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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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lilb4tfac3dgiirl Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 00:02:38 Id:e94619 No. 183059
found out about this beautiful girl a couple of weeks ago, decided to buy a couple of videos today, including her most recent weigh in if anyone has anymore of her content or is considering buying and sharing (3$ per clip) it would be appreciated https://gofile.io/d/tpB4wY
Here's one of her most recent ones. https://gofile.io/d/sn6sKD
>>183059 https://gofile.io/d/yMSx4y
Her coomer is not updated but it has very good publications https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/littlebatfacedgirl
>>183059 Where is she selling?
Selling on Curvage She's super hot looks so sexy with the added weight - Nd when she says "I'm so fucking fat" whilst stuffing her face I lost it
>>183059 man I tried rizzing her up a couple years ago and her replies really turned me off. she texts like esl lol
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>>183379 "man I tried rizzing her up"
New pics ans gifs! Her body and belly remind me of Danni the Fatty. Any new vids are always appreciated.
>>183308 Yeah NGL bro, that one in particular might be one of my favorite feedism vids from the last few years, between the audio and her greedily stuffing her face with cupcakes 🥵🥵🥵 Here's the only one I have of her. She's built exactly how I like my women so hopefully she follows through and continues blowing up. https://gofile.io/d/jkdsPQ
I got the longest vid of her I could find to get the most bang for my buck, enjoy https://gofile.io/d/Xzyi9O
>>187937 Smart spending, thanks
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Two recent videos out, eating a dozen donuts and a cake, with weigh ins. She’s definitely getting bigger
Sadly, she's a scammer. Submitted a request for a custom video and she said she would do it. Paid her and have heard nothing from her and have received no response when asking for a refund. Be very careful with requests from her, guys.
Kovacs ?
I don’t understand her hype, she’s mid at best. Reminds me of the song “You Can Call Me Al” (as in she’s literally a roly-poly bat faced girl 🤷‍♂️
>>190123 I have no idea why but I really though she have a British accent.
That's weird, she posted a vid on yt about quitting but I guess not? Maybe it was just curvage.
>>190144 Maybe. Doesn't look like you can buy any of her videos? I don't see any posts about quitting but when you go purchase her videos they are all like locked
>>190144 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5swhYCjVtJk she quit once in the summer and put this vid up on youtube. the tldr from what i remember is that she got overwhelmed with fulfilling customs, felt ugly bc her weight, stress making content, etc. etc. i see on her curvage page rn theres someone complaining abt customs again. i hope she comes back and doesnt delete her acc again. she just needs to understand that doing customs is not for her lol.
>>190160 Damn, I was planning on getting a vid or two. Hopefully they come back
Shame she quit, I thought she had potential. But on the other hand, this it quite typical story. In reality making customs doesn't sit nicely for many content creators yet at glance it seems like best way to make money so many new girls try it. The pic where she is wearing cap while being sideways in OP is IMO still fucking hot one.
so seeing as she's pretty much gone does anyone have any videos left of her that haven't been shared? I already put out the videos I bought from her so the best I can offer is a reup of all the shared stuff onto one link https://gofile.io/d/t111tA
>>191408 Here's a couple more recent videos. Vacate your prostates, soldiers https://gofile.io/d/CkWxwk
Thx for the upload Super hot
She was just starting to get big-big too, hope she comes back
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Is she gaining?
