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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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HLK Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 14:25:59 Id:23a7b8 No. 181763
Went through the whole site, didn't see a thread. New vid basically did nothing for me. Maybe someone else will enjoy. Bought on sale, still mixed feelings. https://gofile.io/d/bvHGyl
That face 🤣
>>181763 Wow this is the first video I've actually seen of her and I didn't realize just how stark of a difference there was between her content and the facetuned photos she always posts. No amount of AI filters can hide that cute double chin! Not anymore, that is.
Here are videos of her eating with her sister. https://gofile.io/d/QN5JEY
Hold on, she got her sister involved in this stuff? lmao
She has a hot body, but all she ever does is eating and weigh ins. I wish she would go back and do some more variety. She had these videos of her squeezing into jeans when she started out and they got me like nothing else. Wish she would do more like that.
>>181869 No, her sister is super thin and has zero intention of gaining, she’s just playing it up for the money and morons on curvage that fall for it thinking they like fat girls but simp for her lol. Also Kitty has looked the same for 2 years, but anything remotely criticizing her is met with unhinged rants, it’s hilarious. Just look at some of her clips reviews lol
Yeah she can get pretty unhinged. However her last weighin was about 8 pounds more than her previous weighin about a month or 6 weeks ago and you can definitely tell she's bigger. So I'll give her credit in that regard. She's also gotten better at pricing videos.
