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Weight Gain Comps Weight Gain Compilation Videos 09/27/2024 (Fri) 21:56:17 Id:5fb7ca No. 175536
I love seeing weight gain compilation of a gainers journey from skinny to fat but have issues finding new content has anyone got any links to some of their favourites
Mochii babii's year of gluttony is a classic aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kZXRhaWxzL3llYXItb2YtZ2x1dHRvbnktcGFydC0xLXNwcmluZw==
The original one in the main image https://spankbang.com/6snri/video/small+latina+fattens+up
This should be a LauraFatty one: https://gofile.io/d/uIOCRs
>>175536 I remember a thread here, about people doing compilation and adding music. There even request and all. Anyone remember or has a link ?
>>175790 one of the best
Contributing, since WG progressions are my favorite: https://gofile.io/d/LBs44F Hope to see more
>>175832 Who is she?
>>175841 I think her boyfriend was posting her on reddit a few years ago but they split up. There's lots more of her, will post if I can find it.
>>175881 and then anon died
Channel with a few of them: https://www.youtube.com/@WGProgressions
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Aliss -100kg +120kg
>>176526 Can't believe we lost something so goof
Good thread
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My ex gained weight, part of why we didn't work out is because I told her what I'm most attracted to (thiccc) and she was wanting to lose weight, looks like she embraced it now
These are the best form of content out there for this fetish. I wish there were more.
>>178576 So what you’re saying is it’s time to reach out with “hey I’ve been watching you on the internet since we broke up. Now that you finally got fatter like I wanted, door’s back open babe” Works every time
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Here is a compilation of mykawaiifatbelly. This is the first version of it for everybody thats interested: https://gofile.io/d/8qG2M7
>>183511 It's great you spliced it together, but .. 5 gigs? Gotta look up compression. Like e.g. look at the TCG's latest video uploaded. 608x1080, 10 minutes, 90 megabytes. Could've been a bit better, but it's only using h264. 90 mb, 6 minutes
>>183511 >>183578 Just for our brothers in arms with crap internet or storage space issues, heres a copy reduced to 600mb. https://gofile.io/d/jq5dS4
Has anyone made a video Compilation of candii?
>>183511 >>183578 Thx I compressed it now and deleted all voice texts unless they gave information about her weight and a few more cuts: https://gofile.io/d/eWyXNe
>>183511 I miss mykawaiifatbelly so much. She was an absolutely perfect goddess and then that retard scared her off.
Jennie Gain Comp is a new fav https://spankbang.com/83ho6-qbymml/playlist/bbw
>>175841 >>176203 here to save the day sires
anyone knows the name of the girl in the last post, maybe her socials?
We return
>>185789 Who is she? I would really love to know.
>>187645 Muh gf
>>188029 ... is she fine about you posting it on a thread..?
>>188209 Not him but ostensibly yes, he’s posted her several times. But a very good question to ask
>>188234 Alright. I was worried for a second Its good that he's fine with it. He looks great
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>>188209 And what are you gonna do about it if she isn’t oh fine white knight?? Lmao what a dumb thing to ask on an anon board. You gonna track her identity down from the nudes he’s shared to alert her that he’s posting it online? Just assume everybody is a scumbag and go about whacking off
>>190506 ya, GET HIM! dunk on the guy encouraging decency!!!! DRAG HIM
>>190516 It’s a waste of emotional investment. What are you gonna do? Call the guy an asshole to feel morally superior to all the other anons reading? 😂😂 just jack off and move along
>>190531 fair point, im gonna beat it to that guy's gf now
Here are a couple of classics from YT: https://youtu.be/cs7ZLiQIOt0?si=l3aVDlOO9u8daMEu https://youtu.be/q2F0Bn-ktvQ?si=rmtsfxBf6NZ60SYa
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>>192957 Need a updated version with videos of her in 2023-2024
Here's a comp of Udderly Adorable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlKigCCw8Yc
>>175541 Forgive my lack of knowledge, but how do you see/download these links? Thanks in advance :)
>>193464 You go to base64.com, don’t change the encryption format, paste the encrypted link into the decode text box, and then press the decode button. You may have to do it again since people sometimes double encrypt it but that’s not as popular anymore so I doubt you will
