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CutieDonut CutieDonut 04/19/2024 (Fri) 12:33:36 Id:3dc0b1 No. 155546
This girl needs more love on this site. Recently turned more active and seems to have gained a fair amount of weight. Here is her second-last video she uploaded. Would appreciate if someone uploaded the last one. https://we.tl/t-ue7mhoPGy3 Enjoy.
>>155546 Nice and thanks. Her belly continues to stick out more and more without really hanging yet. A couple years ago she was an emaciated, less than 100 lb, troubled young girl.. Hers is an anorexic rebound in the extreme who now seems happy and eager to continue to grow.
Dang she’s hot! We definetley need more videos. https://thisvid.com/playlist/335505/video/chugging-and-burping5/
>>155546 dang it i bought the same video i have one other though how do i upload it as you did?
>>155626 https://wetransfer.com/ just upload the video to the site and you'll get a link to share it
>>155632 Here you go. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTh4SXVyQkdwYTg=
Does anyone have new videos of her?
How much does she weigh now ?
>>156247 Thx for the share! Love the outfit in this vid. She's making some serious progress.
>>155546 She's amazing. Her OF and curvage videos are worth the price. She finished school recently so she's become much more active and she's clearly turned on by how fat she's making herself. >>156189 She weighed herself a couple months ago and she was ~220lbs. She's noticeably fattened up since then though so I'd guess about 230.
>>156273 do you have the weighin video?
She's in the 240-250 range these days
>>156247 Thank you for this
I don't think she's anywhere near 250 yet
while she clearly has made some progress, I don't believe she is even over 220lbs. Her frame is way too small for that kind of weight. She also pushes her belly out a lot to make her look bigger. She has always been intresting yet a little bit flaky.
>>156247 Max playbacks have been exceeded. Any change for an upload to WeTransfer or something?
>>156330 Not in this life time keep going maxxxxx
yes she is never over 220 lbs, idk how tall she is but she look not big only her belly is little small but the rest??
CAn you reup this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ACY_hh9eTuyhwUeZKvM5a4XDWFileS0L/view?usp=drivesdk because max limit reached?
Reuploaded https://we.tl/t-9GwxMogWlu
>>156354 Got fired caught watching porn on company phone. And he got fired because he bashes his own daughter at work. This is a family company lol
>>156355 Wtf is this sentence?
>>156357 It's our resident schizo, we love him and this board would be boring without him
>>156359 You dont even know how fucked up I could be.
>>156360 I believe we are beginning to learn the extent. Enjoy, but don't hurt yourself
>>155546 Can you please reupload this cause it says the link is expired>>155546
>>156379 https://we.tl/t-miS9dUMIRp
Anyone got her donut video?
