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Sweet Chubby Ren Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 23:11:20 Id:491efa No. 189493
Curvage Model https://gofile.io/d/Ste5xB
>>189493 All she has is one curva page it seems :/ She pretty darn cute, I love Filipinas and burps
She is a beauty. She gained much, since I last saw her. https://gofile.io/d/91ef7883-5f9c-4783-a8d5-04dce131d2ae
>>189710 Link broken
Sorry, here's the public link: https://gofile.io/d/WLwESs
(209.71 KB 1080x1277 Screenshot_20250122-010943.jpg)
Omg. She's a hottie! Big fan of bbw Filipinas! She's got some nice tits too! Does anyone have any of her newer vids? Quarter pounder stuffing onwards? https://gofile.io/d/KDMn5l
mochii the sequel, lfg
>>190100 Why do people say that every asian bbw that shows up is the next mochii. There's never going to be another mochii babii cause I don't think anyone is stupid enough to put on that much weight that quickly
>>190098 https://gofile.io/d/lPJtPq
>>190162 >sees asian woman >this is just like other asian woman be patient, they're slow
>>190100 >it takes her 20 minutes to eat only three burgers and get through half a liter of coke >she's gagging halfway through the third burger >speeds up the video to obfuscate how slow she's eating the fourth and fifth burger, still gagging despite the slow eating for someone to be "mochii the sequel", they should probably be able to actually eat a lot of food
>>190377 filipino women tend to look the same
>>190162 >>190377 >>190523 Mochii got fat during the lockdowns and lived off of greasy American takeout. This chick and every other filipina can't replicate those factors even if they tried.
>>190536 Mochii was an odd case because she was so tiny and athletic prior to. Most South East Asian women have a slower metabolism, eat a lot of carbs, they are one misstep away from gaining nonstop and ending up huge. Case in point the Philippines has a lot of natural fatties. And Filipino diets and food are more carb heavy than American. My wife's just about a month out from our last pregnancy. She is 5'3 and sitting at 225-230. She's gained about 10lbs since last month, but after next week we are speeding things up. By the end of this year she'll be around 300lbs and in 3 she's going to hit 500lbs.
>>190567 Absolutely spot on. One of my exes was tiny her whole life until she was introduced to the Amerislop. All it takes is one month of inactivity and the softening begins
