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:^) edits & compilations vault :^) 10/26/2024 (Sat) 11:03:52 Id:b53304 No. 179073
hello all, been hoarding the majority of my edits to myself for quite a long while, figured I'd be based and upload all of it here. there's over 60 videos, mostly burp compilations, and pretty much anything and everything in-between. not to suck myself off here but most compilations are not edited well, be it scuffed export settings, or some bullshit music in the background for no reason. I hope you'll find that all of my edits are as high quality as I find them to be. in the breakfastchub video I literally seamlessly edited the fucking smoke detector beeps out of the audio track, lmfao. to explain the file naming scheme: ・c~ compilation, generally longer cuts ・s~ supercut, shorter cuts any files without ・cthat aren't labeled ・sare also longer cuts compilations. resolutions, bitrates for audio and video are reflective of the source videos, so there's little to no loss in quality. a lot of work went into editing and uploading all of these, so I hope everyone enjoys. https://gofile.io/d/C4myB0
>>179073 put this one in a separate folder because I'd rather not lose the whole folder over of one fat bitch on a computer. https://gofile.io/d/FaSd21
What a goldmine, thank you so much!
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Anyone know who this is?
>>179107 Pethugeballoon on Fantasy feeder. Used to be in contact with her, haven't been in quite some time.
>>179073 Amazing drop do you have vids of iinkedgh0st. The full vids you used for the compilation.
Here's one https://gofile.io/d/e6ACmE
>>179073 Lot of meh stuff with some gems interspersed.
>>179130 womp womp https://gofile.io/d/SwWYwh
Who is she??
>>179204 Chubbybunnywriter. Big gain, awful content.
>>179073 Who's "bloated cow gorged all week"?
Who the full is that girl stuffing eclairs?!? Jfc I came so hard my load hit the ceiling
>>179231 Teapot https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/225006-teapot/
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>>179222 >awful content editing her content gives me brain damage, the amount of cutting and cropping it takes to correct every scene in a given video to one resolution is retarded. basically have to work redoing the video from scratch to get something that's watchable.
>>179237 Doing God's work. But even with the proper resolution the content of the video itself is just boring static shots at terrible inscrutable angles. It's like she lives in a crawlspace because you never see her from anything further than a foot away and never standing
actually so based, you know the legendary tumblr catttheburpinggoddess too, genuinely my favorite burper ever
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>>179277 real recognizes real
There was absolutely no reason for OP to go as hard as they did with this, but I couldn't be more glad that they did. Absolute banger drop, chief
>>179108 Got any more of her?
who’s in matched stuffing 3
>>179670 Jigglybellysoftheart/feedchromie who literally just came back
>>179073 Would any kind soul please tell me the lovely fatty in stuffed with donuts.mkv?
>>179698 https://www.tumblr.com/lesbian-gainer
Legendary. Do you have the full 45 minute video of Teapot stuffing 30 eclairs?
>>179758 can do you one better https://gofile.io/d/YXL3HQ
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added new compilation & supercut to the folder, sort by date to easily find. https://gofile.io/d/C4myB0 lowered the source volume quite a bit because whatever show is in the background of this video is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life, tried to cut around the worst of it. if a lot of people think it's too low I can raise it and reupload, lmk.
>>179827 Best thread in years
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>>179867 just doing my part
>>179827 Do you know the name of the girl in the very last video?
This thread has rejuvinated my body and given me new life.
>>180031 squishiebear
Name of the girl in the bwourp video ?
>>181380 https://www.tumblr.com/catt-thee-burping-goddess
Great content OP I hope to see more in the future though don't feel pressed to give us more than what you already have. Thank you for organizing it as well. I can understand how that's a daunting task for most.
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I suppose the guy above me got his prayers answered. added a new supercut to the folder, sort by date to easily find. https://gofile.io/d/C4myB0 the file suffixed ・shas the most work put into it, the file suffixed ・f is just the two videos in full put together with minor edits for those who might want that too. I've also updated the randalin & marafox compilations. nuts that this folder has over 50,000 downloads lmao enjoy
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https://gofile.io/d/C4myB0 udderly adorable compilation added to the folder ^^ enjoy
>美味しい.mp4 Is this edited? Can you post the unedited version?
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>>182070 https://gofile.io/d/C4myB0 another one added to the folder ^^
>>182070 lol whoops didn't mean to quote this one above >Is this edited? Can you post the unedited version? trust me bro you do not want the unedited version, I haven't removed any content from the video. the original is super washed out, over/underexposed, crops don't fit aspect and the transitions are distracting. https://gofile.io/d/4ylT3m here you go lol
You really are awesome you even have one of a Japanese ssbbw rich5 you hardly get any jap bbw comps
>>181750 Thats one of the best images of udder ive ever seen lol
>>179073 Thank you for the effort of putting this together OP, you are doing gods work. I humbly request the videos you used for the Pethugeballon compilation, tried to find them on my own but with no success.
>>182071 Who's this in the thumbnail?!
>>182233 here you go boss https://gofile.io/d/ONvzTi
>>182345 Doing gods work again. Thanks king.
who’s the source behind justahornyeater? i can’t find that name—i know the name bigshycow but i don’t remember her having this many videos
>>182351 it's the same girl you're mentioning, she's had 3 different tumblr accounts that have all been deactivated/deleted.
Do you have a current rii_c5 subscription, OP? She's one of the GOAT Japanese models but her Onlyfans hasn't been updated on coomer in over a year. Even if you don't want to update the coomer, just a newer video or two would be super appreciated Thank you for the supercut of her nonetheless, it's excellent and we all appreciate it
>>182414 rii_c5 is the goat
>>182414 >Do you have a current rii_c5 subscription, OP the last time i did i don't think she was actively posting content, so it's probably not currently worth it. i deleted my onlyfans account anyways so it won't be me blowing the $12-15 to check if there's anything new, sorry.
>>182520 Reasonable, thanks for the honest answer. I followed her on Twitter about half a year ago but she hardly posts, and even then she restricts her followers with a protected account
I request a compilation of Kenzie Brenna's curvage videos please 🙏
https://gofile.io/d/IlOdoA Here's a Burp compilation of LMBB
>>185677 Thank you bro!
>>179827 Do you know her name? cuz god i wanna see more of her videos
>>185906 Satanthicc
sources for: b・princess belch・piggy belching in my underwear・c bloated GURGLING round gut goated comps, goated thread (especially appreciate the lack of music)
Does anyone know the name of the model in the last video? (飛び切りの下乳.mp4)
Here is @ria18200x on TikTok. Everyday she goes live she is ALWAYS burping and sometimes farting. Here’s a mini compilation. Give me another day or so and it’ll be 10 mins long she’s belching that much: https://gofile.io/d/MxS3Wu
KittyPiggy gurgling and burp comp I just updated. Good stuff in there: https://gofile.io/d/K4mmH5
>>187951 never noticed her belly being that noisy but holy shit, thanks for doing gods work man!
updated mkfb button pop (new edit + special ending) https://gofile.io/d/UfDGAK
