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Curvybabes Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 01:14:08 Id:325612 No. 149634
This is my collection, feel free to post other videos of her! (Still uploading) https://mab.to/t/ZLgWw8qbMer/us2
Does she still make content?
I dont know
She was an all pro wobbler
>>149634 Solid drop! Thank you!
>>149642 It sucks once they start gaining self respect
tumblr feederspain990
>>153033 That's not her. It's a fake account reposting her videos to farm engagement
>>153039 Where is the evidence?
What was her biggest weight
>>152887 this is all we have right? 1:1 to the mega? >>153045 she quit
>>153045 ...Are you stupid? Read the bio. It's literally a Spanish guy looking for a fat girlfriend.
>>152887 >>153057 >>153067 hey is that all we have from the mega in previous thread(s) or have you added anything?
>>153069 I don't know what's in the MEGA
>>153075 Ill take you to the candy shop. Make a quick call take you out.
>>153075 >https://mega.nz/folder/DjpXEQBS#tzVev2CtmyxqKMklmieTjA/folder/H75XRaJK just dug it up from the archive 42 files in mega v. 45 in yours, what's the diff?
>>149634 I talked to her briefly when ordering a custom, she is a sweet person who I believe was a little too open with her actual identity. She more than likely was harassed by people on her personal accounts and no longer felt safe posting. Her last few videos on Curvage had her obscuring her face with a mask.
>>152887 reup https://pixeldrain.com/u/gQw3Tah9
>>153079 can we see the custom?
>>153067 Wtf bro that's me Is there any problem? I already put in the description that I was not the model but people didn't read it xd
>>153142 >people didn't read it That is the problem. You did nothing wrong
https://www.tumblr.com/feederspain990 Has a lot of her clips
>>153167 It's been a while since I posted anything.
Can someone pls repost the link?
