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Stnthcc Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:18:20 Id:69934a No. 167394
She's getting pretty large, here's a recent short from her OF.
One of the most impressive ongoing gains. I remember being totally floored when she uploaded the clip of her ordering food at a hotel—hardly recognized her. Not being able to see her OF updates is one of the main reasons I'm disappointed Coomer is down.
Do you have any new video? She looks bigger fr
>>167424 I know what you mean with the tats, especially the questionable one at the top of her belly, but she’s honestly gorgeous enough to totally look past it, with time ofc
I just resubbed to her and I think anyone who dislikes tattoos on girls is a fucking faggot
She’s not a girl! She says it all the time. Also a shaved head under that wig
It’s exponential!! she will gain 2x more weight in 2x less time than before.
>>167437 Pardon? Lost all interest instantly
>>167447 You actually believe this moron? She’s obviously a girl, she works at a strip club for crying out loud. Can’t hide the twig and berries at that job.
>>167435 >> anyone who dislikes tattoos on girls is a fucking faggot Quit simping. A lot of these women have shitty tattoos and you know it. Especially the weirdo goths. >>167437 I hate when these women with long hair go and fuck it up, because 9 times out of 10 the hair never grows back right.
>>167447 She’s a girl man she just does that thing where she claims she’s not you know pronouns and shit….
For anyone who wants to see videos of her.. I just see people talking a bunch a bullshit now? https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/satanthiic
>>167471 it's from the original toy story, you uncultured swine (def a horrible tattoo though lol)
What is her name? Sorry if I sound dumb I don't know what stnthcc means.
>>167394 That little pig nose is so cute and fitting
>>167494 See the link two posts above yours
Alright let’s kickstart this thread https://gofile.io/d/YVeUoF
>>167626 Thank you for uploading the videos that pop up when you google her name
Just fucking go to her coomer, there are 100s of vids there. No need to post old shit.
>>167679 since it hasn't been updated in almost 4 months and is mainly previews, isn't coomer also just "old shit" at this point?
what a disgusting tattoo
Thank god we have a thread on her finally. Best fat distribution I’ve seen in ages and a cute face. One of the best models ever imo
>>167897 for real, I like goth girls but that tattoo is the most hideous ink I've ever seen. I lose brain cells looking at it.
>>167897 Not a Toy Story fan I take it?
>>167919 You would have wasted them anyway
>>167915 Yeah, thank God we have a thread on her where we're just talking shit about tattoos and sharing publicly available videos
I know she strips but shy does she look thinner ?? 😭😭
>>170467 I think she had a falling out with her feeder bf; I remember seeing her post about it somewhere instagram.
To my knowledge this one hasn't been posted yet https://gofile.io/d/cyYklA
Youre just sitting on gems like this huh? Thanks tho!
>>170510 Damn, her tits are filling out nicely along with everything else. Hope she keeps going, people hate her "F U MOM!" stomach tattoo but she's so damn hot it doesn't matter.
>>170483 I hope she's still gaining its just her posting her stripper photos she looks thinner
shes turning into a pig
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New cream chugging video just dropped. Any kings on the chan wanna drop a w?
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>>170946 Me again, I said fuck it and bought the vid cause it looked hot af. Still cheaper than my last GF. https://gofile.io/d/zdH861
>>171141 thanks man! nice move!
>>171141 thicc goth girls are the best
>>171141 Dude you absolutely rock!!!
Here are some of my favorites. Sorry for the multiple links. https://gofile.io/d/yN3Rx7 https://gofile.io/d/mPkNhL https://gofile.io/d/UbTUwA https://gofile.io/d/DRmYmA
>>171141 >>171182 Goat status
>>171141 One of the most fuckable belly buttons I've seen.
Only problem with her is that her adhd is so fucking bad. Like she has admitted she has adhd on OF, and as someone who also has ADHD, it’s annoying to see her pattern. She always talks like she’s gonna start posting more content and what not, then never follows through with that (which is her adhd getting dopamine from the planning but not actually doing the work she said she’d do). I’ve subbed to her more than a few times and it’s just annoying that I always catch her saying that more content is gonna come then “life excuses” come in. Also it seems annoying that the times I am subbed, I will see pics floating around stuff3r d-b that are new, but that she posts to one of her free spots, and not on OF… like seriously it’s just annoying how some of these girls cannot manage their fucking OFs in a way that makes you wanna pay other than the fact they are hot.
>>171704 executive dysfunction's a bitch, even when your job is posting nudes online lol; I feel ya
>>171704 "which is her adhd getting dopamine from the planning but not actually doing the work she said she’d do" Very helpful insight, never heard about how people experience planning and executing differently under ADHD-circumstances, like there can be a specific dopamine/futuring-related pattern. Because, with or without ADHD, fantasizing always costs less energy than getting things done
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She said she wanted to get chubbier for her trip to America. Looks like maybe she accomplished that.
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Look at the price difference between the two… who is spending $80 on a vid when you can pick up 10 of the same quality for that lol
>>173878 Does Reiina still have a belly po play with? 🤔
>>173878 I've messaged her on Insta in the past regarding her insane prices. She was wanting 25 bucks for a 5 minute clip or something outrageous. Told her to price them around a dollar per minute because no one is going to pay that. She told me to fuck off. :D Now I know why the best OF and other online girls are managed by guys and not themselves lol.
How long is the $80 video? Do they do anything besides belly play? That price sounds insane right off the bat
>>173904 She's obviously a 400 IQ individual with A grade business making decisions (a stripper with godawful tattoo choice and placement)
OMG please people post her stuffing videos, Be the hero!
>>173904 >Now I know why the best OF and other online girls are managed by guys and not themselves lol. It's not because of cheapskates like you. Take your dollar per minute ass someplace else brokey.
>>173968 I buy a fair bit of vids. I'm just not gonna waste 25 dollars to watch a badly tatooed chick shake her belly for 2.5 minutes.
>>173982 Then don’t beg
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Wtf is this pricing lol
>>174922 lol, lmao even
>>174922 She actually needs to be boycotted for that shit who does she think she is
I've literally bought 15 minute customs for the same price, what a rip off
>>174929 Bro this is a piracy site we're already boycotting lol
>>167394 Is she shoving a dildo in her belly button? Fucking why? She can't find that pleasurable, can she? This is one of the dumbest things I've seen on the Internet.
>>174922 About $7.50 a minute or $8 if you pick the 10 minute clip. It's always the idiot white girls and schizo blacks with the fucked up pricing. Where's the fat Colombian girl at? I'll tip her 100 tokens and get more out of her in a PVT.
>>175561 new here?
>>175561 are you in the right place bro?
Hate that she's the closest model to me. She's now working in an even seedier strip club lmfao
I come bearing a gift, enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/fncQfY
I come bearing a video... enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/fncQfY
Woops, double posted. Was lagging anf thought my first post didnt go through... lol
hate when models leave their tv or music on at MAX volume in the background
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>>176400 >https://gofile.io/d/fncQfY Epic GOAT right here!!!
shitty tattoos, absurd pricings, and other decisions aside, she's had one of the most incredible gains in recent memory. like who the fuck saw this one coming?
>>176442 the amount of times you guys bring up their tatoos is absurd. just beat your dick and move on
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>>176536 Yeah because most tattoos women get are trash and make them look worse, same with plastic surgery I make an exception with her because she is like a white trash Scottish chick and that makes me horny
>>176549 Scottish Lowlands are where the OG white trash comes from.
>>176536 lol i don't give nearly as much of a fuck about her tattoos as everyone else here, hence saying "tattoos... aside"
You guys are crazy she is fucking HAUT! and getting bigger. If anyone has more Feedee/Stuffing Content please share! My contribution https://gofile.io/d/x6TiGp
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>>177987 my god, what a sexy fat pig
anyone with her onlyfans know how much she’s charging for the ice cream and donut stuffing? considering subbing from that amazing preview pic she posted on tumblr but not if she’s charging like $50
>>178688 It's on Curvage for $15
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New kino just dropped. Vid on the fans
>>179055 holy kino would never expect a slobby vid from her
>>179134 gotchu homie https://gofile.io/d/AZA9wI
>>179160 what the fuck did she swallow her past self theres no way this girl was thin in recent history
>>179166 That's a hot concept ngl
>>179250 tbh when i saw that vid on curvage there was no way i wasnt buying it, if she posts more content like that ill keep sharing it here
>>179160 >https://gofile.io/d/AZA9wI Dude what an absolute CHAD!!!
>>179160 guys if she gains enough weight her tits might cover the infant spider tattoo!!!
>>179280 lmao i like this idea, that toy story tattoo is so fucking weird but shes hot enough that i can blot it out
>>179280 It kinda looks like a kafkaesque drawing that would be associated with The Metamorphosis by Kafka. I'm interested if it actually has any meaning to her personally, probably not though lmao
>>179355 bro its just a toy story tattoo, you're not jesse pinkman, its not kafkaesque in the slightest
>>179390 Are you sure it doesn't represent the plight of the proletariat and the vanilla ice cream she pours on herself in the video isn't representing the bourgeoisiest slop stalling progress in modern-day society?
>>179393 you know what you're totally right how on earth did I miss that
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stretch marks appeared, it seems that we are on the right track, let's hope to see a lot of weight gain in 2025
She's hot AF now. Anyone know her weight ? Surely mid 3s
The most retarded shit I'll ever read online has all been found on this chan
>>181262 has she even reached 300 yet? i feel like she would've made a bigger deal about it if she had
>>181354 Either way that gut looks huge
>>181354 I think she’s lost weight ever since she started hanging out with the scammers reinna pop and that other bs feedee
>>182437 this video's already up on the coomer
>>181375 Selling content doesn’t make you a scammer neither does deciding to stop gaining, it’s not like reiinapop advertised herself as a gainer anymore she just sells the videos she made while she was gaining and she did gain 200 pounds so that is def for real. Satanthiic does make really good content so even with the wack pricing she does sometimes it’s still hot to see. Scamming would be lying about gaining or taking peoples money without giving any videos.
>>181375 >scammer >bs feedee >reiina The woman who went from as thin as humanly possible to >300lbs in next to no time at all? The brainrot is real jesus christ
>>181375 lol reiina absolutely ballooned and then made her post-gain plans widely known, not sure how that's being a scammer or a "bs feedee"
all her vids from here plus some extras: https://gofile.io/d/UDtaiA can anyone updater her coomer?
>>186392 Santa delivering gifts early THANK YOU!
She posted her new weigh on her OF
shes hot but fuck that belly tatt is just awful...
>>186392 >https://gofile.io/d/UDtaiA Those are not all her vids fyi but regardless, appreciated!
>>187265 Any idea what the new weight is?
>>187298 i love it.
>>182538 I've been seeing this kind of comment 1:1 across multiple boards/threads here on any model that isn't ready & willing to gain up to 500 lbs in a month. Entirely possible it's one autist with too much time on his hands
The best feedee in the game rn Fr
A large portion of her coomer up and disappeared.
>>187970 godthiic
>>187976 hell yea, bruther, thank you for redirecting
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Her Royal fatness has returned with new vids on onlyfans. Can anybody update her coomer.
>>190261 I am subbed to her OF… not fucking worth it!
>>190370 I used to be subbed to her to and found most the vids on there to just be a tease then tip 15 for the full vid or whatever. I only ever bought the messy cream chugging vid and posted it here >>171141 ages ago. I was just hoping she did something that hot again, and I'd probably buy it and post it here.
>>190382 Every one of her vids are 300% overpriced for what they're worth.
she’s really fallen out of love with this kink, it seems. the effort in content has become pretty low. the old videos are still gold. sub isn’t worth it!!
>>190411 agreed this is by far her best in my opinion: aHR0cHM6Ly9jb29tZXIuc3Uvb25seWZhbnMvdXNlci9nb2R0aGlpYy9wb3N0LzQ1NDg3OTcwNQ==
>>190482 ain't no way you just encoded a coomer link
https://gofile.io/d/WP6uSx Short walking video she looks huge in at the bottom and some free pics. Sorry but there really isn't much more content unless you wanna spend another $100. Hope you guys enjoy :)
https://gofile.io/d/bz0gH1 Another video I found. 11 minute tight outfit try-on
>>190566 all available on her coomer but thx
did anyone ever share the weigh in number? she’s looking leaner these days
