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Weight Gain Progression: Part 3 Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:03:46 Id:bde758 No. 177536
We're so back! Share your favorite before and after pics/vids. https://gofile.io/d/31bvZG
That second one is crazy. Look how floppy and hanging her once perky tiddies became. Now they're flat and spread out like puddles. And her belly got so round and ballooned up. I can't believe it. Too sexy.
>>177536 Who’s the girl in the last pic?
>>177588 Tianastummy
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Not a feedee but this cosplayer did gained a lot of weight (her @ is kcbcosplay)
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>>177688 Is she still even doing anything meaningful?
>>177702 Not now she’s reposting old stuff on her sites
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Brooke was my introduction to the online weight gain world. She was amazing.
Brooke, really? Her content sucked, at the time she was the first hot chubby chick that wasn't a fugly mouth breather
>>179297 A legend forever
>>179302 Why not just keep your ugly negativity to yourself.
>>179297 Mine too. Her and Kelligirl. Kelligirl opened my eyes to the fact girls could be 400 + lbs and still amazingly hot. Little did I know I'd end up worshiping girls even bigger than that and marrying one.
>>179302 Yes, Brooke. Not every model is my cup of tea. If I don't enjoy it, I move on. She happened to be the one who caught my attention first. I didn't know this world existed. I'm glad it does.
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One of my all time favorite gains
brooke was a pioneer in the game!
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>>179302 This was barely getting out of the era of “I’ll mail you a VHS of some home footage in a brown paper envelope.” She was softcore, if that’s what you mean by sucked, but pretty much everything else was on par with the quality of content circa 2000. And she was pretty damn big by the end given the standards of the time. Just like you said, she was one of the first attractive ones, which if you were around at the time, meant a lot when you were 14, just figuring out this world existed, yet most content consisted of a bunch of trailer trash hags the same age as your mother.
>>179358 oh fuck she got plumper?
My fav is enk89 (beaubellygoddess), she's one of the most impressive and underrated gainers. Now being above 300 lbs.
thats a great gain!
Queen of asses
>>179431 i know about her she's so hot and like 19 or 20. she can get reeeeal big in time
>>180309 whomst?!
>>180350 the name's in the bottom right, bruv
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She's Back! ..I mean Again!! ...For the 3rd or 4th time!!!
MIA sadly
>>180376 flow3rkitt3n
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>>180479 Who's this person ?
There was a thread on here not too long ago of this woman by the moniker of Dess__2 who gained a lot of weight and there was a gofile compilation of her getting BIG. Does anyone have that by chance?
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>>180598 You betcha https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/dess__2 Here's the original drop https://gofile.io/d/wJJUD7 and here's some before/after's I made from the vid https://gofile.io/d/Key0G1
>>180703 Damn man thank you
>>180703 damn, what a gain. what's the timeline here?
Leahxhx, someone to keep our eye on.
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Lexxxi's gain will always be my favorite
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she has a tiktok/of/instagram not intentional gains, but if she keeps going at this rate... June-November
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She went from 125 to 225 here. She got up to 260lbs too.
>>183932 Does Danni still do anything at all?
Pretty sure she lost all the weight.
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>>185569 Who’s this?
>>185571 Hayley Herms
>>185571 Hayley "The Hitman" Herms
>>185572 >>185576 Thanks gents. Why “hitman” though lol
>>185791 name?
>>185791 Holy shit you’re back, she looks lovely
>>185835 Passed the plateau
>>185850 She looks so good, missed your posts. How’s she feeling? Is she planning to keep gaining?
>>185791 whomst?!
>>185854 What the fuck am I supposed to do with $200
>>185852 I plan on fattening the hell outta her, weed is a blessing
>>185569 >>185572 >>185576 are there any vids of her?
>>185791 You should make a compliation with all her photos at different weights
>>185901 Unfortunately my old phone broke, if anyone has some of the older pics I posted from the other threads I’ll compile them but for now I can use what I got
Who is that? Chubbymunch?
>>183936 The last pic i saw of her was this from Nov 2023 - after that she disappeared, including all her accounts. I loved how much she was growing, sad to see her go.
>>177536 Miss Chiquita more everyday
>>186045 Who's the chick on the 1st and 5th pic with the wide load?
>>186045 >>186074 Much appreciated I’ll use these for the comp
>>186107 His gf
>>186107 My gf :)
>>186112 that hogs been eating straight lard lmfao
>>186074 Who is the one in the 2nd pic?
>>186119 >>186074 >>186045 >>186015 >>185905 are all the same girl, my guy. dude posted his girlfriend's gain in a thread a while back.
>>185924 Need a source for this vid or at least a name
>>186112 dude, plz, make a separate thread and share more pics + gainz. she seems to have perfect genetics and you seem to be winning the lottery
FatAlliecat on Curvage I think she could go far.
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Omg - some girl on resdit posted this
Smashmelllow - does anybody have some videos of her?
Anonymous-Belly aka u/21newhere12 on reddit has become quite round
ah man, over the weekend I remembered this gainer named thicclypolar, iirc she was a furry artist but started to post pics and videos of her gaining. At some point she set her twitter to followers only and purged her reddit. I could only find stuff on Stufferdb but no videos sadly. Man, she looked so good
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>>186274 She looks so big and heavy now.
>>186421 True. Shame we can't see videos cause she dms the passwords
>>185569 >Hayley Herms where to find stuff= she looks goated
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>>177536 a beauty from feabie. named loloudia. i knew her for a long time. amazing growth but bad documented..
>>186202 We really need an Alliecat thread here. She has put on some serious weight over the past year.
Australian gainer called shesochunky on tumblr and of
>>186900 She has a coomer, although isn’t up to date. Her tumblr stuff is insane, I’m really hoping it gets updated soon.
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She’s getting good and heavy gentlemen
>>186924 Filled with love it seems, great update lad
LilyKeen aka u/FatteningPrincess shows no signs of slowing
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Chunky Facebook Lady
>>187587 No real human would post like this
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>>187587 It's so hot watching women eat themselves into morbid obesity
>>187587 Say it with me Kings: "White men love Big Black Women"
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>>187765 hahaha wtf
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>>187909 Tell Jija I like the Sleepycast tattoo
>>187909 What cause her to gain? She’s gorgeous very attractive
Thin to thicccc
Damn Blondiee18 is even wider now, shes so big and chubby now. I hope she really loses control and grows massive
Which one do you prefer
>>188190 Both are hot so it doesn't matter
Still who is it?? And if you respond with another B&A, I’m going to be so grateful and frustrated
>>188190 She grew into her potential definitely after
>>188190 Fatter for sure, what's her name?
>>188127 assuming this is legit, how the fuck did she have that much ass to start with and absolutely none of her weight went to it???
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Kichike before and after
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here is some more
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>>187644 We do, we would just prefer that they don't wear wigs
>>188407 Who is this?
>>188345 Some people's hormones get royally fucked up when they eat like shit on a regular basis. And since your hormones regulate your fat distribution, it's possible that her diet completely trumped her god-tier genetics and her body started to distribute the fat elsewhere.
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>>189039 Name please?
>>189048 https://www.tiktok.com/@cgb308 idk if she had content anywhere else.
>>189311 Chloe Grace https://www.tiktok.com/@buycurvyonline?lang=en
>>187975 Who’s this?
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Shesochunky on tumblr has been blowing up recently
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Shesochunky continuation
>>185569 Somebody is about to do some eatin'
>>187018 Incredible it sticks out so much without hanging.
I know this is probably a really obvious and dumb point to make but, its so crazy how Huge a woman can become...just seeing a lady literally grow in size like a massive water balloon is so good. and she's officially known as "the fat girl" despite all of that, like she has to accept her new identity and role in society, people just look and think "what a huge bitch" and not know she was average weight, skinny, not that long ago.
>>190054 Eliza is a true porn legend. Her gains are something to behold
>>187975 Who’s this?
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My feedee wife 😁 What do you think of her proportions and where the gains have gone
>>190466 The girl in the after spot of photo 2 was all over reddit a month or two ago. Is this the same person or an impersonator
Not really a way I can prove I’m her bf. She’s up to 16stone9 as of last week :) we may of moved away from posting but the gains continue
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Slightly WG
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She used to have a thread here, big glow up
>>190936 >>190937 she's so sexy who is she?
SunnyJayne Australian fatty friends with BBW Layla
