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Azismiss Azismiss 04/14/2024 (Sun) 10:29:53 Id:536a60 No. 154872
Desperately searching for unseen azismiss send anything you have aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Lc3d6RGE2QiM2cHljNjBDNXB6NXhiOE9Ba1V2cFZn
if you download from the mega leave a reply to bump to post so people see it
Can you post your Jasminexo2000? I will post my azismiss later today.
>>154876 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9UdFlrSGI0QyNxOGQzWTdVT0Exem9yT2F2UkppajdR
can u pls post the chloe folder? we could trade for something
I had no idea Azismiss had pre-OF content until yesterday so I am also in the market for more. Can't fit all my folders in a screenshot but here's a directory export of what I have available. Will post anything you want if you upload Azismiss stuff not on her Coomer. https://gofile.io/d/QRtCBX
I think you have pretty much everything I’ve seen from her. There used to be some stuff on stufferdb. If you could post some LiefLoves would be great
Could you post your LMBB folder. I'm uploading what I have and I think I may have a thing or two you don't.
can you post thicksnoww
All beg and no post
Has Azismiss retired? Looks like her Coomer has the most recent content she's released publicly. Shame as she was getting massive! Also a shame as her Coomer is kinda ass. I wasn't following her but I guess she released mostly PPV content. It's so odd, she was so chatty in her older videos, I remember watching her on YouTube back in the day and all of her most recent stuff she seems to have lost that sexy confidence she has and barely talks.
can you post star plsss
Could you post Thicksnoww?
Please, can you post the latest stuff from Fat Ass Ruby, if you have it? I apologize for begging, but don't anything from Azmiss to return the favor.
>>154923 Is she still on T? Maybe that's why
>>154872 Can you up the Alex Storm stuff?
>>154880 Do you, or does OP have some early Curvage Wendy (say, 2019 or 2020)? A lot of her old vids aren't for sale anymore. I'll have to look into my Azismiss folder tomorrow to check for additions to what is in the mega folder (it is night time here now)
>>154872 Here’s one: (https://we.tl/t-8yckAUaMLw). From her OF days. Would appreciate seeing what you got in that Amy & ChubbieBunnie folder
i will post the entire folder if i can get one pre 2016 video i have not seen of azismiss
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(3.19 KB 160x160 azismiss.jfif)
dont want any OF azismiss she turned into a man or something and looks butch as hell now tragedy innit
Do I need to have seen Fajitas 1 to know what's going on in this one?
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actually does anyone have the breakfast video on this page?? she has another video called "lunch" where she wears the same button up and ends up not being able to put it on by the end but i've never seen this one before https://fap18.net/find/?k=azismiss
>>154956 you can just download it check my folder
>>154957 link doesnt load nevermind
>>154872 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci81WE1RSEF4QSMwRDZQSDQ2N3RkWE5pTGhuTG04Wjhn here is some of what I have I still have more but my internet is trash.
>>154959 you will live a live a fruitful life my friend aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvemhoalFiWkkjcEpoSW9tVVRyTEtrelhNUEF6a2JIejE1N2x6ZGhWS3hKbWI5eFNudi1POA== if possible upload the rest
i would love the Sensual Amber stuff. Ill try uploading my azismiss stuff
Please upload some jae
>>154960 Holy Jesus that's alota porn!
>>154941 nvm I was being lazy and dumb. Thanks for the share, my dude. Some of the subfolders are empty. Is this just because you're not finished? Or was that file pulled, or Mega being dumb?
Anyone know the backstory/timeline of her (Azismiss) original gain? I watched a good few of her videos and it looks like she stacked it all on very quickly.
the folders are not well organize sorry if anyone has more content post it please
>>154872 God please can you post Isabella S31, I have been searching for more of that for 3 years. I will be happy to trade anything I have Laura, GGG and any other Isabella S31 that you might not have.
>>155017 You can fit about 10 20 gallon pots there.
>>154998 She showed up skinny on Dimensions website in the mid 2000s then disappeared. She did a surrogate pregnancy in the late 2000s then started posting on Curvage with her now classic content. She ripped a bunch of people off for customs and disappeared. She came back on Feabie in the late 2010s huge but now claiming to be non binary to or trans or some shit. She posted posted some content there then started an OF where she posted some content there then claimed to have cancer and disappeared again.
You are a legend. How long will these stay up ?
>>155053 her big phat booty was laid out on the couch. I was like wonder what it brraaaaaaapppppssss like
>>154960 HOLY SHIT
>>154960 Absolute GOAT!!!
does anyone else have any more azismiss i have 5tb left of download bandwidth and
>>155018 Ait just realised there is nothing on Isabella S31 so gonna share the link to my folder : aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci8yMmhCaElCVCNIRFhLOVktNFlRT2ZrU2VWMnRSYUJB
>>155201 Take the offer or you retire for good lol
>>155111 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9VYk5EV0FTQiNvbHlTRGVaNE5idkEzOVJoREo5Q0Zn here is the rest of what I had. there is a 21 min vid where she eats a tray of lasagna that I don't think you have.
>>155218 https://mega.nz/folder/r0o30BbB#fPZDNSVQQheZanXchxMKCA https://mega.nz/folder/aoJ0TZYT#M5G5Cry9tYwIVyeh3V0R2A
A reup would be cool. Here's 2 pics of 2011 & 2018 azismiss that I've never seen posted.
(23.12 KB 240x330 IMG_2182.jpeg)
Think I found another one
>>155156 you are a god
i talked to her on feabie before. she told me what happened was she got breast cancer and had to get her breasts removed so she started identifying herself as a man. she showed me a pic of what she looks like now and yeah...
what a disaster should have given her implants
She told me she had to take hormones to cure her cancer and that it changed her life. Clearly a sociopathic liar anyway you slice it and she has a full blown beard and sounds like a gay man now so RIP. Her doctor should be sent to prison for destroying her life she was literally worshipped by men as a goddess before that fucked her livelihood up so badly among other things.
>>156965 >>156898 Got any pics? I want to know how bad it is.
>>155033 Do you have anything from when she was pregnant?
>>156978 It's pretty bad. Im not going to share pics because i dont wanna get exposed potentially, but i feel for her. Sounds like she didn't have a choice (if shes telling the truth)
>> 156965 Doctor didnt destroy her life. She chose her path. Allegedly I remember users were making accusations that they paid and were never given the videos they paid for. Someone got mad and got into her computer files and he posted them online. She vowed publicly to never do videos again. Later on she got married to someone who that was supposedly a lesbian. She decided to transition years after that. In my point of view your mostly right. Shes a sociopathic liar.
How much stuff of hers is out in the back internet? I never knew she was pregnant
>>157105 This is why you stay in your lane and date ppl who grow up in the same class as you have to teach you people everything
