OK, I don't know who tf honestly thinks a chan is great place for relationship advice or whatever but I'll try my best to give whoever reads this.
- DON'T EVER tell a girl you like her belly or fact that she's big. Girls HATE any comments like that and it only gives away your true intentions with her.
-dress nice, by this I mean you don't gotta be dressing in a suit or like you're the president but girls will more likely want to date someone that presents themselves nicer than a stained tank top and basketball shorts.
- DON'T DOUBLE TEXT, no one likes that shit and it comes off as desperate
- don't put her on a pedestal, there's more ladies out there so don't waste your time trying woo one chick that's not even gonna give you the time of day
- BE INTERESTING, by this I mean don't be a dud that watches family guy all day and nothing else. Be somebody that does something whether it be cooking or whatever.
-if you're getting left on read or short replies, cut that that shit immediately. she obviously isn't interested.
-personal hygiene is key, brush your teeth, trim your facial hair, take showers, wear deodorant. No one likes a smelly mf whether it be body odor or nasty ass breathe.
- lastly, HAVE CONFIDENCE, by this I mean don't do that little kid shit were you try to start off as friends with the hopes that it might evolve into something else. Have some guts and just try asking them out first. If they say no, accept defeat and move on.
- if you are lucky to get a date with a girl, LET HER do most of the talking.
here are some of my pointers I think that might help but I'm open to any disagreements.