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CutieDonut 10/14/2024 (Mon) 17:38:58 Id:c86302 No. 177664
Just sharing what I got from her. I was pretty optimistic last time she returned, but since then, all she has posted in her OF was boring as fuck... If you've been there, you know what I mean: very lazy and repetitive posts, no vids, 100 takes of the same pics and gifs... A waste of money... I definently was determined to help fund her gain, but due to this situation I am tired... https://gofile.io/d/df2dVM Sharing is caring guys. Let's see if this stimulate her to make things better
>>177664 Didn't mention it, but these are PPV 👍 Even thought I updated her coomer in the weekend, I am trying to upload the last 2 or 3 remaining posts as well
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I left a middling review on one of her curvage videos because of her repetitive use of really close angles. Most of her videos are shot like 4 inches from her and you can't really appreciate how much she's growing. She's a babe but someone should buy her a tripod. Thanks for updating coomer!
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https://gofile.io/d/xDXQ43 Here's two fairly recent ones from Curvage. She dropped a new one today, looks very promising
I think, most of her content even if is pretty good, but basing on angles. Frankly speaking she doesn't gain
She does gain. She had to lose some weight due to health reasons recently and she did lose some but has very quickly regained it and now looks like she surpassed her previous highest. She's genuinely into it, said herself that she just can't live without the fetish even if that means compromising her health further. She may be a slower gainer compared to some on this site and not as good at showing it but she is committed
>>179745 https://gofile.io/d/XZSJkw
>>179814 This is one of her better vid. her struggle is real and we can hear it near the end of the vid. Thanks mate!
yeah that vid is so good. She's been growing very nicely, very tempted to sub to her page now that she's doing a discount
>>177786 What brings you here?
