/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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(68.15 KB 930x807 miimiiBee 15.JPG)
(45.39 KB 400x533 beaubellygoddess2.jpg)
Fat belly & huge tits combo 01/11/2025 (Sat) 19:35:23 Id:050f7c No. 188841
I love this combo so here is a part of my collection for guys who love this body type too : https://gofile.io/d/HpqNZQ
Who is it from the second thumbail image, and the 3rd and 4th video?
>>188852 Also who is the first girl in that cow print top too please?
Maddy Bull has imho one of the best proportions: https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/3951
>>188862 miimiibee
2nd image is Enk89 3rd vid is chubb1e_bunn1e 4th vid is anikassbbw
(100.18 KB 489x856 Official Round Babe.jpg)
>>188841 Whatever happened to Round Babe? Some jackass insult her. No more OF or coomer.
plus, a pretty recent one that has been getting enormous: Housecow >>184124
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Four to add to the list Creolyta Marilyn Mayson Ashley Garland Haydee Rodriguez (retired)
based thread
>>188943 She just stopped. It happens.
>>188999 Yep, they break our hearts. The one I really wish had never left the scene is Charlie Cooper. She wasn't the biggest, but she was sexy and had so much potential.
not mine, ripped from /tits/ https://gofile.io/d/c8anY7 shes the best to ever do it, her tits were bigger in every vid
Who is the hot from Video 2? (1-3nzxuo7r-o3fjia04_wPve3sQ2.mp4)
>>189120 The epitome of this thread
Amazing Latina from Curvage who unfortunately deleted her account at least a couple of years ago. Just listed as 'Guest' now and I can't for the life of me remember her name. Anyone? https://gofile.io/d/qApbwF
ffafeed >>189268
BeanieBelly She's phenomenal https://gofile.io/d/N1LBwi
>>189313 yeah i feel like she came out of nowhere and has just the hottest body and cutest voice
Haven't really posted before but here's a contribution: BrileyJo_ Can upload more if y"all want https://gofile.io/d/V7qYDX
really the hentai body of bbws
im so week so i bought a beanie vid lol here it is and i added more vids of my collection : https://gofile.io/d/SdLvM7
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>>190019 Couple more I forgot about
>>190008 Thanks dude! Some of my favs!
>>190021 Who is the first girl
>>190420 they're all the same person retard
>>189212 Sometimes if you throw the link to the video in the Wayback Machine you can see their name prior to their account deletion - if you want to try that or post a direct link to the vids I'll do it.
>>190478 Please do so
>>190021 I have some of her giantess videos off of manyvids if anyone's interested. I'll upload them on my ssbbw thread in /Alternative that needs attention LOL
check out lily_tayler on curvage
>>190559 You weren't kidding, she's beautiful. Is she on anywhere else, even social medias? I want to see those titties so bad lol.
>>190478 Nice idea, but none are archived
>>190595 Pretty sure this is her: https://spankbang.party/74hez/video/perfect+latina+bbw
>>188940 I can’t find anything for anikassbbw, Anyone got any pointers on where to find more of her stuff?
+ xehilia
>>189212 Sexy sabrina.
>>188841 Who is that in the 9th vid ( IMG_4865.MOV)?
>>190657 Love her face and figure
>>190595 She used to cam on CB as lily_tayler and lily_tayler51
>>190597 yeah after I posted it I found a couple of her vids via google image search but no luck on Wayback on my end either.
Her name is Pethugeballon if ANYONE has any more content of her plz bless us https://gofile.io/d/ONvzTi
