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lilsquishbaby thread 03/03/2024 (Sun) 11:03:10 Id:2a5faf No. 150001
some content to get the thread going https://mab.to/t/BJJRXUAS1ge/us3
Can you re-upload this please? Can't view the filed and MAB is shit when it comes to downloading.
>>150019 Its needs to be downloaded to view buudy
>>150019 If you are using Firefox, try a Chromium-based browser. Should let you see what was uploaded that way.
She is a lot skinnier nowadays if you check her twitter
>>150075 Very sad :( At least her old content exists
>>150059 That's disappointing to hear. Don't see many fat asian girls in this fetish
>>150075 Yeah, there has to be like 20kg difference. Nevertheless its interesting to see, that her boobs are bigger than ever.
quite tragic
>>150176 That’s awful. She looks deflated and her glorious double chin is gone. Is she retired? Why would she get wls?
>>150182 She just lost weight don't spiral...she still makes videos
>>150176 I was having a great day thanks a lot you jerk
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>>150176 Lost the weight but kept the tits. Not bad!
>>150222 Only know the hang to her belly button
>>150176 Damn even the breasts deflated. Lost a good bbw bgl
Does anyone know in which video she was at her fattest?
>>150184 Fuck em, You're still fine as FUCK
>>150244 I got videos of her at her heaviest, I’ll miss her adorable fuller face. https://we.tl/t-uhz312s7hF
>>150176 Where’s the second picture from?
>>150468 Thanks king
>>150448 Bro that's not actually her and the guy was talking about thr weight loss lmao
>>150468 Thanks for sharing
Anyone have any of her collab stuff?
she look way better now .i don't know about you but it is not fun to have such aheavy belly that you can't go out with it and she mentionned before that she is having medical problem
>>150580 Morons like you are why after 10 fucking years of bbw-chan being totally fine, we had to split off an /ssbbw/ board If you don't like fat chicks just go away??
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeup https://mab.to/t/h7bu6GiJFT0/us3
You are most definitely a sir. Thank you for your service to the community
I just keep re-uploading in hopes someone drops some of her new content lol
Woah, did she get rid of all her most recent stuff on Curvage?
Never mind. Brainlet moment.
She's lost too much for my taste and I hate how she's not honest about it, also why the fuck is her videos of her at her fattest at $90-$100 on curvage?!?!?!
>>155247 Probably a realization that people only care for content when she was heavier if you ask me lol
>>150468 Could someone reup the videos of her at her heaviest?
>>155300 yeah but a week ago they weren't that expensive and were the regular price like at least be honest with your audience on what you're doing
>>155332 she posted on her curvage that she "doesnt stand by the content she made in 2021", so she's upped the price in hopes that people don't buy the content until it's removed. probably safe to say she doesn't want to be associated with fat fetish/gaining/feedism to such an extent anymore, but still wants the money from being associated with those things as well as money from making content.
>>155353 When did she post this on curvage??
>>155353 Also this is now false lmao cause I think she realized people are catching up to her grift, those videos are now back down to around their original price
>>155363 it was a reply to a comment on one of her more recent posts. idk if she deleted it.
Fuck this bitch shes lying to her audience clearly has been losing weight
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/46077-about-my-older-videos/ she def reads this thread bros so who's gonna buy this shit
>>156612 The fact she wants people to pay to hear her explanation for why she pulled such a bitch move in the first place just solidifies my view that she’s a money-grubbing shitstain.
>>156612 Just saw the vid and it's so vague and really a nothing burger of an explanation saying " she didn't like how she presented herself in those video she only mentions makeup and whatnot and says she didn't feel like she was being genuine" so dumb like bitch just say you aren't into feederism/ you list weight
>>156615 I mean I'll give some credit, at least it's not expensive also forgot to mention in the reply taht she also mentions how she priced them up bc she wanted to get rid of them bc again " she didn't like how she presented herself in them ex: makeup I guess? " and priced them really high so no one would buy them but then was forced to lower them back bc she got in trouble from curvage admin telling her that her vids should always be available to purchase for anyone so she basically got caught red handed and seems like a campaign to save face/ have good optics but alot of us see through her rouse
In conclusion this girl has lost a majority of her fan base it seems? If not has seen a sudden decrease in traffic following her unannounced weight loss and lies to her audience about it and was proven such when she was called out by other models in the community
She’s alienated herself from her market. No problem with an individual making a change to their own body. She doesn’t necessarily owe us an explanation, but, that would’ve been appreciated for paying customers. I wouldn’t pay a dime to watch her explanation, because it’ll be something along the lines of body dysmorphia and health problems and a poor self image. She was the best Asian gainer we had. Serious inquiry though, who does she think is buying her newer content? Anime weebs into cosplay? I guess she’s hoping to move into the big tiddy goth e girl space. To each their own.
est >>156703 I 2nd that yeah she was the best Asian gainer we had ! And it's saddening bc we don't have much.. I mean we still have mochi but still very far and few
https://we.tl/t-ySAjhTMtLU Here's a couple but does anyone have some of her newer stuff?
>>160937 it has already hit transfer limit
>>156706 Agreed. Mochii is nice and all but she doesn't hit the same as Cece/whatever many names she has
>>160937 Dang. Can't download it already lool
>>160937 Reup on gofile? WeT has a download limit now
Okay guys, here we go https://mab.to/t/i3waK50pwe6/eu1
>>161143 Thanks anon!
Sorry, can I get a reup?
^ I second this.. missed this drop, tragic
"Okay guys, here we go https://mab.to/t/i3waK50pwe6/eu1" Nah I just meant I didn't get the chance to save the mab.to drop >>161462
https://mab.to/t/DZ3O21ftTUp/eu1 Better be quick now bois
>>161506 >posts something MAB won't let free users download in less than 2 fucking hours >"Better be quick now bois" bro fuck off
ungrateful faggot
>>161527 I downloaded it in 20 minutes get better wifi retard.
>>161506 Thanks for the reup disregard the ungrateful bastard >>161527
>>161539 Weird thing to lie about, Child. The limiting factor on the download speed is MABs allowance.
>>161527 MAB links expire in 3 days you got three days to download that shit. The personal reasons why you can't download it in time has nothing to do with us. Ffs your getting this shit for free figure it out. Shit like this is why people don't upload anymore.
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anyway, heres a small drop. i dug up some content she sent straight to my inbox ~2021 >>161506 thanks for the reup anon
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more rare content otw - spread cheeks, not hate
>>161527 Lmao the mod adding the "ungrateful faggot" tag
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Any new content? Her coomer is not up to date
>>163231 Seeing how small she in the hooters outfit now is insane ngl
>>163231 this is my vietnam
>>163231 Tragic she was on track to being one of the goats with her distribution and looks…
>>163344 True.was definitely one of the best new comers till this happen
Probably just wishful thinking but I think Cece looks a bit bigger again in this pic Lauren and Dumplin
>>165132 no, no, i think your right. that gut looks fkn big to me. Not close to her biggest, but she looks a lot bigger than what i though she was down to.
Lauren looks so small and deflated, excess skin everywhre. I didn't know she was losing. Did she said something about it? why is she doing it? Sorry, I know it is not her thread, but I didn't want to open one just to ask it.
>>165920 Lauren's doing it because she wasn't ever a feedee. She was thick and then got pregnant and got fat....she didn't get fat on purpose, she was just a pig with little self-control.
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/31081-the-office-feedee/ anyone got this?
>>165954 I'm pretty sure that one is on spankbang. Shouldnt be too hard to find.
Anyone got this? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/46997-bigger-bigger-sequel/
>>166140 https://gofile.io/d/TLOK7b
Anyone have the chugging bud she did in the green top. Been trying to get it off this bud for months but this actual retard who posted it won’t add me back
>>165920 Which is shame. She looks amazing bigger bgl
>>166068 Can't find it anywhere sadly, scoured through sb
here's a copy of my collection, enjoy https://mab.to/t/E4lj7FR44Rj/eu1
wow, what a goldmine, thanks gigachad! I don´t know how to quote, but I am refering to this post: "here's a copy of my collection, enjoy https://mab.to/t/E4lj7FR44Rj/eu1 " There is a tiny short video of her being pleasured by a fuckmachine, is there a longer version of that video to purchase anywhere? If not to complicated and pricey, I would buy it.
>>166611 >how to reply Either click this or type that number followed by >> >fuck machine vid She only posts on curvage and OF to my knowledge. Curvage wouldn’t allow that type of content so it must be on of. Try seeing if that’s on coomer
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>>166611 Forgot to add the pic my fault. Click that highlighted number to reply
>>168541 here's it again https://mab.to/t/lLsspFjJ6TR/eu1
>>168747 thanks king
https://gofile.io/d/ftcjrl Two videos, weigh in and belly play, never seen posted here, just bought them. can anyone return the favor and post some videos not in the mega? There's a lot from her prime. I know someone posted "doctors visit" and "Sprite Bloat" https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/24576-chugging-2l-of-sprite-and-burping-for-you/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/26716-humiliating-doctors-visit-summary/ Thank you!
>>168846 Never seen these other vids tho w drops thanks
>>168846 >>168854 https://gofile.io/d/KqwHqN
>>168859 We Salute You
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https://gofile.io/d/scabhR She put this one out around the time she started dropping off. Filmed by a window so she's constantly losing focus worrying about being seen. Then she gets distracted by a dog It's a terrible video
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she's looking bigger https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/50356-your-best-friends-bbw-sister-3/
>>168846 God she was so much fatter then wtf happened 😭😭
>>170568 No clue lol
she used to be so good but now looks terruble after weight loss can not go back to the old glory
Does she have a cooker cause I can’t find her name to search for it. Just wondering if any could drop the link
>>170632 >Does she have a cooker Bro she is asian, she 100% has a rice cooker
ahahah yeah right
>>168890 Did she kill and eat said dog? Heard she likes to kill animals due to mental illness.
>>172464 Y'all mfs are unironically psychos. Like who just says thatt type of shit casually. tf is wrong with yall.
Anyone have the video to this?
>>172516 She looks terrible wtf is that makeup She was better fatter
>>172525 idk man I'm just here for the belly jiggles
>>172525 tbf she has always done weird shit with her makeup.
