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Udderlyadorable 07/04/2024 (Thu) 17:02:45 Id:b1ae7e No. 164502
The last thread was full, so it's better to start another one, here I leave some relatively new videos. https://gofile.io/d/0Nqykr I'm looking for the Tipsy Truth or Dare one https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/40107-tipsy-truth-or-dare/
Unfortunately I do not have it, only a 2,5 minutes preview: https://gofile.io/d/gSs7Ju
>>164502 >>164516 Here’s the full https://gofile.io/d/sOlNjU
Dude, do you need a wheel barrow for your massive brass balls? Epic post of the day. Thanks man!
>>164596 Let's get the ball rolling properly here: https://gofile.io/d/twMlby
Anyone have bunny suit turned me fat
>>164604 Thanks man! Really appreciate it :)
>>164502 Her ass is divine, goddamn
Thicc bbw laufey
>>164502 Fuck. I'd give anything to plow her gigantic fat ass from behind while smashing her cute face into a sheet cake.
Does anybody have either of these two videos? I know they're a bit older and they don't show her face. But idk I just think her body looked hotter back then
>>164938 I just had the weigh in one, https://gofile.io/d/JymFdW
Has she ever did a fart video?
>>164960 This guy again huh
Feeling generous today. Here's all of her weigh-ins I have of her (4 total). They're labeled weighin1, weighin2, weighin3, and weighin2024 is the latest. Enjoy fellas https://gofile.io/d/SUXrJ0
>>164938 https://gofile.io/d/zPsZjb I have one of the videos that you asked and one weigh in with donut stuffing.
>>164943 >>164969 >>164977 Kings! 👑🤴🏻🤴🏽🤴🏿
The only girl I actually bought content from....but then i immediately uploaded it here. Thats just because of all the free stuff everyone else made available over the years.
I'm posting her stuff to hopefully get some good karma for someone to post the latest CandyKayne vids lol
>>164961 Just asking dude
has anyone uploaded the stepsister one yet? if not, i can post it
>>165089 you're more than welcome to, i dont think ive seen it
>>165089 Please do
>>164977 >>164943 Thanks guys!
Here's the stepsister one https://gofile.io/d/Xc4fQ1
Now howabout that new bunny suit one
>>165434 Gotta love it when people on here request a vid, I post said vid, and the VERY next post is, "now how about that bunny suit one" This is why people stop posting videos on here. Learn some fucking gratitude people.
>>165433 Bless you sir
>>165452 >>165433 Its really appreciated, fuck the ingrates
Just gonna leave this here https://gofile.io/d/DKqfIx
>>165452 >>165456 Aight chill https://gofile.io/d/KFKmcr
Thanks for the videos guys!!
Absolute chads sharing some of the best girls content, thanks to you all
>>164634 I do really need that bunny too ngl
>>165494 Is that the most recent one?
>>166779 https://gofile.io/d/AWzZyB Here it is plus some other videos of her using a dildo on herself
>>166829 Thanks!!!
>>165501 Yeah it is
does anyone know if she's made a part 2 to this one? i'd love to see it https://gofile.io/d/Pdz4Px
I think there's a part 2 of that vid. I thought there is one where she's not fitting through the frame anymore, but I'm not sure. https://gofile.io/d/2SRKxI
>>165494 https://gofile.io/d/eJSoo0
>>169217 I'm not unzipping that file lmfao. Sorry can't trust MFS anymore..
>>169228 I checked it out. It's legit. In other news, she has a thread on Curvage and she recently posted in the thread that she is no longer actively gaining. She has no desire to be skinny or lose weight, just maintain from what I understand and do more roleplay vids. I honestly wish more models were transparent like this. Even if she doesn't plan on gaining anymore, she's still hot. So it doesn't really bother me and the quality of vids are usually really good. So, good for her.
>>169228 Yeah same ^^^^ its legit. >>169217 Thanks for the upload
>>169231 Apparently someone died and it scared her. Who died?
>>169232 What vids are in it?
>>169217 Dude you rock with the new vid drop!!! Can't thank you enough man!
>>169233 I imagine she must be thinking about Kass, right?
>>169238 One video Wonder woman roleplay
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>>169231 In case nobody's seen the post on curvage, here it is. And yeah, look honestly I think this is the best approach to take in terms of transparency. You'll always have people otherwise clambering about "WHEN WEIGH IN???" and while can get a bit like that myself when I'm down real bad, if it's not working for a model, it's not going to work in the long run. Either the model is going to get burnout and quit, content is going to decline or the fanbase might get weird. Don't get me wrong, I'll still fantasise about a 500 pound UA wearing her old costumes, I'm happy that she's being open and honest.
>>169273 This is extremely dumb. She is extremely pear shaped so she can manage high weights better than others. Her friend was most likely belly heavy, which puts more strain on organs. Weight on the hips is just extra stored energy and doesn't hurt the organs. UA, Boberry, Gingerbunny are all insanely healthy for their weights because they are extremely pear shaped. Plus UA's fat is extremely jiggly meaning very little visceral fat. Fucking shame. UA has incredible potential but chooses not to use it. She could easily handle 500 to 600 with no issue.
>>169273 Some people are probably going to leave,but think based off her personality alone she’ll still have a good sized fanbase regardless.
>>169279 A 50-100 pound ua with her build would be godly,but some things just aren’t meant to happen.
Do we roughly know her height and weight? And who is the other model she’s talking about?
Shes maybe slightly bigger then she once was. I don't think she's an actual feedee nor was into really gaining weight. It'd be so fucked if she used people's deaths as a fucked up lie as to why she isn't apparently gaining anymore. She been roughly the same size for years. Comment section full of simps.
>>169273 all of you look so gloomy. let's just pray she finds a boyfriend and makes a child. the pregnancy will easily put another 50 pounds on her figure and only in the right places. god speed
>>169273 good for her. the monkeys on this site who cum to numbers going up can go find someone else. i'd much rather have her stay sustainably gigantic and keep pumping out content.
>>169282 She is a gainer and feedee. She posted on Instagram after seeing her friend develop some health issues due to weight it scared her. She won't be getting any bigger and likely will lose some weight but she is hoping not a good chunk.
>>169217 the fucking saint pepsi video 😂
>>169282 She doesn't HAVE to "use other people's deaths as an excuse" to not gain, she can want not to gain because she doesn't fucking want to, you autistic number wanker.
>>169276 lol THIS is so fucking dumb "she could easily handle 500 to 600 with no issue" i'd love to see it, too, but because I don't have to live with fucking consequences...you have to be absolutely all coombrain to think being 500 pounds "with no issue" is remotely possible. Can you have a BMI of 35-40 and have all good health measures? Sure. Not forever but sure. Can you have a BMI of *fucking 65-80* and not have health issues? Fuck no. You'd have to be totally retarded to think that.
>>169273 She is already at her magnum opus regardless, and I can respect that.
Wow, who is the model that passed away recently?
>>169276 This is peak coombrain retard shit. You have to seriously be a human vegetable to think being this fact doenst impact your health lmao
>>169342 Prolly that model Kass
>>169343 > this fact
being in the same city as her is so weird ive seen her just out and about before and she looks even bigger in the real world than in photos shes hot just existing
>>169355 wait they just put her on the jumbotron at this concert
>>169342 mochiibabii
>>169380 This is not suprising. Just look at what she consumed on regular basis and at her world record fast weight gain lol
>>169380 holy shit, really??? where was this information shared?
>>169387 Yapping.org
>>169387 Bro, that's irrelevant. Mochii did not die plus this is not related to this thread as the folk here are spreading rumors.
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>>169342 >>169380 sorry bro, I call it fake news
>>169342 it was kasstheblast. She died unexpectedly about a month ago
>>169391 Not a rumor you can ask her yourself. She posted a mini book on her Instagram stories going over it.
ask a dead person how she's doing? amazing, surely you mean retired
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>>169402 Idk fellas. Looking kinda real to me tbh. Theres even a gofundme
>>169402 Oh wow thats that girl everyone on the boberry thread was making fun of because she couldnt lift herself into a hot tub
>>169421 Yes this is real. When it happened there was even a thread about it on /ssbbw with people talking about it. Mods might have taken it down though.
>>169549 To be clear it was Kasstheblast not Mochii
>>169273 I respect her decision, but Kass was also over 600 lbs and pretty much immobile around the time she passed.
Unfortunate hopefully she’ll just do a very slow gain she has a beautiful body.
>>169578 No she wasn't not at all
>>169599 yes, she was she was allegedly sleeping 16+ hours a day towards the end, and barely moving
https://www.instagram.com/snowangellcake?igsh=MXRua3YwZHlseDV0dg== Anyone else think her and Zoey look at least vaguely similar? Would be hot to see them collab
Zoey’s kind of perfect as she is right now. As long as she isn’t planning on shrinking that otherworldly butt of hers I’m good with it.
>>169905 >>169911 both of them are now in perfect shape, really true essence of feminine sexiness
I think there’s no such thing as perfect size when it comes to gaining. What’s exciting is the anticipation that someone could get way fucking bigger than they already are. And what’s next level is the mix of fear and thrill that maybe a girl will get a little bigger than what you were comfortable with, and you’re gonna like it. There is an appeal in just surrendering your sexuality to these women and knowing your preferences are going to slowly get heavier with them. But of course, that’s all up too certain point. Theoretically if all that stuff were to just keep going and going, eventually it would all reach a point that’s just too extreme and takes the fun out of everything. It has to slow to a halt somewhere. There are certainly more and less graceful ways of doing it. Some people just kind stop at a certain size and stay that way, and it’s like a satisfying happily ever after (at far as we know). Others pull a JK Rowling and make you watch as they slowly undo everything you liked and make it impossible to ever enjoy their old content again.
>>169276 this man literally says boberry and haley are heathy lmao. buddy take two seconds and consider the strain on their joints alone, then take two more seconds to consider we actually don't know anything about these women and what they might deal with off camera. I'll bet you they feel like shit basically all the time
>>169276 Porn addicts sure are retarded lmfao
>>170099 The haley girl already aged like 7 years in the few months shes been gaining popularity.
>>170109 Gaining weight too fast is arguably worse.
>>170109 yeah her build is fucking crazy but she simultaneously looks like a child and a haggard old woman. yes I'm thrilled to see how far she can push the gains but the trajectory she's on looks a lot like fatmisst to me. boberry also slathers herself in makeup and insta filters to hide her imperfections. she is quite naturally beautiful but there's no way someone pushing 40 years old and 650 pounds looks that good all the time lmao
>>170112 You're an ass. Not the Google kind
>>170120 Go back to grade school. We talk like this here.
>>170118 https://gofile.io/d/Eg4m6N
>>171335 Thx!!
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
>>172009 Definitely no meet ups, she's a shy girl
>>172011 Wbu request videos?
>>172011 I feel like she’s scared to get kidnapped or any crazy shit like that during a meet up. Anything can happen, there are actual scary people out there and possibly most likely on this site. No offense to everyone here, just the crazy fanatics.
>>172009 damn you stalkin?
its possible to run into her in the city but psure shes asked b4 to not be approached
>>172183 >kidnapped >at her weight Lol
>>172229 my exact reaction haha
>>170112 This seems accurate to me too. Hayley will never learn how to put makeup on or use filters, she's way too autistic for that. We're looking at fatmissT with a proportional body here
>>172229 >>172282 Yeah a man would have a hard enough time picking her up if she just stood still, nevermind if she resisted. Isn’t she fairly tall?
>>172229 There’s a legit feedism model out there who was held hostage for a few years so it’s possible don’t laugh
>>172558 sauce?
>>172572 Maybe he's talking about Ssbbw Teighlor and her statements in the 2003 Fat Girls and Feeders documentary, where she told the story of how she met a disguised feeder, who "trapped" her in an upstairs room and left her their with nothing but junk food all day long. Which ultimately let to her being rescued by the fire department. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1860228/
>>172183 I am pretty crazy about her but I have too much respect to try anything so barbaric
Can any hero share this video pls
>>173526 Here it is
Here's the link to the wonderwoman video https://gofile.io/d/PQGF0T
Thank you kind sir
How big is this girl? Idk but I’d guess 5’8 350. Does she do request videos?
>>173928 More like 5'2
She lost weight based on newest tiktok
>>174121 What a shame I was looking forward to watching her go from fat girl to blob girl
>>174121 She still looks fat too me
Any newer vids of her?
For the curious, this is her TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/@zoeyciliegia?lang=en
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>>174121 I mean I don't know but she posted this in an IG story on June 25th.
>>174156 Can you fault her tho? At least she's honest. Doesn't make her any less hot
If anybody gets mad at her for this they got real issues anyways, Im glad she's honest and has a good will to live. So much more to life than a fetish
>>174156 That's actually a pretty respectable stance
>>174214 Its actually pretty reassuring that she wont end up like Jae and date a bunch of sycophants and realize shes just a giant fetish to them.
>>174156 Based and level headed stance tbh. Health trumps a fetish any day of the week. Besides, shapeless blobs are repulsive and unattractive anyway.
Any1 know which videos are her at her biggest
>>174219 I agree,to an extent. I feel like ua would been a unique case in terms of weight distribution .Probably would’ve kept her shape even if she continued to gain
>>174224 tbh I havent noticed her look any different since she started posting here.
>>174156 I lost my boner
>>174156 Why does it have to be this way? It just feels like everything is going to shit. At least she's still incredibly hot but man is this shit depressing.
She was one of my favorite gainers. It’s upsetting she’s no longer gaining I just really hope she maintains her weight.
>>174156 That sucks. I get where she's coming from, and she has the right to do whatever with her body, but it's still sad that there is so much potential lost. I can't really enjoy the videos if her heart isn't into it.
that's it, guys. who wants my money and porn collection? i'm done with this sick world.
her ass is 70% of her body I doubt its going anywhere. her awesome genes wont let it happen. I dunno why everyones freaking out.
if shes gonna lose anything it will be a bit in her belly and face thats it.
>>174332 >>174324 I can only speak for myself but with Zoey she has always been more than just an object for my pleasure. Seeing her being frightened of continuing to gain and having such a profound reaction to her friends struggles have really affected me.
>>174352 parasocialrelationship.txt
>>174352 i think it's high time to take a break from porn or visit a therapist broski
Does anyone remember a video with her where she was hiking in the woods in normal clothes?
>>174393 Cheers mate 👍
>>174352 Bro she doesn't even know who you are, and you're acting like she's a life-long friend.
>>174352 She ain't gon have sex wit you nigguh
>>174352 Given how rabidly toxic this site can be and has been lately this almost reads like a shit post.
>>174352 pussy, your an ugly freak who cares about an online model you jerk off to. I am right and this is the objective reality.
>>174376 Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that was just on her tiktok page
>>174352 *tips fedora*
She's gone boys
Good on her. I wish her the best.
>>175276 Shame,but I wish her well.
>>175276 Bruh that is so drastic.
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>>175276 >>175278 >>175280 >>175286 More sweaty body temperature booze for the rest of us.
>>175276 It's over. The West has fallen. Billions must die
>>175276 Curves still present. She might have more energy for videos now. Get over the digits guys she's still best girl
>>175276 This sucks but also I'd rather her not die in 15 years so I suppose its fine
>>175276 She's so fine I\m not even mad
>>175276 She's even hotter now tbh
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>>175276 Holy shit she looks great, she has a perfect body for all weight classes probably
>>175276 Damn she trimmed down kinda quick. But she still has her big ass so I don't care that her belly is gone/smaller I'm in the minority that thought she was hotter when she first started around 2020 so I'm fine with her getting back to that body shape.
this made me have a panic attack im in the hospital now cause i thought i was dying :( but just a panic attack
>>164502 welp this thread is over, another one out
>>175276 as long as the ass stays idgaf
>>175437 Fr the tits look like they're still there, hips still wide so ass is probably still large and hot. If you guys don't like her being around for longer for you to goon to you should consider doing crack
>>175276 First my super ultrawide monitor dies now this? It's so over bbwbros
>>175276 If you've also seen the next story, her ass size is still the same. That's even better if anything
>>175476 no it ain't
It's joever
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guys... don't be sad that it is over. be happy that it happened :) she's still cute and we can still appreciate her older content as well.
>>175549 Agreed. It's never truly joever as she might still support us (as a possible feeder)
>>175276 1. Maybe it's just camera and lighting? 2. Maybe she's sick 3. Maybe this is a temporary thing 4. Scientifically there's good evidence now that ex fatties tend to not keep it off forever. In fact the body retains a "memory" of the high weight 5. This is why parasocial relationships are bad after all 6. One of you chuds needs to marry her now 7. As an ultra pear she has the healthiest body type for gaining
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Hello everyone. I am still very much fat. (Check the hand I wrote bbwchan and 10/1) But sorry to anyone I have disappointed 😭
>>175999 No need to apologize for wanting to maintain your health
>>175999 You're fine, don't apologize here, just take care of yourself and make the content you like making. You're still gonna have fans
>>175999 Still the best.
>>175999 Never apologize for personal beliefs. Your health is the most precious thing to cherish and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>>175999 Would it have been amazing to see you get bigger? Hell yeah. But at the end of the day, your personal wellbeing is what should matter most to you at the end of the day. No need to apologize
>>175999 What were your highest measurements and do you think, random idea, what if you tried gaining as healthily as possible on a Mediterranean diet with lots of olive oil and herbal teas and walking for example?
>>175999 Never apologize for prioritizing yourself. Any terminal cumbrain here that shits on you for that is not worth it. You're beautiful, keep rocking it.
Bro, she is such a nice person 💗 I wish this fetish wasn't so harmful
She will always be my favorite model ❤️
Zoe is one of the nicest and most genuine model out there. I've bought a bunch of her stuff and she never disappoints. You can tell she's really passionate about the fat fetish. She can do whatever she wants for all I care. You can't fault her for being upfront and honest which speaks volumes about her integrity. Wishing her the best.
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https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/52463-delivery/ you guys are so dramatic
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The incessant arguing will stop now
>>176863 back to our regularly scheduled pear content
Reps https://gofile.io/d/RKHcDY
Bet https://gofile.io/d/EKK6oi
Another one https://gofile.io/d/6AK52T
>>175999 Based Zoey. We love you over at /tv/.
Wanna fuck her soooo bad, it's not fair 😩
>>177319 /tv/ ?
>>178014 The Television & Film board on 4chan
>>178085 Lol I didn't know she was a topic on /tv/
>>178089 /ourgirl/ breaks cultural barriers
>>178089 Of course I am my nigga
Its over boys, she deleted her Woo Plus.
>>178352 Gtfo zoey would never say nigger
>>179477 whats that
>>179521 FA dating website. I think OP is implying she's taken now.
he was being a doomsday prepper and implying that shes gonna MIA
>>179479 ummmm… yes I would my niggs
>>179576 Retarded "troll" trying to ruin one of the few good threads on this site. Just ignore him.
>>175276 what the fucking fuck. She ruined her fucking fuckk body FUCK I used to look up to her as a content creator. I'm giving up on this bullshit. I wanted to be thick and sexy like her but I guess it's not worth it. fuck it all. fuck.
>>179612 Are you a feedee too?
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This was from yesterday.
>>179699 she lost weight :-/
>>179703 If she did it’s minimal.
>>179703 you'r really sad...
>>179699 I keep forgetting women watch South Park.
>>179703 Yeah, quite a bit. It's really obvious on her socials too. It's a shame, she just isn't particularly special anymore.
i was under the impression we were here to share content and not to bitch about women losing weight but maybe that's my misunderstanding
>>179727 big misunderstanding on your part.
>>179699 Shes still hot asf
>>179727 These boys is cooked here's some content https://mab.to/t/iR6K8fVSWOx/us2
If your dick goes limp because she went from 330 to 310 then you have way bigger issues. She films when she feels like it and isn't a whore to the online sites like Reiinapop or Kayla is. Mad respect to her for doing what she wants and at least being honest with all of us.
>>179724 lol. lmao. >>179744 thanks my dude
>>179699 she needs to come back to dc and do that mario princess cosplay.
>>179699 aw man shes down to nothing!! shit makes my dick LIMP!! we lost a good one!! (^ me if i was a moron like a few of these other losers)
>>179783 lol you'd think she's looking like a holocaust survivor after reading these comments :D Her ass still has its own fucking zip code.
Just ignore the inbreeders and post assesses https://mab.to/t/iC8iO21RjZe/us2
>>179796 Zip codes? No I'm out here looking for a timezone sized ass
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*evil grin*
>>180063 Can’t say I’d be surprised if she eventually gives in and just goes back gaining,albeit a little healthier approach to it
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>>180063 I love the subversive aspect of obesity. It's somewhat contagious and always comes back. Once a skinny chick turns fat spirited and obese it's almost certain she'll never be thin again. Fat chicks that were always fat are even more unlikely to lose weight and maintain shape
>>180063 It's as if she actually knows her fan base
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>>180063 >cave into your cavings
I really hope she does a slow gain, or reaches a new peak and just maintains it.
>>179805 Check out Simonay on the booty thread. Now that’s an ass.
>>179744 thanks but also mab sucks and the transfer is already dead lol can we get a gofile link or smth
>>179752 Idk bout this superchief, Reina barely updates her socials and half the time she does it’s something she knows probably won’t get good engagement. I’d say Zoey is more of a social media queen and it’s deserved, her reels are great. I wish Reina cared as much about social media as Zoey but eh we take what we can get.
i jus realized in the shower that zoey is wider than my shower thas hot af
>>180398 big fan of shower thoughts where i realize that huge women dont fit in spaces like that clip of boberry taking up an entire row of plane seats
>>180792 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/53948-cheering-you-up/ its on curvage also
>>179796 New Jersey is a small state-she moves in, she'll tip it over
>>180915 When she goes camping, the bears hide their food.
>>180932 When she hauls ass, she’s gotta make two trips
>>180949 Fucking hilarious. Holy shit
>>180915 Shes moving to jersey ?
>>180932 As an actual bear i find this offensive. Whenever she goes camping I always bring her food from the campers I eat. I want nothing more than to fatten her up and her to give me an army of cubs.
what the fuck is going on in this thread
>>181149 Ong can someone post the new video these mfs going crazy
>>181094 its a sopranos reference you uncultured fuck
>>181137 Your actually a bear?
>>181213 99.9% of the guys using this site are bears. You're the only man. In fact, the only human on the internet. Bears have taken over the planet and enslaved humanity.
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>>180915 >>181094 >>181163 America's Greatest Architect
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>>181254 Is this her heaviest?
>>181254 >https://gofile.io/d/be1QdC when she gets down on her knees with her ass up she looks sooooo fucking good
>>181271 No, that would probably be this one: https://gofile.io/d/dEKG2S
>>181355 Don't think so, I thinik it was around the time she made that baking video and that try on where she was in both her bedroom and bathroom
Her heaviest weighin was at 346lbs and that was in January of 2024
>>181387 also measured around the ass at 70in in that vid she is huge
>>181387 >>181556 perhaps a share of said video might be in order?
>>181562 Here's the weighin and measuring https://gofile.io/d/N7zNxD
All the health-knights here are gonna marry a skinny woman and then cheat on her with a 300 lb + girl who actually turns them on.
>>181387 Back in January damn! Was that the last time she weighed herself or are you saying she has lost weight or stayed the same weight since then?
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>>182073 Oh no… did she pull a lauren lush/ reiina pop on all of us?
I wish i could fatten her up. We matched on wooplus but she didn't realize I was on the west coast. Sadge
>>182074 No. Unlike Reinna and LL, she actually likes this fetish and is honest with us. She just had a (very, very minor) health scare and lost some weight, but was open and honest about it. And then she gained some back right away lol.
>>182074 Almost! Got scared her friend, who is bigger, developed some health issues and that made her decide she wouldn't get bigger. Lost some weight and is now making stupid videos to keep her engagement up.
>>181556 Is this AI answer true about her? >The number of women worldwide with hip circumferences of 70 inches or greater is exceedingly small. Assuming such a measurement places someone in the 99.99th percentile or higher, we can estimate: >With around 3.95 billion women globally, only 0.01% or less would have hips this size. This amounts to approximately 395,000 women or fewer, depending on regional variances in body size and medical conditions like lipedema or extreme obesity. This estimate highlights the rarity of this extreme measurement. Only ~400,000 women in the world are her peak size? If you read this Zoey how did you feel with it and this fact?
>>182550 It's not just that. Her hip to waist ratio is insane. There are a lot of women who can hit that number while looking like a circle. She's an extreme pear. Chef's kiss.
>>182560 Buhle Dhlamini: hold my beer
>>182560 AI now claims when accounting for 70+ hips and an extreme pear, the number narrows to perhaps just 40 THOUSAND in the whole world. Does that sound right? Is Zoe so rare? Plus her bubbly personality, unique heritage, being a super Otaku and everything else, she's literally one of a kind.
>>182571 "unique heritage", can you elaborate? i'm unfamiliar
>>182591 Her surname is Italian and when she was new on curvage she said she was a big amerimutt mix of like Czech and I forgot what else and even Japanese (hence her eyes). I'm very interested where the massive pear shape came from, I assume Italian. In any case she's a true anomaly, most Asians even hapas are apples
Pull up, thread
>>182600 Here's what she said about it in a Q&A on IG over a year ago. She even posted a timestamp on here that day, same outfit and all, but I forgot to save it
so is she no longer single now?
>>183344 What do you care?
>>182753 >15% Chinese I knew it, she's one of those CCP Crispr honeypots, genetically sculpted to have impossible looks, trying to get trade secrets and infiltrate into gov intel! I'M CRASHIN OUT RN BROS, I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT. THE GAMER GIRL PERSONA IS AN ACT. THE VIRTUAL BOY IS A LIE. lol she still cute tho
>>183344 What makes you say that?
>>183358 I'm sorry, the Virtual Boy was real, and it was a terrible console.
Facts. Virtual Boy was shot and probably caused vision problems for the 6 people who bought one.
>>183381 Virtual Wario Land is fire tho
>>181213 >larping as a human on a Trans-Siberian cave painting symposium
>>183355 Here in america, we have this thing called self respect, and we simply ask the question if we want to know something. I know over in the uk, yall just spit out some random incoherent nonsense that always happens to rhyme, and is unusually rhythmic, but has no purpose or function. So why don't you just go back to rambling to yourself now, ta ta.
>>183542 Ok but Wario Land peaked with Shake it and og WarioWare is goated
>>183765 i think warioware diy needs more appreciation in this world
>>183765 WarioWare and Wario Land are completely different series. Both are peak though.
Thoughts on her YouTube?
And does she do request videos?
>>183709 Mucho texto. Just say you’re not okay with sex workers having lives outside of their fetish videos.
anyone know how old she is?
>>184406 Late 20s
What I want to know is how do you even begin attempting to date this woman? Like she had a WooPlus account and then got rid of it, and she keeps putting out those tiktoks like she's looking for someone. Like bro I'm just trying to shoot my shot here.
>>184460 If you need to hit up a fetish board to get advice you've already put yourself in a shitty mindset. She has a Instagram account shoot your shot there. If she ignores it then it is what it is.
>>184460 You’re shooting a nerf gun
>>any guy on a Chan asking for sex or relationship suggestions automatically kill yourself.
>>184479 So real
OK, I don't know who tf honestly thinks a chan is great place for relationship advice or whatever but I'll try my best to give whoever reads this. - DON'T EVER tell a girl you like her belly or fact that she's big. Girls HATE any comments like that and it only gives away your true intentions with her. -dress nice, by this I mean you don't gotta be dressing in a suit or like you're the president but girls will more likely want to date someone that presents themselves nicer than a stained tank top and basketball shorts. - DON'T DOUBLE TEXT, no one likes that shit and it comes off as desperate - don't put her on a pedestal, there's more ladies out there so don't waste your time trying woo one chick that's not even gonna give you the time of day - BE INTERESTING, by this I mean don't be a dud that watches family guy all day and nothing else. Be somebody that does something whether it be cooking or whatever. -if you're getting left on read or short replies, cut that that shit immediately. she obviously isn't interested. -personal hygiene is key, brush your teeth, trim your facial hair, take showers, wear deodorant. No one likes a smelly mf whether it be body odor or nasty ass breathe. - lastly, HAVE CONFIDENCE, by this I mean don't do that little kid shit were you try to start off as friends with the hopes that it might evolve into something else. Have some guts and just try asking them out first. If they say no, accept defeat and move on. - if you are lucky to get a date with a girl, LET HER do most of the talking. here are some of my pointers I think that might help but I'm open to any disagreements.
>>184491 thanks for the self help guru bullshit, genius. all your advice boils down to "don't be a complete insensitive asocial retard". everyone already knows this shit.
>>184495 I wrote this to try n help the complete insensitive asocial retarded persons.
Never would have expected dating advice on a bbw models chat. That's cool tho
>>184498 asocial retards walking around with fishy armpits, pubic hair neckbeards and sassy child attitudes are unreachable bro. I firmly believe that if interacting with women doesnt come at least somewhat comfortably and naturally to you then you're pretty much fucked. nobody wants or needs those genes spreading.
>>184460 >how do you even begin attempting to date this woman? you hear yourself right now, right? this is so fucking funny and pathetic lmao
Can we get back to posts about our queen? this thread is devolving into nonsense
Yeah I agree
>>183324 here is one of her newer ones from october https://we.tl/t-B7YgQzSDaD I have her bunny trampoline video and a lot of her older ones. I would appreciate it if someone could post the one in the message i'm replying to, her newest: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/53948-cheering-you-up/
>>184707 awesome drop, thanks!
>>184707 https://gofile.io/d/oCfbaH First time doing this so lmk if it works, Zoey you da goat
Zoey is soooooo hot. Love her!!!
>>184930 dude you rock!!!
She's already got loose skin on her belly
>>184967 Chubbiest hottest most loveable personality though. It really doesn't matter if she lost some weight for her own good. She's still hot as fuck and needs to know the effort she puts into her videos is a massive reason why she's so appealing.
>>184972 Hear hear! All this negativity... so unnecessary.
>>184967 bro who cares she still has insane proportions and her ass is still wide as hell
>>184930 thx m8
>>185070 b-b-b-but I'm a secretly virigin alone autist faggot!
https://mega.nz/file/7XpSHRCR#3GvFi59YQf6x16F7nrSNpo9w4BCc_CPH_8Xun-kpsZo Lil og video I'll upload more later probably. I'm still looking for the "stepdad made me fat" on her curvage page. Thanks in advance.
Can’t believe there is any criticism of this girl. She’s been extremely nice, has never lied about what her motivations are…she’s cute AF… why criticize. There are plenty of phonies out there to shit on but she isn’t one of them.
>>185259 People always gotta bitch and complain, can’t please eveyone unfortunately.
Anyone have the full video of this? https://mega.nz/file/CWZWgTAS#MSqISL2khm1QiOwns2CEwSqA3u4VyWKwaoVPv1-Q6J4 (This is the preview sadly) I'll drop another og video of our queen https://mega.nz/file/baQ3yAJS#LUAsFYBFwJ8MR-Tx9XPyDb8Ibb83ynY4oWg86-psah4
>>185259 The entire reason I even heard of her is cause she comes to her threads and posts freabies ever so often, and considers this board as adverstising.
>>185166 >secretly
>>185286 As any sane content creator should tbh, if the content is good, consider piracy to be samples and people that like it a lot will eventually pay. There's always gonna be some that refuse to pay for porn, therefore that's not the audience
>>185314 Hey it got me to buy a vid and I never buy vids.
Her new post looks amazing.
Re-upload https://gofile.io/d/AJEFX2
>>186018 Pray for a Christmas miracle
Looking for this one. Here is a rare one as tribute. https://gofile.io/d/nqXcmO https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/43655-udderly-fat-old-clothes-try-on/
god i think she'd break the internet with how many downloads she'd receive if she ever really did porn and came out with a facesitting video, even something as specific as a facefarting video. i hope she one day at leasts gets her fat squeezed on video by her bf/feeder.
Question did she ever made a mutual gain vid?
>>185314 This. I pirate almost everything (at first) and then the stuff that I like, I purchase or send money to a patreon, etc. Obviously not everyone is like that, some people will pirate things and never send a dime to the creator ever, but as you said the people who do that were never going to pay to begin with anyways.
>>186018 I hope to God she packs on some weight. She's always been sexier bigger. No cap.
>>187399 Agree,but I don’t see it happening,atleast not intentionally anymore.
Who thinks she's on semaglutide? She definitely lost a good amount of weight.
>>187399 Yes, but slim chance on that
She hasn’t lost a lot of weight. She’s lost a bit but it hasn’t damaged her otherworldly shape in the least .
(173.87 KB 1051x1069 IMG_6942.jpeg)
From her youtube channel. This iw not an Ozempic body
>>187425 >>187425 Absolutely could be. She's shifted some hefty poundage very quickly and is showing no sign of slowing down or stopping. Wouldn't be surprised, honestly. How many models have we had claim it's their kink when in reality it was just a good moneymaker until they find something else to do?
>>187437 Lets not do this, if we dont stamp out accusing women of taking ozempic without them saying it because maybe they lost a few pounds we are going to cannibalize each other. Not aimed you but like, I see this post in every thread now and it seems kind of apropos of the times not a real issue
>>187425 Look at the stuff at her biggest, she was way bigger and is like she lost a good 50-80lb in three months or so
>>187437 I have a hard time believing she’s on ozempic honestly. She has definitely lost a noticeable amount of weight compared to her peak,but I feel like she would be much smaller if she genuinely was taking some type of medication
>>187454 OK then diet pills. She's just another weeb that is getting dorks to pay her so she can play dress up and donTik Tok dances.
It's really fucking weird and obsessive to speculate.
>>187473 Ikr she literally said that she's not gaining cause her friend got a health scare because of her weight. MFS will get the answer they're looking for but still live in denial about it.
>>187425 Speaking of, what is her youtube channel name? I tried searching it up but couldn't find it
Can someone post the absolute peak, creme de la creme maximum weight where she was at her hottest. Videos, pics or point me in the right direction please.
At her biggest she was 349 at her opening of 2024 weigh in. Since then she’s lost a bit…but nothing extreme as anyone can see from her youtube and insta.
>>187514 Zeezoubee
>>187543 Thanks bro
Her coomer was updated recently, not much, just two pics and a short 30 sec preview bid but good GOD does she look incredible. Praise the queen
>>187757 Her OF is free sir. She does PPV for long form but will post clips and pics sometimes.
>>187425 Its so over, holy fuck dude...
>>187534 Oct23 to Mar 24 thereabouts. Look them up on her free OF or curvage
>>187425 Ozempicis truly a crime against humanity
I mean look at the before and after The first picture is from her latest yt video The 2nd picture is from a video of hers posted a while ago (over a year or 2 ago) she looks good in both of them don't get me wrong but the belly has shrunk noticably. (Also we need the latest Christmas video leak from her curvage 🙏)
>>187836 >that snatched waist She’s hotter now tbh
>>187837 The cope is real
>>187836 shes also clearly wearing shapewear in the first photo
>>187839 Why would I be coping? Sounds like you’re projecting, bud.
>>187842 Nah look how transparent the tights are. Shapewear is opaque 90% of the time and it’s so tight she would have a fat roll bulge at the top of the waistband (even thin girls wearing it get it). That is just her waist in regular pantyhose. She looks smoking hot though
(1.41 MB 2048x1150 IMG_1876.jpeg)
Even though she has lost weight she is still fine as fuck, some of you are acting like she’s wasting away but she is still very much obese. She is so fine though honestly she looks just as good if not better now this is the type of woman I’d go to war for. Also funny that the free shit she’s posting to her public youtube channel is better than some PPV content some other girls put out.
>>187821 Nah,she just isn’t actively gaining anymore since that situation with her friend being in the hospital . Unfortunate ,but what can ya do.
>>187849 I’m definitely not projecting you sound like a high school girl lol. She’s still fine asf but she looked way better with the weight and that’s facts.
Loved her belly but the weight loss accentuates her curves more tbh
Honestly I think she's looking better after losing some weight. You can now see the god tier level curves her body has as well as the insane waist to ass ratio. As an ass guy myself, she's got the perfect physique. Thinner on top but she still has boobs and a belly but then booom you've got these thick thighs and massive ass. I loved her at her highest weight but can't believe how much more I enjoy her proportions now that she has more of a defined shape.
>>187999 Agree to disagree. She still had a blatantly obvious hourglass shape at her peak weight
>>188024 Yeah she was pretty shapely at her heaviest. I guess I'd feel more comfortable bringing her home to meet my mom at her current weight lol.
Surprisingly civil discussion for bbw chan, I’m sure we can all agree she was hot then and shes still hot now though, even if you preferred her bigger
>>188087 The queen brings out the best in people
Have yall seen her recent Q&A on her recent IG story? Interesting stuff. Apparently she dated a pro athlete. Who was that?
>>188406 Travis Kelce
At least the QnA is honest that we've lost her. Talking how much better she feels, how people are nicer to her, blah blah blah. Guarantee she won't stop losing.
>>188436 Doubt she'll lose the figure tho. Regardless she's Queen
>>188436 She’s right that she was at her hottest when she was at her biggest. But I also understand the tradeoff…also she is just a really friggen nice and genuine person…unlike so many of the phonies out there. I wish her well. Zeezoubi forever!
i think shes gunna stay where shes at now she say she likes how she looks big and if health wasnt an issue shed wanna be as big or bigger than boberry so shes gonna find a happy medium that she called functional fat and she wont stop making content either she was hot when huge and still hot and shes nice and its not like her old content at her biggest is gonna go away shes not gonna scrub it. it feels very "dont cry because it ended smile because it happend" and who knows maybe shell find a way to gain again and still have health and mobility it was probably hard to build fitness at her biggest but if she build a foundation of fitness at lower weight and maintain it then could she maybe use it to support herself bulking gaining again?
she should do a weighin and measurement now she dont look much smaller
>>188492 I might be saying complete nonsense,but I don’t ever see her doing a weigh in at this point, because even though she knows losing weight was best for her,she still loved being at her peak weight and probably doubt she’d incorporate a weight in that shows she lost a good chunk in her content.
>>187999 i completely agree, she looks amazing in the recent pics and vids
>>187999 For a girl whose weight its almost entirely in her ass im actually surprised how big her tits are.
Yeah obv I liked her bigger too but she looks undeniably great now. It's not like she's wasting away or anything. If she's reaching a happier, healthier balance and self image, God bless, y'know.
Fucking Christ idk y my comments keep getting deleted but I’ve asked on here like 3 times and I’ll ask again when was she at her heaviest weight cause I’m interested in buying videos from that time and I’ll even share if I get an answer
>>188618 Her heaviest weighin was january of 2024 when she hit 345 or so lbs. So any time between January 2024 and August/September 2024 was probably her heaviest. Currently compiling 6 vids on gofile where she looks her fattest. I'll post the link when they're done uploading.
Here are the videos I think she was at her fattest. God she looked good. Chef's kiss. https://gofile.io/d/IpkHAX
Fuck it, I'm feeling generous tonight. All her weigh-in vids: https://gofile.io/d/0oN6fh More of her at her fattest: https://gofile.io/d/oGgR5F
>>188651 >>188657 Finally some good fucking food. Thanks my dude.
>>188657 Yess a drop. Thank you so much.
she looks huge!
>>188618 Agreed, I want to know this too, please stop fucking deleting comments you jackals.
>>190111 jannies on this site are insane. On the black women thread I asked about lveevids and it got removed. Another comment that was just a one-word bump asking for a name has remained
>>190107 what video is this from???
From new photo set
>>190183 Bros we're so close.
(21.45 KB 198x150 face.jpg)
This might just be a lighting/camera issue rather than a makeup one, but it sucks when women erase all of the definition from their face until they become a rubber egg.
she looks totally normal, unless maybe you have never seen an actual woman from any position other than standing 10 feet and nervously backing away from you
>>190215 she's morbidly obese, retard. her face is just fat lol
>>190183 Not perfect but it's ok I guess
>>190278 lol it's wild to me that this exists. totally to be expected that something like this would come along, but it's just funny.
https://www.instagram.com/smil3y420x/ I feel like she has a similar look
Alright my messages in here kept getting deleted when I asked for this one, so I just went ahead and bought it myself and am sharing it here. This is the latest on her Curvage: https://gofile.io/d/VXOySN
I have no idea if it is public or not, I looked and didn't see any button or option to let me do so.
>>190555 >>190556 thanks for the share, it works for me just fine
>>188436 >>188406 Wait where can I view this story? is it deleted?
>>190183 https://gofile.io/d/MqBH7B
>>191073 Her 🐱 kinda looks weird to me, but luckily her body is shaped like a goddess. I wish I had money to watch her new curvage videos god damn
>>191073 >https://gofile.io/d/MqBH7B holy shit is this the first time shes shown her pussy off clearly? its always obscured by her tummy
