking about dumping them. Anyone else got any Mandy they want to post so I feel like I owe somebody something and don’t give up trying to get it all uploaded with my shit internet?
>>46478 yeah she's hot but I always got that impression that her content wasn't exactly top quality so I avoided it. A drop would be appreciated tho, internet connection permitting of course.
Does anybody have any old Crysta or Amy videos?
Any karamella? Please? My loins are on fire.
Any chance for that massive nutty reup? Literally all time favorite
isabella video re ups?
Anyone have newer Julie vids? Or any Sherly?
Any Mandy?
Isabella has so many videos on Stuffer31 that don't seem to be uploaded on any porn sites. There's the same ~20 videos of hers that have been uploaded like 5 times each on every major site. I'm surprised the rest are still just sitting behind those individual paywalls after all these years.
hi guys me again I know I said I would delete my files but I forgot I had pix too so heres the link in case some of you missed the train https://we.tl/t-DVIsbdNHUV (mila stash) Hope you guys are doing well amidst whats going on now be safe talk to girls snag a chubby one,workout, work on yourself and good luck in life! Cheers!
>>47574 not a valid link
>>47647 My apologies heres the correct link thank you for noticing that. https://we.tl/t-Yp5TNgBfPa
New clips of Mandy or cuteanna?
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Anyone who can reupload amy's videos?
>>47672 Any hero could re-up? I missed the boat
anyone got any Honney?
Does anyone have the video of edenns feeder rubbing her belly while both of them are on a bed as a trade I have this https://hdzog.com/videos/920965/embarrassing-after-belly-edenn/
Looking for videos of Lux. Reuploading this compilation for those who haven't seen it yet. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVmhOU25wUFdXaDJXRWM9
Any Mandy? I think is the best on here
