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Candii kayn 10/15/2024 (Tue) 22:43:27 Id:7aa956 No. 177814
looks like we missed the last two candii threads, here's my contribution, please could someone post any updates it looks so big, does anyone have any of the fillings, August and September? https://gofile.io/d/h2HUGW https://gofile.io/d/ZmXDGJ https://gofile.io/d/gy91nL
Here's her lingerie video with Bella Abondanza. I believe someone requested it in the previous thread. https://gofile.io/d/hPr9PN
She is huge 🐳
🤣 She could redo this photo, I'm sure her belly would look much more spread out on the table
New candii, new thread. how long before a new candii and another level thread?
>>177820 God damn, in that last one she looks like MyFatBlondeGF. Really packin on the weight!
>>177865 Yeah but this last one was taken before the other three. She just dyed her hair back to brunette a couple days ago. Likely camera angle. Anxious to see a vid with new hair to confirm any recent gains
>>177945 Here's the red bikini one. https://gofile.io/d/GSf2ek
>>177956 Here is two cows https://gofile.io/d/HHEvTu
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holy shit shes gigantic, 300 lbs candii actually might be possible
Slowly massive Weight gain. At long Time, exponential apetite
>>178265 This isn't a morph??
>>178290 Angle+She’s gained some weight
>>178265 >A weapon to surpass Reiinapop
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>>178320 its her bra digging into her roll of back fat. happens when her bras are too tight, you can see the difference compared to her blue bikini where her boobs just kinda spill onto her fat instead
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>>178265 Has she ever said how big she plans on getting?
>>178388 She said 220 or 230 lbs but depends of how she feels and looks she could go over.
Love that, go to 300 !
>>178434 That navel is running on fumes to not turn into a double belly roll
>>178434 where’s this from?
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>>178495 BIG BACK
got tired of waiting for kemono to be fixed. heres all the photos since the last update https://gofile.io/d/ddizlJ
>>178629 Thank you so much!! It's annoying that Kemono isn't working but this is very kind of you!
>>178629 What vid is this from?
>>178629 I thought they'd never get coomer uploading again, they did, but I hear patreon really made spaghetti out of their code. we can hope
Just manually download the goods and host it on a filesharing site like this chad! It takes as much effort as coomer/kemono!! Baffling to me why people wait around for kemono to get fixed as if it’s the only thing in town. It’s like you all have the literacy of a zoomer and can’t open a fuckin pdf.
>>178629 thanks for sharing. if the brunette pics are the most recent, then i think she looks the biggest she's ever been tbh
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Any new vid
>>178910 yeah, on curvage, buy it and share
New Halloween video
>>178929 https://gofile.io/d/d83emE
Leave the video free as it is private please
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>>178929 >>178975 Thanks comrade, great drop
>>178975 Think u so much! My god she is so fat now, her legs are so big, love it
>>178982 > https://gofile.io/d/d83emE A god amoungst men
>>178929 much appreciated
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>>178975 Jesus Christ, this is AWFUL. A new low even for her. Imagine paying 20 bucks to watch her eat 5 bites of iceberg lettuce and 4 fries and then complain she’s so full. Worst video I’ve possibly ever seen
>>179244 yeah this is terrible. not even worth the hard drive space (no disrespect for uploader) no ass play, barely any belly play, ate like no food, other girls look like their about to fall asleep.
Get these while they're hot and reup on a premium acct if y'all can. I bit that $75 subscription bullet this time -- say a nice prayer for me and my family if you feel inclined, that's all I ask in return. Here's the first: https://gofile.io/d/YLchsx
Second one: https://gofile.io/d/TwyoKJ
>>179249 Thank you anon, best thing posted here in ages 👍
Third vid: https://gofile.io/d/0jsVwi
>>179262 Many prayers and a 1000 virgins for your troubles!
>>179262 She burps a lot in this one towards the end. Use headphones for full immersion. You're welcome, fellow burpfags
>>179262 We don't deserve you🙏
Could someone please reup the 3 on another site? Gofile Dosen‘t Seem to work at the moment
Eating a small salad and a little tray of sushi and calling it a “stuffing” and charging 75 bucks for it should be a crime
>>178910 she is the slowest Gaynor ever She's using us like an ATM. r>>179296
>>179249 Sainthood for you! For others - on travel with Chromebook - cannot play .mov files. Does anyone have the ability to convert to .mp4 format and re-post?
>>179244 I recently started watching her content because I got so incredibly bored of Pumpkincakezz doing the exact same thing over and over again instead of embracing the weight gain fetish she's been teasing for a year or so now. Are there really no decent weight gain creators out there anymore? Everyone else is disgustingly morbidly obese, ugly as fuck, or does half-assed content like this.
>>179313 >fat people are lazy and uninspired Color me surprised
>>179313 Nope. It’s the inevitable enshittification of this niche, and curvage is the pretty much the only thing driving it at this point. I don’t blame the models it’s not a coincidence that they’re all doing the same boring stuff.
>>179313 IMO Natygetsfatty is hot and seems to be into it. No idea how far she will go but she was a solid 10/10 and doubled herself. She does edit some pics to make herself look bigger but in other pictures and in videos you can see she is legitimately fat.
Does she take customs?
>>179299 Here are the videos in Mp4. Slightly smaller file size but you really can't tell. https://gofile.io/d/TSlui8
>>179249 Thank you based god 🙏 Praying for the new stuff from this month, like the lara croft workout 🥹
>>179336 Good deal! Thanks!
https://gofile.io/d/b5IIqe Here's the lara croft workout from the other day. Enjoy.
>>179353 Thank u so much! Idk why I can't watch it (my phone is trash) but anyways thanks for sharing
>>179368 Android phone? Android phones cannot natively play .mov files. You can download and install VLC for Android to enable
>>179369 Thank u again! I didn't know that. My God she gained so much weight, her legs are so fat now
Does anyone have that mutual belly play/feeding video she did with kellijellibelli a few months ago?
>>179353 Incredibly hot video. Love how she jiggles in this one. Thanks a lot.
>>179353 Thanks. I’ll make sure to watch all that next time I need help falling asleep 😴 More boring with every video somehow. The hair is hilarious too
>>179405 Here are the two videos of Candii and Kelli https://gofile.io/d/xRA1UP
>>179413 Yeah fr i wish she would make more entertaining content, i barely get excited for her videos anymore cuz theyre usually hust watching her eat while she watches tv or a “roleplay” video where she stays fully clothed and eats some health snack
>>179424 It's the fact she always wears high waisted things that cover her hips and/or belly that gets me, the kind of stuff plus sized influencers wear when they want to look LESS fat. We're here to watch her look hot and fat, she's incredibly hot but her content hides her fat lol, she needs to wear some low-rise stuff. Appreciate the kings posting her content though
>>179427 My thinking too throughout that entire Lara Croft video. I want to see your belly fat jiggle as you run, I don't want to see it locked away behind some clothing. Do these creators not understand that all we want is to watch you eat some greasy unhealthy food while you jiggle all the fat parts of your body? It's not difficult to understand, it's literally easier than actual sex tapes.
>>179424 There’s no bigger turn off than watching a girl eat some shit like a fucking salad or kale.
>>179436 Fr one of my fav vids from her is an old one where she downs like 10 taco bell tacos, THATS quality fat content
>>179436 Fr and it's how she eats in most of her videos too
>>179491 Chomping away loudly on a few little shards of lettuce for half an hour with her crooked ass mouth while sounding borderline retarded. I’ll never get her appeal. Even if she’s physically attractive to some people, how tf are they gonna get a boner from this shit? It couldn’t be more mind numbing
The only hot thing for me is related to the very fact that the videos are boring: she doesn't want to fully aknowledge that she is fat (in fact, obese) - she even has some problems saying those words (only calling herself fat reluctantly and not very often; and in the beginning of her gain considering the belly fat gain as a downside, while only her ass/boobs were the upside); and also likes spreading the "body positivity/healthy at any size" message. However, she has, in fact, made herself obese and unhealthy, even if she doesn't want to fully aknowledge it and view herself in that way
>>179416 She must have some contract when collabing with others where they aren't allowed to touch their bodies for more than 10 seconds at a time and can't actively jiggle them, because jesus christ it's just so boring watching Candii videos. She was blessed with the best genes but her content is the equivalent of watching YouTube mukbangs if the youtuber kept calling themselves fat every 6 minutes Has she ever done anything that isn't just sitting there motionless and eating?
>>179494 Literally I think the same. It's so hot that she doesn't want to admit she is obese now. She hide it, talking about "healthy gain".healthy gain? I never hear about gaining 100 pounds of healthy fat. But my question is, she like being this fat? It's the only model I can't say she like it, fr.
Someone in the last thread mentioned she pressed her belly into the camera one time and you could hear her belly gurgle. Anyone remember which video that is?
>>179499 She definitely has some hot videos, the Chel cosplay one from last year i think was pretty good, and the RARE times she tries on sexy clothes are pretty nice
>>179536 Man I'm just here to look at moderately fat women jiggle their bellies. I try not to thinking about it beyond that.
>>179536 Y'all are delusional. She has stated she enjoys it, she has become addicted to eating and enjoys it, she has said she loves her belly and her growing curves, and exhibits zero signs of self-hatred. She plays with her belly in videos often, ambiently and absent-mindedly. If she hated herself, she would not be doing that; she'd be hypersensitive to touching an area of her body that she has dissonance with. Idk why so many people in this thread get off on shitting on her, complaining about her slow and steady gain, insulting her, etc. There's probably a lot of self-hatred that y'all are packing yourselves, ngl. Hoping you can get to better places. Just coom to this sexy growing woman or find a different model to pay attention to. We need peace and love in this world, not whiny-ass mfs shitting up porn threads. I'm uploading the second September stuffing shortly, fyi. I'm only doing this one month of subscription, then someone else can step up to the $75 if they so choose to do so. If not, all for the better. Don't forget to spend time with your loved ones and commune with nature; we're all in this together.
September Stuffing #2: https://gofile.io/d/pNr5zm
>>179575 >https://gofile.io/d/pNr5zm Thanks so much dude!!! you rock!! Clutch
>>179536 Projecting or trolling?
Can someone convert it in mp4?
Two more for y'all: https://gofile.io/d/34TyKj Jessie Got Fat and Oiled Up. Besides October Stuffings, that should have everyone caught up with Patreon videos between recent uploads and kemono
>>179636 here's the september stuffing in mp4 https://gofile.io/d/suLkZN
>>179298 A big thank you to all the uploads. Put pressure on her to get fat and go full nude.
>>179652 Thanks for the drops comrade, fuck the haters If it’s not too much trouble I’d like to see what the “Story Time” vid is all about 🙏
>>179726 here are the mp4s https://gofile.io/d/VO6hMb
Coomer updated
Her lower back rolls are becoming more visible all that gaming and snacking is really working for her figure she's blowing up every video
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All own weight on this dress of Halloween
She is looking HUGE 😍
Her ass is absolutely massive. I just want to grab it and never let go. She is getting so fat and just letting her self go. You love to see it!
Hi im not candi, just a guy who wants to look at her
>>180094 No shit
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>>179846 Love that 3 short clips are the best content she's put out in months.
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October stuffing #1: https://gofile.io/d/z6veiB Working on getting all videos uploaded, give me some time. Also, personal request, go and spend some quality time with nature. It'll be good for you, I promise <3
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>>180180 Thanks comrade
>>180180 Also I hope whatever you got going on, resolves itself soon. All things will eventually, just keep on keepin’ on, that goes for every one of you 👍
>>180182 <3 many thanks, conditions have already improved dramatically since I began uploading last week
Story time vid: https://gofile.io/d/bIMMJP Fresh off the presses, The Curse: https://gofile.io/d/lErutu
And lastly, October stuffing #2: https://gofile.io/d/L8Nl6c
>>180173 Might be the hottest webm I have ever seen
Thanks for the vids but is the curse vid supposed to be just audio?
>>180189 nah that just you
>>180180 >https://gofile.io/d/z6veiB Cue the song, "And then a hero comes along" :D
Thanks my friend for the uploads
>>180180 i appreciate the uploads and advice lol. i actually spent a good 2 hours outside today even though it was brick af, it was one of my nicest outings all year. the uploads are hot but lowkey the outing was restorative.
Do gofile files ever expire? I meant to ask this earlier.
>>180180 Anyone else noticed how burpy and gurgly she’s been in her more recent stuffings? Shit makes me diamonds
>>180235 She’s eating more and eating more faster. That’s how stuffers like Reinna get nice gurgles
Can someone share the last 3 drops in mp4?
thanks, we gota make her play with thay belly more tho
>>180280 download "Handbrake" for free and you can convert them easily to Mp4
>>180186 >>180187 Thanks for the incredible uploads!
>>180235 Can you actually hear her stomach gurgling in the newer mukbangs?
How can I convert mov to mp4? With which site?
>>180298 I FINALLY heard one in her October #1 stuffing. It’s like halfway through after a burp. I’ve heard there’s a big gurgle in one of her mukbangs from earlier this year but I don’t remember which one it is
>>180317 Download "Handbrake". There are tutorials on youtube that show how to convert files. Or it's fairly easy to figure out on your own.
>>180186 After looking at these I think she isn’t that big chubby at best.
>>180379 Like if I were dating her and brought her around friends family not one person would say later anything about her size. At this pace she will hit 240 in 5 years if she doesn’t have a set back.
>>180173 Am I the only one hearing like a demonic growl in this video???
>>180393 You fucking schizos need to have your Internet privileges away
>>180393 >>180395 No he's right there is a small weird low pitch sound about halfway through due to audio distortion, Just an artifact from the splicing/editing of the videos
What is it going to take for this girl to go topless? I'm almost getting bored. theres only so many shorts she can put on.
I just hate the fact she's sitting for 90% of her videos. I get that girls in this fetish getting lazier has a biological explanation but so often that shit is just boring. Like that creolyta camgirl, hot as shit body but is just always sitting
You constantly take down posts where people even politely asking for people to share videos. But allow severely annoying and disgusting talk about the models. THATS WHAT IS ACTUALLY ANNOYING. fucking retard
You don’t have to be here
Can someone upload the last 3 drops in mp4?
>>180450 Both are equally pointless. You think people are waiting around going "holy shit I can't wait to share this shit when some fucking anon asks for it again"?
>>180461 sir, thats exactly what i do. this is a cominity afterall.
>>180466 I would just think you would post stuff. Either post stuff, or discuss the model/whatever. https://we.tl/t-EaAp7wXxB3
>>180450 "YoU dOn’T hAVe tO Be hEre
Does she not have a ring on her finger? In thought she was married
>>180485 No point in expecting the mods to help. Shit gets removed based on how it affects them emotionally
>>180404 I feel the same comrade, what would it take for her to go topless? fingers crossed.
>>180544 Mostly a large sum of money. She can only keep doing yhr same content before its get boring
>>180555 She's never going to go topless, nude or do anything else. Candii Kayn is boring as fuck just like a lot of models in this fetish.
>Like that creolyta camgirl, hot as shit body but is just always sitting At least you can see creolyta naked and she actually plays on cam and does stuff unlike boring ass candii kayn
>>180569 I think when subscriptions dries. and people start to leave her patreon then she would think twice where does it go wrong. Maybe then will start to see good content.
She used to post bare ass back in 2019, 2020.
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>>180721 feels like a different reality lmao
almost 5 years in the making
New pic
Girlfriend POV, I liked this one. Cute and hot. https://gofile.io/d/dthzfs
>>180995 Anyone else having trouble downloading this?
>>180995 thanks for sharing
here's the vid in mp4 https://gofile.io/d/7TMel4
>>180995 Meh, no ass showing
she does have a really fucking nice ass doesnt she? guess its a little disappointing when she doesnt give us a peek. but still a hot vid, thanks for sharing!
also thanks for converting to mp4 Dan The Man. The smaller file size helps save a little space
>>181037 no problem my dude!!
Is she currently at her biggest? Still gaining? Or lost weight?
>>181004 No problem my friend thanks for your help.
Can someone send the October stuffing 2 in mp4?
Here's October mukbang 2 in mp4. it's her in the cow outfit. https://gofile.io/d/eTKZHt
She gained a little weight, but can you feel it? I feel it, it will stagnate, if not now, it will be from January to April. I don't know why
>>181135 tiny bit. Not much.
>>180570 >At least you can see creolyta naked and she actually plays on cam and does stuff unlike boring ass candii kayn pretty sure ive seen creolyta masturbating and dancing, plus shes almost always nude. very bad example. >>180611 >I think when subscriptions dries. and people start to leave her patreon then she would think twice where does it go wrong. Maybe then will start to see good content. aint gonna happen. if it aint broke, dont fix it, and her subs are showing it aint broke. >>181036 >she does have a really fucking nice ass doesnt she? guess its a little disappointing when she doesnt give us a peek. i maintain that her very best video is twerk out and she should do more like that.
>>180995 Is anyone able to mirror this one on a different site like wetransfer or something please? For whatever reason neither of these two versions on gofile seem to work, even though other gofile links elsewhere here do lol.
>>181135 You could be right. At the same time, she might have slowed down in anticipation for the holiday blow up.
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>>181389 finally, a well-made before and after!
Does she still do cooking streams? I check twitch and youtube sometimes but I never see them anymore
>>181410 You mean a woman in porn that knows how to cook that doesn't just eat fast food or donuts? Shocking!
>>181410 She's done like one in the past several months and she was covered up in baggy threads (and zero dancing streams). Interesting in that these always get at least 3 times the viewers as her gaming streams. Guess she doesn't need the money as popular as her fetish vids are. Perhaps we'll get some during the approaching holidays, perhaps not
>>180173 I love this post sooo much! Such a beautiful side by side 😍😍😍😍
>>181425 She announced in last nights stream she will be doing a cooking stream next week
I want to see her doing a q and a on her views on feederism and who she is down and not down to film content with and why.
>>181168 Did you ever solve this? I'm having the same issue with certain gofile links not working for download or play
>>181862 Nope, I’ve checked file types, file size and dates of upload of a whole bunch of gofile links on here and none of them correlate as being the issue. For some reason random vids just won’t play/download off there since this last week.
Guys Keemono is updated 🔥🥳
>>181959 Let's fuckin' go.
Last vid of my membership, just in time to give y'all a post-Kemono-update vid: https://gofile.io/d/RAvlmd Take care folks, spend some time remembering your place in nature for me <3
>>182147 A true 👑
>>182147 thank you
>>182147 The hero we don't deserve
>>182147 Thank you soldier.
