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Candii Candii 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:13 Id:ccc0a2 No. 184451
Accidentally deleted the last thread https://gofile.io/d/yXqw6y Stay on topic and keep the whinging and trolling to a minimum.
Edited last time by Architect on 12/07/2024 (Sat) 17:56:41.
Props to Chad Chadington who originally uploaded the november stuffings :)
Can someone convert them in mp4?
>>184454 Download PotPlayer. Since switching to that from VLC, all her stuff has played smoothly for me. Used to have to convert her files to mp4 but now I don't have to.
Little chubby, next step chubby to fat
How did you convert them? Mov are Al lot of gbs
>>184531 The entire stream is up on her YT channel. No need to post here
Are there any videos of her not being boring? Like I mean grabbing her gut and actively playing with it or talking about it and not just twenty minutes of watching her eat or try stuff on that very much fits her
>>184554 Seen the photos on the counter made my heart melt lol
>>184615 she looks so damn thick in that last one, fuck
>>184615 when was this?
>>184729 Kudos to the guy who did that but seeing those videos are why I stopped paying for her shit.
never seen candii grab her gut or play with it properly
>>184824 Because she’s disgusted by it and doesn’t even want to touch it. Just wants to eat her salads and pretend she’s still thin
>>184659 right, because everyone immediately runs to sub when they see a good video. look, ive been burned too many times to fall for that trick. >>184764 thank you kind anon. >>184773 i watched that video and was not impressed. cute outfit. thats about it. then the 'three reasons' video. she talked about how all the fat jiggles and did that dainty jiggle. what was that? bro, id be shaking my fat everywhere, twerking, bursting my breasts out of the bra, not that tiny jiggle thats barely noticeable. >>184824 >>184856 i really, really want to be a fan. and i admit shes hot. but her disgust is obvious. shes got to learn to fake it better. i mean, slap that gut with some pride. and why is it a struggle to find some good burps? i thought she was working on that? i know this job has to be hard but she chose this, shes racking in cash, so it wouldnt hurt to try to meet people halfway. wait. she does what she wants and cashes out anyway. never mind.
>>184860 >>184856 Bro Ya'll are tripping
she needs to play with her gut activley in videos, cant u guys request that in her videos or sum
>>184878 >>184874 https://gofile.io/d/BRHz69
>>185464 in summation - candii is now authentically FAT, and if you don't like it - go to hell
>>185477 https://gofile.io/d/xiD3XX
>>184871 Means nothing if she doesn't do anything with it
>>185673 Much thanks bro!
>>185673 She looks so hot in this video but thats all it is. She eats a plate of whatever, lightly grazes her belly (for like a minute) and then covers it back up and ends it, like??
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Close friends and family have to be making comments lol. She is huge and considering she was super thin and is now insanely fat must be mind-blowing. Her belly is like her arm rest now…..
>>185705 Perhaps you should find someone more fulfilling to spend your time watching >>185721 My continuing question is where is her current state of mind with just how fat she is now? Is she continuing to pack on the pounds now (way beyond her original goals) because she truly loves the overeating and increasing fatness, or is it the many thousands of dollars she is bringing in each month? Is it her FA loving husband? Suppose it could be all, but I'm less convinced on the former
>>185727 i mean she was pretty transparent in saying she wasn't planning on gaining a fuck ton more. i think she said she wouldn't rule out higher weights but my no means did she promise she'd be going all out for anything. i'd expect her to stay around the same weight, maybe a marginal gain down the line.
I think she definitely enjoys the money it brings in, but I don’t think she will get to like 250 nor should she because she is still hot asf. She doesn’t want to go full on fat blob but she can’t seem to stop with the money coming in. But she also might be generally stupid because she will say like she’s healthy and all that, but she is obese at this point and the further she goes the more health risks arise. It’s crazy she let herself get to this point especially since she was like a 10 before gaining. She’s like the girl who got married and got hot and fat. Don’t want her to end up like allysa bonython where she turns into fat blob. Getting fat takes it toll on you as Candii does not look like a 28 year old anymore lol, she looks like she has had 3 kids and is 34 years old. The girl can’t see her feet anymore and probably gets tired walking up stairs. She must enjoy it but she must love the money more.
>>185735 Never ceases to amaze how fatphobic people are in a fat fetish community. Just straight up misogyny no other explanation
>>185673 Anyone else having trouble downloading this?
>>185737 Enough with the tumblr jargon bud
>>185735 not sure she enjoys the thought of getting much fatter, but it's apparent to me that she does enjoy her association with fellow feedees in the community. she's done a bunch of collabs with models both in and outside the SoCal area. the friendship and enthusiasm she displays with them on camera appears genuine. perhaps this will help (along with the big $bucks) having her stay with us a while longer
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
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>>185739 My bad You’re a faggot and your shit’s all retarded
>>185745 Much better
She’s got a BMI of 37 which is almost extreme obesity.
She also clearly eats a lot too and likes it. She ate 2 burgers and fries like it was nothing in latest stuffing. And then ate an entire dish of Thanksgiving leftovers and then started eating cookies left and right. Just look at her gut, it’s massive for her size and it bulges out so far now. People sitting next to her at Thanksgiving must’ve been like omg this girl let herself go lol.
>>185749 Extreme obesity is like >60.
>>185735 She has a baby-face.
(I'm not kilotroll)
>>185740 I don't believe Candii's first vids from 2019 are on kemono, or readily available. Especially love the Workout Fail as a contrast to today's Candii. There's more if interested https://gofile.io/d/1pL0jx
People hate on her for not gaining but you see how skinny she was and look at her now is pretty mind blowing. She got really fat and she’s got a bulging belly and a permanent double chin. Those videos she looks so much younger being from 5 years ago and now she’s around 220. Mind blowing that a girl that hot would become this.
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>>185772 Reminds me a lot of Mal Malloy here
>>185749 really? how much does she weigh?
has anyone subbed to her 125 patreon tier and gotten a custom video? If so, how did they turn out?
>>185813 if correct, a 37 bmi at 5'4" is 215lbs
>>185819 for the most part great, from my experiences. I’ve learned the more detail you provide her the better. But keep in mind it’s 5 minutes and only so much can realistically be done in that time, so I upgrade for longer customs so they don’t feel rushed. She can be very literal when taking/interpreting requests, so you will get what you ask for, for the most part. Hence provide more detail than less. An example of this is for an early custom I requested, I didn’t specify her saying anything, so she didn’t say a word lol. The customs I’ve received have definitely been better than her public content
>>18588 Does she take requests for customs if you're not subbed to that tier but are still willing to pay for the video?
>>185887 what sorts of things have you requested from her in these customs? Just curious as if they are better than her public stuff as you say.
>>186078 Trying on tight clothing for the most part. But she has been more enthusiastic in my customs and showing more belly/jiggling than public videos
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her belly finally falls on the vertical, next year it will cover both her pussy and fall on the width, it will be twice as wide as now
I’m giving out permabans for the holidays if anyone else wants to bog the thread down with bullshit :) You are not the coomer cops, if you want to jack off to other models you are free to do so in their respective thread.
>>186137 Do you know if she'd do force feeding for a custom? I've always wanted to see her tied up and fed by her feeder
>>186374 I’ve never asked her bc thats something I’m not into. I will say I asked for a weigh in once and she did not include it in the custom for that month.
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does anyone have that super hot jiggle comparison webm from the last thread?
She’s such a smoke show! Her ass and little belly is one of the best in the game right now
These recent pix are incredible. She was always such a traditionally hot girl that it never really seemed like she would reach this point. But, wow. She's legitimately eaten herself flabby; her skin isn't tight on her stomach anymore, she's getting more side rolls. The OP pic in this thread is stunning, with her formerly taught gut laying across what's left of her lap. She can still pull off the usual mega-thic hot girl that has been her stock in trade - and her ass is still defying laws of physics; she's got a body like she was drawn by a horny comic book artist. All that said, it's nice to see that when viewed from the right angle, the gluttony and food addiction is really paying dividends. It seems like it's just in the last month or two where she's passed this threshold into actual bbw territory. It looks absolutely phenomenal on her. Keep it up, girl.
>>186508 I've always had the feeling that she could let us all down abruptly at any time that she was ending the gaining journey, but from recent curvage comments, she seems committed all through 2025, at least. Even a consistent slow gain we've come to expect, will have her approaching quite the big girl.
>>186389 She is looking better than ever wow!
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She put on a good 5-10 lbs in 2024 Heres to 2025
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>>186629 she's looking good, she's gonna get so fat for us.
>>186632 Yall welcome for this one btw, I told her that the content was lacking and needed this kind of stuff ;D
>>186632 Dude you made my Christmas
>>186423 This one? https://gofile.io/d/ZyKIMV
>>186661 yessss thank you! fucking amazing comparison in return here are some random folders i just made. hope ya find something ya like mate! https://gofile.io/d/7596c3fa-10bb-44f5-ac5c-ffa0aa42a77b
>>186666 Cheers thanks. Some of the folders are private.
>>186632 Yummy stretch marks all over her ass and hips
>>186669 thanks for pointing that out. fixed https://gofile.io/d/GjGpFL
>>186650 You're welcome my man, sharing is caring
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happy new year n all that
>>186892 it’s on kemono my guy you can watch it there
I'm loving her face gains she blowing up alot!
>>186767 what vid is this from?
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Damn its CRAZY that she is looking bigger than Reiina now, it woudl have been a crazy idea a year ago haha
>>187493 It would have been cool to see how she looks now compared to peak Reiina lol
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>>187495 Enjoy my friends. https://gofile.io/d/bN47ls
>>187542 Absolute goat with the massive tungsten balls
she needs to grab that gut with both hands yall needa tell to stop doing boring content and focus on the belly more
>>187568 will do buddy, i’ll put this right on the top of my to do list! thanks for weighing in, we all appreciate it.
>>187495 >>187568 If you ever subscribe to her shit either for a month you can tell her that. les put pressure on her to get big and nude. Let's go soldiers.
>>187602 Indian detected
>>187542 >https://gofile.io/d/bN47ls anyone else get the problem with these videos aspect ratio never being right on vlc? ends up squashing them, making them too wide
>>187568 still holding out hope for more twerking vids. >>187572 her? nude? never gonna happen.
>>187628 Download an updated version of VLC to fix
>>187542 I feel the need to mention three takeaways from this amazing drop: 1. The world craves a Candii burp comp 2. This girl needs to compress those vids better 3. Who the hell was ringing her doorbell that angrily in the first mukbang?
>>187649 Her husband was also doing the dishes or something else with the sink audibly running in one of the RPs also.
>>187670 stfu about sumo roleplay jfc
>>187649 There is too much compression with feederism content with Curvage compressing everything terribly. We should encourage higher quality video over compression. Simply convert the video to an MP4 with FFmpeg to decrease file size or compress yourself with Handbrake.
>>187649 3 Had to be part of their video that shit had me rolling!
We need more slob Candii Kayn that first christmas mukbang was awesome!
>>187741 there you go soldier, drain all your balls. https://gofile.io/d/HdpDRY
>>187751 Good god she's massive now. Would love to see another weight in.
The videos look & work fine in patreon btw good time to support
The gofile with the mukbang and other recent files is gone! Any chance somebody could reupload?
>>187756 Can anyone convert this video? I can't open it.
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>>187750 love her slow gain (8/2020 - whenever the ball draining video was uploaded)
How to play these vids in mobile ,downloaded vlc app and added the link to network stream nothing is playing
>>187846 Get a laptop dude or you gonna lose out on the good stuff. The gofile works on my iPhone just fine, I was able to watch every video. or get an iPhone.
Here's an older Candii custom i think. https://mega.nz/file/jUoTSSJK#1Z076YAcMntcynEr8Mr6p9CwksoxK8Rj6Ayn_JOR5MU
>>188036 God imagine if she just kept doing stuff like this, it'd actually be so worth it
>>188037 the belly play, at least. kinda impossible to get off to a video that's 60% her man's tongue lol
>>188039 True. It was decent at the start lol
>>188036 This was fucking disgusting to watch wtf
>>188039 >>188079 you guys weren't kidding, Christ However, if anyone has anymore of those Patreon customs, I'd be curious to see them. I don't think she typically released them, since her WtP stuck video specifies that it was a custom which the commissioner asked her to put up for sale.
I want to say thanks to the recent upload, this video tells me a lot more about Candii husband. now I know the dude likes what we like.
>>188200 >husband convinced her to be his feedee >he's a feeder >shock.jpg
oh that was actually a decent navel play.. well except the middle part i guess
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girl been eating good
>>188086 agreed, especially if she has any where she is being force fed.
>>188343 Thank you soldier.
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New pics, empty your balls soldiers.
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>>188748 New pics, empty your balls soldiers.
>>188761 Her belly is definitely getting bigger
>>188876 Legit the same but ok
>>188761 Why would I empty my balls to someone in basic yoga poses
>>188761 wearing all black against a dark background really helps hide that her belly looks no bigger than before. Though I doubt she'd even put that level of thought into her so-called 'content'
>>188948 pathetic, why waste your time here?
>>188948 see, this is what i dont get. this isnt just her but any models. why would they post wearing black, or dark clothes, on a dark background? the goal is to show off their body yet clearly theyre hiding it.
>>188948 what the fuck are you talking about? Better enjoy her content while she looks that hot. Much better than crying like a baby
https://thisvid.com/videos/ck-bigger-than-ever/ she looks damn hot
New video, empty your ball soldiers https://gofile.io/d/2GstC4
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>>189013 Well shes not eating salad, ill call that progress
>>189013 if she made this kind of content earlier in the 2000's she would have been a legend. unfortunately we are spoiled now and I find myself just skipping through the video looking for the good parts. thanks for the upload though im grateful!
>>189013 We salute you Sargent "Empty your Balls"!! GOAT of the hour
Holly shit she’s getting hotter by the day!!!!!
Good lord this gal looks great. If her feeder is on her it’s time to step it up man. The crowd is begging for you on camera feeding her with more and a little control. She needs to gain at least a 100 more pound of jiggly fat . I love the way her booty is just out of control. You’ve done good but we demand more ! Mmmmm
>>189022 >>189013 Yes, many thanks for the uploads. And I agree with this guy. This is *way* better than scouring one of dozens of Yahoo Groups looking for a photo taken with a camera that in at least 360p.
That was one of her first blueberry expansion videos. She'd painted her face blue in spots, including her nose
Does anyone have her 30 minute stuffing in her Hooters outfit? It's one of the clips dropbox lost access to because she named a different stuffing the same name.
>>189049 This is the only Hooters eating vid I have of her. let me know if it's the right one. https://gofile.io/d/7JLMvn
There's an older one
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>>189049 >>189061 >>189062 the other hooters vids https://gofile.io/d/Gx5MnL https://gofile.io/d/iXh3kv
>>189013 Agree 100% chief.
>>189072 This was the stuffing one I was talking about! I appreciate having all the Hooters stuff now
>>189022 >>189027 Appreciate you all, don't forget to comment every time I drop shit. soldiers.
>>189089 First time commenting without mentioning balls
>>189097 I personally like the balls and soldiers talk. keep it up lieutenant!
>>189061 >>189072 are the hooters videos a yearly thing for her?
>>189137 Would be better if so, for comparison's sake if she keeps planning on gaining.
Guys I’ve got a brilliant idea but don’t know if it’s gonna happen, what if candii and LonelygirlTV do a collab video? They live not that far from each other.
>>189325 I have a brilliant idea why don’t you put your dick in a meat grinder
>>189027 I love you man.
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New video, empty your balls soldiers https://gofile.io/d/9GyPxL
>>189363 Im tired boss
>>189363 Oh,a fat denial vid, I guess that kind of roleplay can be hot. >"I'm so skinny, my boobs don't even jiggle" said while jiggling boobs Well, this is retarded and annoying because it's obviously false, but I guess I will just have to wait for the payoff of these kinds of roleplays, where Candiii will have to acknowledge and accept what a fat pig she really is and how she did it to herself. >Candiii simply eats a sandwich for five minutes afterwards, never speaking again, completely abandoning the roleplay Well, that sucked.
>>189371 fixed it for ya
>>189363 You sir are the true national treasure. Fuck Nickolas Cage hahaha
thanks for the update sarge
>>189340 Wouldnt get a full pound out of it :(
>>189373 Found the guy who asks for refunds on free store handouts they don’t like.
>>189384 Fuck him.
>>189410 Any time Corporal.
>>189373 Ngl this was a funny review lmao
Her ass is really losing all shape and tone and I’m here for it
>>189360 now see this, this is wonderful. this is what im talking about. great outfit. lets go, lets see whats shes got up her sleeve. >>189363 thank you so much sir / madam, i salute you. >>189373 and i watch the video and want to cry. one job candi. you had one job. roleplay is not her strong suit. she should stick to just jiggling around. if this were a dancing video, or twerking video, shed have knocked it out of the park. >>189609 it is. be even nicer to see it bouncing everywhere in a new dancing or twerking video.
Six second clip but made it into a gif anyway lol
>>189609 Yes finally haha. I remember how she used to talk about her hourglass shape, and now she is losing it. Her whole body is getting round
>>189749 Hourglass? Yeah, she does have some boob growth going on, but I've always considered her a pear, in the extreme. Agree that she is turning apple round now, and she seems fine with it. Maybe she has actually lost all self-control and is helpless to prevent herself from becoming the 300 lb blob many have wished for
>>189730 Where/when is that video from? Is it recent
I don't know what his state of mind is, but in the end, going from an hourglass to an apple, it suits him so well, no matter the shape. She's lucky, even if she explodes in weight, she'll still have a nice and beautiful body.
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers.
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>>190279 >>190280 She uh... she lookin bigger to any of y'all or am I seeing things?
>>190282 She looks the same from December
>>190293 lol you say that like December was 6 months ago
>>190305 She looks the same for last 4 months.
>>190311 So what? Unlike the fast gainers who burn out in a few months & disappear - and we can both name at least a dozen - she's stayed around 5 years now. Started at 105 lbs, and somewhere around 210 now. 100+ lbs is nothing to scoff at for anyone, or is it? I know, some of you consider her a fraud for not being 350 by now
>>190316 Totally agree! She's just the perfect GF everybody is dreaming of - in reality! I love her slow, healthy gain.
The hint of her belly rolls beneath her heavy boobs. Thats such a hot picture!!!!! Btw what's wrong with kemono updates?
Does anyone know her ethnic background?
>>190319 Brazilian
>>190320 lol you literally just made that up wtf. Doesn’t surprise me in a Candii thread full of delusional idiots
>>190316 Ok so someone asked did she looked bigger and I said practically no. Answered a question
Greek, Latina and I think some Italian
>>190332 double french fries and a big coke, please
>>190316 Spot on. People on this board just have insane expectations and expect infinite rapid growth from these girls. Any woman as conventionally attractive as Candii gaining 100+ pounds is a rarity, and one who’s willing to even flirt worth this fetish while doing so is even rarer. These people can cry more, they act as if they are entitled to every model becoming a SSBBW in 2 years time
>>190319 She lives in LA so I figured there had to be some Armenian in there somewhere
>>190359 Get a load of this guy...
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New pics from her OF account, scratch your balls soldiers.
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New pics from her OF account, scratch your balls soldiers.
The cum sargeant guy is harmless and not breaking the rules, please get it over it and stop reporting it / bitching about it, we don’t care.
>>190407 sir yes sir! Also are those stretchmarks new?
Kemono updated soldiers
Hope that ass gets too fat to fit in the shower
I would never expect that her gain will be soooo nice. The fat goes straight to her belly, boob, hips and butt. Just wow, let's see how she grows, but seems like another one who won the genetics lottery ticket.
Comments about her weight gain from her family and friends have to shocking to her. Any update on this topic? She’s gotta be embarrassed with that massive ass and big belly sticking out. She’s around 28 years old but has gone from a 10/10 hottie to a 10/10 fattie lmao. She sold out for this though.
>>190825 She answered the question at some point about comments from friends and family. She said most of them know she is getting fat on purpose and support her choice. Therefore never commenting about her size.
New video, empty your balls soldiers. https://gofile.io/d/Y8PKHE
>>190851 protect this man at all costs.
>>190280 Holy shit her boobs look huge.
>>190851 Aye Aye Comrade!! gofile GOAT of the year right here.
>>190851 Thanks, thats one of her best videos.
arms, hips, stomach. She's starting to get slightly chubby, maybe she'll finally get fat in a few months
>>190909 double chin, big belly, big fat ass, is what makes my dick hard. how is it possible for a model to go 300 plus. then lose all that weight, Reiinapop just achieved that. . I'm starting to think every model might do the same and disappear after they get rich. i hope this one gets to 300 and beyond and doesn't screw us, soldiers.
>>190851 One of her best videos. Thanks for the upload. Was hoping she was going to shut the fuck up and dance to music at some point. Still hot.
She announced on her stream tonight that she plans on doing an ASMR stream next Tuesday. Should be a good change up from gaming stream if she does it
>>191185 I'm having a stroke reading this
>>191183 she fucked up big time.
She's still too thin, nothing to get excited about. Unless its weight suddenly accelerates. For now, its pace is steady, which is good, but a little challenge would make its content more interesting. What do you think?
>>191214 You call that thin???
>>191214 Feederism has rotten your brain.
>>191217 She looks 20 pounds heavier in her photos. She should video the photo shoots because she also shows more.
If you look closely you can see her pussy in this picture 🫣
This pic is insane
>>191346 Arms are softer, face is softer, belly is gettin bigger, tits are growin She's hot af. I love her gain/body. Is her content not as intense as others? Sure. Still makes me hard
>>191348 I strongly agree this is some kind of a photo manipulation. She still looks thin to me.
>>191263 Yes dude I don't know why she's hiding that hole. we want to see how that pussy getting fat down there.
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New pic, she's too thin soldiers.
>>191402 Not even coping but this woman might actually make it to 300 lbs in a few years, i know she said before thats not her goal but look at her
>>191402 I really appreciate you sharing content with us, but I wanna know how the hell you think she's "thin"? She's not even chubby atp she's fat. Imo I think she's gotten bigger, albeit very slowly to the point where we don't notice it.
It’s fine if you’re autistic bro it can be hard to detect social cues like sarcasm
>>191452 is a game dude. good cop bad cop. I said it to keep the boys and girls talking. Any fool can see she's gaining, but slowly to keep the dollar coming. Some of my pics were deleted I don't know how this chan works, next time that happens i will stop contributing to the Community
>>191467 I thought it was a double post, feel free to post them again
>>191469 the server doesn't allow me to upload 11 photos at once, that's why I double paste. No worries I appreciate your feedback.
>>191469 It’s not the first time this happened!!!! The so called mods should think first before deleting. And if they still „thought it was a double post“, they should better get off this platform. Nobody needs intervention by people not capable of this!!!!
Imagine if she had a breakdown on stream about being forced to gain. Kinda hot ngl
>>191467 Fair enough, keep emptying our balls tho sergeant
>>191641 Faggot
New video, empty your balls soldiers. https://gofile.io/d/w6jwJy
>>191724 You sir are a god amoungst men.
>>191724 Cum sergeant, you are a f*cking legend
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say what you want about the speed of her gain (or lack thereof), her not going as far or as hard as you want her to... she's fat, y'all. and it's impressive how big she is when you really stop and consider the stick she used to be.
>>191774 Here are the december and january mukbangs in a smaller file size. https://gofile.io/d/7Xy0rn
>>191784 Thank you bro
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>>191794 full pictures just for you.
>>191795 where is the rest of them? thought your second set of photos was deleted by the mods?
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>>191868 They go the full photos, dude
>>191869 appreciate it! I hadn’t seen a few of them as I missed them before they got deleted. Really great work!
She genuinely has gotten way bigger than I ever thought she would. Don't get the people complaining about her slowing down when they're probably the same mouthbreathers who said she "wasn't dedicated enough.
she should do a belly drop on the table video
Recent Weight please ? 250 or less ?
>>192115 No idea. No weigh-in in ages. Mentioned in one of the Jan mukbangs about "getting" to 250 and beyond.
>>192116 Going off past ancient weigh ins I think she’s in the 230’s or low 240’s. She could stay this size forever and I’d be happy, she looks really hot
>>191869 Is this from a video? Looks hot
>>191724 AYE SIR
The best
Yeah, say what you want about the slow progress or boring content (the latter criticism I agree with it) but Candii really is the dream scenario for me. When she started she was literally a model. As in, conventionally attractive and thin, the kinda woman most guys will lust after. That's long gone now. She's given that away to please this stupid niche fetish community. She's ours now. I never thought she would become such a fatty, but it's one of the best gains ever. You can still see glimpses of that conventional beauty, but they're hiding behind a double chin, plump cheeks, side rolls and cellulite. She used to turn heads when she'd walk on the street. Catcalling, being hit on all the time... Those are not issues for Candii anymore. Now she's totally invisible to most guys who aren't into pigs like that. She did it for the culture, she really is the goat
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers.
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers.
>>192442 Though the cat calling and that BS seems overblown and inside OP's head, I agree that she is one of the rare conventional beauties that turned to our side.
>>192485 Agreed. Brother was yapping but she's definitely pretty with or without the weight
I get she doesn’t want to do nude stuff, but I do wish when she does vids and shoots like this in sheer nighties, lingerie etc. that she’d at least wear a nicer/subtler bra or better yet use nipple covers like Couchqueen etc. use for Curvage content. The beige bra is a bit drab, bulky and clashing.
>>192502 No nudes pathetic. We all should team up on her for nudes, I guarantee you it will happen, subscribe to her Patreon tell her enough with the chitchat we want real content.
>>192529 How about no. Not least because she’s almost certainly aware of what’s discussed here anyway so if that was ever going to happen it would have by now. The nip covers however could happen, you never know.
>>192561 she's probably getting so much money already, only way I imagine she'll show nudes is if things start to dry up and she get's desperate but I don't see that happening anytime soon
I just saw that in their curvage thread they commented that they want to see if their belly hangs, we should all join the cause. Actually I would like to see her showing the hanging of her belly
Does anyone have a video of him exercising with Reiinapop?
>>192502 Totally agree. Like look at that back shot where she’s wearing sexy shear lingerie and a big grandma padded bra. Then there’s the posts where she’s literally wearing 3 sports bras. Not hot
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From insta
>>192529 Weirdo freak behavior. You are fucking repulsive and you would convince her to quit before she caved to your psychotic demands
>>192594 Weirdo and freak are basically the same word
>>192437 Wow. When I first found this imageboard she was just chubby, she is a proper bbw now
>>192583 What the actual fuck is this outfit? She has the worst taste
>>192613 It’s just a bikini with an oddly designed shawl? The actual visual design is pretty standard. People really do find dumb reasons to get angry. At least with these she’s not gone for a bra underneath and the outfit looks infinitely better for it.
>>192613 it's a bikini, my guy, chill out. i've seen far worse.
>>192583 cool that she's posting her full ass on IG. but god damn, rt, who'd have ever thought she'd be so bottom heavy, that thing's fucking massive
New video, empty your balls soldiers. https://gofile.io/d/ICLYcq
>>192735 Always nice to see some more vids, just wish she’d do more cosplay. Especially movie and tv stuff. Like if she ate a bunch of pancakes and pretended to be Sabrina the Teenage Witch in that black tracksuit wrapped around her big butt. She pretended to be Clover and eat Passion Patties that one time.
>>192735 Bro she seem to had put on like 20 lbs since november, what happened?
>>192735 >https://gofile.io/d/ICLYcq Sir Yes Sir Sarge!!!! You fucking rock dude
>>192753 i said a couple weeks back that she was looking bigger, i think the bikini video definitely supports that. it might not be a huge gain but i'm more convinced that she *has* gained
I'm telling you in advance, it's very predictable, she will be bigger than Kitty-Piggy. Maybe not right away, but in the long run yes
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bruh, are we for real
>>192847 I take my orders from Sarge
>>192850 You’re the man corporal.
>>192564 Unfortunately. It would make her OF worth a dime if she did anything close to it
Just remembered she used have a bellybutton ring in her starting days. Would kill to see it back in at her current size
>>192953 I'm drooling thinking about this
Hot short comparison I found on thisvid https://gofile.io/d/FqwLYz
>>192613 ok miss regina george
>>193044 Thanks!
>>193235 Yes, it’s gay to not be blind. Is everyone on this site 12? Jfc
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers.
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers.
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New pic, scratch your balls soldiers
Did she finally pop a button
>>193446 Ur not turned on by those pants she wears all the time and that full coverage top? This isn’t hot to you?
>>192787 She would have to almost double in size to be bigger than kittypiggy. I wouldn't hold my breath.
