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I HAVE TOO MUCH PORN 11/17/2024 (Sun) 05:03:22 Id:ebbf85 No. 181890
I have multiple terabytes of bbw porn im in need of advice how do i organize it if anyone has any requests just tell me
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If you have any videos of girls trying on super tight jeans, I'd really appreciate them
You have some stuffed??
Cutie from s31 would be amazing
Hi there, can you show what do you have from s31?
>>181891 The Mexican Latina videos, por favor
>>181891 curious who that trophy wife video from curvage is. i'd recommend figuring out which models you've got, name them, then compile all videos of those models into their own designated folders
>>181890 any of ChubbyGirlVideos/CGV?
Niggerz niggers niggerz beg beg beg
>>181890 I usually organize by model involved. Also if you have Alex Storm, plz.
>>181890 Growinggirl1617?
Seems pretty well organised to me! S31 brazilian girls are my thing, especially slim at the start of their gain, if the requests aren't mounting up too much.
Do you have anything from BBW Bell?
Any viva la valerie videos?
Any weigh in clips would be greatly appreciat
>>181890 Awww man, you requested a solution and everybody is asking you a specific vid... Same here, 2to of absolute fat and stuffed ladies, from the chubby girl with nice rolls to immobilesoon who can't get up. I have some terrible new for you: The only way to make it clear is to take a whole fu**ing week and tidy this mess. I suggest you begin with a model: create a folder for her and when you stumble upon a vid of hers, just move it. Same if you recognize it from your pile of stuff. I begun with stars like Layla, then Mochii, Luxurynoir, etc. Still got like 100 go uncategorized. Cheers mate. You gotta need a lot of strenght. And time...
do you have any becky lesabre
>>181890 Just begging in this thread lmao. But personally I have it all sorted by models. Every model have their individual folder no matter how many vids they have. There are some unknown ones where I sort them kinda after theme of the video. I also have studio specific sorting for the bigger ones. Like all BigCuties girls are in the same sub folder, with their own folder underneath. I also keep all pics in separeted subfolders. It will take time to sort, but it's worth it in the end.
>>181890 Ive only got like 600GB and tbh i think this is like a compulsive issue. I see porn, I download. Simple as. Therapy should be in both our futures man
>>181952 Follow up on this, you should also name the videos themselves so they are easily sortable. Like date, and then whatever the title is on curvage for example
>>181891 My dear, make upload Greedy Sow contents, please. i would be very grateful
>>181890 seconding for s31 models
>>181913 There question has been answered already. There is no way around manually going through the videos and organizing them in folders by model name. We've all had to do it at one point, OP is no different.
130GB Could someone organize and re link this ? WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9USmlNMmhYV2pGd1RWTm5QVDBnSUh3Z0lFdEZXU0E2SUdZMWNVZHhOVWxmTUdSdFEyNUtXakI2TVd0clVsRT0=
is there any git like repo distributed file thing we could use we need fodarray back
>>182009 Whats the decryption key for the first one? Btw second one just doesn't work at all
its an iq test
>>182013 Moron
>>182009 doesn't work whatever I try
>>182009 gimme a hint what am I doing wrong here?
just as usual no ones helping out...
>>182015 Ain't no way you think you're smart because you know how to decrypt porn files get a life
tried everything guess the link is just down
>>182029 Its so simple lmao
first one works fine second one don't work tho
>>182010 I did the decoding and the link didn't work
>>181890 with regards to organization, the fact that you have most of it sorted by models is already a huge lead in getting them sorted from there i can only guess that you sort by weight gain progress or by whatever 'trope' it falls under, like fatchat, belly play or try on. this is probably a herculean task that requires sitting down, rewatching everything (you dont wanna do that) and fiddling with name changes and clicking/dragging all day realistically though you probably have favorites or go to's for whatever it is you use this massive folder for, so sorting by least liked and most liked is probably your best bet to downsizing this monster. outside of that though, if its all more or less of equal value to you then i dont really think theres any point of sorting them outside of preference, a big pile of whatever you like is gonna have something you like if you pick at random if you mean like compressing or moving this beast onto something physical i cant help ya
I can get the megalink for the first one to go through, but I have no idea how to deal with the key part, the only thing it ever gives me is rY=d Oh, wait, I just had to post the thing in the key, I thought it was a code but it wasn't.
>>182049 Oh, should mention I have no luck cracking the second one, I think you messed up in the encrypting process
>>182052 the encoding was fucked up. I go it tho. I just reencoded since too hard to explain. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci8yMHh6bmJoUiNNSGpsdXNYdXMxaXdrTFdUdTQzXzV3
>>181890 Anything dealing with thin to fat transformations, like waking up fat ones, or vids on bbws stuffing/converting thinner women to feedism/obesity
>>182056 it got taken down
Hello! Upload Greedy Sow videos, please
>>182010 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WlUxSWFteDFjMWgxY3pGcGQydE1WMVIxTkROZk5YZG5ZUzV1ZWk5bWIyeGtaWEl2TWpCNGVtNWlhRklqVFVocWJIVnpXSFZ6TVdsM2EweFhWSFUwTTE4MWR3PT0= Link address expired or deleted: -S31 (86gb) https://mega.nz/folder/20xznbhR -Key: #MHjlusXus1iwkLWTu43_5w
>>182009 >WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9USmlNMmhYV2pGd1RWTm5QVDBnSUh3Z0lFdEZXU0E2SUdZMWNVZHhOVWxmTUdSdFEyNUtXakI2TVd0clVsRT0= Link address expired or deleted: - 130GB https://mega.nz/folder/voxVgZLJ - Key: f5qGq5I_0dmCnJZ0z1kkRQ
>>181890 My advice is to fucking quit. You have a problem if you're storing THAT much porn.
Key does not work for s31
I just deleted the links because i don’t want the content to proliferate
>>182269 Could you re upload at least one link again
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>>182269 Bro then why did you post them then in the first place, I was about to nab one of those videos when it went down
>>182269 >proliferate what a troll
>>182269 Oh no there a monkey on the loose
>>182269 If you are done uploading. I'll kill the thread
I need a solution to organizing the vids im not posting to donate After they are organized I will post the entire collection Can we really not come up with some sort of distributed git style system to tag videos with model name genre and other attributes etc
>>182385 No. We're here to jack off to fat women. Unironically ask ChatGPT or something, or maybe a site that's a smidge less gooned out, like 4chan /trash/
