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LRMBBW Anonymous 01/25/2024 (Thu) 23:27:26 Id:7df086 No. 145248
Amazing how she doesn’t have a thread on here!
>>145248 Amazing that I could just go to her tumblr and view her pix and vids there instead of talking about it amongst fellow coomers!
Why would she get thread? She's barely made and content to share
does she have a coomer?
Don't bother with her OF, mostly the same pictures and vids she posted for free on her tumblr and maybe 1 or 2 good vids. Not worth the price, shes also considering PPV
Can someone start a coomer for this voracious hog?
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>>145385 Just checked her tumblr and she wrote that there will be no ppv. Can someone please add her to coomer? Girl can be 1# bbw
>>145385 Is her content really that bad? No ppv and according to her tumblr she posts 10 min clips on her OF. Asking, because I am considering it. Anyway, this is her recent post from tumblr for the newcomers
If you do sub, could you start a coomer for her? Or, hell, if anyone would start one it would be awesome.
>>147880 Bro dint she just start? Don’t we want knew models to prosper so they can continue the journey?
>>147860 Yeah content has improved 100% since then
Stumbled across a short (almost half minute) vid of hers the other day. aHR0cHM6Ly90aGlzdmlkLmNvbS92aWRlb3MvYmlnLWJlbGx5ODkv She really does have potential, great belly and perfect skin (amazed that she doesn't appear to have any stretch marks yet)
>>150851 The mirroring on the 2nd pic is really unsettling to me for some reason
>>151041 Well then, don't look at it.
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Heavy use on the filters might be interfering with stretch marks. Why use filters? You can tell her face is editing because it doesn’t match the videos
Found this chick on tumblr. Potential here but I’m not impressed her videos are ok at best.
Does anyone have a video of her?
Did she quit?
>>158789 Seems like it. A shame since she was top notch imo
>>159185 that was fast lol. what happened? sudden disappearance or?
>>159191 Some turbo autist probably doxxed her/sent her stuff to her family. As per usual.
>>159393 And this community wonders why we aren't allowed nice things.
She went on vacation from her latest OF post. Hopefully she comes back or someone updates coomer with the remainder of content.
She is finally back, she has posted on feabie and tumblr, said she is getting back into uploading very soon and that she is still gaining.
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