/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Weight Gain Progress thread: Bigger and Better than Ever Anonymous 09/10/2023 (Sun) 19:41:53 Id:bd55d0 No. 130898
You know what to do: keep posting girls getting fatter. Pics and videos welcome.
Requesting that one guys gf
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>>131575 holy shit name plz
It's a shame that 90% of fattys just give up on their looks when they get big
>>131619 It's renee james from curvagr
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Stonerbellybabe is growing like a hog, her goal weight is 250
>>131831 Wow gonna be more then 75 kg
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I was creating a few compares and they're great and all but just still need so much more
>>132764 Who is she
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Onlyjaynefan her gains in the last year are quite impressive doesn't seem to be slowing down either
Do y’all have some pictures for me in modest clothing? I have my current girlfriend nearly convinced to gain for me but I need some good comparison photos where women look sexy and confident. And with her personality I can’t do that with pictures of chicks in bikinis
>>132835 check this thread https://bbw-chan.nl/bbw/res/115234.html
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Squeezing out puppies has plumped Claire up nicely…
>>132847 Thanks man, but they threat has no before and after pics.
>>131766 god she is the fucking worst so fucking ugly and her feet are vile huge turnoff
>>131825 That’s a pregnant belly
>>130908 I think Reiina is the best one here because unlike all those other loungabouts who would’ve naturally spiraled upwards she actively lost weight then gained it all back and more some in a calculated style. That’s real dedication.
>>132932 The period where she lost weight was due to her high metabolism. She has to actively work to keep on weight at smaller sizes and it was becoming a situation where she either made enough feedee porn to pay for the food necessary to gain, or finish her degree. She chose the degree and then went back to gaining immediately.
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>>132835 lmao just feed her compliments during drunk sex and coerce her into a photoshoot what's the fucking hold up on this
>>132895 Seen some of the gifs where she grabs and plays with her belly, defo looks like it’s just fat, plus no belly button pushing out etc. I think her and the bf are also long distance from comments they’ve both made, so I’d be surprised if they were banging out kids right now.
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>>132879 >>132835 >>132835 >>132835 In case it can help for your girlfriend… a few before-afters.
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>>132835 And a few for you, to show what fat goodies are hidden under those flowy clothes. Good luck!
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>>133027 How can I find more of her? The Instagram is dead.
>>133114 coomer
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>>133097 holy hell who is this dime
>>133159 Bigbellyjudy >>133536 There is no name, you blind?
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>>133935 Who is this?
>>133965 https://linktr.ee/rosiemariefeedee
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It's kinds funny that chubbygirlvideos/Victoria butt stays the same size throughout her gain
Has chubbygirlvideos even done anything recent?
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My absolute favorite weight gainer. She has become so sexy.
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Strawbrryymilk from instagram. She got quite heavy over the years.
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ohwhatalovelypear on instagram, used to be mmissdelishh on tumblr
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>>130903 If you were referring to me, we at 270 now
>>135725 Looks like she's eating good and porking up man, keep it up. Can we get some comparison shots?
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bbw_pixipix is ​​huge now
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>>130898 a classic
>>136396 It's got to be getting on for 25 years since these pics were taken
>>136402 Seen her posted over the years but whats her name?
>>136419 Kelligrl, one of the OG's with Taurusvixn, SexyMic, PlumpKatariina, etc.
>>136396 Part of every elder millenial/genx FA’s sexual awakening
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this chick on youtube goes by diet estus.
>>136420 That is most certainly NOT Sexymic
>>136425 Oof her and Brooke were amazing back in the day. I actually went as far as to go get a PO Box so I could subscribe to Bulge and I couldn't have it sent to my parent's house where I was living at the time. Still a little sore that I never got the VHS that I prepaid for that she scammed everyone out of.
>>136439 No you ESL, it's Kelligrl as said. The others are just examples of her contemporaries as the first online gainers in the late 1990s/early 2000s
Kelligrl first debuted in 1994 on Buf Fuck I'm old
Ariane slighly WG
>>135407 >>135409 she needs to become a feedee...with her body type, she has the potential to get so incredibly obese
Incredible how the faces totally change
>>136436 >diet estus troon
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The gf over the last 2 years.
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Me & GF's progress over time, we are mutual gainers.
>>137231 Ultra LARP. Would be cooler if it wasn't
>>136848 would love to see some more pictures if you guys were open to sharing
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>>133023 Why u postin all these old people man outta here
>>137231 congratulation on the gainz, both of you!
>>137519 Thanks! We met a long time ago but didn't start dating until a few years ago. She was already chubby and I just *nudged* her in the right direction.
>>137501 Shes the GOAT, honestly from cheerleader to ssbbw model. 10/10 would marry her.
>>137539 don't hesitate to share more bro! Mutual gains are super hot and definitely all too rare!
There's no more?
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>>135805 First pic to latest
>>138682 Fuck what a good girl, she really just let you do that to her?
does somebody still have all the other pics from her? outstanding work
>>138691 Of course, of course was pretty easy tbh
>>138682 Gosh! What a beauty. We need more pictures!
>>138768 I’ve never had a fat girl, how softs that gut
(172.94 KB 1054x1193 20231207_070437.jpg)
you are living the dream. do you have pictures in between these?
>>138860 I got loads from lightest to now
Could you pls Upload them ? Maybe just to wetransfer
>>138885 >>138937 I'd love to see too, she looks really good dude
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>>138937 >>138945 This is probs around 140 area? Same clothes as the very first pic
>>138973 really good stuff ngl, ty for sharing
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>>138974 Imo I thought she was perfect at around the 220-240 area. But 280s ain't bad either
>>138975 She still gaining?
>>138682 How did you do it? Teach us your ways
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>>138682 This cute goddess needs her own thread!!! She's not only a ten, she's a 100
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>>138988 Ye she is >>138993 Uhhh she wasn't really allowed to have anything sweet growing up, so ever since we started dating, I just leave a buncha of bullshit around that's unhealthy. Sam's club also is clutch for snacks I'm bulk
>>139150 You've scored the jackpot oh my goodness. This qt is lost on this filler thread lad. We need a new thread for her ASAP packed as full of pics and anecdotes as she is with fattening snacks.
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>>139172 Rn she's on a buttered grits kick, like 120 calories a pack? Downs like 6 per time. Also been slipping heavy cream into her coffee instead of her oatmilk stuff, been pretty effective imo. And the thread hmmm maybe? Idk if it'd take off
>>139176 Mister, I swear to you I would die for a thread. I alone would sustain it and bump it if need be but I assure you there is high demand, very high. Do it
>>139180 I'll fire it up
>>139187 I mean, I’ll vote yes on a thread. You lucky SOB. Live the dream!
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Big head
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Back rolls
gf material to wife
Wow love this gallery
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>>139150 Lmao yeah sams club is the ticket. “I got you some snacks to take to work” and for some reason they just start constantly eating. Idek.
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>>143409 who is this?
>>143479 Rosemariefeedee
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>>143509 One of the best things about her gain is how much better her face looks now that its fatter.
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Do you want another one?
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>>143512 She looks like dsp
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Check out DevilGains on Tumblr, put on over 200 pounds in a year and a half
>>144335 Was right into her until I saw the armpit hair and the state of her face.
>>144336 I'm willing to look past that for the better parts, it's the flakiness that ruins it for me. Made a post on New year's saying there'd be a return. Nothing. Announces a tiktok QA video and to DM requests. Nothing, except deciding to ignore all questions and argue with an ask about her hair. Also DMs were turned off day 1. Is one of the people who acts like a single picture a month is an endeavor and you have unrealistic expectations of someone claiming they're going to document their growth. Has a few idiots on REPORT MY POST acting like it's actually a very good thing to not post Will upload in a bit to make up for the rant
>>144396 https://we.tl/t-dJTO4sZ1uc I got this folder from this site some time ago and have added to it. May contain duplicates
>>144334 But is she happy
>>140873 Goddamn right
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>>144396 you're willing to look past this? jesus dude get some self respect
>>144712 The current state of Western civilization in a picture. Pure clown world
>>144710 Yes, I like what she's done. More of this. Who or @?
>>144712 Thankyou for putting a spoiler on. this thing haunts my nightmares
>>144737 Chubbycupcake, used to be very active, she has basically quit now
>>144737 >>144712 Chubbycupcake - Shes been inactive for awhile now. I did have loads of her stuff but its all been put on my backup drive now its been so long since. She did a good few collabs with kitty piggy when she was still in the scene
>>144743 She has bf.
>>144712 i somehow repressed this photo into not looking as bad. You're right, but also fuck you for reminding me of the truth
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>>144335 I can stomach a bit of hair as long as she’s blowing up but when I saw her face? Christ. Butterface final boss is an understatement. She’s like a living caricature. Horrific.
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Some of the best gains I've seen.
>>132876 Are these all the same lady? Because that last pic is amazing.
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>>146600 >>132876 Yep, same!
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This is gigantic!!! (from skinny to USSBBW)
check your sources
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>>146809 no trash
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Carmela Anthony
>>147276 You have the video of that screenshot? Would love to see her move at her fattest
>>133022 Source
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>>133022 >>146807 >>147399 https://motherless.com/term/images/pregnant%20dressed%20milf%20undressed%20clothed%20naked?range=0&size=0&sort=date&
Ssbbwcaitb Gained roughly 200lbs in 2 years, during which she had gained 40lbs in 2 months.
>>150563 That’s a shitload of weight but she looks like a man in the last picture
>>150563 Can't find much about them
>>150572 From really cute to Peter Griffin
>>150563 we need sources !!!
>>150572 I gotta agree with you there lmao
>>150689 The short hair really doesn't help
>>150744 >>150563 >>150572 Becoming a man was the goal. She goes by he now. Lets move on
>>150563 If I knew them, I wouldn’t even recognize them, wow! Where is the most recent pic from?
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>>150903 Thank you
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>>144757 who is she!??
>>151108 >>144757 this is chubbychiquita >>151063 who is this?
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Sunnyjayne on insta
>>144712 Damn. Her throwing a tantrum over some random telling her to shave herself is starting to make sense lmao
>>135408 Ayo who the fuck this
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>>152972 Strawbrrymilk
>>153401 Holy shit no way you’re back
>>153401 Shes looking big
>>153404 Had 0 content my guy wasn't gonna post filler
pls do a thread again of your girlfriend!!!
>>153407 Don't have THAT much new content
>>153408 Just glad you’re back
>>153408 Belly pic? Without the shirt? Your girl looks like the GOAT
Her OF has devolved into a wild phishing scheme seemingly run by a bot. But still killer gain
>>153401 Hell yeah, what's her weight at now?
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>>153476 She is great. Thanks man
>>153555 An older but a goodie
Pls upload all the old pics of your girlfriend, she is perfect
>>153476 She’s top tier
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>>153840 this is an extremely uncanny shop of cecliaemilyx lol
>>153841 Damn. Well looks hotter and prob wouldnt sound as retarded lol
>>153665 Is she 300 yet?
>>153476 Did you used to post on reddit? If so, I've been looking for your pics forever. Is there anywhere we can find them online?
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>>154330 what a sexy fucking downgrade
Blondiee18 has gained around 70 pounds in 8 months, definitely one of the best new feedees ever
>>154331 Havent seen rosie for a bit. I hope shes doing well, and still gaining... her gain, especially these face comparisons is insanely hot. Thanks for sharing!
>>150563 I miss her insta, wonder where she went to.
Which one started off the thinnest?
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>>155969 Looking most excellent
>>155969 Please keep updating, she's sooo hot
Rosies lost a bit from her snap
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Lilxsofy Italian TikToker and OF model who has blown up
>>155969 Holy shit she’s looking good
>>155969 holy fuck, is she just chugging heavy cream at this point or something? doing gods work anon
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>>156084 If I told ya my secrets wouldn't be any fun anon
>>156095 Goddess build
>>156142 Imo her ass getting crazy too but it's preference
>>156144 All of her is getting crazy look at that gut
>>156145 From no tiddie to udders too
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>>156184 Bruh I forgot to post the pic
>>156185 Goddamn, is she still doing kik
>>156186 She forgot the login 💀
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>>156095 won't be long until she's looking like this. Congrats to the both of you!
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>>156190 Ayo, that is a fantastic morph
>>156200 Why do women create drama or go out there way to start shit. I dont get it man. I do everything for this bitch
>>156201 Me either big dog
(1.46 MB 1067x1426 bbwChan5.png)
>>156191 >>156200 Hey, thanks! Glad you like it. For those curious, you can find more morph work here in the Morph thread on EE, or on Deviantart (just search my name). Here's another for you.
>>156268 Gods work
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>>156268 Outstanding
>>156285 Quite
Update time
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>>157589 >>157589 Who is this?
>>157614 Who are they? Loving her loyal feeding companion also.
>>157614 >>157703 doubledenise (the fat one)
>>157707 Why did she get so fat all of a sudden? She's charging $7 for the answer.
>>157717 Got pregnant and kept gaining
>>157614 https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/11586
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Lauren Landa went from eating apples to apple pies :3c (She is the voice actress of Annie from AoT, Kyoko from Madoka Magica and more)
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Nurses getting fat is kinda hot
>>159190 Does anyone know who this is? I’ve seen a few of her before but I didn’t think they were actually the same person
Does anyone know of any good edited videos that really showcase a big progrssion and gain?
>>158567 Damn her belly shape looks very cute in that bottom left pic
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>>159642 oh god the fucking wife of Jabba The Hut how sexy she looks
>>130898 Who is this?
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Loving seeing these girl’s gains
>>159754 Woah woah woah - who's this?
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Here is my effort it's taken about a year so far. I can't wait to see where I am next year
>>159863 you are fucking fat btw, I hope you know that 😰
>>159917 You know what I do and I fucking love it
Anyone know of any weight gain time-lapse/progression videos but ideally with quite a lot of photos so the change is really gradual?
>>159863 Thanks for sharing, beauty. We are all expecting some big gains from you in the rest of this year. Keeping an eye on you
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>>160562 Thank you 😊 this is probably my favourite comparison pic of myself so far 🤭
>>144712 You have no room to talk, you look like a fucking toad and you know it
>>160773 Bet he still looks miles better than her and you know it lmao
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>>162248 Damn who’s this?
>>163277 Rosemarie feedee Her c00mer is stacked.
>>163283 Thank you so much!
Blondiee.18 has been an absolute gaining queen, first pic she's 120, second pic 160 and the last 2 pics are current as of her june weigh in around 200 pounds and the other from her vacation, all within 11 months of gaining
>>163293 Unless she is extremely tall she is nowhere near 200
>>162962 Is that kellijellibelly
>>163298 She's 5'7 and as of her latest weigh in she was 198 and that was the beginning of june
(833.98 KB 2192x3848 0240624_191736.jpg)
Looks like it
>>163375 What in the fuck are you feeding her
Omg pls more of her
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>>163375 >>163464 nice, she still hovering around 300?
>>163464 dude, you won the lottery. really. please create a separate thread with your curvy goddess, these are awesome and sexy gainz, so would love to see more
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>>163749 She came back and lost a lot of weight, it's sad.
>>163781 How do you know?
>>163293 >>163298 Check this out, first pics are from dec 30th at 160 and the others are from her cruise video. She's 210 now btw
>>163781 Wdym? She's been around the same size for a while now. She also have a lot of mental issues so why complain?
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>>163901 Love the gain, i find her really hot for some reason. She seems incredibly wishy washy for content though
>>163902 shes a tumblr girl from 2010 prolly hasnt done anything related for like 9 years, I just remember her getting mad at people who talked dirty or said any usual FA tropes.
>>163909 Ur tripping bro this is gothbelly she has an active OnlyFans focused on feedee content.
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>>164086 What a wife
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Fatbrat333 is her name Only 21, Next level stuff… Tripled in size
>>164086 Dude, I'm begging you on my hands and knees: please make a thread or gallery documenting her gains, share some of your happiness with us
>>164111 holy piggy...
(1.00 MB 2160x2326 Snapchat-484258705.jpg)
>>164118 I just don't think there is enough content my man
>>164226 More of your hog please.
>>164111 too bad she stopped posting 6 months ago. She briefly mentioned making an OF a while back then deleted the comment and it never happened.
>>164289 Who is this mega hottie??
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>>164328 Bchubs/thebreakfastchub
>>164335 There’s no way humanly possible that this isn’t a morph 😦. Please make a thread or something bro
>>164335 Hot damn now that’s a wide load
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>>164415 >>164434 Ngl, these new B and A pictures are making my nuts swell up
>>164515 Holy shitttttt anon
>>164434 Holy shit she is so hot, every picture is just mindblowing
>>164515 Goddamn anon she's amazing. Treat her well, you lucky SOB
>>164335 >>164515 These look edited...Body always somehow super out of focus wrt to the background, her thighs look stretched af with weird blurry edges
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>>164617 Here's one without dog shit lighting or alot of moving
Vampychou’s belly and double chin has grown a lot. She looks sexier with that weight.
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>>164515 >>164632 I guess it’s only fair I show my pig too, this isn’t her smallest or her biggest. Keep em coming?
>>164635 perhaps a more flattering angle
>>164632 holy hell she's gotta be bigger than 302, what's she at now? compared to the last set you posted a few months ago she blew the fuck up
>>164644 I get it. You can still see the growth in these, it’s difficult to do any other angles without it possibly being personally identifiable. Lots of frontal tattoos that if drawn over would kinda cover the whole point of the image lol.
>>164635 Let's see the full range of your work, anon
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>>164632 Those are some oddly wispy metal legs on those stools... Really looks like you're photoshopping to inflate her hips and belly then trying to smooth it out... I mean even zooming in you can see the hard pixel boundaries near the middle of the red region
>>164765 anon discovers 300+ pound lumpy fat distribution also why the fuck would he have any reason to photoshop
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>>164767 You're really saying this doesn't look shopped? It's not the fat distribution, it's all the weird artifacts that only happen to be around her hip. Who knows why they want to make morphs of their gf and pass them off on us. Fantasizing about them being fatter? Trying to brag?
>>159855 Her gain was probably one of my favs. And she's a real glutton too. I think she ate like 12 burgers in one go.
>>164782 It’s called motion blur you fucking idiot
>>164790 Never seen jagged motion blur lmfao.
>>164765 >>164782 Someone boot this guy from the club
>>164656 Whos this again?
>>164964 LittleBogar
>>164632 please keep posting her
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natural talent but very difficult find material
>>165152 based
>>165152 Who is this?
Maite Beautybelly, but its super difficult to find any material free, only paid by curvageorg
>>165219 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/254927-maite-beautybelly/&tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab
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Olivia Jensen
>>164632 >>164515 >>164335 How tall is she?
>>166264 name ?
>>166266 Princessbogar/peaksy_gore
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Found online
>>166302 Fake. Those are four different people. The two on the bottom are Isabellygodess and Avery SSBBW
>>166377 whomst?!
Okay, bare with me: There was this side by side photo on DA of a girl in and orange shirt and jeans showing her weight gain progression after 1 year. But it was deleted after a while. Does anybody know what I'm referring to and do you happen to know where I can find it? She's not a model, just some random college girl
>>166377 Devi Thikk
>>166386 there's a fucking watermark of her name on each image you moron
>>166812 You remember what Frank said, "Be Polite!"
>>166935 Amazing
>>166935 name?
>>166987 Housecow on tumblr
updates on that girlfriend?
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Stumbled across this Amazon Goddess a while back. Standing at 6’6” and weighed in at 340 only to gain more weight. Used to have an OF now a pastor
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Naked Orange
>>168818 She is filling out very nice she looks so much hotter fatter
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Bbw_pixipix 🤯🤤🤤
Can you imagine what he must have eaten to rise so fast, not tons of food.
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>>171283 so hot, who is this?
>>171284 Reddit gain BDC3016 no longer active though unfortunately
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sweetpeaches is still growing 👀💦 https://sweetpeaches6660.tumblr.com/ https://onlyfans.com/sweetsp666
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Smil3y420X with those booty gains
>>171283 Do you have any of his other pics that he posted? I think they were all deleted
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>>171284 >>171550 Here is a few
>>164632 Can we get an update on that GF ?
>>173340 She still make content?
>>174142 That's reybbw. Looks like she's uploading curvage vids and has an Onlyfans.
>>174139 Dude it’s so gross, I’m bi and bio women are the only sexy fat people, fem boys and men are only attractive if they’re twinks and/or muscular
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Hot off the presses. Minnie Mayhem was way underrated, wish she stuck around a bit longer.
>>174807 name of the first one?
>>174933 Big Cutie Lily or Lilycakes. She's got a bunch of variations of "Lilycakes" as her username
>>174229 Fuck, this is it, this is my fetish (hot girl get fat activates the single neuron in my prokaryotic membrane) Does anyone know who she is? Tell me at once. This is a stick up
>>174967 This is my fatty. I think you would like to know she was a cheerleader and dancer back in the day
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Did I luck out, bros?
>>174998 Congratulations man - I hope you're both doing very well. She's beautiful and I didn't mean any disrespect with my previous comment.
>>175030 No worries at all. No offense taken. Thank you though. I am very lucky.. didn’t think she would blow up like she has tbh
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>>175030 From cheerleader to chubster
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>>175079 And now a blimp
>>175080 Woah! Is this new?!
>>175073 don't you have a thread of her on curvage?
>>175092 I do not. Used to have a Reddit but got banned
>>175090 Yes it is new. She’s been eating gooooood
>>175094 Sup bdc. Good to hear you were banned, thought you deleted because she found out (and hopefully is cool with being shared). Shes lookin great
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>>175101 Thanks man. She is still my growing girl
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See as my pussy dissapear a
>>175105 Lookin very well fed and jiggly. What a gut!
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Mid 20s step-daughter fattening up. Edging towards titcow territory. Saggy whoppers and a belly to rest them on.
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>>175105 won't be long before she reaches this size!
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>>174022 Gentlemen
Muh king
